Moore Accuser admits to forgery of the yearbook!

That's ridiculous. Now you've got him not writing his last name. Good God.


He has a very distinctive style when he writes. I've compared many, many examples.

The inscription and signature are his.

"But it was obviously wrong. He was not a D.A. at the time. Wouldn't have done that."

He was Deputy DA. Whoopdedo. How the hell would you know what he "would have done?"

Of course, men trying to get in girls panties never puff up their credentials. lol.

And he *if* she added the D.A. after, when she memorialized the date and place -- its really a freakin stoopid thing to tie your horse to.

He wrote it. He lied about knowing the girl. Fin.
Bullishit times 100
Nobody takes you seriously.

You have all the credibility of the snots you eat with every post/

absolutely incorrect. NOTHING after the "Roy" signature was ORIGINALLY in that note. It's been acknowledged that EVERYTHING else was written separately and even with a different pen. The lady herself admits to the "notations". And there are photos of the different color and contrast of the "annotated" portions.
Creepy Roy's thoughts are well documented
As is his signature

An annotation of date and location is irrelevant

Was not JUST date and location. It was the addition of the LAST name, and the annotation of D.A. that is under suspicion. Depending on WHO and WHEN all that additional material was added -- it would be TOSSED from a legal proceeding if there was an ATTEMPT to alter key evidence close to the time this accusation surfaced.

The M in Moore is quite distinct (same ink)

Creepy Roy signed it
Bullishit times 100
Nobody takes you seriously.

You have all the credibility of the snots you eat with every post/

absolutely incorrect. NOTHING after the "Roy" signature was ORIGINALLY in that note. It's been acknowledged that EVERYTHING else was written separately and even with a different pen. The lady herself admits to the "notations". And there are photos of the different color and contrast of the "annotated" portions.
Creepy Roy's thoughts are well documented
As is his signature

An annotation of date and location is irrelevant

Was not JUST date and location. It was the addition of the LAST name, and the annotation of D.A. that is under suspicion. Depending on WHO and WHEN all that additional material was added -- it would be TOSSED from a legal proceeding if there was an ATTEMPT to alter key evidence close to the time this accusation surfaced.

The M in Moore is quite distinct

Creepy Roy signed it

With a different PEN???
Nobody takes you seriously.

You have all the credibility of the snots you eat with every post/

absolutely incorrect. NOTHING after the "Roy" signature was ORIGINALLY in that note. It's been acknowledged that EVERYTHING else was written separately and even with a different pen. The lady herself admits to the "notations". And there are photos of the different color and contrast of the "annotated" portions.
Creepy Roy's thoughts are well documented
As is his signature

An annotation of date and location is irrelevant

Was not JUST date and location. It was the addition of the LAST name, and the annotation of D.A. that is under suspicion. Depending on WHO and WHEN all that additional material was added -- it would be TOSSED from a legal proceeding if there was an ATTEMPT to alter key evidence close to the time this accusation surfaced.

The M in Moore is quite distinct

Creepy Roy signed it

With a different PEN???
Looks the same except the date and location
You don't understand how cameras & light work.


That crap was debunked long ago.

Funny.. I'm actually an expert in image/signal processing. Lots of published scientific papers on the topic. I KNOW that anyone can tune the color and contrast of any arbitrary shaped area in an image. I'm not naive. But multiple news sources have SEEN the difference in tone, color and contrast. And the lady ADMITS to making additions.

If those additions were made RECENTLY -- it would be "tampering with evidence". So -- we can't put her and her camera whoring lawyer under oath and ASK WHEN and WHO made those additions. OR why the D.A. annotation was added.

No oath -- No trial -- No dice. But certainly reasonable doubt because obviously SOMEONE wanted to up the power of the incrimination..
Celebrities and other important people often write flattering messages to star struck teenagers when signing autographs. It doesn't make them child molesters. She admitted she added the date, so why is she not releasing it for scrutiny? Most likely because the experts would determine that the added information was written recently and not at the time he signed the book like she claims. That is a classic Gloria Allred tactic. She will NEVER release that book because it could end her legal career.
So you confirm Moore is lying when he says he didn't sign it?

I’ve signed hundreds of things over the past 40 years. To claim I knew many of those documents, even though they did so in my presence would be THE LIE.
Maybe you'd remember you signed the yearbook of a high schooler you were hitting on, and then later tried to shove her face into your crotch.

Sure would, but I doubt anyone who I would have done that to.........


Jesus, you are weak.
I doubt you know much about the real world, gamps (sic)

Cuz why, I know the difference between a vagina and a rectum?
You don't understand how cameras & light work.


That crap was debunked long ago.

Funny.. I'm actually an expert in image/signal processing. Lots of published scientific papers on the topic. I KNOW that anyone can tune the color and contrast of any arbitrary shaped area in an image. I'm not naive. But multiple news sources have SEEN the difference in tone, color and contrast. And the lady ADMITS to making additions.

If those additions were made RECENTLY -- it would be "tampering with evidence". So -- we can't put her and her camera whoring lawyer under oath and ASK WHEN and WHO made those additions. OR why the D.A. annotation was added.

No oath -- No trial -- No dice. But certainly reasonable doubt because obviously SOMEONE wanted to up the power of the incrimination..

Most often happens when the case is weak.
You don't understand how cameras & light work.


