Mollie Tibbet's dad's shameless virtue signaling at daughter's funeral

View attachment 213442
Mollie Tibbetts was ‘nobody’s victim,’ her dad says in powerful eulogy

Raped and murdered:
Dad: "Nobody's victim"

Daughter is gone forever.
Dad: "LOL how bout' them burritos, amirite?"

With parents like these, it's no wonder she turned out to be a self hating SJW.

Wow; I cannot believe your POS troll post was allowed to stand. Congrats

Troll post? No, I was legitimately disgusted by the things Mollie's father said in her eulogy and felt compelled to share. This is yet another example of how left wing politics is akin to a mental disorder. The man who should have loved her the most in the world cheapens her life by putting politics first, making passive aggressive jokes at the expense of white people and saying she's not a victim.

Spare me your faux outrage. You..."people" don't have any right to judge me.

You do not recognize the fact that Mollies' Father is the better man here; much better than you.

Mollies' Father is attempting to do several things, which you FAIL to understand.

He is attempting to heal a community, attempting to sooth the wounds of a community that is suspicious of people some perceive as 'different,' and he is attempting to free himself of sadness, loss, grief, pain but MOST importantly, hate.

You see, that is what you do not get; why? Because you are too busy trying to be a bad ass idiot.
Her dad is willing to literally sacrifice his own young daughter on the altar of political correctness.

She deserves better than this.
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Her status as a victim is not an opinion, it's a fact.

If her murderer hadn't crossed the border illegally, then she'd still be alive. Also a fact.

Am I wrong?

Yeah, and on all counts.

If someone steals your purse, you are a victim. Because someone you do not know grieves in a way you do not understand, and thus do not approve, you are a victim, and thus you feel entitled to lash out, over-entitled crybaby you are. And behind that "status as a victim", your entirely trashy self vanishes in a haze of hatred, bigotry, and self-pity. Crybaby.

If a phrase begins with "if", denoting a condition that cannot be met, the following is in no way or form a "fact", your silly bellowing notwithstanding.

It's still all about you, all about your grievance, all about your bigotry, your crybaby-ing. And you don't begin to understand how utterly inappropriate your whole thread is, because you cannot for your life understand that Mollie's death is not about you. Not the tiniest bit. Because if you took, for a second, their perspective, you might realize what is at stake for them, what they are struggling with, how they are fighting for their dignity and decency and humanity when, as usual, the path towards stereotyping hatred would be broad, and well-paved, but that's your path, not theirs. If you did that, you'd also realize what an odious role you play in all this. But, that far, you can't, and don't.
View attachment 213442
Mollie Tibbetts was ‘nobody’s victim,’ her dad says in powerful eulogy

Raped and murdered:
Dad: "Nobody's victim"

Daughter is gone forever.
Dad: "LOL how bout' them burritos, amirite?"

With parents like these, it's no wonder she turned out to be a self hating SJW.

Wow; I cannot believe your POS troll post was allowed to stand. Congrats

Troll post? No, I was legitimately disgusted by the things Mollie's father said in her eulogy and felt compelled to share. This is yet another example of how left wing politics is akin to a mental disorder. The man who should have loved her the most in the world cheapens her life by putting politics first, making passive aggressive jokes at the expense of white people and saying she's not a victim.

Spare me your faux outrage. You..."people" don't have any right to judge me.

You do not recognize the fact that Mollies' Father is the better man here; much better than you.

Mollies' Father is attempting to do several things, which you FAIL to understand.

He is attempting to heal a community, attempting to sooth the wounds of a community that is suspicious of people some perceive as 'different,' and he is attempting to free himself of sadness, loss, grief, pain but MOST importantly, hate.

You see, that is what you do not get; why? Because you are too busy trying to be a bad ass idiot.
Her dad is willing to literally sacrifice his own young daughter on the altaeof political correctness.

She deserves better than this.

No; You are WRONG. Mollie's killer has already sacrificed Mollie.

Mollie's Father was attempting to heal a community & himself.

That is NOT political correctness; that is GRACE.

You assholes on the right claim to know Jesus; do you know a f***ing thing about grace?
View attachment 213442
Mollie Tibbetts was ‘nobody’s victim,’ her dad says in powerful eulogy

Raped and murdered:
Dad: "Nobody's victim"

Daughter is gone forever.
Dad: "LOL how bout' them burritos, amirite?"

With parents like these, it's no wonder she turned out to be a self hating SJW.

