Mollie Tibbet's dad's shameless virtue signaling at daughter's funeral

Her status as a victim is not an opinion, it's a fact.

If her murderer hadn't crossed the border illegally, then she'd still be alive. Also a fact.

Am I wrong?

Yeah, and on all counts.

If someone steals your purse, you are a victim. Because someone you do not know grieves in a way you do not understand, and thus do not approve, you are a victim, and thus you feel entitled to lash out, over-entitled crybaby you are. And behind that "status as a victim", your entirely trashy self vanishes in a haze of hatred, bigotry, and self-pity. Crybaby.

If a phrase begins with "if", denoting a condition that cannot be met, the following is in no way or form a "fact", your silly bellowing notwithstanding.

It's still all about you, all about your grievance, all about your bigotry, your crybaby-ing. And you don't begin to understand how utterly inappropriate your whole thread is, because you cannot for your life understand that Mollie's death is not about you. Not the tiniest bit. Because if you took, for a second, their perspective, you might realize what is at stake for them, what they are struggling with, how they are fighting for their dignity and decency and humanity when, as usual, the path towards stereotyping hatred would be broad, and well-paved, but that's your path, not theirs. If you did that, you'd also realize what an odious role you play in all this. But, that far, you can't, and don't.
Mollie's death is about all of us in the same way that Jamile Shaw's death was about Mollie. The same way that the dozens of people killed by illegals are about all of us. If these victims were torn to death by packs of rabid dogs not a one of you would be blathering about grace. No one would be crawling for the dignity of the wild animals that invaded our cities and prey upon those perceived as vulnerable.

The appropriate response to the slaughter is to drive these vermin from our land.

The vermin in our land is white nationalists and racists. Illegals are not rabid dogs. Take your racist trash and stuff it.

I don't care if they are cute puppies and kitties and blue bunny rabbits. I don't want to feed them out of my pocket.

Send them back.

Send you back instead.
Her status as a victim is not an opinion, it's a fact.

If her murderer hadn't crossed the border illegally, then she'd still be alive. Also a fact.

Am I wrong?

Yeah, and on all counts.

If someone steals your purse, you are a victim. Because someone you do not know grieves in a way you do not understand, and thus do not approve, you are a victim, and thus you feel entitled to lash out, over-entitled crybaby you are. And behind that "status as a victim", your entirely trashy self vanishes in a haze of hatred, bigotry, and self-pity. Crybaby.

If a phrase begins with "if", denoting a condition that cannot be met, the following is in no way or form a "fact", your silly bellowing notwithstanding.

It's still all about you, all about your grievance, all about your bigotry, your crybaby-ing. And you don't begin to understand how utterly inappropriate your whole thread is, because you cannot for your life understand that Mollie's death is not about you. Not the tiniest bit. Because if you took, for a second, their perspective, you might realize what is at stake for them, what they are struggling with, how they are fighting for their dignity and decency and humanity when, as usual, the path towards stereotyping hatred would be broad, and well-paved, but that's your path, not theirs. If you did that, you'd also realize what an odious role you play in all this. But, that far, you can't, and don't.
Mollie's death is about all of us in the same way that Jamile Shaw's death was about Mollie. The same way that the dozens of people killed by illegals are about all of us. If these victims were torn to death by packs of rabid dogs not a one of you would be blathering about grace. No one would be crawling for the dignity of the wild animals that invaded our cities and prey upon those perceived as vulnerable.

The appropriate response to the slaughter is to drive these vermin from our land.

The vermin in our land is white nationalists and racists. Illegals are not rabid dogs. Take your racist trash and stuff it.
Standing against illegal aliens cannot make one racist, as illegal alien is not a race.

Illegal aliens are not white Europeans. That is all you want. That is indeed racist.
Her status as a victim is not an opinion, it's a fact.

If her murderer hadn't crossed the border illegally, then she'd still be alive. Also a fact.

Am I wrong?

Yeah, and on all counts.

