Monday is Empty Chair Day

That's hysterical! Let's take pictures and share here!

That's a good idea. I'm going to put out a chair, but it will be an old one. If there are any OWS supporters around here, they'll probably poop on it.
It will be great to see all those Obama signs on republican lawns.

Your nieghbors will think youre voting for him
Are you also supporting the immediate withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, a strong response to climate change, and a special GOP primary to get yourselves a new candidate? That's the message that I took away from Clint's dopey performance.
The pentagon has stopped the program to train Afghan troops for their own internal security. We are now doing nothing there. The taliban won. There is no such thing as climate change beyond four seasons. The GOP is happier with Mitt Romney every day.

Next point.
The right is sooo out of touch with the real American culture that they dont even understand that The Clint thing was a disaster for your party..

Now you idiots think its a good idea to double down on that failure.

man you cons are complete fools
I may put out a half filled saucer with water, symbolizing our lowered sea levels since Obama
The empty chair thing is just a continuation of the tactics Republicans have been using all along. They've always preferred to "debate" a made-up version of Obama; one they can make say anything they want him to say.

It's called a straw-man argument. They pretend he said something awful, and then attack him for it. All the secret Muslim, socialist Kenyan crap? This is just a continuation of that.

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