Wow; I cannot believe your POS troll post was allowed to stand. Congrats

Troll post? No, I was legitimately disgusted by the things Mollie's father said in her eulogy and felt compelled to share. This is yet another example of how left wing politics is akin to a mental disorder. The man who should have loved her the most in the world cheapens her life by putting politics first, making passive aggressive jokes at the expense of white people and saying she's not a victim.

Spare me your faux outrage. You..."people" don't have any right to judge me.

People have every right to judge you, you sicko troll.
This is the problem with you sicko right-wingers. Some people live their lives upright, with dignity, honor, grace, and love for the rest of humanity, and you think that you can drag all of these people into the gutter that you live in. You can't get away with it. You cannot force innocent people into your jack-asinine politics. You people are so disgusting.
Maria Ladenburger was raped and murdered by an Afghan refugee. Her family asked mourners to donate to refugees.

There is no accounting for those who care so little for their loved ones. Mollie Tibbetts, Maria Ladenburger just didn't love enough. Had they just loved their attackers they might be alive today.

I agree

Sad but true.
View attachment 213442
Mollie Tibbetts was ‘nobody’s victim,’ her dad says in powerful eulogy

Raped and murdered:
Dad: "Nobody's victim"

Daughter is gone forever.
Dad: "LOL how bout' them burritos, amirite?"

With parents like these, it's no wonder she turned out to be a self hating SJW.

Molly Tibbets was murdered because she refused the advances of a man who found her attractive. His race, his citizenship are irrelevant.

Citizenship is relevant, his illegal status is relevant. Had he not been there, she would be alive today.
You could say "had he not been there..." about literally any rape/murder. Are you fucking kidding me? I understand that we try to assign blame in these things but you're getting way too specific if you go much farther than the perp himself. It is inhuman and unamerican to project this crime onto all illegal immigrants. It's also plain stupid.

Stop trying so hard to justify racist xenophobia.
so we should import murderers--we don't have enough??
????? No. I did not suggest that. I suggest that these incidents should not irrationally move the needle on how we deal with illegal immigrants because this happens to be a cute young girl that the gop fell in love with. Statistics on this scale always have outliers. You wouldnt base policy on the outliers only unless you are retarded. The father is correct to say that this isnt primarily an immigration problem.
it has nothing to do with a cutie
it has to do with more than just this murder or any murder
it has to do with national security/$$$$$$ wasted/fraud/all kinds of crimes/etc
Her status as a victim is not an opinion, it's a fact.

If her murderer hadn't crossed the border illegally, then she'd still be alive. Also a fact.

Am I wrong?

Yeah, and on all counts.

If someone steals your purse, you are a victim. Because someone you do not know grieves in a way you do not understand, and thus do not approve, you are a victim, and thus you feel entitled to lash out, over-entitled crybaby you are. And behind that "status as a victim", your entirely trashy self vanishes in a haze of hatred, bigotry, and self-pity. Crybaby.

If a phrase begins with "if", denoting a condition that cannot be met, the following is in no way or form a "fact", your silly bellowing notwithstanding.

It's still all about you, all about your grievance, all about your bigotry, your crybaby-ing. And you don't begin to understand how utterly inappropriate your whole thread is, because you cannot for your life understand that Mollie's death is not about you. Not the tiniest bit. Because if you took, for a second, their perspective, you might realize what is at stake for them, what they are struggling with, how they are fighting for their dignity and decency and humanity when, as usual, the path towards stereotyping hatred would be broad, and well-paved, but that's your path, not theirs. If you did that, you'd also realize what an odious role you play in all this. But, that far, you can't, and don't.
Mollie's death is about all of us in the same way that Jamile Shaw's death was about Mollie. The same way that the dozens of people killed by illegals are about all of us. If these victims were torn to death by packs of rabid dogs not a one of you would be blathering about grace. No one would be crawling for the dignity of the wild animals that invaded our cities and prey upon those perceived as vulnerable.

The appropriate response to the slaughter is to drive these vermin from our land.
Yeah, and on all counts.

If someone steals your purse, you are a victim. Because someone you do not know grieves in a way you do not understand, and thus do not approve, you are a victim, and thus you feel entitled to lash out, over-entitled crybaby you are. And behind that "status as a victim", your entirely trashy self vanishes in a haze of hatred, bigotry, and self-pity. Crybaby.

If a phrase begins with "if", denoting a condition that cannot be met, the following is in no way or form a "fact", your silly bellowing notwithstanding.

It's still all about you, all about your grievance, all about your bigotry, your crybaby-ing. And you don't begin to understand how utterly inappropriate your whole thread is, because you cannot for your life understand that Mollie's death is not about you. Not the tiniest bit. Because if you took, for a second, their perspective, you might realize what is at stake for them, what they are struggling with, how they are fighting for their dignity and decency and humanity when, as usual, the path towards stereotyping hatred would be broad, and well-paved, but that's your path, not theirs. If you did that, you'd also realize what an odious role you play in all this. But, that far, you can't, and don't.

