$ Money, the root of all good

Ayn Rand?


None other. That pro-choice, atheistic narcissist and nobody else. She believed in having sex with anyone she pleased, too, despite being married to Frank O'Connor. She and Nathaniel Branden had an open sexual affair. O'Connor should have ditched that bitch but she had an eye for men she could dominate.

If these far right wingnuts only knew half the truth....She also heavily endorsed Alan Greenspan and we know what he did with the Federal Reserve and the blind eye he turned to the Wall Street craps game that screwed our economy.

Wow so many things here, first when did a liberal care about personal morality?
Second she was a liberatarian, which is consistant with those kinds of views.....and republicans and liberatarians butt heads on those, but we both agree on the constitution (for the most part) and strongly agree on economics.

Now that Wall street craps game did well in the 80s, apparently you think an economy will never have a downturn......but yet make excuses for the Obama years where we havent had an upturn.......I'm still waiting on that and on a budget from the senate democrats....tick tock tick tock.
Ayn Rand?


None other. That pro-choice, atheistic narcissist and nobody else. She believed in having sex with anyone she pleased, too, despite being married to Frank O'Connor. She and Nathaniel Branden had an open sexual affair. O'Connor should have ditched that bitch but she had an eye for men she could dominate.

If these far right wingnuts only knew half the truth....She also heavily endorsed Alan Greenspan and we know what he did with the Federal Reserve and the blind eye he turned to the Wall Street craps game that screwed our economy.

Drivel. One's philosophy and belief system can be mutually exclusive from their everyday human actions by virtue of simply failing to live up to ones ideals. Other actions and ideas listed above are entirely consistent with Objectivism. (atheist/pro-choice)

John F. Kennedy?


Non other. That pro-life, Catholic narcissist and nobody else. He believed in having sex with anyone he pleased, too, despite being married to Jackie O. He and Marilyn Monroe had an open sexual affair. Jackie should have ditched that bitch but he had an eye for women he could dominate.

If these far left wingnuts only knew half the truth.... He was a tax cutting, anti-communist war monger and we know what he did to the Supreme Court and the blind eye he turned to women's rights by nominating Justice Byron White. (One of two dissenters later to Roe v Wade) Not to mention what the Vietnam War did to the nations blood and economy.

So. Feel like you understand John F. Kennedy's philosophy now?
It's funny how liberals think, because they dont....

As a conservative I get along with many that have opposing viewpoints....Ayn Rand and I wouldnt have agreed on a lot of things and the same with Penn Jillete....similar views...we disagree. Liberals are the ones that are you have to like gays, you have to like abortion, you have to do x, y, or z.
It's funny how liberals think, because they dont....

As a conservative I get along with many that have opposing viewpoints....Ayn Rand and I wouldnt have agreed on a lot of things and the same with Penn Jillete....similar views...we disagree. Liberals are the ones that are you have to like gays, you have to like abortion, you have to do x, y, or z.

Well put.

As a "right wing libertarian" I have to find agreement where possible in the entire spectrum mostly because we piss everyone off eventually.

As far as Rand goes? From the biographies I've read and the interviews I've seen of Ayn Rand I get the feeling I would not have liked her personally. She is one stubborn and wordy bitch, lol. In fiction writing her plots are freaking epic and the dialogue can be astounding but she is tedious when trying to get flowery and repetitive about her politics to the point of distraction. (and repetitive about her politics to the point of distraction)

The theory of Objectivism, I think, is where her genius lies. She is a non-fiction knock-out and a true high level philosopher. A great advocate to have on your side when logic and reason are a must.

All that said, you're right about many on the left. Note nothing but personal attacks, straw men and histrionics in any thread her name comes up. No one here is refuting the famed "Money Speech" nor has anyone from the left even indicated that they read it. They saw the words "Ayn Rand" and their collective sphincters shrank like Sarah Palin had just knocked on their front door to sell them a semi-automatic rifle.
Stuff like the above is why philosophers laugh at Ayn.

Those "philosophers" are all has-beens and their philosophy crashed and burned ages ago.

Ayn Rand is right, no matter what a bunch of state sponsored humbugs say about her.

Yep, far, far to the right.

Like all good pro-choice atheist right? Am-I-right or am-I-right or am-I-right. Right right right.

Rand died in, I think, 1982 but the goalposts did not stop moving. Wasn't it the mid 1990's or so when Texas sodomy laws finally got knocked down by the Supreme Court? (not sure on that one) In 2000 progressive, far left Vermont was the first state in the nation to legalise "civil unions" for same-sex Americans. (Same sex marriage would become legal in Vermont 9 years later despite a government veto)

Today "civil unions" are the backward hard right Republican "compassionate conservative" compromise. Hell, President Obama's "evolved" support to the pro-gay marriage side is less than a year old. A full year ago Obama was the far, far right wing bigot on gay marriage.

The only thing keeping the left from proudly embracing Ayn Rand as one of their own is her full fledged, passionate, consistent support for capitalism. Part of her argument for that lies on page one of this thread in the famed "Money Speech". An argument the left is utterly unable to counter.

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