Monopoly Decreases Inflation. Competition Increases Inflation


Sep 11, 2011
I was thinking if there is only one mobile phone company in a country then there will many free services such as "unlimited free calls to 10 users or 20 users".

When we call different mobile company users we are charged money. But there are free call service for upto 5 users of same mobile company.

Also when there is only one mobile company there will be no expensive TV advertisements from the mobile company. So ultimately consumers will benefit because consumers ultimately pay TV advertisement cost.

Competition leads to TV advertisements and other company service charges which ultimately leads to inflation.

The same applies to other industries and products also.

Monopoly reduces final selling price and further reduces inflation.

People power can bring down governments so people power will easily bring down monopoly company if they are doing something wrong.

There are honest giant companies who want to rule the market. People power can always control the monopoly company.
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Also when there are 25 or 50 different companies for the same product or services or industry, then people get confused that who is the wrong one or fraud.

It is easy for people to control the "monopoly company or only one company".

Read this example:

I was charged 6 times more money for a marketing call to my cell phone.

I have been charged 4 times more money for incoming calls to my cell phone. I think was once charged for a wrong number (do not remember correctly) to my cell phone.

I have been charged many times more money on 15 to 20 occasions. So everybody please check your cell/mobile phone bills to see whether you are charged correct amount.

I am using pre-paid phone service. But this problem can happen anywhere in the world.

I have been seriously over-charged on 15 or 20 occasions and once I was highly charged for a marketing SMS (not sure). So I have posted this here.

Softwares are not God and many human beings are frauds.

Prepaid service maybe having the problem of over-charging because people do not check the amount they have been charged for each call.

Softwares have problems in recent years.

There are serious hackings, unlimited computer viruses, system errors due to wrong programming, bugs etc.
One should take a Risk for peace.

That anyone should be as confused as the OP Boggles the mind.

He needs to get a Clue

and do something more intellectually challenging than play Chutes and Ladders.
and do something more intellectually challenging than play Chutes and Ladders.
When majority of world companies are shut down or taken over by honest giant companies, you will understand the the importance of my posts.

Why do you think I post in forums only?
and do something more intellectually challenging than play Chutes and Ladders.
When majority of world companies are shut down or taken over by honest giant companies, you will understand the the importance of my posts.

Why do you think I post in forums only?

What I understand is that you're an intellectual rube with zero understanding of economics. Go back to your playpen, Baby.
What I understand is that you're an intellectual rube with zero understanding of economics. Go back to your playpen, Baby.
In 2007, when the economy was still doing fine, The Federal Govt took in $2,568 TRILLION in revenue and we spent $2,629 Trillion for a deficit of $161 Trillion.

Now a mere 4 years later, we are spending $3.7 TRILLION while taking in only $2.1 trillion. For a deficit of $1.6 Trillion. OR 10 times the deficit of FOUR YEARS AGO. Who knew that Bush would be "the good old days?" Revenue is down because the economy is down. spending is up because we have a Socialist, Giant Government believing president in the White House and a Democratic Congress that loves to spend other peoples money. Now the face of Congress is changing. If the government would get out of the way of business and SHOW business that the government wants them to do well. Mainly by reducing regulations on business and taxes on business since the taxes in the USA between Federal and States are the highest of any nation in the world. Then business could and would begin to expand. And TAXES on the rich and everyone else were exactly the same in 2007 as they were in 2010. Now since obama and the Democrats extended and increased to tax cuts, taxes are lower NOW than they were in Bush's time. Individual taxes, not business taxes.

So if we could get spending back to where it was in 2007 and get revenue just $200 billion above where it was in 2007, we would HAVE a balanced budget.

USA needs to cut $16 Trillion over 10 years to balance the budget. Is this true?

That comes to $1.6 Trillion every year. How many jobs will be lost in USA?

$4 trillion over 10 years is a joke. The best way to save jobs is to reduced the salaries of high paid employees by 50%.

Salaries of government people such as federal reserve and bankers should be reduced by 90%.

USA cannot spend more money unless debts have been repaid or replaced by real money.

This means every year there will be $1.6 Trillion less spending from USA. Reduce pay, reduce benefits, and reduce retirement plans and job loss means less income for USA people. Less income means less sales and less profits for private and public sector companies.

So there will be job-loss in private sectors and public sectors.

How will companies pay taxes when there is less profits or no profits?

How will people pay taxes when there is reduction is salaries/wages and job-loss?

Basically Tax collection for USA government will fall to its lowest level. Thanks to who?

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