Was Mollie's death preordained by fate? If not an illegal immigrant, someone else would have murdered her that day? I'm the bad guy for wanting to prevent future murders like this? Is that what you're saying?
Yeah, and on all counts.

If someone steals your purse, you are a victim. Because someone you do not know grieves in a way you do not understand, and thus do not approve, you are a victim, and thus you feel entitled to lash out, over-entitled crybaby you are. And behind that "status as a victim", your entirely trashy self vanishes in a haze of hatred, bigotry, and self-pity. Crybaby.

If a phrase begins with "if", denoting a condition that cannot be met, the following is in no way or form a "fact", your silly bellowing notwithstanding.

It's still all about you, all about your grievance, all about your bigotry, your crybaby-ing. And you don't begin to understand how utterly inappropriate your whole thread is, because you cannot for your life understand that Mollie's death is not about you. Not the tiniest bit. Because if you took, for a second, their perspective, you might realize what is at stake for them, what they are struggling with, how they are fighting for their dignity and decency and humanity when, as usual, the path towards stereotyping hatred would be broad, and well-paved, but that's your path, not theirs. If you did that, you'd also realize what an odious role you play in all this. But, that far, you can't, and don't.

Was Mollie's death preordained by fate? If not an illegal immigrant, someone else would have murdered her that day? I'm the bad guy for wanting to prevent future murders like this? Is that what you're saying?

You don't give a damn about her and that is why you are the bad guy. You are not interested in Americans who are murdered. Just the ones who are murdered by a illegal. The family clearly is telling you clowns to stop using her to advance your hateful rhetoric and you criticize them. You are trash.
View attachment 213442
Mollie Tibbetts was ‘nobody’s victim,’ her dad says in powerful eulogy

Raped and murdered:
Dad: "Nobody's victim"

Daughter is gone forever.
Dad: "LOL how bout' them burritos, amirite?"

With parents like these, it's no wonder she turned out to be a self hating SJW.

Molly Tibbets was murdered because she refused the advances of a man who found her attractive. His race, his citizenship are irrelevant.

Citizenship is relevant, his illegal status is relevant. Had he not been there, she would be alive today.
Right. If he'd been aborted, she would be alive today. So, anti-abortionists......are partially to blame.

So now Americans can change Mexican laws???
View attachment 213442
Mollie Tibbetts was ‘nobody’s victim,’ her dad says in powerful eulogy

Raped and murdered:
Dad: "Nobody's victim"

Daughter is gone forever.
Dad: "LOL how bout' them burritos, amirite?"

With parents like these, it's no wonder she turned out to be a self hating SJW.

Wow; I cannot believe your POS troll post was allowed to stand. Congrats

Troll post? No, I was legitimately disgusted by the things Mollie's father said in her eulogy and felt compelled to share. This is yet another example of how left wing politics is akin to a mental disorder. The man who should have loved her the most in the world cheapens her life by putting politics first, making passive aggressive jokes at the expense of white people and saying she's not a victim.

Spare me your faux outrage. You..."people" don't have any right to judge me.

You do not recognize the fact that Mollies' Father is the better man here; much better than you.

Mollies' Father is attempting to do several things, which you FAIL to understand.

He is attempting to heal a community, attempting to sooth the wounds of a community that is suspicious of people some perceive as 'different,' and he is attempting to free himself of sadness, loss, grief, pain but MOST importantly, hate.

You see, that is what you do not get; why? Because you are too busy trying to be a bad ass idiot.
Her dad is willing to literally sacrifice his own young daughter on the altar of political correctness.

She deserves better than this.

Her dad wants you to stop using her to advance your hateful agenda. Yet you criticize him.

Who the hell do you think you are.
Her status as a victim is not an opinion, it's a fact.

If her murderer hadn't crossed the border illegally, then she'd still be alive. Also a fact.

Am I wrong?

Yeah, and on all counts.

If someone steals your purse, you are a victim. Because someone you do not know grieves in a way you do not understand, and thus do not approve, you are a victim, and thus you feel entitled to lash out, over-entitled crybaby you are. And behind that "status as a victim", your entirely trashy self vanishes in a haze of hatred, bigotry, and self-pity. Crybaby.

If a phrase begins with "if", denoting a condition that cannot be met, the following is in no way or form a "fact", your silly bellowing notwithstanding.

