More and more Republicans breaking away from Trump's lies

Trump is not a RepubliCON or DemonRat,,,,he is a libertarian constitutionalist. He is an enemy to the old boys network.

That's the most Trump-boot-licking statement I've seen since they said he was sent from God.

I'm a constitutional conservative, and I'll tell you straight. A constitutional & fiscal conservative does NOT:
Increase the size and scope of government
Increase spending 33% (in just 4 years)
Ban bump stocks
Fund planned Parenthood.
Fund gender studies in Pakistan
Eliminate the debt ceiling for 2 years (so no one can hardly track your 33% increase in spending)
Tax cuts AND eliminating tax deductions so that it's revenue neutral to the governments income.

A fiscal conservative does the opposite of what Trump did.
Tuesday Primaries show Trump's waning power

This is click bait BS. There was 2 or 3 candidates that Trump endorsed that didn't win, out of 26? The headline makes you think there was a lot more. Total garbage of journalism. And I'm not even a Trump supporter.
This is click bait BS. There was 2 or 3 candidates that Trump endorsed that didn't win, out of 26? The headline makes you think there was a lot more. Total garbage of journalism. And I'm not even a Trump supporter.

If it drizzles, Dimm's would call it a gully-washer.
More and more Republicans breaking away from Trump's lies. Mitch McConnell says the RNC was wrong for censuring Cheney and Kinzinger and declaring 1/6/2022 was "legitimate political discourse." Lindsay Graham, the ultimate Trump butt kisser, says Trump is wrong for suggesting he would pardon 1/6 rioters if re-elected. Pence said Trump was wrong to say "VP can overturn election".
Another sign that Trump and Trumpism is on decline. More and more rats are jumping off the sinking Trump ship.

He has no power. He’s out of office. Because he’s had a cult of person surrounding himself, it just takes longer to see the inevitable — he’s become an Eunuch — as well as the World’s Biggest Loser (to Biden). I predict his pal Putin will overtake him in the loser category
That's the most Trump-boot-licking statement I've seen since they said he was sent from God.

I'm a constitutional conservative, and I'll tell you straight. A constitutional & fiscal conservative does NOT:
Increase the size and scope of government
Increase spending 33% (in just 4 years)
Ban bump stocks
Fund planned Parenthood.
Fund gender studies in Pakistan
Eliminate the debt ceiling for 2 years (so no one can hardly track your 33% increase in spending)
Tax cuts AND eliminating tax deductions so that it's revenue neutral to the governments income.

A fiscal conservative does the opposite of what Trump did.
Where is the Proof of any of your statements?
Case in point... Your criticism "fund gender studies in Pakistan"...?
“USAID’s [gender] programs work to improve women’s access to economic opportunities, increase girls’ access to education, improve maternal and child health, combat gender-based violence, and increase women’s political and civic participation in Pakistan, which helps promote a more prosperous, stable, and inclusive society in Pakistan and furthers international peace and security.”
Only 10% of Pakistani women have a bank account.
around a quarter of the population live in households that condone violence.
Based on what we now know, Pool and other conservative commentators made several critical mistakes in their coverage of the gender program funding. Their claims that the aid would fund “gender studies” programs or organisations trying to introduce neo-pronouns were flat out wrong. Instead, the funding is for programs offering crucial assistance to a population in one of the world’s least gender-equal countries facing numerous hurdles on their way to a better future.

With just one comment you made, you blew your credibility especially with NO LINKS!
Where is the Proof of any of your statements?
Case in point... Your criticism "fund gender studies in Pakistan"...?
“USAID’s [gender] programs work to improve women’s access to economic opportunities, increase girls’ access to education, improve maternal and child health, combat gender-based violence, and increase women’s political and civic participation in Pakistan, which helps promote a more prosperous, stable, and inclusive society in Pakistan and furthers international peace and security.”
Only 10% of Pakistani women have a bank account.
around a quarter of the population live in households that condone violence.
Based on what we now know, Pool and other conservative commentators made several critical mistakes in their coverage of the gender program funding. Their claims that the aid would fund “gender studies” programs or organisations trying to introduce neo-pronouns were flat out wrong. Instead, the funding is for programs offering crucial assistance to a population in one of the world’s least gender-equal countries facing numerous hurdles on their way to a better future.

