Mollie Tibbet's dad's shameless virtue signaling at daughter's funeral

you are a DUMBASS--link says EIGHT!! you must be blind

The picture only had six... were the other two invisible?

and prove they are taking jobs Americans don't want
That's one of the oldest lies they have. Forget the fact that millions of Americans are working at jobs they don't like. Too fucking bad. Get a better one. Cut off their welfare, and see how enticing those jobs look then; when they, and their worthless children are starving, in the dark...
[...] people like Mollie and her idiot parents.

Yeah, easy enough to see how much you care; how much respect for those dealing with loss and grief drives your thinking; how a loss of human life gives you pause and brings out the best in you.
I care more about Mollie when I have never even encountered her than her own damn parents and that pisses me off even more.

You wouldn’t know what that feels like.
[...] people like Mollie and her idiot parents.

Yeah, easy enough to see how much you care; how much respect for those dealing with loss and grief drives your thinking; how a loss of human life gives you pause and brings out the best in you.
All the more reason to fight your kind even harder. To make the necessary changes, so that next time it isn't my child. There's no respect to be had for traitors who's failed policies brought on the death of their own child, and continue to try and convince the rest of us that "they made the right choice". Fuck that! Their choice lead to the murder of their own daughter. And no one is more deserving. I'll choose differently for my people, and my children...
View attachment 213442
Mollie Tibbetts was ‘nobody’s victim,’ her dad says in powerful eulogy

Raped and murdered:
Dad: "Nobody's victim"

Daughter is gone forever.
Dad: "LOL how bout' them burritos, amirite?"

With parents like these, it's no wonder she turned out to be a self hating SJW.

Wow; I cannot believe your POS troll post was allowed to stand. Congrats
Try to get his white ass censored!

The fact that his troll thread is still here, after 24 hours, doesn't say a thing about the person that posted it.
Sure it is trolling....

When you sick pieces of shit get hurt by the right’s words it is always “trolling”, but yet when you fuckers justify riots and looting and the burning down of businesses in name of “justice” you consider that educated, professional discussion....

I have never suggested anyone riot, or loot. You are just so full of **** that your head is about to explode.
View attachment 213442
Mollie Tibbetts was ‘nobody’s victim,’ her dad says in powerful eulogy

Raped and murdered:
Dad: "Nobody's victim"

Daughter is gone forever.
Dad: "LOL how bout' them burritos, amirite?"

With parents like these, it's no wonder she turned out to be a self hating SJW.

Wow; I cannot believe your POS troll post was allowed to stand. Congrats
Try to get his white ass censored!

The fact that his troll thread is still here, after 24 hours, doesn't say a thing about the person that posted it.
Sure it is trolling....

When you sick pieces of shit get hurt by the right’s words it is always “trolling”, but yet when you fuckers justify riots and looting and the burning down of businesses in name of “justice” you consider that educated, professional discussion....

I have never suggested anyone riot, or loot. You are just so full of **** that your head is about to explode.
The Democratic Party and their sycophantic media allies have supported rioting and looting all over the country for a decade now.
Wow; I cannot believe your POS troll post was allowed to stand. Congrats
Try to get his white ass censored!

The fact that his troll thread is still here, after 24 hours, doesn't say a thing about the person that posted it.
Sure it is trolling....

When you sick pieces of shit get hurt by the right’s words it is always “trolling”, but yet when you fuckers justify riots and looting and the burning down of businesses in name of “justice” you consider that educated, professional discussion....

I have never suggested anyone riot, or loot. You are just so full of **** that your head is about to explode.
The Democratic Party and their sycophantic media allies have supported rioting and looting all over the country for a decade now.

I don't support that.

The idiot that posted earlier suggested that I do. He can go hump a dog.
Try to get his white ass censored!

The fact that his troll thread is still here, after 24 hours, doesn't say a thing about the person that posted it.
Sure it is trolling....

When you sick pieces of shit get hurt by the right’s words it is always “trolling”, but yet when you fuckers justify riots and looting and the burning down of businesses in name of “justice” you consider that educated, professional discussion....

