More Anti-Muslim Bigotry and Hate from the Far Right

The regressives are incredibly tolerant of religion.

Well, one religion.

Well, their one pet constituent religion.

The most oppressive, anti-woman, anti-gay religion on the planet.
You hypocrites !!. Those on the right hate the gays, women, minorities and just about everyone who is rich , white and Christian. You are shamelessly playing the Muslims against the others because you hate them even more
The regressives are incredibly tolerant of religion.

Well, one religion.

Well, their one pet constituent religion.

The most oppressive, anti-woman, anti-gay religion on the planet.
You hypocrites !!. Those on the right hate the gays, women, minorities and just about everyone who is rich , white and Christian. You are shamelessly playing the Muslims against the others because you hate them even more
Left-leaning Independent, voted for Hillary.


And thanks for trying the standard deflect/pivot/attack strategy used by the Regressive Left.
‘A wave of anti-Muslim rallies planned for almost 30 cities across America on Saturday by far-right activists has drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups and inspired counter-protests nationwide.

In cities including New York and Chicago, a few dozen “anti-sharia” demonstrators were outnumbered by counter-protesters.
The rallies have been organized by Act for America, which claims to be protesting about human rights violations but has been deemed an anti-Muslim hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The demonstrations prompted security fears at mosques across the country and come at a time when hate crimes against Muslims are on the rise.’

Anti-Muslim rallies across US denounced by civil rights groups

Such anti-Muslim organizations are as ignorant as they are bigoted, hateful, and wrong.
devel with isis killer.jpeg
I consider sharia a religion and there is no way that could ever possibly be instituted in this country. No way. Nada. Zero chance. Donut.

Shows how in the dark you leftist freaks really are..

View attachment 132410

Judge Rules American Courts Can Use Sharia Law
FOXNEWS. You might as well have linked to MAD magazine, at least we're funnier.
Well, I'll tell you something. It's interesting that I was able to find this story in about a half dozen publications and you chose the one from Fox news that is actually just a discussion about Sharia law in general and provides no actual facts of the case. Here is the real story: Articles: Sharia Victory in Florida Threatens Human Rights

You will see that the case had to do with a dispute between two Muslim groups, a Mosque and a group of their trustees who were dismissed by the Mosque

The Mosque was opposed to the use of Sharia law in the arbitration

The use of religious law is not unusual to settle disputes with a religious group

In any case no one outside of a religious group is subject to religious law

So what the hell are you bleating about?
Sharia must be outlawed to protect women and children in Muslim America. Don't you agree?

Son, You apparently have not thought this through. You are either terribly confused or you are deliberately and dishonestly conflating two different issues.

Issue #1 The use of Sharia law in US Courts:

No one who goes before a US court is going to be subject to Sharia law, even if they are Muslim and somehow committed an offence against another Muslim or against Islam. No one will have a hand cut off for stealing. No one will be stoned for adultery. A Muslim before a US court who has committed a civil or criminal offence will be judged and punished in accordance with the applicable statutes and codes, and the US Constitution.

All of the hysteria about Sharia laws can be traced to instances like the Florida case where a judge allowed two Muslims parties to arbitrate a civil matter under Sharia law, but that does not mean that they would be allowed to seek a remedy that violates US law.
And, there are cases like this:

In the United States, there are no Islamic courts, but judges sometimes have to consider Islamic law in their decisions. For example, a judge may have to recognize the validity of an Islamic marriage contract from a Muslim country in order to grant a divorce in America. Sharia Law In The USA 101: A Guide To What It Is And Why States Want To Ban It | HuffPost

Issue 2. The use of Sharia law by Muslims in there place of worship or homes.

You want to outlaw Sharia Law to protect women and children ? Well, first of all, if you want to curtail the religious practices of Muslims, you are going run into a pesky problem called that first Amendment. "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof....."

However, that does not mean that they can circumvent or violate US law or the Constitution. They can't cut off hands or stone people any more than a civil court judge can. They can't marry a 10 year old. If they do, and it comes to the attention of the authorities, they will be tried and punished in accordance with US law.

In addition, even if you could get around the first amendment , you have to other religious laws- particularly Catholicism and Judaism have there oppressive aspects as well. Now you have a problem of equal protection under the law because you are singling out Islam.
Frankly, I think that all of this anti Sharia crap is a boatload of bigoted bovine excrement. Anti Sharia is code for anti Muslim.

