Monkeypox is coming

Well, this buttmunch has made his proclamation. With Biden in charge, we will do whatever the WHO says to do.

Elsewhere we've posted on mycoplasma as an HIV-1 co-factor, and this hypothesis was coming from the "Jesus" of HIV, Montagnier.

Noting mycoplasma lymphocyte infiltration in crocodiles, because lymphocytes are the target of HIV-1 virus and because there is a poxvirus: crocodilepox.

1995 Crocodile Mycoplasma
'....lymphocytic infiltration....'
It is ironic that there is a study done from ”1988” that shows it is very difficult to tell the difference between “ monkey pox” and “ chickenpox” so their numbers might be skewered to say the least esp now that they are showing it is some kids coming down with it…Plus the fact that listed under Pfizer possible side effects of taking the vaccine is skin lesions which might be the reason they are pushing monkey pox to cover up the coming massive side effects of taking their vaccine…But hey monkey see monkey do and they can get people to take another vaccine just like they did the Covid vaccine after all the definition of insanity is to try doing the same thing over and over but to expect different results…
Yambuku was site of the the earliest recorded case of AIDS. Grethe was a Danish doctor working at Abumonbazi. Three viruses come together in the same African town, and Hooper mentions two of them:

'The probability that Grethe Rask was HIV positive was considerably strengthened by a subsequent report, which concluded that as early as 1976 there was a low but detectable level of HIV infection around Yambuku, a mission hospital situated just sixty miles to the south of Abumonbazi by road. In the same year there was an outbreak of ebola hemorrhagic fever in that area, and teams of experts from WHO and CDC flew in to perform heroic the amazement of many, five of 659 blood samples proved to be HIV positive.'
(Hooper, The River: A Journey to the Source of HIV/AIDS, pp. 95-6)

Yambuku Monkeypox, 1985

2 children have it and 'they' THA Awe-thoritahs can't figure out how they got it. I can think of a probable way. Investigate away.
The CDC Director says the kids were adjacent to the men who have sex with men community. She needs to be more specific as that statement could be interpreted a lot of ways.

"CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky addressed the two children that are monkeypox-positive in an interview with the Washington Post: "What I can tell you is, with the scale up of testing, with the scale up of information that we are getting out to providers, we anticipate that there will be more cases before they are less cases. We do--have seen now two cases that have occurred in children. Both of those children are traced back to individuals who come from the men who have sex with men community, the gay men community. And so when we have seen those cases in children, they have generally been what I call adjacent to the community most at risk. I should also mention, importantly, those children are doing well.""

WHO rules the world? Dr Malone criticizes their leader:

Delete the K in Monkeypox ⋆ Brownstone Institute
Tedros is not coming clean about what he knows, so we'll help him say it correctly for the people. One "unverified" vector of monkeypox is the African Big-Eared Swamp Rat, Malacomys longipes. Note that we use quotes because of what they have already done with important African bat vectors of coronavirus: they conveniently leave out the species of bat, so that the scientific trail becomes obscure:

Africa / Rhinolophus sp. Coronavirus PREDICT_CDAB0113

They apparently still have not "verified" M. longipes as a monkeypox vector. So what is Hunter's Metabiota doing here in Ambiguityville?

Malacomys longipes Coronavirus Isolate PREDICT_CoV-74 RdRp
'....Institut National de Recherche Biomedicale; Kinshasa School of Public Health; Metabiota.'
Unverified Malacomys longipes MPXV_DRC_2012 EPU30
'....1 Jan 2012....'

On 25 Ap 2012, the sick miners from the Tongguan mine, which produced SARS-CoV-2's closest relative, RaTG13 began to shuffle into the Kunming Hospital. The next day, Fau Chi testified to the U.S. Senate.

The Malacomys monkepox was collected before the "unknown" Rhinolophus CDAB0113 coronavirus was collected in 2016.

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