With just one comment you made, you blew your credibility especially with NO LINKS!

My proof? It's in Trumps record. It's in the congressional records. It's been in the news and social media for 6 years. Including the Pakistan gender studies funding.

USAID has partnered with the government to improve maternal and child health in Pakistan.

Trump is a CINO. "Conservative In Name Only." He's labeled a conservative. But so is Romney and McConnell. They just identify as conservatives. But that doesn't make them one.
My proof? It's in Trumps record. It's in the congressional records. It's been in the news and social media for 6 years. Including the Pakistan gender studies funding.

USAID has partnered with the government to improve maternal and child health in Pakistan.

Trump is a CINO. "Conservative In Name Only." He's labeled a conservative. But so is Romney and McConnell. They just identify as conservatives. But that doesn't make them one.
No you aren't proving anything. Give me links. Articles. Etc. Like this!
He has no power. He’s out of office. Because he’s had a cult of person surrounding himself, it just takes longer to see the inevitable — he’s become an Eunuch — as well as the World’s Biggest Loser (to Biden). I predict his pal Putin will overtake him in the loser category
Had a pretty good turnout last night.....LOL
More and more Republicans breaking away from Trump's lies. Mitch McConnell says the RNC was wrong for censuring Cheney and Kinzinger and declaring 1/6/2022 was "legitimate political discourse." Lindsay Graham, the ultimate Trump butt kisser, says Trump is wrong for suggesting he would pardon 1/6 rioters if re-elected. Pence said Trump was wrong to say "VP can overturn election".
Another sign that Trump and Trumpism is on decline. More and more rats are jumping off the sinking Trump ship.

McConnell, a gutless Washington Establishment POS who believes in NOT making waves IOT ensure he keeps his job and who has never ttuly supported Trump, and Graham, whose ass Democrats only kiss when he makes good press for Democrats? You're trying to use these 2 as a sign Trump is losing support?!

Bwuhahahahahahaha. :p
McConnell, a gutless Washington Establishment POS who believes in NOT making waves IOT ensure he keeps his job and who has never ttuly supported Trump, and Graham, whose ass Democrats only kiss when he makes good press for Democrats? You're trying to use these 2 as a sign Trump is losing support?!

Bwuhahahahahahaha. :p
Swamp creatures.
Didn't lose.....Bwaa Haa Haa
Theft by deception.
Donald has a history of saying if he loses it will be fraud. He’s a loser. He lost big time to a guy he called Sleepy Joe

Republicans and Trump supporters who worked for counties were fraud was alleged by Trump have said — no fraud

Sorry your butt hurts of reality
Donald has a history of saying if he loses it will be fraud. He’s a loser. He lost big time to a guy he called Sleepy Joe

Republicans and Trump supporters who worked for counties were fraud was alleged by Trump have said — no fraud

Sorry your butt hurts of reality
It's pretty obvious the election was rigged on many fronts.
Those 50 or 60 lawsuits have little or no bearing on the issue.
Forensic audit's are where it's know, the total audits of every aspect of a vote, the same audit that turns dem's into roe vs wade protestors.

If there is nothing to see, then why all the freakout?

Why is that?
It's pretty obvious the election was rigged on many fronts.
Those 50 or 60 lawsuits have little or no bearing on the issue.
Forensic audit's are where it's know, the total audits of every aspect of a vote, the same audit that turns dem's into roe vs wade protestors.

If there is nothing to see, then why all the freakout?

Why is that?
Give it a rest. Try to be un-Trump-like. Face your side lost. Face it with grace abs class if possible. Move the fuck on Loser
It's pretty obvious the election was rigged on many fronts.
Those 50 or 60 lawsuits have little or no bearing on the issue.
Forensic audit's are where it's know, the total audits of every aspect of a vote, the same audit that turns dem's into roe vs wade protestors.

If there is nothing to see, then why all the freakout?

Why is that?
No freak out. Fake pro Trump auditors got caught being doochebags without a clue. They’re clueless of the most basic shit

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