If someone steals your purse, you are a victim. Because someone you do not know grieves in a way you do not understand, and thus do not approve, you are a victim, and thus you feel entitled to lash out, over-entitled crybaby you are. And behind that "status as a victim", your entirely trashy self vanishes in a haze of hatred, bigotry, and self-pity. Crybaby.

If a phrase begins with "if", denoting a condition that cannot be met, the following is in no way or form a "fact", your silly bellowing notwithstanding.

It's still all about you, all about your grievance, all about your bigotry, your crybaby-ing. And you don't begin to understand how utterly inappropriate your whole thread is, because you cannot for your life understand that Mollie's death is not about you. Not the tiniest bit. Because if you took, for a second, their perspective, you might realize what is at stake for them, what they are struggling with, how they are fighting for their dignity and decency and humanity when, as usual, the path towards stereotyping hatred would be broad, and well-paved, but that's your path, not theirs. If you did that, you'd also realize what an odious role you play in all this. But, that far, you can't, and don't.
Mollie's death is about all of us in the same way that Jamile Shaw's death was about Mollie. The same way that the dozens of people killed by illegals are about all of us. If these victims were torn to death by packs of rabid dogs not a one of you would be blathering about grace. No one would be crawling for the dignity of the wild animals that invaded our cities and prey upon those perceived as vulnerable.

The appropriate response to the slaughter is to drive these vermin from our land.

The vermin in our land is white nationalists and racists. Illegals are not rabid dogs. Take your racist trash and stuff it.
Standing against illegal aliens cannot make one racist, as illegal alien is not a race.

Illegal aliens are not white Europeans. That is all you want. That is indeed racist.
And what you want is the murder of thousands of white Mollie Tibbetts and black Jamile Shaws.
Some people want burritos at any cost.


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View attachment 213442
Mollie Tibbetts was ‘nobody’s victim,’ her dad says in powerful eulogy

Raped and murdered:
Dad: "Nobody's victim"

Daughter is gone forever.
Dad: "LOL how bout' them burritos, amirite?"

With parents like these, it's no wonder she turned out to be a self hating SJW.

Molly Tibbets was murdered because she refused the advances of a man who found her attractive. His race, his citizenship are irrelevant.

The last sentence of your paragraph is a lie YOU made up, since you know nothing about this woman or her family. You’re just pissed that they won’t play along with your racist, xenophobic agenda.

You certainly live up to the “trash” moniker you have given yourself.

What a piece of shit you are. He indoctrinated his daughter to hate white people. And men in general. To be ashamed of her own culture. Don't sit there and pretend that is right and good and true, because some illegal alien murdered her. We didn't kill her, your policies killed her. Take responsibility for what you believe in.
View attachment 213442
Mollie Tibbetts was ‘nobody’s victim,’ her dad says in powerful eulogy

Raped and murdered:
Dad: "Nobody's victim"

Daughter is gone forever.
Dad: "LOL how bout' them burritos, amirite?"

With parents like these, it's no wonder she turned out to be a self hating SJW.

Molly Tibbets was murdered because she refused the advances of a man who found her attractive. His race, his citizenship are irrelevant.

Citizenship is relevant, his illegal status is relevant. Had he not been there, she would be alive today.

Why didn't trump deport him?

And why don't you have any concern for all people who are murdered? I guess since most of them were murdered by American citizens, that's ok, they were going to be murdered anyway.

Because Obama didn’t deport him and then he got a fake ID to work in the country.
"Virtue signalling"??? Is this like "cucks" and "feminazis," "antifa," and the rest of the garbage emanating from the backroom of the white-trash alt-right, who never will come out and and clearly identify themselves and what kind of Americans they are? This poor woman's parents are Americans who are commonly decent Americans trying to get through an awful time in their lives without allowing their daughter's horrible death, her dignity, and her legacy to be prostituted in order to further the arguments of the most gutter-level political activists and morons. The people who seek to do this have not a shred of honor, dignity, or patriotism.

