More Americans Have Died This Year From COVID-19 Than In All Of 2020

No, that's not what you alleged happened. Every Democratic pol stated the proper governing bodies had to approve any vaccine to ensure public trust it it.

You're just regurgitating stupid conservative talking points in regard to it.
that’s what i alleged because it’s what they did. Claiming it somehow wasn’t goin g to get proper FDa approval

You are repeating it and proving my point
Show your proof that will convince.

Or is this just more stolen election bullshit.
haha so you literally already said it. They spread distrust about the vaccine and how it was being made…that it somehow wasn’t going to be approved correctly
haha so you literally already said it. They spread distrust about the vaccine and how it was being made…that it somehow wasn’t going to be approved correctly
Show the proof.

It's simple.

If not, you have nothing and just resorted to lying like your orange blob of goo.
No, that was selective editing by the republic pol and proven false.

Try again.
hahaha they said it, you literally admit it in this thread

you think you have a justifiable excuse for it, but it’s not

“More than 353,000 COVID-19 deaths have been reported since Jan. 1, compared with 352,000 COVID-19 deaths in the first 10 months of the pandemic,” ABC News reported. “Over the last month, the U.S. has reported more than 47,000 deaths.”

Embarrassment in Chief Biden repeatedly touted on the campaign trail that he had a plan to end the pandemic, a key issue that he used to attack Trump.

His Quotes:

  • October 30, 2020: “I’m not going to shut down the country. I’m not going to shut down the economy. I’m going to shut down the virus.”
  • November 1, 2020: “More than 230,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 –– and Donald Trump has given up on trying to get the virus under control. He may have quit on you, but I promise I never will.”

The Biden administration's handling of the Delta surge has left Americans confused and frustrated, fueling media overreaction and political manipulation. Yep, he is an inept buffoon.

Why it matters: The past year and a half have left Americans cynical about the government's COVID response, and — in many cases — misinformed or uninformed. We're getting fog and reversals when steady, clear-eyed, factual information is needed more than ever.

The past five days were a mess. On Tuesday, the CDC updated its guidance to say vaccinated people in hot spots should wear masks in indoor, public settings — without an easy, definitive way to know if you're in a hot spot.

  • This was a reversal from the CDC's announcement on May 13 — 75 days earlier — that fully vaccinated people could shed masks in most indoor settings, which President Biden called "a great day for America in our long battle with the coronavirus."
  • On Thursday, the Washington Post obtained a CDC deck that included the eye-opening line: "Delta variant is as transmissible as: - Chicken Pox."
  • Yesterday, a CDC report showed the reversal was driven partly by a cluster of COVID cases in Provincetown, Mass., on Cape Cod, in which three-quarters of the infected people were fully vaccinated. Only a few people were hospitalized, and no deaths were reported.
  • The resulting lead headline of today's print New York Times: "IMMUNIZED PEOPLE CAN SPREAD VIRUS, THE C.D.C. REPORT." The online version adds the vital qualifier: "Though Rarely."
Biden, who promised to unite the country, has resorted to blaming the unvaccinated for the pandemic continuing.

And he wonders why his approval rating is down to 38%?

Truth over Facts
Buyer's Remorse
I’m curious after half a year of propaganda after you made this OP… do you still believe that all these people have died from COVID or have you converted to the narrative that very few people actually die from COVID because they are lying about the numbers and counting deaths with COVID as deaths from COVID?
I’m curious after half a year of propaganda after you made this OP… do you still believe that all these people have died from COVID or have you converted to the narrative that very few people actually die from COVID because they are lying about the numbers and counting deaths with COVID as deaths from COVID?
You’re an idiot gender confused leftist. Those that died from COVID19 were either fat and or old with debilitating conditions. Those are the facts. But we chose to treat 15 yr olds the same as 85 yr olds. Follow the science…. And yeah, people are still fat and will die when another pandemic of sorts hits.
You’re an idiot gender confused leftist. Those that died from COVID19 were either fat and or old with debilitating conditions. Those are the facts. But we chose to treat 15 yr olds the same as 85 yr olds. Follow the science…. And yeah, people are still fat and will die when another pandemic of sorts hits.
Well well look at the personal insult lash out Queen. Can’t have an adult debate so you get triggered and loose control of the ol emotions huh? Doesn’t give much credence to your postings seeing how reactionary and emotional you are.

