Money, money, money

Barry is king of bailouts... of course he's gonna bailout his puppet masters. And that's what exactly happened
Dude, I got so so many people on ignore....your getting there. Bailouts were a Bush idea, please educate your dumb white ass before you send for me again, k

FOr one I didn't ask a question about bailouts did I?

and if you think you putting me on ignore is going to do anything but make me laugh then you are delusional.

The people with the longest ignore lists are the people with the least to say
thank you for making my point
Listen, you are boring me. I am here for real debate, not this childish banter you keep maintaining, now either grow the fuck up or miss me on this non-sensual rhetoric. Stop acting like your furher and grow a brain cell, fool

Hey Sally you do not tell me what to post or when to post it
if you forgot you responded to a post of mine
No doubt bush is/was a career politician too... The bailouts were in fact absolute mistakes as with the stimulus… the Federal government can never help anybody because it wants to much in return… Fact
The stimulus was never a mistake. It helped bring our economy out of the Bush depression
It was an absolute mistake because it did nothing and our grandkids and their grandkids are going to have to be paying for it. Dip shit
Dear by the time Trump gets through with EPA and deregulations....paying for it, will be the least of thier long enough to pay for it will be their biggest issue....stupid ass
The hoax that is "climate change" is costing this country more than they can afford… Getting rid of those regulations is the best thing we can do for the economy. Fact
Tell us just how you know climate change is a hoax? Maybe you heard it from Rush? Or on Fox?
So called "climate change" is only as good as the arrogance of the people thinking that it exists... so in short it's all about control nothing more nothing less…
No doubt bush is/was a career politician too... The bailouts were in fact absolute mistakes as with the stimulus… the Federal government can never help anybody because it wants to much in return… Fact
The stimulus was never a mistake. It helped bring our economy out of the Bush depression
It was an absolute mistake because it did nothing and our grandkids and their grandkids are going to have to be paying for it. Dip shit
Dear by the time Trump gets through with EPA and deregulations....paying for it, will be the least of thier long enough to pay for it will be their biggest issue....stupid ass
The hoax that is "climate change" is costing this country more than they can afford… Getting rid of those regulations is the best thing we can do for the economy. Fact
Tell us just how you know climate change is a hoax? Maybe you heard it from Rush? Or on Fox?

Please stop wasting time on lunatics, these people are literally insane
No doubt bush is/was a career politician too... The bailouts were in fact absolute mistakes as with the stimulus… the Federal government can never help anybody because it wants to much in return… Fact
The stimulus was never a mistake. It helped bring our economy out of the Bush depression
It was an absolute mistake because it did nothing and our grandkids and their grandkids are going to have to be paying for it. Dip shit
Dear by the time Trump gets through with EPA and deregulations....paying for it, will be the least of thier long enough to pay for it will be their biggest issue....stupid ass
The hoax that is "climate change" is costing this country more than they can afford… Getting rid of those regulations is the best thing we can do for the economy. Fact
You are too loony for words, good bye
I figured as much... :itsok:
Dude, I got so so many people on ignore....your getting there. Bailouts were a Bush idea, please educate your dumb white ass before you send for me again, k

FOr one I didn't ask a question about bailouts did I?

and if you think you putting me on ignore is going to do anything but make me laugh then you are delusional.

The people with the longest ignore lists are the people with the least to say
thank you for making my point
Listen, you are boring me. I am here for real debate, not this childish banter you keep maintaining, now either grow the fuck up or miss me on this non-sensual rhetoric. Stop acting like your furher and grow a brain cell, fool

Hey Sally you do not tell me what to post or when to post it
if you forgot you responded to a post of mine
Dude, I am late for work...have a nice day
The stimulus was never a mistake. It helped bring our economy out of the Bush depression
It was an absolute mistake because it did nothing and our grandkids and their grandkids are going to have to be paying for it. Dip shit
Dear by the time Trump gets through with EPA and deregulations....paying for it, will be the least of thier long enough to pay for it will be their biggest issue....stupid ass
The hoax that is "climate change" is costing this country more than they can afford… Getting rid of those regulations is the best thing we can do for the economy. Fact
Tell us just how you know climate change is a hoax? Maybe you heard it from Rush? Or on Fox?