I have never suggested anyone riot, or loot. You are just so full of **** that your head is about to explode.
The Democratic Party and their sycophantic media allies have supported rioting and looting all over the country for a decade now.

I don't support that.

The idiot that posted earlier suggested that I do. He can go hump a dog.
We don’t do beastiality here either! It’s against the rules!
Willow Tree,

I did not state that someone is participating in any action, as I was accused of.

I said, "he can."

If you don't know the difference then I suggest you learn.
Willow Tree,

I did not state that someone is participating in any action, as I was accused of.

I said, "he can."

If you don't know the difference then I suggest you learn.
You ain’t supposed to say that! Read the rules!
Willow Tree,

I did not state that someone is participating in any action, as I was accused of.

I said, "he can."

If you don't know the difference then I suggest you learn.
You ain’t supposed to say that! Read the rules!

"No Accusations of other members relating to bestiality or pedophilia."

As I stated; my post was not an accusation. You read the rules.
Willow Tree,

I did not state that someone is participating in any action, as I was accused of.

I said, "he can."

If you don't know the difference then I suggest you learn.
You ain’t supposed to say that! Read the rules!

"No Accusations of other members relating to bestiality or pedophilia."

As I stated; my post was not an accusation. You read the rules.
What kind of person are you? Why would you say such a thing? Disgusting!
Willow Tree,

I did not state that someone is participating in any action, as I was accused of.

I said, "he can."

If you don't know the difference then I suggest you learn.
You ain’t supposed to say that! Read the rules!

"No Accusations of other members relating to bestiality or pedophilia."

As I stated; my post was not an accusation. You read the rules.
What kind of person are you? Why would you say such a thing? Disgusting!

Look; are you a moderator? No? I didn't think so.

That azzhole accused me of rioting, burning businesses, and other shit. F*** him.

If you don't like my post then report it to the MOD staff, stop trying to be a MOD, and leave me the *** alone.

If you don't like the rule as it stands, ask the PTBT to change it.

Also, learn what the rules actually are, instead of thinking you know.

It's a good point with Zimmerman... It just tells everyone where the left really is in their abject hatred/blame of all things bad on white folks. They'll make minority racism a thing anytime they can get away with it, but their flawed philosophy doesn't allow "Hispanics" to be bad so they had to make Zimmerman out to be a racist "white supremacist."

One does have to wonder why they have not tried this with the Hispanic guy in this case though. I suppose its because they're better suited to virtue signal to the illegal immigrant vote than the black vote these days.
Well if they didn’t make him white then they would have to deal with a Hispanic killing a black! We just can’t have that you know?

Agreed, it would rile up their voters against them if they pointed out that they blatantly ignore minority on minority crime across the board. Makes them look weak as shit.
all one has to say is Chicago!!!!
That’s why George Zimmerman had to be white! Right?

Zimmerman is NOT white; his mother is Peruvian with African heritage.
Guess you didn't bother to check yourself B4 you wrecked yourself.

Why are you bringing race into this?

Mollie Tibbetts murder is about murder; it is NOT about race.

Your own comments make you look like a f***ing idiot.
I know I know! My bad! The only time race matters is if it’s a white who does the crime! Did you know that a white man in Colorado killed his white wife and white daughters?
and then he blamed his wife for killing the kids. after the fact, not as his defense.
I don't see an issue with the father wanting to thank the hispanic community for their help and support.
Now should this father take an activist route in support of open borders, he needs to remember his comments and not use the death of his daughter or allow the fake news media to use her as a victim to deflect from the views of those who don't support open borders.
That’s why George Zimmerman had to be white! Right?

Zimmerman is NOT white; his mother is Peruvian with African heritage.
Guess you didn't bother to check yourself B4 you wrecked yourself.

Why are you bringing race into this?

Mollie Tibbetts murder is about murder; it is NOT about race.

