More anti-white racism from Disney

Thanks. But it’s not so much that black families, biracial families, and gay couples don’t go to Disney. Some do - but they’re a minority of their customer base. The major demographic that provides Disneyworld with its profits are white families, yet they were noticeably absent.
Maybe they want to broaden their customer base.
That must have been before leftism took over - and the marketing people weren’t forced to be “woke” and avoid white families as if they’re the plague.
Umh…no…one even shows people in face masks.
Maybe they want to broaden their customer base.
Fine, so include blacks and gays and biracial families ALONG with White families. No need to exclude them completely. We are, after all, about 65% of the population.
That must have been before leftism took over - and the marketing people weren’t forced to be “woke” and avoid white families as if they’re the plague.
white couple:
And out with the false accusations. You know how whites are being positioned as evil racists, and this is why woke companies are going to extremes to make sure they don’t show them in commercials - or show them no more than 10% of the time.
The commercials are trying to appeal to the diversity that is America after a half century of whites only. They want to appeal to a larger customer base. And despite that they are, clearly, still showing adds with whites only…so I don’t understand the issue. When I walk around I see a lot of different people. It is nice to see that diversity reflected in commercials etc.
Tell me when I said ads should have only white people. But AVOIDING whites - when they make up the majority of the country - is just paet of the anti-white racism the liberals are trying to push through,

(One knows she’s made her point when the ledtist has to go to false extremes and make false accusations.)
Your list has white people in it.
And out with the false accusations. You know how whites are being positioned as evil racists, and this is why woke companies are going to extremes to make sure they don’t show them in commercials - or show them no more than 10% of the time.
This is sounding more and more like you've got some guilty thoughts to work through.
Fine, so include blacks and gays and biracial families ALONG with White families. No need to exclude them completely. We are, after all, about 65% of the population.
They aren’t excluded completely.
The commercials are trying to appeal to the diversity that is America after a half century of whites only. They want to appeal to a larger customer base. And despite that they are, clearly, still showing adds with whites only…so I don’t understand the issue. When I walk around I see a lot of different people. It is nice to see that diversity reflected in commercials etc.
As I’ve said repeatedly, “diversity” doesn’t mean to avoid showing white people. It’s all so contrived - and obvious.
Went to the movies this afternoon, and I was treated to a commercial by Disney, celebrating 50 years of something. Featured lots of families and groups talking about how great a vacation Disney is. These families/groups were:

1) black families - husband and wife, with children
2) black and white friends (one white, one black)
3) bi-racial families, with the requisite bi-racial kid
4) the requisite gay couple
5) a Latino, speaking in Espanol

That was it. Whites were intentionally excluded, even though they represent the majority of the country.
That's because they think white people are worthless subhumans and they don't want low IQ white scumbags fouling up the magical kingdom

Or maybe you are just a racist puke looking to soothe yourself.

Tough call.
They aren’t excluded completely.
Yes, Disney excluded white families completely In the ad of which I am speaking. They only ”permitted” a white woman because she had a black husband, and therefore wasn’t one of the evil white racists. But white families - the bulk of their customers - are BAD!
Yes, Disney excluded white families completely In the ad of which I am speaking. They only ”permitted” a white woman because she had a black husband, and therefore wasn’t one of the evil white racists. But white families - the bulk of their customers - are BAD!
You've really got a serious problem there, hun. To be sure.

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