Please stop wasting time on lunatics, these people are literally insane
Wall Street and Goldman Sachs will do well as they always do and the societal wealth extraction continues unabated.
how much of your wealth have Wall Street and Goldman Sachs taken from you?
Uh, that bailout that is soon to be issued again before that clown is finished...uh, I helped with tax dollars.

and how much of your wealth was taken from you

The last time the American people were told the trickle down would work with tax cuts for the rich, 2007 almost took us off a you can keep this back and forth bullshit up all you want idiot, but I'm not gonna engage ignorance and blind stupidity simply because your white ass is bored. The history is there, the lesson is there and the facts are evident.....last time, I lost my 401K earnings, my home lost its value and so many of my co workers lost their next fuckin question!!
So your home lost value, did you know it was Fanny Mae, and Freddie Mac that were covering loans that were going to people who couldn't afford them? Thank you Maxine Waters, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank and other Dems, NOT George Bush, but as typical of loser liberals(redundant statement) you cant remember shit like this because it makes your side look retarded, which they are. But, and liberals always have big butts, you will not hold accountable your political hacks who caused you the misery, but blame the other side, so once again, with Warren Buffet(L), Bill Gate(L), Steve Cook(L), and Bill(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) Clinton, got even richer, you lost your shirt. but kept voting for the same people who made you poor. You just cant get more stupid than that.

By the way, Trickle down is a liberal term for CRONIE CAPITALISM.
Supply Side Economics is the conservative term for CAPITALISM.
The stimulus was never a mistake. It helped bring our economy out of the Bush depression
It was an absolute mistake because it did nothing and our grandkids and their grandkids are going to have to be paying for it. Dip shit
Dear by the time Trump gets through with EPA and deregulations....paying for it, will be the least of thier long enough to pay for it will be their biggest issue....stupid ass
The hoax that is "climate change" is costing this country more than they can afford… Getting rid of those regulations is the best thing we can do for the economy. Fact
Tell us just how you know climate change is a hoax? Maybe you heard it from Rush? Or on Fox?
So called "climate change" is only as good as the arrogance of the people thinking that it exists... so in short it's all about control nothing more nothing less…
Again, Einstein PROVE to us that climate change doesn't exist
FOr one I didn't ask a question about bailouts did I?

and if you think you putting me on ignore is going to do anything but make me laugh then you are delusional.

The people with the longest ignore lists are the people with the least to say
thank you for making my point
Listen, you are boring me. I am here for real debate, not this childish banter you keep maintaining, now either grow the fuck up or miss me on this non-sensual rhetoric. Stop acting like your furher and grow a brain cell, fool

Hey Sally you do not tell me what to post or when to post it
if you forgot you responded to a post of mine
Dude, I am late for work...have a nice day

Dude, I am late for work...have a nice day

Get going, those fries aren't going to make themselves!
FOr one I didn't ask a question about bailouts did I?

and if you think you putting me on ignore is going to do anything but make me laugh then you are delusional.

The people with the longest ignore lists are the people with the least to say
thank you for making my point
Listen, you are boring me. I am here for real debate, not this childish banter you keep maintaining, now either grow the fuck up or miss me on this non-sensual rhetoric. Stop acting like your furher and grow a brain cell, fool

Hey Sally you do not tell me what to post or when to post it
if you forgot you responded to a post of mine
Dude, I am late for work...have a nice day
It was an absolute mistake because it did nothing and our grandkids and their grandkids are going to have to be paying for it. Dip shit
Dear by the time Trump gets through with EPA and deregulations....paying for it, will be the least of thier long enough to pay for it will be their biggest issue....stupid ass
The hoax that is "climate change" is costing this country more than they can afford… Getting rid of those regulations is the best thing we can do for the economy. Fact
Tell us just how you know climate change is a hoax? Maybe you heard it from Rush? Or on Fox?
So called "climate change" is only as good as the arrogance of the people thinking that it exists... so in short it's all about control nothing more nothing less…
Again, Einstein PROVE to us that climate change doesn't exist
Prove that it does?
Dear by the time Trump gets through with EPA and deregulations....paying for it, will be the least of thier long enough to pay for it will be their biggest issue....stupid ass
The hoax that is "climate change" is costing this country more than they can afford… Getting rid of those regulations is the best thing we can do for the economy. Fact
Tell us just how you know climate change is a hoax? Maybe you heard it from Rush? Or on Fox?
So called "climate change" is only as good as the arrogance of the people thinking that it exists... so in short it's all about control nothing more nothing less…
Again, Einstein PROVE to us that climate change doesn't exist
Prove that it does?
didn't your mommy ever teach you not to answer a question with another question? But thanks anyway for proving your complete ignorance.
The hoax that is "climate change" is costing this country more than they can afford… Getting rid of those regulations is the best thing we can do for the economy. Fact
Tell us just how you know climate change is a hoax? Maybe you heard it from Rush? Or on Fox?
So called "climate change" is only as good as the arrogance of the people thinking that it exists... so in short it's all about control nothing more nothing less…
Again, Einstein PROVE to us that climate change doesn't exist
Prove that it does?
didn't your mommy ever teach you not to answer a question with another question? But thanks anyway for proving your complete ignorance.
As I thought no proof… :itsok:
Wall Street and Goldman Sachs will do well as they always do and the societal wealth extraction continues unabated.

