More Americans identify as Independent

No reason to think they were, either.

Doesn't work that way. Disney replaced a bunch of workers with cheaper foreign workers. Obviously Disney was working.

Actually, we see this every recession, that all the people you hired when times were good can be replaced with cheaper ones.

You can always find someone cheaper and better.

The problem with today's millennials is they have no work ethic or loyalty.

Republican drivel.
Doesn't work that way. Disney replaced a bunch of workers with cheaper foreign workers. Obviously Disney was working.
I was just at Disney World. Darned, if not everyone I encountered, seemed to be an American.

Republican drivel.
Realism... if you Bernie Bros could hold down jobs, you'd know this.
Well, I'm not even sure what the hell "it" is.

There are people who claim to be independent who clearly occupy one end of the political spectrum ideologically. I'd bet there are many people who claim to be independent who don't really give two shits about politics or voting. And others who, for their own reasons, don't want to be identified with either fucked up party.

As I mentioned in the OP, I'm really just wishcasting here. Truth be told, it's been my view that REAL independents are decreasing in number. The country seems to be becoming more partisan and calcified on the ends.
Realism... if you Bernie Bros could hold down jobs, you'd know this.

When all you can do is lash out...................................again, very Republican of you.

You are defending something you say you didn't support.
When all you can do is lash out...................................again, very Republican of you.

You are defending something you say you didn't support.

I don't defend it, I just realize that Upton Sinclair was right.

You can't get a person to understand a problem if his livelihood depends on him not understanding it.

That all said, of the many things completely broken with our immigration system, H1B is the least of our problems.

I just spent $4000 and submitted 200+ pages to update my wife's green card to spouse. It may be a year before we get that resolved. She originally came here on an asylum claim. It still hadn't been resolved after seven years.
Yes, living in the real world is defending it, clearly.

I mean, it must be nice to be a Bernie Bro, never having to actually live in the real world as long as the government checks keep a coming.

Internet hissy fit.
Naw, Bernie Bros are the Hissy Fit. "Wah, the Democratic Party won't nominate this crazy person who wants to give me free stuff!"

"Wah, big companies want to hire people who will work cheap and have a work ethic!"
What are you doing? My wife and I supported Bernie Sanders and progressive policies and have had a job since I was 15. A full time job. I worked over 40 hours a week in high-school. We are at near full employment. No one is sitting around collecting free stuff. Everyone is working their asses off. In Florida you have nurses who can barely afford rent. My wife and I rent out a room to a friend of hers who works full time and is going to school for her PhD and can't find anywhere to rent around here for under $2000 a month that isn't in a high crime area. I supported almost unfettered immigration and higher wages.
Admittedly I only put so much weight in any poll, so let's just classify this as "hopeful thinking".

Independent: 43%
Republican: 27%
Democrat: 27%

Independents will usually vote for one of the two main parties depending on the candidates, but this is a very hopeful sign. As the nutters on both ends get most of the attention, America continues to weaken.

Hopefully more and more will begin to consider a strong third party.
Simply a reflection of dissatisfaction with gridlock. Attitudes have not shifted.

What are you doing? My wife and I supported Bernie Sanders and progressive policies and have had a job since I was 15. A full time job. I worked over 40 hours a week in high-school. We are at near full employment. No one is sitting around collecting free stuff. Everyone is working their asses off. In Florida you have nurses who can barely afford rent. My wife and I rent out a room to a friend of hers who works full time and is going to school for her PhD and can't find anywhere to rent around here for under $2000 a month that isn't in a high crime area. I supported almost unfettered immigration and higher wages.

The Bernie Bros gave us Trump, so I'm not terribly sympathetic to them.

The second scariest thing after the percentage of Americans who are cool with Trump's fascism, are those who think Bernie (a guy who has accomplished NOTHING in 30 years in Congress) and his "Democratic Socialism" (an Oxymoron) are the bee's knees. It makes you wonder if Democracy is sustainable. Socialism only works until you run out of other people's money.

I do think we have a rental crisis, absolutely. My last Condo was scooped up by a developer, and they are charging $400 more a unit than I was paying for it between mortgage and association fees. But that has to do with the fact that building affordable housing came to an end after the 2008 Crisis. You only make money building big houses.

Has your friend considered getting a roommate?

Incidentally, my mortgage and association fees jumped from $1327 to $1643 because Crook County raised property taxes, and my mortgage company had to jack up my escrow payments to make up the difference. I don't live in a high crime area, so I don't know what your friend is talking about.
The Bernie Bros gave us Trump, so I'm not terribly sympathetic to them.

The second scariest thing after the percentage of Americans who are cool with Trump's fascism, are those who think Bernie (a guy who has accomplished NOTHING in 30 years in Congress) and his "Democratic Socialism" (an Oxymoron) are the bee's knees. It makes you wonder if Democracy is sustainable. Socialism only works until you run out of other people's money.

I do think we have a rental crisis, absolutely. My last Condo was scooped up by a developer, and they are charging $400 more a unit than I was paying for it between mortgage and association fees. But that has to do with the fact that building affordable housing came to an end after the 2008 Crisis. You only make money building big houses.

Has your friend considered getting a roommate?

Incidentally, my mortgage and association fees jumped from $1327 to $1643 because Crook County raised property taxes, and my mortgage company had to jack up my escrow payments to make up the difference. I don't live in a high crime area, so I don't know what your friend is talking about.
Be like Bernie and buy a house or three, dummy.
Too bad for them. We have a pathway to citizenship. They knowingly, and willfully skirted it. They are criminals. They should be deported and barred any future opportunity for citizenship in this country.
I think that regressive, inhumane, rigid, damaging position is well understood. But the Repub senators who backed a reform bill in 2013 that included a new path to citizenship understood the advantages for the country creating one represented. They understood something you do not.

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