I might add that it's the same people who blather about protecting women and children by banning Sharia Law are all for cuts in health care services for women, nutritional programs, and loads of other stuff that benefits them? Do you agree?

If there is any part of this that you don't understand, please let me know and I'll rewrite it at a lower grade level.
Ma'am, it's exactly what I said somewhere else, the Constitution protects the use of sharia law. So unless we change the Constitution again, hands will eventually get chopped off.
FOXNEWS. You might as well have linked to MAD magazine, at least we're funnier.
Well, I'll tell you something. It's interesting that I was able to find this story in about a half dozen publications and you chose the one from Fox news that is actually just a discussion about Sharia law in general and provides no actual facts of the case. Here is the real story: Articles: Sharia Victory in Florida Threatens Human Rights

You will see that the case had to do with a dispute between two Muslim groups, a Mosque and a group of their trustees who were dismissed by the Mosque

The Mosque was opposed to the use of Sharia law in the arbitration

The use of religious law is not unusual to settle disputes with a religious group

In any case no one outside of a religious group is subject to religious law

So what the hell are you bleating about?
Sharia must be outlawed to protect women and children in Muslim America. Don't you agree?

Son, You apparently have not thought this through. You are either terribly confused or you are deliberately and dishonestly conflating two different issues.

Issue #1 The use of Sharia law in US Courts:

No one who goes before a US court is going to be subject to Sharia law, even if they are Muslim and somehow committed an offence against another Muslim or against Islam. No one will have a hand cut off for stealing. No one will be stoned for adultery. A Muslim before a US court who has committed a civil or criminal offence will be judged and punished in accordance with the applicable statutes and codes, and the US Constitution.

All of the hysteria about Sharia laws can be traced to instances like the Florida case where a judge allowed two Muslims parties to arbitrate a civil matter under Sharia law, but that does not mean that they would be allowed to seek a remedy that violates US law.
And, there are cases like this:

In the United States, there are no Islamic courts, but judges sometimes have to consider Islamic law in their decisions. For example, a judge may have to recognize the validity of an Islamic marriage contract from a Muslim country in order to grant a divorce in America. Sharia Law In The USA 101: A Guide To What It Is And Why States Want To Ban It | HuffPost

Issue 2. The use of Sharia law by Muslims in there place of worship or homes.

You want to outlaw Sharia Law to protect women and children ? Well, first of all, if you want to curtail the religious practices of Muslims, you are going run into a pesky problem called that first Amendment. "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof....."

However, that does not mean that they can circumvent or violate US law or the Constitution. They can't cut off hands or stone people any more than a civil court judge can. They can't marry a 10 year old. If they do, and it comes to the attention of the authorities, they will be tried and punished in accordance with US law.

In addition, even if you could get around the first amendment , you have to other religious laws- particularly Catholicism and Judaism have there oppressive aspects as well. Now you have a problem of equal protection under the law because you are singling out Islam.
Frankly, I think that all of this anti Sharia crap is a boatload of bigoted bovine excrement. Anti Sharia is code for anti Muslim.

I might add that it's the same people who blather about protecting women and children by banning Sharia Law are all for cuts in health care services for women, nutritional programs, and loads of other stuff that benefits them? Do you agree?

If there is any part of this that you don't understand, please let me know and I'll rewrite it at a lower grade level.

Sorry sport but Muslim women don't attend these Sharia tribunals by choice the evidence collected by member of the House of Lords and renowned human rights activist Baroness Cox for example shows that in the U.K. are being forced to use these parallel legal systems under the threats of violence, murder, and being ostracized from their families and communities.

Bow Group Report: "A Parallel World - confronting the abuse of Muslim women in Britain" | The Bow Group
All that this proves is that there are hysterical bigots in the UK just like here:

The UK's Sharia 'courts'

UKIP says that: "the law of the land must apply to us all. We oppose any other system of law". Its leader has referred to "80 practising Sharia courts around the United Kingdom".

Are there 'Sharia courts' in Britain?

While there are undoubtedly lots of different councils and tribunals dealing with Sharia principles, they aren't courts of law.

Most are Sharia 'councils' set up to make decisions on purely religious matters, although there are some bodies that mix Sharia principles with legally binding arbitration. But none can overrule the regular courts.
Sharia councils

Getting married for the purposes of your religion doesn't necessarily mean you are married in the eyes of the state.