Here are a couple of ideas, not mine, but good ones. Let's tax everyone of the financial transactions on the stock exchanges .25 cents. Million of transaction occur every working day and night on exchanges, foreign and domestic.

The use of the income would be applied to reduce or potentially eliminate annual deficit spending. Only ideology prevents this very practical method of curtailing the massive debt incurred by Congress each year.

However, giving more money to a Congress, no matter which party is in power, would simply be foolish. Thus the second part of the idea, and the most difficult, would be to provide the POTUS the line-item veto. A veto which could be overridden by The Congress. Checks and balances as foreseen by the Founding Fathers.

Of course the line-item veto will require an Amendment to COTUS.
Wall Street and Goldman Sachs will do well as they always do and the societal wealth extraction continues unabated.

That happens because too many people "stretch" and bother to live in places like this....


....instead of saving more of their money and instead living here


...and "stretching" to also buy a (or another) modest income producing property so they will eventually have the means to live in a real mansion instead of a "McMansion," or not and come to their senses and ignore the cultural stimuli associated with outward symbols of status and success.


Doing that all but guarantees one won't ever be able to live here.



Quite simply a simple rule of thumb that's very easy to follow is this: until one has actually "made it, live in a property valued at 1/4 to 1/2 of the total value of one's income producing assets. What's "made it?" Well that varies by location, but in all locations it's greater than $5M in net worth. Why? Because in America, the way to make it is to be a capitalist in some regard. One of the easiest ways to do that is to be a landlord.

I'm not intimating that folks not buy a big house. I'm saying that far too many people do so "one their way up" instead of upon or after "arriving." Doing that is one of the surest ways to slow one's "arrival," especially if the only means one has for getting there is one's salary, unless one happens early-ish in one's life to command a very high salary.

Now I can't say that's going on everywhere, but I can say that in my part of the country, about all that people seem to demand, as evidenced by the types of new homes that are primarily built, is a big house, even though they don't lead a lifestyle that calls for actually needing a big house.
Wall Street and Goldman Sachs will do well as they always do and the societal wealth extraction continues unabated.

Here are a couple of ideas, not mine, but good ones. Let's tax everyone of the financial transactions on the stock exchanges .25 cents. Million of transaction occur every working day and night on exchanges, foreign and domestic.

The use of the income would be applied to reduce or potentially eliminate annual deficit spending. Only ideology prevents this very practical method of curtailing the massive debt incurred by Congress each year.

However, giving more money to a Congress, no matter which party is in power, would simply be foolish. Thus the second part of the idea, and the most difficult, would be to provide the POTUS the line-item veto. A veto which could be overridden by The Congress. Checks and balances as foreseen by the Founding Fathers.

Of course the line-item veto will require an Amendment to COTUS.
What is never talked about, by the left, is REDUCING the size of government. There are programs out there, that are decades old and don't do anything except employ worthless people that do absolutely nothing, but get a check. Trump says he is going to reduce the size by 20% and that is a good start, but by his 2 terms, he should reduce it by 50% and then the US can reverse its debts dramatically.
Wall Street and Goldman Sachs will do well as they always do and the societal wealth extraction continues unabated.

That happens because too many people "stretch" and bother to live in places like this....


....instead of saving more of their money and instead living here


...and "stretching" to also buy a (or another) modest income producing property so they will eventually have the means to live in a real mansion instead of a "McMansion," or not and come to their senses and ignore the cultural stimuli associated with outward symbols of status and success.


Doing that all but guarantees one won't ever be able to live here.



Quite simply a simple rule of thumb that's very easy to follow is this: until one has actually "made it, live in a property valued at 1/4 to 1/2 of the total value of one's income producing assets. What's "made it?" Well that varies by location, but in all locations it's greater than $5M in net worth. Why? Because in America, the way to make it is to be a capitalist in some regard. One of the easiest ways to do that is to be a landlord.

