Monkeypox is coming

is monkey pox as bad as faucipox?


'THEY', the pushers of the New world order and big pharma along with crooked tyrannical politicians tried to pull a fast one on us with this monkey pox thing.
Next big plague is spreading undetected. Stock up on toilet paper. Old people and veterans after 9/11 who got the smallpox jabs before deploying out of the country may be protected.

There's a monkeypox outbreak in England, Portugal and Spain. The outbreak is quite small – just 36 suspected cases spread across the three countries, including 8 in England and 20 in Portugal. A case in the U.S. has also been reported.

But health officials have little clue where people caught the virus. And there's concern the virus may be spreading through the community – undetected – and possibly through a new route of transmission.

"This [outbreak] is rare and unusual," epidemiologist Susan Hopkins, who's the chief medical adviser of the U.K. Health Security Agency [UKHSA], said in a statement on Monday.

"Exactly where and how they [people] acquired their infections remains under urgent investigation," the agency said in a statement.

Monkeypox can be a nasty illness, which causes a fever, body aches, enlarged lymph nodes and eventually "pox" or painful, fluid-filled blisters on the face, hands and feet. One version of monkeypox is quite deadly and kills up to 10% of people infected. The version currently in England is more mild. Its fatality rate is less than 1%. A case generally resolves in 2 to 4 weeks.
Let's call it a WMD.
Portugal seems the main offender
Time for a lil shock and awe---shucks
Monkey Pox has been an issue in Africa since before mankind started keeping track of such things.

Africans have been dealing with it forever. It is nothing new, it is nothing that other countries have not dealt with before. It is nothing people haven't contracted and taken with them to other countries before.

This is just another DemonicRat propaganda piece of bullshit to spread MORE fear mongering and race baiting, as well as hate and intolerance in the sheeple communities.
Next big plague is spreading undetected.

It ought to arrive this Fall about a month before the elections just in time for the democrats to declare a crisis and announce the midterms will be 100% mail in ballots again! :smoke:
okay had doctors, some nurses and some media jerks sayin' 'the folk with covid are begging for the vaccine but they can't get it now it's too late, THEY GONE DIE!! HAHAHAHAH'
The Provaxxers loved that scenario.

NOW with the monkeybuttpox...they say.....we got the vaxx for ya if ya think you've been exposed....well....that's entirely different from the guffawing that went on with the covid infected and the exposed and hospitalized and supposedly dying miserably. No vaxx for them..but the gay monkeypoxxers can get their shot and AWL. WULL. BEE WALE'. Sorta tells me that this is just another bullshit excuse to get you to take a killer shot full of the mrna or spike protein that destroys your health and your descendants down the line.

honestly they think all of us are as dumb as the average democrat voter.
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Crap thinking like this doesn't help muddies the water and it could keep some people from seeking help or knowing that 'THIS MEANS YOU". and it could cause people who are at NO RISK to we haven't seen that one before.

In Salt Lake County, health officials consulted with advocacy groups and decided to get the message out to gay and bisexual men without making the message about them. At a booth during the Utah Pride Festival in Salt Lake City this month, Health Department staff distributed business-card-sized monkeypox warnings urging people to avoid close or sexual contact with anyone experiencing a rash or flu-like symptoms. The warning didn’t say anything about the gay community.
“We don’t need to put rainbows all over and make clear it’s only for [men who have sex with men] because it’s not,” said Nicholas Rupp, who oversees public outreach for the Salt Lake County Health Department. “The virus, of course, doesn’t see sexual orientation.”
Officials nationally want gay and bisexual men to be alert for symptoms, particularly rashes and lesions on or near the genitals, as they travel, party and congregate in June for LGBT Pride month, which commemorates the 1969 Stonewall uprising in New York that marked a seminal moment in the fight for LGBT rights. But they also want to avoid creating a false impression that monkeypox is a gay disease. IS a gay disease...ISN"T IT.

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