Mom, What's a Conspiracy Theorist?

To be downgraded from AAA rating in August though is NOT just fine. It suggests a trend and mismanagement that should not be ignored. I believe it is the primary reason for skittishness in many financial indicators that has dropped our retirement funds by almost 2-1/2 pts in recent months and the trend continues sharply downward.

That is NOT just fine.
I believe the brinkmanship over US default is another factor.
It is a right-wing conspiracy theory that there is a sinister secret behind the scientific consensus.
Or a cover up of a flawed computer model, lack of transparency, failure to discuss transition from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse and a manufactured consensus for political purposes which is against the very principles of science.
There sort of was. They’ve never apologized for it.

Transcript: Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) Introduces U.S. Apology for Slavery, Jim Crow​

July 29, 2008​

July 30, 20089:39 AM ET

Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and Mr. Chairman. It is with pride that I introduce this resolution with 120 co-sponsors from both sides of the aisle. It is with pride that I serve as a member of this institution, in this building that was built with slave labor, and for which the new Visitors Gallery will be known as Emancipation Hall. It was a gentleman from this side of the aisle, the party of Lincoln, Representative Zach Wamp from my state, and this side of the aisle, Representative Jesse Jackson Jr., who eloquently spoke to a subcommittee of which I'm a member, urging the remembrance and recognition of the work of the slaves who helped construct this magnificent capitol building and have the entryway named Emancipation Hall.
This country had an institution of slavery for 246 years and followed it with Jim Crow laws that denied people equal opportunity under the law. There was segregation in the south and other places in this country, at least through the year 1965 when civil rights laws were passed. There were separate water fountains for people, marked white and colored, there were restaurants, there were separate hotels, there were job opportunities that were not available to African-Americans. There were theaters that were segregated.

Transcript: Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) Introduces U.S. Apology for Slavery, Jim Crow​

July 29, 2008​

July 30, 20089:39 AM ET

Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and Mr. Chairman. It is with pride that I introduce this resolution with 120 co-sponsors from both sides of the aisle. It is with pride that I serve as a member of this institution, in this building that was built with slave labor, and for which the new Visitors Gallery will be known as Emancipation Hall. It was a gentleman from this side of the aisle, the party of Lincoln, Representative Zach Wamp from my state, and this side of the aisle, Representative Jesse Jackson Jr., who eloquently spoke to a subcommittee of which I'm a member, urging the remembrance and recognition of the work of the slaves who helped construct this magnificent capitol building and have the entryway named Emancipation Hall.
This country had an institution of slavery for 246 years and followed it with Jim Crow laws that denied people equal opportunity under the law. There was segregation in the south and other places in this country, at least through the year 1965 when civil rights laws were passed. There were separate water fountains for people, marked white and colored, there were restaurants, there were separate hotels, there were job opportunities that were not available to African-Americans. There were theaters that were segregated.
Not the DNC. If I’m not mistaken what you referenced occurred as a result of the DNC being sued. And they declined to apologize. So Congress did. Rings hollow to me.
Or a cover up of a flawed computer model, lack of transparency, failure to discuss transition from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse and a manufactured consensus for political purposes which is against the very principles of science.
Are you accusing Democrats of not wanting open debate? It sounds to me like the right wing has already decided the issue on political not scientific grounds.
Are you accusing Democrats of not wanting open debate? It sounds to me like the right wing has already decided the issue on political not scientific grounds.
Not really. I’m accusing them of being duped and complicit in trying to squelch debate.
That sounds like the MAGA GOP to me. Do you really think the Dems, as a party, are conspiring to convince people there is no God?
No. Like I said, it’s a herd mentality. It’s based upon subjectivity which is skewed by their emotions.

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