Equally, the paperwork required for a civil divorce needn't be recognised by your religion.

For this reason, many Sharia councils exist to issue Islamic divorce certificates, and give advice on other aspects of religious law. They're often attached to mosques.

[QUOTE]In 2013, the High Court was asked by an Orthodox Jewish couple to accept the ruling of a Jewish religious court on post-divorce family arrangements. The judge said that while the agreement would carry weight, it would be non-binding—neither party could get around English law by agreeing to abide by the decision of another tribunal.

Rather than open the door to "Sharia divorces", as some newspapers reported, the judgment confirmed that agreements made in a religious form are ultimately subject to English law.

The Muslim Arbitration Tribunal is an example of this approach. It appoints one qualified lawyer and one expert in Islamic law to each case. In this way, it tries to ensure that the decision reached is in line with both secular and religious law.

So if both parties agree, arbitral tribunals can decide certain issues by applying religious principles.

This doesn't make them courts as such. Their legal authority comes from being voluntarily chosen as a decision-maker, and they can't make any decisions that are contrary to national law.

Academics tend to be more relaxed, saying that "fears that councils are forming a parallel legal system appear to be unfounded". A new book by a Dutch researcher is reportedly more critical about how women in particular are treated.

Yes there are concerns, but it is not what the Bow group claims and the UK will address any issues just like we will here:

Researchers also stress that we need more information to work out how important Sharia councils are on the ground, and the experiences of people using them.

Similarly, the government now says that "there is evidence of a problem, but we have an inadequate understanding of all the issues involved". It has commissioned a review into whether Sharia is being "misused or applied in a way which is incompatible with the law", to report in 2017.
So basically, you defend the use of sharia courts. Are you one of sunni's socks or what? :cool:
The regressives are incredibly tolerant of religion.

Well, one religion.

Well, their one pet constituent religion.

The most oppressive, anti-woman, anti-gay religion on the planet.

But wait, what about Christians in the 10th century ?!!!
Don't you think they're just as bad, and what's your thoughts on Joan of Arc ?
The regressives are incredibly tolerant of religion.

Well, one religion.

Well, their one pet constituent religion.

The most oppressive, anti-woman, anti-gay religion on the planet.

But wait, what about Christians in the 10th century ?!!!
Don't you think they're just as bad, and what's your thoughts of Joan of Arc ?
The Crusades! The Crusades!

Imagine having to go through life like that.
Where are those so peaceful muslims , I never hear about them standing up for America,
Why are they trying to force sharia law here, aren't immigrants supposed to assimilate to our why of life, or has that changed somewhere.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Shows how in the dark you leftist freaks really are..

View attachment 132410

Judge Rules American Courts Can Use Sharia Law
FOXNEWS. You might as well have linked to MAD magazine, at least we're funnier.
Well, I'll tell you something. It's interesting that I was able to find this story in about a half dozen publications and you chose the one from Fox news that is actually just a discussion about Sharia law in general and provides no actual facts of the case. Here is the real story: Articles: Sharia Victory in Florida Threatens Human Rights

You will see that the case had to do with a dispute between two Muslim groups, a Mosque and a group of their trustees who were dismissed by the Mosque

The Mosque was opposed to the use of Sharia law in the arbitration

The use of religious law is not unusual to settle disputes with a religious group

In any case no one outside of a religious group is subject to religious law

So what the hell are you bleating about?
Sharia must be outlawed to protect women and children in Muslim America. Don't you agree?

Son, You apparently have not thought this through. You are either terribly confused or you are deliberately and dishonestly conflating two different issues.

Issue #1 The use of Sharia law in US Courts:

No one who goes before a US court is going to be subject to Sharia law, even if they are Muslim and somehow committed an offence against another Muslim or against Islam. No one will have a hand cut off for stealing. No one will be stoned for adultery. A Muslim before a US court who has committed a civil or criminal offence will be judged and punished in accordance with the applicable statutes and codes, and the US Constitution.

All of the hysteria about Sharia laws can be traced to instances like the Florida case where a judge allowed two Muslims parties to arbitrate a civil matter under Sharia law, but that does not mean that they would be allowed to seek a remedy that violates US law.
And, there are cases like this:

In the United States, there are no Islamic courts, but judges sometimes have to consider Islamic law in their decisions. For example, a judge may have to recognize the validity of an Islamic marriage contract from a Muslim country in order to grant a divorce in America. Sharia Law In The USA 101: A Guide To What It Is And Why States Want To Ban It | HuffPost

Issue 2. The use of Sharia law by Muslims in there place of worship or homes.