Your own comments make you look like a f***ing idiot.
I know I know! My bad! The only time race matters is if it’s a white who does the crime! Did you know that a white man in Colorado killed his white wife and white daughters?
and then he blamed his wife for killing the kids. after the fact, not as his defense.
----------------------------------- implausible but i suppose that that CLAIM will have to be tried in Court .
I have never suggested anyone riot, or loot. You are just so full of **** that your head is about to explode.

Maybe not but you spout the same "blame whitey" rhetoric as those who do. The left and the MSM have launched a propaganda crusade and brainwashed half the nation into believing anyone who opposes their politics are evil incarnate, irredeemable, "deplorable". I've been careful to stay on topic here, which is that Mollie's dad is a piece of shit who disgraced her memory with his callous words. I never implied all Hispanics are murderers or said anything about Trump. But that didn't stop lefties from putting words in my mouth and portraying me as the bad guy here.

Why do you guys do that? Because you're brainwashed right along with the likes of Antifa and Mollie's dad. White leftists are a far bigger threat to this nation than hispanics or blacks or any other minority.
I don't see an issue with the father wanting to thank the hispanic community for their help and support.
Now should this father take an activist route in support of open borders, he needs to remember his comments and not use the death of his daughter or allow the fake news media to use her as a victim to deflect from the views of those who don't support open borders.
I don't see an issue with the father wanting to thank the hispanic community for their help and support.

Me either, but why did he do that? See that makes absolutely no sense to her death and the violent nature of it and the person who did it. The community didn't do it, nor did the hispanics but the illegal. His daughter was a victim of a crime. It is what it is, unless he's saying there wasn't a crime and for me he crosses a line there. We need laws, and to repress them as he has causes more deaths, and he is clueless to that piece. All survivors of victims who forgive their killers do. what a disgrace.
I care more about Mollie when I have never even encountered her than her own damn parents and that pisses me off even more.

What pisses you off is that Mollie's parents refuse to join your blind xenophobic rage. Because that reaction is the only one you understand. That in turn defines you, and your fairly narrow limitations (same goes for the rightarded piddlers on here). What enrages you even more is that the light these admirable people shine on you exposes you for the narrow-minded, resentment-driven, hateful little midget you truly are. These folks are plainly better than you, better than I am, better than most I was fortunate enough to encounter. And that enrages you most, and that's why you desperately struggle to confuse your vile hatred with caring for Mollie. You don't. You wouldn't even understand what that requires, which would be, at the most basic level, at least an attempt at understanding and respecting that for which she lived, what she stood for. You don't know what respect is, and so you can't, and you won't. Same goes, of course, for the other rightarded, xenophobic piddlers on this thread.
I don't see an issue with the father wanting to thank the hispanic community for their help and support.
Now should this father take an activist route in support of open borders, he needs to remember his comments and not use the death of his daughter or allow the fake news media to use her as a victim to deflect from the views of those who don't support open borders.
I don't see an issue with the father wanting to thank the hispanic community for their help and support.

Me either, but why did he do that? See that makes absolutely no sense to her death and the violent nature of it and the person who did it. The community didn't do it, nor did the hispanics but the illegal. His daughter was a victim of a crime. It is what it is, unless he's saying there wasn't a crime and for me he crosses a line there. We need laws, and to repress them as he has causes more deaths, and he is clueless to that piece. All survivors of victims who forgive their killers do. what a disgrace.
here's an expected reaction from a father who actually loved his daughter:

'I'm pissed!': Angry Parkland father gives emotional speech to President Trump about murdered daughter

Parkland Shooting Victim Father: It Is Not About Gun Control, It Is About Safety In Schools

"Andrew Pollack, the father of Meadow Pollack who was killed during the Parkland high school shooting, dresses down 'Fox News Sunday' host Chris Wallace for focusing too much time on gun control and not enough on school safety.

"It's not going to be fixed because I just heard what you said, what you are focusing on, polarizing this event, the murder of these kids. You're talking about gun control," Pollack told Chris Wallace on this week's edition of "Fox News Sunday."

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