Yes, I remember Gold Star mom Cindy Sheeran trying to prostitute her dead Army son to hewr cause for the Democrats.

His fellow soldiers and friends stepped up and buried her, 'scuse the pun.

A mother who lost her son, whom she went through pregnancy and painful birth with, shed her own blood to bring him into the world, who raised him, is not supposed to confront the two whores who are responsible for his murder and demand answers? It was bush and cheney who prostituted and killed her son. What they took from her is unimaginable.

We should honor people like her. People who seek to dishonor the death of Mollie Tibbetts, even as her family fights to preserve her dignity, are disgusting and against the values of our nation, and, basically, are scum.
Her parents are disgusting gutter trash that embrace institutionalized racism against their own people.
What kind of person would make light of his daughters murder? I find that extremely disturbing. But then again we are talking about a liberal, Liberalism is a freaking disease, and when you add TDS on top of that you have a bunch of zombies running around willing to throw their own child under the bus for political expediency. As a Mother. I just cannot fathom saying anything even close to what that man said at her funeral, and if anyone else made any remark on that level at my child's funeral, I am afraid I would have to kill that person. The normal stages of grief is missing in that man. Liberalism is a brain eating disease.

The liberals here aren't liberal with anything except stupidity and dishonesty
This is all pure nonsense. Mollie is being remembered TO STOP OTHER FATHERS FROM GOING THROUGH WHAT MR. TIBBETTS IS GOING THROUGH.

I really feels for Mr. Tibbetts, but if reminding people of what happened to her stops one additional Fathers grief, then we give a great gift.

You are contributing absolutely nothing to the fight for this fate never to happen to another person You are using Ms. Tibbett's death for political purposes because you have no sense of dignity and honor.
No, we are trying to fix this country and prevent invasion.

If that is politically damaging to you then get better policies and political parties.
Looks like some folks are pissed that Molly’s family refused to go along with the attempt to politicize her murder.
News flash!!! The family just did politicize her murder. At her expense. But, how bout that food!?
No. They repudiated your attempt to taje control of her death. You dont care about her. They do.

Nobody is trying to take control of her MURDER, except the batshit crazy liberals that wish to make sure that their murderous immigration policies stay in place
View attachment 213442
Mollie Tibbetts was ‘nobody’s victim,’ her dad says in powerful eulogy

Raped and murdered:
Dad: "Nobody's victim"

Daughter is gone forever.
Dad: "LOL how bout' them burritos, amirite?"

With parents like these, it's no wonder she turned out to be a self hating SJW.

Wow; I cannot believe your POS troll post was allowed to stand. Congrats
Try to get his white ass censored!

The fact that his troll thread is still here, after 24 hours, doesn't say a thing about the person that posted it.
Sure it is trolling....

When you sick pieces of shit get hurt by the right’s words it is always “trolling”, but yet when you fuckers justify riots and looting and the burning down of businesses in name of “justice” you consider that educated, professional discussion....
Troll post? No, I was legitimately disgusted by the things Mollie's father said in her eulogy and felt compelled to share. This is yet another example of how left wing politics is akin to a mental disorder. The man who should have loved her the most in the world cheapens her life by putting politics first, making passive aggressive jokes at the expense of white people and saying she's not a victim.

Spare me your faux outrage. You..."people" don't have any right to judge me.

Yeah, it's all about you: "I was legitimately disgusted." Legitimately, no less.

Mollie's father said, the Hispanics are Iowans, with better food. That's "passive aggressive jokes at the expense of white people." You are just a whiny crybaby.

Her father saw her life, which was brutally ended. He legitimately refuses to let her, and her life, be redefined by that end. Hence he legitimately concludes, she is not a victim. Much to you chagrin, because you are a whiny crybaby.

And, of course, "You...'people' don't have any right to judge me," because that brings out even more the whiny crybaby. And it's still all about you, and about how you feel absolutely feel free to render judgment, about the family that experienced a catastrophic loss, burying her daughter / sister.