You want to outlaw Sharia Law to protect women and children ? Well, first of all, if you want to curtail the religious practices of Muslims, you are going run into a pesky problem called that first Amendment. "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof....."

However, that does not mean that they can circumvent or violate US law or the Constitution. They can't cut off hands or stone people any more than a civil court judge can. They can't marry a 10 year old. If they do, and it comes to the attention of the authorities, they will be tried and punished in accordance with US law.

In addition, even if you could get around the first amendment , you have to other religious laws- particularly Catholicism and Judaism have there oppressive aspects as well. Now you have a problem of equal protection under the law because you are singling out Islam.
Frankly, I think that all of this anti Sharia crap is a boatload of bigoted bovine excrement. Anti Sharia is code for anti Muslim.

I might add that it's the same people who blather about protecting women and children by banning Sharia Law are all for cuts in health care services for women, nutritional programs, and loads of other stuff that benefits them? Do you agree?

If there is any part of this that you don't understand, please let me know and I'll rewrite it at a lower grade level.
Ma'am, it's exactly what I said somewhere else, the Constitution protects the use of sharia law. So unless we change the Constitution again, hands will eventually get chopped off.
Oh Christ!! You did not understand a damned thing that I said,did you.??.No hands are getting chopped off . We do not need to change the constitution. If you want to restrict religious freedom , you better be prepared to deal with the wrath of the Christians too. Religious freedom does not allow for the commission of criminal acts. Are you really that obtuse, or just playing stupid?
Where are those so peaceful muslims , I never hear about them standing up for America,
Why are they trying to force sharia law here, aren't immigrants supposed to assimilate to our why of life, or has that changed somewhere.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Bullshit! You never hear of them because apparently your dead.
Well, I'll tell you something. It's interesting that I was able to find this story in about a half dozen publications and you chose the one from Fox news that is actually just a discussion about Sharia law in general and provides no actual facts of the case. Here is the real story: Articles: Sharia Victory in Florida Threatens Human Rights

You will see that the case had to do with a dispute between two Muslim groups, a Mosque and a group of their trustees who were dismissed by the Mosque

The Mosque was opposed to the use of Sharia law in the arbitration

The use of religious law is not unusual to settle disputes with a religious group

In any case no one outside of a religious group is subject to religious law

So what the hell are you bleating about?
Sharia must be outlawed to protect women and children in Muslim America. Don't you agree?

Son, You apparently have not thought this through. You are either terribly confused or you are deliberately and dishonestly conflating two different issues.

Issue #1 The use of Sharia law in US Courts:

No one who goes before a US court is going to be subject to Sharia law, even if they are Muslim and somehow committed an offence against another Muslim or against Islam. No one will have a hand cut off for stealing. No one will be stoned for adultery. A Muslim before a US court who has committed a civil or criminal offence will be judged and punished in accordance with the applicable statutes and codes, and the US Constitution.

All of the hysteria about Sharia laws can be traced to instances like the Florida case where a judge allowed two Muslims parties to arbitrate a civil matter under Sharia law, but that does not mean that they would be allowed to seek a remedy that violates US law.
And, there are cases like this:

In the United States, there are no Islamic courts, but judges sometimes have to consider Islamic law in their decisions. For example, a judge may have to recognize the validity of an Islamic marriage contract from a Muslim country in order to grant a divorce in America. Sharia Law In The USA 101: A Guide To What It Is And Why States Want To Ban It | HuffPost

Issue 2. The use of Sharia law by Muslims in there place of worship or homes.

You want to outlaw Sharia Law to protect women and children ? Well, first of all, if you want to curtail the religious practices of Muslims, you are going run into a pesky problem called that first Amendment. "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof....."

However, that does not mean that they can circumvent or violate US law or the Constitution. They can't cut off hands or stone people any more than a civil court judge can. They can't marry a 10 year old. If they do, and it comes to the attention of the authorities, they will be tried and punished in accordance with US law.

In addition, even if you could get around the first amendment , you have to other religious laws- particularly Catholicism and Judaism have there oppressive aspects as well. Now you have a problem of equal protection under the law because you are singling out Islam.
Frankly, I think that all of this anti Sharia crap is a boatload of bigoted bovine excrement. Anti Sharia is code for anti Muslim.

