More Americans identify as Independent

So a guy illegally brings his family across a border into a sovereign country (we hope), and you reward them with citizenship?

What is the incentive for top talent to go through the issue of applying legally, waiting their turn etc when they can just pay a cartel member money to sneak them in?

If you want to reward those who apply to the military, ok. They have skin in the game and have illustrated a loyalty to the U.S. Otherwise, they should pursue the legal channels or, be escorted out of your country.
So many of the positions taken by you folks are born of ignorance.

The Registered Provisional Immigrant program

Who is eligible and what are the requirements?

The bill will allow undocumented immigrants to apply for Registered Provisional Immigrant (RPI) status if they have been in the U.S. since December 31, 2011, have not been convicted of a felony or three or more misdemeanors, pay their assessed taxes, pass background checks, and pay application fees and a $1,000 penalty (which may be paid in installments), among other requirements. Applicants must also be admissible under current law, which excludes individuals who have committed certain offenses, participated in terrorist acts, or belong to other excluded categories. Spouses and children of RPIs would also be eligible. RPIs will not be eligible for federal means-tested public benefits such as Medicaid, food stamps, and benefits under the Affordable Care Act, and in general will not receive social security credit for previous unauthorized employment (except in the case of those who received a Social Security number prior to 2004).

How does the RPI program reflect the special circumstances of undocumented immigrants?

Many undocumented immigrants eligible for RPI status could be disqualified based solely on immigration status-related violations of immigration law. Consequently, certain grounds of inadmissibility or other factors that would disqualify a large segment of the undocumented population do not apply to RPI applicants. For example, the 3 and 10 year bars do not apply. Judges also have greater flexibility to make case-by-case determinations involving minor criminal violations or other infractions for humanitarian purposes, to promote family unity, or in the public interest. Individuals who have been deported are generally ineligible, but may be permitted to re-enter the United States and apply for RPI status if they meet all other requirements and have close relatives who are U.S. citizens or Lawful Permanent Residents.

When can undocumented immigrants apply for RPI status?

If S. 744 becomes law, there will be a delay between its enactment and implementation of the RPI program. The bill gives the government a year to publish regulations governing the program. The official application period should begin on the date of final publication of these regulations and is set to run initially for one year, with a possible extension of an additional 18 months at the discretion of DHS. In the interim, S. 744 prohibits removal of individuals who are eligible for RPI status, although it does not stop DHS from putting anyone in immigration proceedings who has committed crimes or is otherwise ineligible for status.

How long does RPI status last?

The initial grant of RPI status is good for six years. RPI status may be renewed for six years if the immigrant has remained regularly employed, which allows for gaps of up to 60 days between employment periods. If the immigrant cannot show continuous employment, he or she must demonstrate income or resources not less than 100 percent of the poverty level. Note that the 2013 federal poverty level for a family of four is $23,550 per year. There are exemptions to the employment requirement for full-time enrollment in school, maternity leave, medical leave, physical or mental disabilities, children under 21, and extreme hardship. Applicants for RPI renewal must also undergo another background check, pay taxes, and pay any remaining balance of the $1,000 RPI penalty, among other requirements.

When will Registered Provisional Immigrants be eligible for Lawful Permanent Residence?

Registered Provisional Immigrants will be able to apply for Lawful Permanent Residence (a “green card”), but they must go to the “back of the line” and have been in RPI status for at least 10 years. They will receive permanent residency only after all other applications submitted before the enactment of the bill have been processed. Like the RPI requirements, the requirements for permanent residence will include maintaining regular employment, which allows for gaps of up to 60 days at a time. In the alternative, if an applicant cannot show regular employment he or she would have to show an average income or resources of 125 percent of the poverty line during the RPI period. Exceptions are made for full-time students, children under 21, physical or mental disability, and showings of extreme hardship. Applicants would also have to show that they have maintained RPI status, paid taxes, meet English proficiency requirements (or be pursuing a course of study in English), pass an additional background check, and pay application fees and an additional $1,000 penalty.

I think that regressive, inhumane, rigid, damaging position is well understood. But the Repub senators who backed a reform bill in 2013 that included a new path to citizenship understood the advantages for the country creating one represented. They understood something you do not.
Yeah. Big time bribes. I'm still waiting for my offer...
As always, attempts at reasoned, informed debates with Trumpleton's proves futile.
Still waiting on someone to waive dollars under my nose, in order to get me to change my position... Funny how money can influence conviction.
Still waiting on someone to waive dollars under my nose, in order to get me to change my position... Funny how money can influence conviction.