It's still all about you, all about your grievance, all about your bigotry, your crybaby-ing. And you don't begin to understand how utterly inappropriate your whole thread is, because you cannot for your life understand that Mollie's death is not about you. Not the tiniest bit. Because if you took, for a second, their perspective, you might realize what is at stake for them, what they are struggling with, how they are fighting for their dignity and decency and humanity when, as usual, the path towards stereotyping hatred would be broad, and well-paved, but that's your path, not theirs. If you did that, you'd also realize what an odious role you play in all this. But, that far, you can't, and don't.
Mollie's death is about all of us in the same way that Jamile Shaw's death was about Mollie. The same way that the dozens of people killed by illegals are about all of us. If these victims were torn to death by packs of rabid dogs not a one of you would be blathering about grace. No one would be crawling for the dignity of the wild animals that invaded our cities and prey upon those perceived as vulnerable.

The appropriate response to the slaughter is to drive these vermin from our land.

The vermin in our land is white nationalists and racists. Illegals are not rabid dogs. Take your racist trash and stuff it.
Her status as a victim is not an opinion, it's a fact.

If her murderer hadn't crossed the border illegally, then she'd still be alive. Also a fact.

Am I wrong?

Yeah, and on all counts.

If someone steals your purse, you are a victim. Because someone you do not know grieves in a way you do not understand, and thus do not approve, you are a victim, and thus you feel entitled to lash out, over-entitled crybaby you are. And behind that "status as a victim", your entirely trashy self vanishes in a haze of hatred, bigotry, and self-pity. Crybaby.

If a phrase begins with "if", denoting a condition that cannot be met, the following is in no way or form a "fact", your silly bellowing notwithstanding.

It's still all about you, all about your grievance, all about your bigotry, your crybaby-ing. And you don't begin to understand how utterly inappropriate your whole thread is, because you cannot for your life understand that Mollie's death is not about you. Not the tiniest bit. Because if you took, for a second, their perspective, you might realize what is at stake for them, what they are struggling with, how they are fighting for their dignity and decency and humanity when, as usual, the path towards stereotyping hatred would be broad, and well-paved, but that's your path, not theirs. If you did that, you'd also realize what an odious role you play in all this. But, that far, you can't, and don't.
Mollie's death is about all of us in the same way that Jamile Shaw's death was about Mollie. The same way that the dozens of people killed by illegals are about all of us. If these victims were torn to death by packs of rabid dogs not a one of you would be blathering about grace. No one would be crawling for the dignity of the wild animals that invaded our cities and prey upon those perceived as vulnerable.

The appropriate response to the slaughter is to drive these vermin from our land.

The vermin in our land is white nationalists and racists. Illegals are not rabid dogs. Take your racist trash and stuff it.

I don't care if they are cute puppies and kitties and blue bunny rabbits. I don't want to feed them out of my pocket.

Send them back.
Her status as a victim is not an opinion, it's a fact.

If her murderer hadn't crossed the border illegally, then she'd still be alive. Also a fact.

Am I wrong?

Yeah, and on all counts.

If someone steals your purse, you are a victim. Because someone you do not know grieves in a way you do not understand, and thus do not approve, you are a victim, and thus you feel entitled to lash out, over-entitled crybaby you are. And behind that "status as a victim", your entirely trashy self vanishes in a haze of hatred, bigotry, and self-pity. Crybaby.

If a phrase begins with "if", denoting a condition that cannot be met, the following is in no way or form a "fact", your silly bellowing notwithstanding.

It's still all about you, all about your grievance, all about your bigotry, your crybaby-ing. And you don't begin to understand how utterly inappropriate your whole thread is, because you cannot for your life understand that Mollie's death is not about you. Not the tiniest bit. Because if you took, for a second, their perspective, you might realize what is at stake for them, what they are struggling with, how they are fighting for their dignity and decency and humanity when, as usual, the path towards stereotyping hatred would be broad, and well-paved, but that's your path, not theirs. If you did that, you'd also realize what an odious role you play in all this. But, that far, you can't, and don't.
Mollie's death is about all of us in the same way that Jamile Shaw's death was about Mollie. The same way that the dozens of people killed by illegals are about all of us. If these victims were torn to death by packs of rabid dogs not a one of you would be blathering about grace. No one would be crawling for the dignity of the wild animals that invaded our cities and prey upon those perceived as vulnerable.

The appropriate response to the slaughter is to drive these vermin from our land.