I might add that it's the same people who blather about protecting women and children by banning Sharia Law are all for cuts in health care services for women, nutritional programs, and loads of other stuff that benefits them? Do you agree?

If there is any part of this that you don't understand, please let me know and I'll rewrite it at a lower grade level.

Sorry sport but Muslim women don't attend these Sharia tribunals by choice the evidence collected by member of the House of Lords and renowned human rights activist Baroness Cox for example shows that in the U.K. are being forced to use these parallel legal systems under the threats of violence, murder, and being ostracized from their families and communities.

Bow Group Report: "A Parallel World - confronting the abuse of Muslim women in Britain" | The Bow Group
All that this proves is that there are hysterical bigots in the UK just like here:

The UK's Sharia 'courts'

UKIP says that: "the law of the land must apply to us all. We oppose any other system of law". Its leader has referred to "80 practising Sharia courts around the United Kingdom".

Are there 'Sharia courts' in Britain?

While there are undoubtedly lots of different councils and tribunals dealing with Sharia principles, they aren't courts of law.

Most are Sharia 'councils' set up to make decisions on purely religious matters, although there are some bodies that mix Sharia principles with legally binding arbitration. But none can overrule the regular courts.
Sharia councils

Getting married for the purposes of your religion doesn't necessarily mean you are married in the eyes of the state.

Equally, the paperwork required for a civil divorce needn't be recognised by your religion.

For this reason, many Sharia councils exist to issue Islamic divorce certificates, and give advice on other aspects of religious law. They're often attached to mosques.

[QUOTE]In 2013, the High Court was asked by an Orthodox Jewish couple to accept the ruling of a Jewish religious court on post-divorce family arrangements. The judge said that while the agreement would carry weight, it would be non-binding—neither party could get around English law by agreeing to abide by the decision of another tribunal.

Rather than open the door to "Sharia divorces", as some newspapers reported, the judgment confirmed that agreements made in a religious form are ultimately subject to English law.

The Muslim Arbitration Tribunal is an example of this approach. It appoints one qualified lawyer and one expert in Islamic law to each case. In this way, it tries to ensure that the decision reached is in line with both secular and religious law.

So if both parties agree, arbitral tribunals can decide certain issues by applying religious principles.

This doesn't make them courts as such. Their legal authority comes from being voluntarily chosen as a decision-maker, and they can't make any decisions that are contrary to national law.

Academics tend to be more relaxed, saying that "fears that councils are forming a parallel legal system appear to be unfounded". A new book by a Dutch researcher is reportedly more critical about how women in particular are treated.

Yes there are concerns, but it is not what the Bow group claims and the UK will address any issues just like we will here:

Researchers also stress that we need more information to work out how important Sharia councils are on the ground, and the experiences of people using them.

Similarly, the government now says that "there is evidence of a problem, but we have an inadequate understanding of all the issues involved". It has commissioned a review into whether Sharia is being "misused or applied in a way which is incompatible with the law", to report in 2017.
So basically, you defend the use of sharia courts. Are you one of sunni's socks or what? :cool:[/QUOTE]
Please take a reading comprehension course!
Where are those so peaceful muslims , I never hear about them standing up for America,
Why are they trying to force sharia law here, aren't immigrants supposed to assimilate to our why of life, or has that changed somewhere.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Bullshit! You never hear of them because apparently your dead.

Still haven't heard of any.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
‘A wave of anti-Muslim rallies planned for almost 30 cities across America on Saturday by far-right activists has drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups and inspired counter-protests nationwide.

In cities including New York and Chicago, a few dozen “anti-sharia” demonstrators were outnumbered by counter-protesters.
The rallies have been organized by Act for America, which claims to be protesting about human rights violations but has been deemed an anti-Muslim hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The demonstrations prompted security fears at mosques across the country and come at a time when hate crimes against Muslims are on the rise.’

Anti-Muslim rallies across US denounced by civil rights groups

Such anti-Muslim organizations are as ignorant as they are bigoted, hateful, and wrong.

Islam is the largest hate group on the planet. Your support for sharia is noted.
Your bigotry is noted....and you might want to have a look at post 229 above and explain exactly what you would do.

