Mom, What's a Conspiracy Theorist?

Several have been convicted of Seditious Conspiracy which sounds a lot like insurrection to me but you should feel free to split legal hairs:
18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy​
If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.​
several and yet you cant name a single one,,
There is an old saying: Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't really after you. And if you have evidence that they really ARE after you, that pretty much rules out paranoia, yes?

In the case of almost all conspiracy theories, the fact that it is labeled a conspiracy theory doesn't mean there was no conspiracy. It remains a theory until there is supportable evidence for a conspiracy in which case it becomes fact and not a conspiracy theory.

Paranoia is usually the belief/fear of some bad thing happening most often due to the actions or intent of somebody else.
Paranoia may or may not be justified.

A conspiracy theory is usually speculation that somebody(ies) plotted and/or carried out some bad act and is usually followed by all manner of effort to support the theory.
A conspiracy theory may or may not be justified.

But for sure both are widely misused as 'evidence' in American politics, in the media, social media, and definitely here at USMB.
what exactly do you mean by "wired differently"??
I've always been a heterosexual. I don't ever recall making a conscious decision to be one, it seems to me, that is the way I'm wired. Call it what you will. I think the conspiracy you speak of is the Dems acknowledgement that different people may be wired differently and it is best to accept everyone so long as they hurt no one else.
I've always been a heterosexual. I don't ever recall making a conscious decision to be one, it seems to me, that is the way I'm wired. Call it what you will. I think the conspiracy you speak of is the Dems acknowledgement that different people may be wired differently and it is best to accept everyone so long as they hurt no one else.
so according to you the world revolves around how you think??

sorry but there are only two genders and mental illness,,

thats a scientific fact,,
Is it so hard to accept that they see themselves differently than you do and, so long as they hurt no one, they should be left alone.
they can think of themselves how they want,, its when they demand I think the same way when science, facts and reality say different,,
several and yet you cant name a single one,,

Kelly Meggs, Stewart Rhodes, Kenneth Harrelson, Jessica Watkins and Thomas Caldwell

Kelly Meggs, Stewart Rhodes, Kenneth Harrelson, Jessica Watkins and Thomas Caldwell
I would be more concerned about the thousands of antifa and BLMers that rampaged across the country for yrs burning down both private and government building trying to kill government workers while yelling "BURN DOWN THE SYSTEM" than I would be about a few rednecks blowing off a little steam,,

and lets not forget may 29th where the whitehouse was attacked and attempted to be set on fire while the president was inside,,
also while yelling "BURN DOWN THE SYSTEM"

But you go right ahead and repeat what they tell you to,,
Is it so hard to accept that they see themselves differently than you do and, so long as they hurt no one, they should be left alone.
And, except for a few wacko idiots that you find among all political ideologies, they ARE left alone when they just live their lives as they choose and allow everybody else to do likewise.

That is also the case of of most Holocaust deniers, flat Earthers, vegans, Atheists and others who constitute less than 1 or 2% of the population and who I don't agree with their beliefs on those things.

Most tiny minority groups are happy to just be left alone and live, think, believe as they choose. They do not demand that the very large majority give them any special accommodation, recognition, or pretend/incorporate their views as mainstream. That is their constitutional right as well as the constitutional right of the majority as intended by the Founders.

But when they get in our faces and demand to be accepted as 'mainstream', when they demand that the large majority accommodate their personal choices/values/beliefs, that doctors be forced to go against their moral code to service them, that school curriculum be changed to give them special consideration, when they perform vulgar, crude, immoral, inappropriate entertainment or reading material for kids, when they require the majority to allow men into women's safe spaces and take away their records and scholarships in sports, etc. . . . .

. . .to say there should be no push back or serious opposition to that isn't reasonable or intellectually honest.
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And, except for a few wacko idiots that you find among all political ideologies, they ARE left alone when they just live their lives as they choose and allow everybody else to do likewise.

That is also the case of of most Holocaust deniers, flat Earthers, vegans, Atheists and others who constitute less than 1 or 2% of the population and who I don't agree with their beliefs on those things.

Most tiny minority groups are happy to just be left alone and live, think, believe as they choose. They do not demand that the very large majority give them any special accommodation, recognition, or pretend/incorporate their views as mainstream. That is their constitutional right as well as the constitutional right of the majority as intended by the Founders.

But when they get in our faces and demand to be accepted as 'mainstream', when they demand that the large majority accommodate their personal choices/values/beliefs, that doctors be forced to go against their moral code to service them, that school curriculum be changed to give them special consideration, when they perform vulgar, crude, immoral, inappropriate entertainment or reading material for kids, when they require the majority to allow men into women's safe spaces and take away their records and scholarships in sports, etc. . . . .

. . .to say there should be no push back or serious opposition to that isn't reasonable or intellectually honest.
I think there is fundamental difference between asking for special treatment and asking to be treated the same as everyone else. Gay marriage might offend you but it was a right denied to a minority of Americans.
I think there is fundamental difference between asking for special treatment and asking to be treated the same as everyone else. Gay marriage might offend you but it was a right denied to a minority of Americans.
why are you moving the goal post??

its about changing from one gender to another and demanding others believe it,,
why are you moving the goal post??

its about changing from one gender to another and demanding others believe it,,
Why are you putting the goal posts in the middle of the field? Because if you put them where they would encompass the entirety of biology and psychology, your argument would be weak indeed.
Why are you putting the goal posts in the middle of the field? Because if you put them where they would encompass the entirety of biology and psychology, your argument would be weak indeed.
I asked a very specific question on a single topic,,

I know thats a hard one for you ,, but please do try,,
Conspiracy Theorist: Someone who proposes a possible scenario and then demands others prove it didn't happen.

A conspiracy theory is usually speculation that somebody(ies) plotted and/or carried out some bad act and is usually followed by all manner of effort to support the theory.
Ok, i'll play
The BRIC's are gaining, while our petrodollar is waning

The reality being the global fiat rests upon a nation so broke it can no longer find takers for it's enormous debt

The conspiracy being it'll all be a wash in global conflict among the players involved.

who's in?

Ok, i'll play
The BRIC's are gaining, while our petrodollar is waning

The reality being the global fiat rests upon a nation so broke it can no longer find takers for it's enormous debt

The conspiracy being it'll all be a wash in global conflict among the players involved.

who's in?
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The lack of concern of debt versus benefit to the people is definitely a concern and does leave open the door for a lot of conspiracy theories. :)

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