That crap was debunked long ago.

Funny.. I'm actually an expert in image/signal processing. Lots of published scientific papers on the topic. I KNOW that anyone can tune the color and contrast of any arbitrary shaped area in an image. I'm not naive. But multiple news sources have SEEN the difference in tone, color and contrast. And the lady ADMITS to making additions.

If those additions were made RECENTLY -- it would be "tampering with evidence". So -- we can't put her and her camera whoring lawyer under oath and ASK WHEN and WHO made those additions. OR why the D.A. annotation was added.

No oath -- No trial -- No dice. But certainly reasonable doubt because obviously SOMEONE wanted to up the power of the incrimination..
Oh My. You really are going all in.

It can be pretty much guaranteed your posts will not age well.

This is just fucking crazy.
So you confirm Moore is lying when he says he didn't sign it?

I’ve signed hundreds of things over the past 40 years. To claim I knew many of those documents, even though they did so in my presence would be THE LIE.
Maybe you'd remember you signed the yearbook of a high schooler you were hitting on, and then later tried to shove her face into your crotch.

Sure would, but I doubt anyone who I would have done that to.........


Jesus, you are weak.
I doubt you know much about the real world, gamps (sic)

Cuz why, I know the difference between a vagina and a rectum?

What in the holy hell?

I don't think I've ever read a post of your that had any connection to reality.

Congrats on maintaining your record.
No oath -- No trial -- No dice. But certainly reasonable doubt because obviously SOMEONE wanted to up the power of the incrimination..

Hey flacy...the woman has said she will happily testify under oath.

Your bud Moore could easily take it to court and make it happen. Any reason you think...he hasn't?

And we all know he won't.

He has the power to compel discovery and testimony -- he was a freakin' judge for godsake. He knows this (even though his state Supreme Court tossed his can out, twice) --

So how about you tell us why he isn't skedaddling to get this adjudicated?

Blink your eyes twice and tell us why. It'll be flassssss-in-atin'.
This is where this ends...enough libs...we have had enough of your lies and political tricks...

Bombshell: Roy Moore Accuser Beverly Nelson Admits She Forged Yearbook - Breitbart
Not much of a bombshell — she never said Moore added the notes at the bottom; and from day one, it was obvious the notes didn’t match Moore’s handwriting.

The desperation on the right exposes their fear over this.
Anyone with two working eyeballs could see that instantly.

This is the stupidest insanity.

SHE MEMORIALIZED IT! Cons: She's a lying, forgering slut!!
No oath -- No trial -- No dice. But certainly reasonable doubt because obviously SOMEONE wanted to up the power of the incrimination..

Hey flacy...the woman has said she will happily testify under oath.

Your bud Moore could easily take it to court and make it happen. Any reason you think...he hasn't?

And we all know he won't.

He has the power to compel discovery and testimony -- he was a freakin' judge for godsake. He knows this (even though his state Supreme Court tossed his can out, twice) --

So how about you tell us why he isn't skedaddling to get this adjudicated?

Blink your eyes twice and tell us why. It'll be flassssss-in-atin'.

Nobody in their right mind goes to court over 40 year old he said she said BS.
Moore signed her year book, which he denied.

She made notes underneath, which is quite common, and Breitbart says it is "forgery." Such a lie.

She showed intent when that was not brought up in the news conference. Like it or not, her credibility is completely shot.
Ya mean the press conference where she read Moore’s words and omitted the part she added?
Thread belongs in the conspiracy theory forum unless someone can produce evidence she forged anything or admitted to forging anything.

Doesn't matter, she admitted to altering the yearbook. Her credibility is shot to hell
Adding notes to a yearbook isnt forgery. Your intelligence is shot to hell.

Semantics. As pointed out during the news conference, they led the public to believe he wrote the entire thing, which we found out, was a hoax.

nuff said
Nope, she never attributed the note at the bottom to Moore.
No oath -- No trial -- No dice. But certainly reasonable doubt because obviously SOMEONE wanted to up the power of the incrimination..

Hey flacy...the woman has said she will happily testify under oath.

Your bud Moore could easily take it to court and make it happen. Any reason you think...he hasn't?

And we all know he won't.

He has the power to compel discovery and testimony -- he was a freakin' judge for godsake. He knows this (even though his state Supreme Court tossed his can out, twice) --

So how about you tell us why he isn't skedaddling to get this adjudicated?

Blink your eyes twice and tell us why. It'll be flassssss-in-atin'.

Nobody in their right mind goes to court over 40 year old he said she said BS.
You're fucked in the head.

He could file a defamation lawsuit. Derp.
She said she embellished what he did.

Which is pretty much the same result.
Utter nonsense. Memorializing it neither embellishes the message Moore wrote nor does it disqualify it. Not to mention, more writing by the hand of Moore from that time period has surfaced and the handwriting matches.
Thread belongs in the conspiracy theory forum unless someone can produce evidence she forged anything or admitted to forging anything.

If you wish.

Roy Moore accuser 'scared to go anywhere' since her sexual assault allegation

Let me summarize. She admits to adding the date and the place, but swears that the rest is from Moore. Of course, yesterday she was still swearing that the entire thing was from Moore. But this time she’s totally believable, because, um. Fuck Roy Moore. Or Something.
Great, then it should be no problem for you to quote her saying the entire thing was written by Moore......

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