No sir the bigotry of Muslims is noted, the PEW Global Attitudes survey shows that 90%+ of Muslims are homophobic, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, and theocratic with large percentages (20-30%) supporting honor killings and terrorist organizations; such as, Hamas so like I said you support the largest hate group on the planet, you're not a progressive you're the modern equivalent of a Nazi apologist you ignorant POS.
Ha ha ha, look at this moron, not only does he not know what Shariah is, he supports it as well. There is nothing wrong with being a Shariah hater. It's like someone who hates the ideology of white supremacy or neo nacism.
You're going to go to your death bed thinking, "Did billo say he supported sharia law?" The answer will come back, "no", then you'll pass away knowing your greatest tragedy in life was not talking me into supporting sharia law.

Ah, that sucks dude!
FOXNEWS. You might as well have linked to MAD magazine, at least we're funnier.
Well, I'll tell you something. It's interesting that I was able to find this story in about a half dozen publications and you chose the one from Fox news that is actually just a discussion about Sharia law in general and provides no actual facts of the case. Here is the real story: Articles: Sharia Victory in Florida Threatens Human Rights

You will see that the case had to do with a dispute between two Muslim groups, a Mosque and a group of their trustees who were dismissed by the Mosque

The Mosque was opposed to the use of Sharia law in the arbitration

The use of religious law is not unusual to settle disputes with a religious group

In any case no one outside of a religious group is subject to religious law

So what the hell are you bleating about?
Sharia must be outlawed to protect women and children in Muslim America. Don't you agree?

Son, You apparently have not thought this through. You are either terribly confused or you are deliberately and dishonestly conflating two different issues.

Issue #1 The use of Sharia law in US Courts:

No one who goes before a US court is going to be subject to Sharia law, even if they are Muslim and somehow committed an offence against another Muslim or against Islam. No one will have a hand cut off for stealing. No one will be stoned for adultery. A Muslim before a US court who has committed a civil or criminal offence will be judged and punished in accordance with the applicable statutes and codes, and the US Constitution.

All of the hysteria about Sharia laws can be traced to instances like the Florida case where a judge allowed two Muslims parties to arbitrate a civil matter under Sharia law, but that does not mean that they would be allowed to seek a remedy that violates US law.
And, there are cases like this:

In the United States, there are no Islamic courts, but judges sometimes have to consider Islamic law in their decisions. For example, a judge may have to recognize the validity of an Islamic marriage contract from a Muslim country in order to grant a divorce in America. Sharia Law In The USA 101: A Guide To What It Is And Why States Want To Ban It | HuffPost

Issue 2. The use of Sharia law by Muslims in there place of worship or homes.

You want to outlaw Sharia Law to protect women and children ? Well, first of all, if you want to curtail the religious practices of Muslims, you are going run into a pesky problem called that first Amendment. "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof....."

However, that does not mean that they can circumvent or violate US law or the Constitution. They can't cut off hands or stone people any more than a civil court judge can. They can't marry a 10 year old. If they do, and it comes to the attention of the authorities, they will be tried and punished in accordance with US law.

In addition, even if you could get around the first amendment , you have to other religious laws- particularly Catholicism and Judaism have there oppressive aspects as well. Now you have a problem of equal protection under the law because you are singling out Islam.
Frankly, I think that all of this anti Sharia crap is a boatload of bigoted bovine excrement. Anti Sharia is code for anti Muslim.

I might add that it's the same people who blather about protecting women and children by banning Sharia Law are all for cuts in health care services for women, nutritional programs, and loads of other stuff that benefits them? Do you agree?

If there is any part of this that you don't understand, please let me know and I'll rewrite it at a lower grade level.

Sorry sport but Muslim women don't attend these Sharia tribunals by choice the evidence collected by member of the House of Lords and renowned human rights activist Baroness Cox for example shows that in the U.K. are being forced to use these parallel legal systems under the threats of violence, murder, and being ostracized from their families and communities.

Bow Group Report: "A Parallel World - confronting the abuse of Muslim women in Britain" | The Bow Group
All that this proves is that there are hysterical bigots in the UK just like here:

You are scum, the evidence is clear, a member of the board of the Sharia tribunal has sanctioned wife beating and the President of the tribunal has called for the legalization of marital rape, and Muslim women have no choice in using these tribunals because their communities use extrajudicial means of coercion to force them which makes you nothing more than a proponent of the rape and beating of Muslim women, disgusting.

And FYI these councils absolutely are dealing with criminal matters; such as, domestic violence:

TV review: The Secrets of Britain’s Sharia Courts; The Sex Clinic | The Spectator

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