I'm not intimating that folks not buy a big house. I'm saying that far too many people do so "one their way up" instead of upon or after "arriving." Doing that is one of the surest ways to slow one's "arrival," especially if the only means one has for getting there is one's salary, unless one happens early-ish in one's life to command a very high salary.

Now I can't say that's going on everywhere, but I can say that in my part of the country, about all that people seem to demand, as evidenced by the types of new homes that are primarily built, is a big house, even though they don't lead a lifestyle that calls for actually needing a big house.

Can I add to your brilliant analogy.....there is also a sense of entitlement that comes with those desires to live outside one's means. Take for instance rural have all these subdivisions being built, all based on some one hit wonder manufactoring base that paid good wages that sustained a community and created middle income existance for generations of families. Then one day, due to globalization and NAFTA, it ups and leave...meanwhile you got these families, refusing to either move or downsize, but instead want to whine their misery and adversities onto minorities and the former president. They turn into victims of white suppression.
Wall Street and Goldman Sachs will do well as they always do and the societal wealth extraction continues unabated.

Here are a couple of ideas, not mine, but good ones. Let's tax everyone of the financial transactions on the stock exchanges .25 cents. Million of transaction occur every working day and night on exchanges, foreign and domestic.

The use of the income would be applied to reduce or potentially eliminate annual deficit spending. Only ideology prevents this very practical method of curtailing the massive debt incurred by Congress each year.

However, giving more money to a Congress, no matter which party is in power, would simply be foolish. Thus the second part of the idea, and the most difficult, would be to provide the POTUS the line-item veto. A veto which could be overridden by The Congress. Checks and balances as foreseen by the Founding Fathers.

Of course the line-item veto will require an Amendment to COTUS.
What is never talked about, by the left, is REDUCING the size of government. There are programs out there, that are decades old and don't do anything except employ worthless people that do absolutely nothing, but get a check. Trump says he is going to reduce the size by 20% and that is a good start, but by his 2 terms, he should reduce it by 50% and then the US can reverse its debts dramatically.

Uhmmmm, worthless people that do nothing but get a check.....Now who gets a 174,000 a year check off the backs of tax payers...who worked a total of 157 days in a 365 day calendar year in 2015, with most of the time, campaigning and holding bullshit hearings on nothing...uhmmmmm, can't think of who at the moment, but the GOP kinds of rings a familiar bell, uhmmmmmm, worthless people, that's a tough one.
Wall Street and Goldman Sachs will do well as they always do and the societal wealth extraction continues unabated.

That happens because too many people "stretch" and bother to live in places like this....


....instead of saving more of their money and instead living here


...and "stretching" to also buy a (or another) modest income producing property so they will eventually have the means to live in a real mansion instead of a "McMansion," or not and come to their senses and ignore the cultural stimuli associated with outward symbols of status and success.


Doing that all but guarantees one won't ever be able to live here.



Quite simply a simple rule of thumb that's very easy to follow is this: until one has actually "made it, live in a property valued at 1/4 to 1/2 of the total value of one's income producing assets. What's "made it?" Well that varies by location, but in all locations it's greater than $5M in net worth. Why? Because in America, the way to make it is to be a capitalist in some regard. One of the easiest ways to do that is to be a landlord.

I'm not intimating that folks not buy a big house. I'm saying that far too many people do so "one their way up" instead of upon or after "arriving." Doing that is one of the surest ways to slow one's "arrival," especially if the only means one has for getting there is one's salary, unless one happens early-ish in one's life to command a very high salary.

Now I can't say that's going on everywhere, but I can say that in my part of the country, about all that people seem to demand, as evidenced by the types of new homes that are primarily built, is a big house, even though they don't lead a lifestyle that calls for actually needing a big house.

Can I add to your brilliant analogy.....there is also a sense of entitlement that comes with those desires to live outside one's means. Take for instance rural have all these subdivisions being built, all based on some one hit wonder manufactoring base that paid good wages that sustained a community and created middle income existance for generations of families. Then one day, due to globalization and NAFTA, it ups and leave...meanwhile you got these families, refusing to either move or downsize, but instead want to whine their misery and adversities onto minorities and the former president. They turn into victims of white suppression.

I was with you until your final sentence. The emotions that inspire individuals to excess and/or suboptimally prudent financial decision making have nothing to do with race. I don't know why you injected that into what would have been an excellent addendum to/amplification of my comments.....

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