Let me tell you this, in your infantile egocentrism, your endless grievance over a good word about Hispanics, and your instrumentalizing Mollie's death, you are not disgusted, you are disgusting.
You don’t know a damn thing about Hispanics, idiot.

You want to whine when people consider Mollie a victim and yet you think Hispanics are the victim when society at large placates to their grievances and perceived grievances at the expense of people like Mollie and her idiot parents.

Meanwhile, back in “ye olde Europe” white people are protesting to simply have the right to walk the streets of their indigenous homelands without this kind of shit happening to them.
Yeah, and on all counts.

If someone steals your purse, you are a victim. Because someone you do not know grieves in a way you do not understand, and thus do not approve, you are a victim, and thus you feel entitled to lash out, over-entitled crybaby you are. And behind that "status as a victim", your entirely trashy self vanishes in a haze of hatred, bigotry, and self-pity. Crybaby.

If a phrase begins with "if", denoting a condition that cannot be met, the following is in no way or form a "fact", your silly bellowing notwithstanding.

It's still all about you, all about your grievance, all about your bigotry, your crybaby-ing. And you don't begin to understand how utterly inappropriate your whole thread is, because you cannot for your life understand that Mollie's death is not about you. Not the tiniest bit. Because if you took, for a second, their perspective, you might realize what is at stake for them, what they are struggling with, how they are fighting for their dignity and decency and humanity when, as usual, the path towards stereotyping hatred would be broad, and well-paved, but that's your path, not theirs. If you did that, you'd also realize what an odious role you play in all this. But, that far, you can't, and don't.

Was Mollie's death preordained by fate? If not an illegal immigrant, sompeopleeone else would have murdered her that day? I'm the bad guy for wanting to prevent future murders like this? Is that what you're saying?

So what are you doing to prevent future murders? What are you doing to safeguard jogging paths, bars, people being stalked by others wishing to have sex with some stranger who does not want them? What are you doing about people who have been rejected as lovers and adopt the stance that if they can't have a particular person, nobody else can because they will murder this person first???

I was once threatened by a person whom I rejected and chose not to deal with. Fortunately, I had a dog with very, very big teeth.
[...] people like Mollie and her idiot parents.

Yeah, easy enough to see how much you care; how much respect for those dealing with loss and grief drives your thinking; how a loss of human life gives you pause and brings out the best in you.
Yeah, and on all counts.

If someone steals your purse, you are a victim. Because someone you do not know grieves in a way you do not understand, and thus do not approve, you are a victim, and thus you feel entitled to lash out, over-entitled crybaby you are. And behind that "status as a victim", your entirely trashy self vanishes in a haze of hatred, bigotry, and self-pity. Crybaby.

If a phrase begins with "if", denoting a condition that cannot be met, the following is in no way or form a "fact", your silly bellowing notwithstanding.

It's still all about you, all about your grievance, all about your bigotry, your crybaby-ing. And you don't begin to understand how utterly inappropriate your whole thread is, because you cannot for your life understand that Mollie's death is not about you. Not the tiniest bit. Because if you took, for a second, their perspective, you might realize what is at stake for them, what they are struggling with, how they are fighting for their dignity and decency and humanity when, as usual, the path towards stereotyping hatred would be broad, and well-paved, but that's your path, not theirs. If you did that, you'd also realize what an odious role you play in all this. But, that far, you can't, and don't.

Was Mollie's death preordained by fate? If not an illegal immigrant, sompeopleeone else would have murdered her that day? I'm the bad guy for wanting to prevent future murders like this? Is that what you're saying?

So what are you doing to prevent future murders? What are you doing to safeguard jogging paths, bars, people being stalked by others wishing to have sex with some stranger who does not want them? What are you doing about people who have been rejected as lovers and adopt the stance that if they can't have a particular person, nobody else can because they will murder this person first???

I was once threatened by a person whom I rejected and chose not to deal with. Fortunately, I had a dog with very, very big teeth.
Supporting the strict rule of law, and supporting people in office who support the rule of law.

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