The vermin in our land is white nationalists and racists. Illegals are not rabid dogs. Take your racist trash and stuff it.
Standing against illegal aliens cannot make one racist, as illegal alien is not a race.
There's nothing in this world that can entice me to walk in Mollie Tibbet's father shoes.
We are no longer allowed safety or borders? Does that mean Trump's ICE initiative is not working? Or that things were safer during Obama's administration?
Nope! You libtards will not allow Americans to have borders or safety! When an illegal crosses our borders and murders one of us evidently we are just supposed to smile and nod. Maybe throw in a well done for good measure!
NO ONE IS SMILING at her death. Hear that? It was a tragic death and a terrible crime. One man committed this crime; it does NOT reflect on his race or his countrymen or the other undocumented immigrants who are here. It reflects ON HIM. Him alone.
Respect the family's wishes and stop turning the poor girl into a political football.
He was not supposed to be here. He was not supposed to be here, he was not supposed to be here, he was not supposed to be here, he was not supposed to be here, he was not supposed to be here! Right?
We know that.
And you don’t care! You are playing politics with a dead girl so you can get all the illegal amnesty! Right? Own it!
We care. It's you and the xenophobe crew that are playing politics with it. That is evidenced by asking who wants something to happen following the news. You do. You want to use the murder to go farther with trumps plans. Therefore you and the trump supporters are the ones playing politics with it.
Nope! You libtards will not allow Americans to have borders or safety! When an illegal crosses our borders and murders one of us evidently we are just supposed to smile and nod. Maybe throw in a well done for good measure!
NO ONE IS SMILING at her death. Hear that? It was a tragic death and a terrible crime. One man committed this crime; it does NOT reflect on his race or his countrymen or the other undocumented immigrants who are here. It reflects ON HIM. Him alone.
Respect the family's wishes and stop turning the poor girl into a political football.
He was not supposed to be here. He was not supposed to be here, he was not supposed to be here, he was not supposed to be here, he was not supposed to be here, he was not supposed to be here! Right?
We know that.
And you don’t care! You are playing politics with a dead girl so you can get all the illegal amnesty! Right? Own it!
We care. It's you and the xenophobe crew that are playing politics with it. That is evidenced by asking who wants something to happen following the news. You do. You want to use the murder to go farther with trumps plans. Therefore you and the trump supporters are the ones playing politics with it.
Molly Tibbets was murdered because she refused the advances of a man who found her attractive. His race, his citizenship are irrelevant.

Citizenship is relevant, his illegal status is relevant. Had he not been there, she would be alive today.
You could say "had he not been there..." about literally any rape/murder. Are you fucking kidding me? I understand that we try to assign blame in these things but you're getting way too specific if you go much farther than the perp himself. It is inhuman and unamerican to project this crime onto all illegal immigrants. It's also plain stupid.

Stop trying so hard to justify racist xenophobia.
so we should import murderers--we don't have enough??
????? No. I did not suggest that. I suggest that these incidents should not irrationally move the needle on how we deal with illegal immigrants because this happens to be a cute young girl that the gop fell in love with. Statistics on this scale always have outliers. You wouldnt base policy on the outliers only unless you are retarded. The father is correct to say that this isnt primarily an immigration problem.
it has nothing to do with a cutie
it has to do with more than just this murder or any murder
it has to do with national security/$$$$$$ wasted/fraud/all kinds of crimes/etc
First it was kate and now its molly. Nothing gets the right fired up like cute girls in trouble. Why isnt it ever an ugly fat chick that gets sloganized and coopted into a vehicle for implementing agendas? Why isn't it just normal murders of young girls that mobilizes them to do something?
Citizenship is relevant, his illegal status is relevant. Had he not been there, she would be alive today.
You could say "had he not been there..." about literally any rape/murder. Are you fucking kidding me? I understand that we try to assign blame in these things but you're getting way too specific if you go much farther than the perp himself. It is inhuman and unamerican to project this crime onto all illegal immigrants. It's also plain stupid.

Stop trying so hard to justify racist xenophobia.
so we should import murderers--we don't have enough??
????? No. I did not suggest that. I suggest that these incidents should not irrationally move the needle on how we deal with illegal immigrants because this happens to be a cute young girl that the gop fell in love with. Statistics on this scale always have outliers. You wouldnt base policy on the outliers only unless you are retarded. The father is correct to say that this isnt primarily an immigration problem.
it has nothing to do with a cutie
it has to do with more than just this murder or any murder
it has to do with national security/$$$$$$ wasted/fraud/all kinds of crimes/etc
First it was kate and now its molly. Nothing gets the right fired up like cute girls in trouble. Why isnt it ever an ugly fat chick that gets sloganized and coopted into a vehicle for implementing agendas? Why isn't it just normal murders of young girls that mobilizes them to do something?

"Normal murders."

There's the rub.

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