More Americans identify as Independent

If I were running a company, I'd seriously consider H1B talent. Certainly better than an American Millenial with no work ethic who is going to quit for a better job next year.

You sound more and more like the Republicans by the day.

Are you being cute or are you ignorant of the provisions in various reform bills directed specifically at illegal immigrants currently residing in the US. Provisions including meeting standards for qualifying for consideration to become a citizen. Paying back taxes, waiting for as many as 10-13 years while meeting certain criteria. Being employed, not having a record, etc. A path that does not currently exist for these people.
Amnesty. Nope.
Those who obediently fall in line with a tribe are the weak ones.

Man up and think for yourself for a change.
How does one stand up when many politicians forget the voters when elected. Saying one thing and doing another. Check Joe's history as a politician. That is a prime example. He does not believe in what he does. He does so for power. Honor, integrity and Character is severely lacking. The Progs and administration lying to us about his dementia issues. His wife the worst more interested in living high of the hog then caring for the American people. This is what the founding fathers wanted to avoid. And we had our share of those like this over the last century or so, easily.
I invite you to read the Wikileaks piece I provided a link to. Read what the bill would accomplish. Then read the conservative's objections and see if they ring true to you. Or whether the objections come down to a recognition enhanced democracy disadvantages the GOP.
i never mentioned a bill.....i was talking about how they are the same type of people......
how much are you doing to end that cycle of sub-level candidates?.....not a dam thing you are just keeping it going...
And? What have you done. If we get a POS local politician we throw him out.

On State level we do the same.

On POTUS show the 3 options where # 3 could actually win.

Perot got Clinton Elected. Im fine with our vote for Trump.
You sound more and more like the Republicans by the day.

Here's the thing. My father was an immigrant, my wife is an immigrant.

Many of my friends are immigrants.

I really don't have much use for anti-immigrant rhetoric, whether it comes from the left or the right.

Now, do I think that companies are abusing the H1B system? Absolutely. They know they can hold work authorization over an employee the way they can't over an employee who is born here.

But a large part of the problem is that we haven't developed the technical workforce that we need in the Information Age. That's on us.
Here's the thing. My father was an immigrant, my wife is an immigrant.

Many of my friends are immigrants.

I really don't have much use for anti-immigrant rhetoric, whether it comes from the left or the right.

I'm not anti-immigrant.

Now, do I think that companies are abusing the H1B system? Absolutely.

Which is what I noted.

They know they can hold work authorization over an employee the way they can't over an employee who is born here.

But a large part of the problem is that we haven't developed the technical workforce that we need in the Information Age. That's on us.

The article I posted noted that the businesses laid off employees to bring in cheaper labor. There is no reason to believe those previously employed were not doing their jobs.
There are about 170 million registered voters in the U.S. Gallup polls about 12,000 bored telephone recipients and less than half identify as independent. Out of that skewed statistic, somebody named Jeffrey Jones makes a grand pronouncement that "more Americans identify as independent". Look for fake propaganda like this up to the election.
There are about 170 million registered voters in the U.S. Gallup polls about 12,000 bored telephone recipients and less than half identify as independent. Out of that skewed statistic, somebody named Jeffrey Jones makes a grand pronouncement that "more Americans identify as independent". Look for fake propaganda like this up to the election.

The West Virginia voters with no party affiliation have historically been a small minority. For example, in the 1940 election, just 8,765 registered voters were neither Democrat nor Republican........................

That number hardly changed for several decades. Just 7,056 of the eligible voters in the 1968 Primary Election were categorized as “other party registration.”

The latest figures from the Secretary of State’s Office show there are now 278,841 West Virginia voters with no party affiliation. (Another 36,497 are affiliated with a third party.)

Everyone wants to be considered an independent thinker and it's possible and likely that it was the intent of the questions. Anyway, here we are discussing Gallup's absurd claim that less is really more.
If you claim to be an Independent and vote for the same party every election, you are just lying to yourself
This is mainly a strategy to get us to throw our votes away.

When you have 2 choices with a 3rd that couldnt get elected dog catcher....a vote for him is a waste of time.
Admittedly I only put so much weight in any poll, so let's just classify this as "hopeful thinking".

Independent: 43%
Republican: 27%
Democrat: 27%

Independents will usually vote for one of the two main parties depending on the candidates, but this is a very hopeful sign. As the nutters on both ends get most of the attention, America continues to weaken.

Hopefully more and more will begin to consider a strong third party.
Hasn't it kind of been this way for a long time?
Hasn't it kind of been this way for a long time?
Well, I'm not even sure what the hell "it" is.

There are people who claim to be independent who clearly occupy one end of the political spectrum ideologically. I'd bet there are many people who claim to be independent who don't really give two shits about politics or voting. And others who, for their own reasons, don't want to be identified with either fucked up party.

As I mentioned in the OP, I'm really just wishcasting here. Truth be told, it's been my view that REAL independents are decreasing in number. The country seems to be becoming more partisan and calcified on the ends.
The article I posted noted that the businesses laid off employees to bring in cheaper labor. There is no reason to believe those previously employed were not doing their jobs.

No reason to think they were, either.

Actually, we see this every recession, that all the people you hired when times were good can be replaced with cheaper ones.

You can always find someone cheaper and better.

The problem with today's millennials is they have no work ethic or loyalty.

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