It is good to see people like you be so honest about having no convictions.
The Bernie Bros gave us Trump, so I'm not terribly sympathetic to them.
They did not. It's not on them for not rallying around your choice any more than it's your fault for not rallying around theirs. It was Clinton's job to present a candidacy that appealed to them and she did not and she lost. It's politics, it happens. Blaming them is like blaming the crowd when your team loses.
The second scariest thing after the percentage of Americans who are cool with Trump's fascism, are those who think Bernie (a guy who has accomplished NOTHING in 30 years in Congress) and his "Democratic Socialism" (an Oxymoron) are the bee's knees. It makes you wonder if Democracy is sustainable. Socialism only works until you run out of other people's money.
That's a jumble of strawmen and cliches masquerading as a point.
I do think we have a rental crisis, absolutely. My last Condo was scooped up by a developer, and they are charging $400 more a unit than I was paying for it between mortgage and association fees. But that has to do with the fact that building affordable housing came to an end after the 2008 Crisis. You only make money building big houses.
There was a time in this country when we subsidized home development and home ownership for working class families and it led to the creation of the white middle class.
Has your friend considered getting a roommate?
Sure. She had one. She left to do travel nursing and anyway she's not going to find anywhere now cheaper than what we're charging her which is $500 a month.
Incidentally, my mortgage and association fees jumped from $1327 to $1643 because Crook County raised property taxes, and my mortgage company had to jack up my escrow payments to make up the difference. I don't live in a high crime area, so I don't know what your friend is talking about.
You also don't know where we live so your personal anecdotal evidence means fuck all.
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Well, I'm not even sure what the hell "it" is.

There are people who claim to be independent who clearly occupy one end of the political spectrum ideologically. I'd bet there are many people who claim to be independent who don't really give two shits about politics or voting. And others who, for their own reasons, don't want to be identified with either fucked up party.

As I mentioned in the OP, I'm really just wishcasting here. Truth be told, it's been my view that REAL independents are decreasing in number. The country seems to be becoming more partisan and calcified on the ends.
Read your posting history here. You've had a hand in that....
Admittedly I only put so much weight in any poll, so let's just classify this as "hopeful thinking".

Independent: 43%
Republican: 27%
Democrat: 27%

Independents will usually vote for one of the two main parties depending on the candidates, but this is a very hopeful sign. As the nutters on both ends get most of the attention, America continues to weaken.

Hopefully more and more will begin to consider a strong third party.

It's like I've said before, if 98% of that 43% keep voting R and D anyway it really means nothing.
They did not. It's not on them for not rallying around your choice any more than it's your fault for not rallying around theirs. It was Clinton's job to present a candidacy that appealed up them and she did not and she lost. It's politics, it happens. Blaming them is like blaming the crowd when your team loses.

Actually, no, it was on them to realize the danger Trump posed, and get behind her. They didn't. When it was clear that Commie Bernie wasn't going to get any more than token speeches at the convention, they all shifted to third-party candidates, and that's how we got Trump.

That's a jumble of strawmen and cliches masquerading as a point.
Not at all. The problem was partially that Bernie gained traction because people don't like Hillary as a person. I get that. It's how Obama won the nomination in 2008. Hillary didn't repeat the mistakes she made in 2008. But those anti-Hilary voters all clung to Commie Bernie, giving him the delusion that people actually liked his crazy ideas. It's how we got the nutter AOC faction in Congress. The people the GOP always uses to bash us over the head.

There was a time in this country when we subsidized home development and home ownership for working class families and it led to the creation of the white middle class.

Not the government's job. If anything, the government has contributed to that problem. I mentioned the last Condo association I lived in, 10% of the residents were Section 8 who rented from owners. The government getting involved in the market is what screwed it up. Without Section 8 being as robust as it is, the market would have corrected rents a long time ago.

Sure. She had one. She left to do travel nursing and anyway she's not going to find anywhere now cheaper than what we're charging her which is $500 a month.
So what is she complaining about?

You also don't know where we live so your personal anecdotal evidence means fuck all.
Well, you said Florida. Now the thing I keep hearing about Florida is how affordable it is because Ron DeSatan has allowed the market forces to have their way. (That was before Ron doubted the ONE TRUE GOD, Donald Trump). I was in Florida last week on vacation with my wife in Orlando. Frankly, I wasn't seeing the affordability.
Yeah. I don't how an alternative gets any oxygen.

There is also the side benefit of letting the two main parties know that there are people who are not going to vote for their horrible candidates and if they want to do better at the polls, they need to nominate better people.
Yeah. I don't how an alternative gets any oxygen.
Sweet Evil Jesus, Mac, we've been over this.

Third parties are NUTS!

Let's look at recent ones.

Jill Stein - owned by Russia.
Gary Johnson - promised he wouldn't smoke dope in the White House.
Ralph Nader - Nuts.
Pat Buchanan - Nazi
Ross Perot - Nut
John Anderson - nut, didn't like that Republican voters didn't buy what he was selling.
George Wallace - Racist
Nope and that's on them. Stomping your feet because people won't vote for their horrible candidate is turning more and more off all the time.
Grow up.

There's no such thing as a perfect candidate.

The next president will either be a Republican or a Democrat. Deal with it.

Pouting and taking your ball and going home is something you are free to do, but you Bernie Bros did that in 2016, and we all see how that turned out.
Sweet Evil Jesus, Mac, we've been over this.

Third parties are NUTS!

Let's look at recent ones.

Jill Stein - owned by Russia.
Gary Johnson - promised he wouldn't smoke dope in the White House.
Ralph Nader - Nuts.
Pat Buchanan - Nazi
Ross Perot - Nut
John Anderson - nut, didn't like that Republican voters didn't buy what he was selling.
George Wallace - Racist

Clinton refuses to budge on releasing speech transcripts

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