I just asked a simple question as I see more and more threads denying that anybody has died from COVID and feeding the government conspiracy kooks. Just curious if you were in that camp or not.
Well well look at the personal insult lash out Queen. Can’t have an adult debate so you get triggered and loose control of the ol emotions huh? Doesn’t give much credence to your postings seeing how reactionary and emotional you are.

I just asked a simple question as I see more and more threads denying that anybody has died from COVID and feeding the government conspiracy kooks. Just curious if you were in that camp or not.
You asked a condescending question in your usual sanctimonious way. Don’t play coy. I answered Your question. When did I call it a “Govt conspiracy”? Lockdowns and masks didn’t work and likely caused more harm than good and has damaged a generation. But you do you, Capt Gender Confused golf teacher.
hahaha they said it, you literally admit it in this thread

you think you have a justifiable excuse for it, but it’s not
I have the proof that republic pols and now you are lying about the vaccines during the orange reelection failure in regard to the issue.

You just want to keep beating a dead horse.
I have the proof that republic pols and now you are lying about the vaccines during the orange reelection failure in regard to the issue.

You just want to keep beating a dead horse.
The vaccines work. But young healthy people don’t need em. Stupid filthy human.
I have the proof that republic pols and now you are lying about the vaccines during the orange reelection failure in regard to the issue.

You just want to keep beating a dead horse.
oh yeah? provide it

and what failure in regards to the vaccine? He said he’d develop oneils warp speed..he did…promised made, and keep

“More than 353,000 COVID-19 deaths have been reported since Jan. 1, compared with 352,000 COVID-19 deaths in the first 10 months of the pandemic,” ABC News reported. “Over the last month, the U.S. has reported more than 47,000 deaths.”

Embarrassment in Chief Biden repeatedly touted on the campaign trail that he had a plan to end the pandemic, a key issue that he used to attack Trump.

His Quotes:

  • October 30, 2020: “I’m not going to shut down the country. I’m not going to shut down the economy. I’m going to shut down the virus.”
  • November 1, 2020: “More than 230,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 –– and Donald Trump has given up on trying to get the virus under control. He may have quit on you, but I promise I never will.”

The Biden administration's handling of the Delta surge has left Americans confused and frustrated, fueling media overreaction and political manipulation. Yep, he is an inept buffoon.

Why it matters: The past year and a half have left Americans cynical about the government's COVID response, and — in many cases — misinformed or uninformed. We're getting fog and reversals when steady, clear-eyed, factual information is needed more than ever.

The past five days were a mess. On Tuesday, the CDC updated its guidance to say vaccinated people in hot spots should wear masks in indoor, public settings — without an easy, definitive way to know if you're in a hot spot.

  • This was a reversal from the CDC's announcement on May 13 — 75 days earlier — that fully vaccinated people could shed masks in most indoor settings, which President Biden called "a great day for America in our long battle with the coronavirus."
  • On Thursday, the Washington Post obtained a CDC deck that included the eye-opening line: "Delta variant is as transmissible as: - Chicken Pox."
  • Yesterday, a CDC report showed the reversal was driven partly by a cluster of COVID cases in Provincetown, Mass., on Cape Cod, in which three-quarters of the infected people were fully vaccinated. Only a few people were hospitalized, and no deaths were reported.
  • The resulting lead headline of today's print New York Times: "IMMUNIZED PEOPLE CAN SPREAD VIRUS, THE C.D.C. REPORT." The online version adds the vital qualifier: "Though Rarely."
Biden, who promised to unite the country, has resorted to blaming the unvaccinated for the pandemic continuing.

And he wonders why his approval rating is down to 38%?

Truth over Facts
Buyer's Remorse
Just like Biden the numbers are BULLSHIT.

I BET HALF THE DEATHS are people who would have died anyways from whatever underlying affliction they had or were fighting.

It's all bullshit
oh yeah? provide it

and what failure in regards to the vaccine? He said he’d develop oneils warp speed..he did…promised made, and keep
Previous article offered.

The vaccine was a success, the former 1-term orange president was not. He wanted to push vaccine before official approval and use it for political purposes.
  • Thanks
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