Modern politics summed up with a little humor and the dangers for democracy

Trump is willing to destroy the country because he was butt hurt over losing
Trump drew a line in the sand because he was not a rollover swamp rat like Nixon

We need major safeguards in future elections so that there no doubt who the honest winner is
I strongly disagree

the dems were blessed with the china flu pandemic that they exploited brilliantly during the 2020 election

You are free to disagree, but since there has been no proven widespread fraud and the cases that have been proven are individual votes spread between the Ds and the Rs, all you have is your opinion. We should not destroy our country based on opinion.
You are free to disagree, but since there has been no proven widespread fraud and the cases that have been proven are individual votes spread between the Ds and the Rs, all you have is your opinion. We should not destroy our country based on opinion.
No proven fraud is no more satisfying to trump voters than a not guilty verdict was for the parents of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman

our election process does not inspire confidence
No proven fraud is no more satisfying to trump voters than a not guilty verdict was for the parents of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman

our election process does not inspire confidence

I do not want to be a jerk, but who gives a fuck about satisfying Trump voters. The only thing that would do that is Trump being installed as POTUS.

Our election process inspires confidence in anyone not a mindless partisan hack
I do not want to be a jerk, but who gives a fuck about satisfying Trump voters.
75-80 million voters?

I bet you wish you could make them shut up and go sit on the corner

then Tweeners would only have to complain about the china/california one-party system
75-80 million voters?

I bet you wish you could make them shut up and go sit on the corner

then Tweeners would only have to complain about the china/california one-party system

I do not give a fuck how many there are, not to mention not all Trump votes buy into the big lie, that is reserved for the special ones.

Want them to shut up? Oh hell no, they need to keep talking. With each passing day they become more and more the Flat Earthers of politics.
I privately guessed what was bothering you

unlike you I think Trump handled the pandemic pretty well

He had two medical morons giving him advice along with foreign news reports which even sort of freaked me out for a while

so he allowed the very stupid idea of an economic shutdown to pass his lips, but not for very long

ultimately that was a state and local decision that blue state baby hitlers embraced and held onto till the economy was in the dumps

what trump could control was the federal assistance given to local governments by the Corps of Engineers building temp hospitals and the US Navy hospital ships made available to New York and California
Don't think any one handled the pandemic well. Never willing to place the blame for bad government on one party, They seem to be willing to forget about us in their struggle for power. I may think that one party has more ass hats than the other, but do realize that could be the loudest voices saying the least educated things, and no doubt there are plenty of dumb ones just smart enough to keep their mouths shut. Every thing seems to run on fear and division, who is most to blame for the ignorance of the propaganda of hate of your neighbor simply because they belong to a different political party? I have wonderful friends who think 100% differently about political matters, none of us would give up our friendship over how political propaganda wants to divide us.
I do not give a fuck how many there are, not to mention not all Trump votes buy into the big lie, that is reserved for the special ones.

Want them to shut up? Oh hell no, they need to keep talking. With each passing day they become more and more the Flat Earthers of politics.
You are losing your cool now

which is a big problem with Trump haters

we do have a very questionable voting system that benefits cheaters
we do have a very questionable voting system that benefits cheaters

That is the claim when a party loses.

None of you were whining in 2016, weird.

That is all anyone needs to know
Its not weird at all

with the chinese virus pandemic voting rules were changing willy-nilly with most changes involving mail-in ballots

2020 was much differeny

And yet all of the found fraud so far has been in person voting. Has there been any proven fraud via mail in ballots?
The powers that be do not want it fixed, if it is fixed they lose their stranglehold on power.

For the past 40 years this has been the design, this has been the plan.

There are two main methods of controlling a "free" population...division and fear.
Progs can start by reducing the hundreds of taxes we do not see as well as the federal income tax for more people while changing the tax brackets and more. They won't do that of course. They know where the money comes from. They don't remove but always add.
And the people sit back and accept it, even revel in it.

Try Proportional Representation, it wouldn't stop it, but it's make it better.
A Republic Means Off the People, Buy the People, and Force the People

Minimize all representation; don't put a new costume on a lizard. Let the people vote on all vital issues, instead of the self-appointed lawmakers.

For starters, anything the Supreme Court declares to be unConstitutional goes on a national referendum to decide whether it really is or not. All we really needed from the elitist anti-democratic Constitution is the first three words.
American workers have NEVER been ad hard working and productive as they are today since this nations inception. Undeniable.

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