More bad news for dems

Please don't tell the Deep State that lest they try to destroy the Dow in order to gain more power than Nancy has with all her deceitful shennanigans against the Constitution. She's shreddin' it.
There are two types of voters out here...those that find Trump a human being and nothing he can ever do will shock them and those that dispise the guy....only two. There are no undecided voters, no wanting to see the dem's pick voters, just two, your either pro Dumb or pro Dem. Now with that being said, this election will ALL HINGE ON TURNOUT...PLAIN AND SIMPLE
There are two types of voters out here...those that find Trump a human being and nothing he can ever do will shock them and those that dispise the guy....only two. There are no undecided voters, no wanting to see the dem's pick voters, just two, your either pro Dumb or pro Dem. Now with that being said, this election will ALL HINGE ON TURNOUT...PLAIN AND SIMPLE
Say hello to the other tiger(s).
Heh heh. Experts. :yapyapyapf:

Here's some reality. Counterfeit money produces a counterfeit economy. A counterfeit economy is bolstered by counterfeit news. All of this leads to a counterfeit society, and America's counterfeit society is heading towards a horrendous disaster.

Please don't tell the Deep State that lest they try to destroy the Dow in order to gain more power than Nancy has with all her deceitful shennanigans against the Constitution. She's shreddin' it.
If someone made these remarks 20 years ago I would have thought you were a mental case.
1- I hope we have a severe recession and people suffer over blind politics.

2- Iranian terrorists are God's children too.

Other things of 20 yrs ago I would not believe possible
- Bruce Jenner with tits
- Champion female athletes with penises.

Am I the only one who sees a totally different world in such a short time? I wouldn't hit a dog in the ass to be young again in this crap
There are two types of voters out here...those that find Trump a human being and nothing he can ever do will shock them and those that dispise the guy....only two. There are no undecided voters, no wanting to see the dem's pick voters, just two, your either pro Dumb or pro Dem. Now with that being said, this election will ALL HINGE ON TURNOUT...PLAIN AND SIMPLE
Say hello to the other tiger(s).
I believe tigered was TRIGGERED once again, hilarious!
The Dems might have a chance if they try this.

Chief Shitting Bull do Rain Dance as eagle fly towards noon day sun.
images (7).jpg
Please don't tell the Deep State that lest they try to destroy the Dow in order to gain more power than Nancy has with all her deceitful shennanigans against the Constitution. She's shreddin' it.
If someone made these remarks 20 years ago I would have thought you were a mental case.
1- I hope we have a severe recession and people suffer over blind politics.

2- Iranian terrorists are God's children too.

Other things of 20 yrs ago I would not believe possible
- Bruce Jenner with tits
- Champion female athletes with penises.

Am I the only one who sees a totally different world in such a short time? I wouldn't hit a dog in the ass to be young again in this crap

I see our Oligarchs hanging from lamp posts if they dont quit their crazy.
Heh heh. Experts. :yapyapyapf:

Here's some reality. Counterfeit money produces a counterfeit economy. A counterfeit economy is bolstered by counterfeit news. All of this leads to a counterfeit society, and America's counterfeit society is heading towards a horrendous disaster.

I watched this video. Like you said, it was really good. Interestingly, he seems to be on the same wavelength I've been on. I was looking around today thinking how fake everything is, how much deception there is out there, not just in foreign policy, but in so many other things as well. To me it's surreal, we are living in a time of such great deception and it makes me mad, that so many people are being deceived.

Listening to Dr. Paul speak just now restored my faith in humanity. Unfortunately, he (and we) will be called the crazy ones, but I know that the truth will eventually come out, it always does.
I watched this video. Like you said, it was really good. Interestingly, he seems to be on the same wavelength I've been on. I was looking around today thinking how fake everything is, how much deception there is out there, not just in foreign policy, but in so many other things as well. To me it's surreal, we are living in a time of such great deception and it makes me mad, that so many people are being deceived.

Listening to Dr. Paul speak just now restored my faith in humanity. Unfortunately, he (and we) will be called the crazy ones, but I know that the truth will eventually come out, it always does.

He stumbles a bit as he gets older but he's still as sharp as a razor. It really was a very fitting discussion for the thread given the claim that was made in the op. He touched on a few really important realities that nobody really gives much attention. Particularly his thoughts on the way the electorate flip-flops back and forth with fake news, depending on whether it aligns with their opinion or not. We see quite a bit of that. One day it's like, oh noes, fake news, then the next day people are posting links to fake news because it's what they wanna hear or it's the narrative they wanna forward. lol. Crazy.

Anyway. Those who understand the reality of things willl be just fine. Unfortunately, those who believe the distortion will have very, very hard times ahead. It's unfortunate.
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Heh heh. Experts. :yapyapyapf:

Here's some reality. Counterfeit money produces a counterfeit economy. A counterfeit economy is bolstered by counterfeit news. All of this leads to a counterfeit society, and America's counterfeit society is heading towards a horrendous disaster.

You are soooo right on with this assessment.....the Trump administration is built on lies and deception and sooner or later the chickens will roost at his heels....again, I just hope his adoring fan base is first in line for its impact.
I watched this video. Like you said, it was really good. Interestingly, he seems to be on the same wavelength I've been on. I was looking around today thinking how fake everything is, how much deception there is out there, not just in foreign policy, but in so many other things as well. To me it's surreal, we are living in a time of such great deception and it makes me mad, that so many people are being deceived.

Listening to Dr. Paul speak just now restored my faith in humanity. Unfortunately, he (and we) will be called the crazy ones, but I know that the truth will eventually come out, it always does.

He stumbles a bit as he gets older but he's still as sharp as a razor. It really was a very fitting discussion for the thread given the claim that was made in the op. He touched on a few really important realities that nobody really gives much attention. Particularly his thoughts on the way the electorate flip-flops back and forth with fake news, depending on whether it aligns with their opinion or not. We see quite a bit of that. One day it's like, oh noes, fake news, then the next day people are posting links to fake news because it's what they wanna hear or it's the narrative they wanna forward. lol. Crazy.

Anyway. Those who understand the reality of things willl be just fine. Unfortunately, those who believe the distortion will have very, very hard times ahead. It's unfortunate.
Sharp as a razor? LOLOLOLOL The only time he's razor focused is when he's entertaining his Klan with lies and bs.
There are two types of voters out here...those that find Trump a human being and nothing he can ever do will shock them and those that dispise the guy....only two. There are no undecided voters, no wanting to see the dem's pick voters, just two, your either pro Dumb or pro Dem. Now with that being said, this election will ALL HINGE ON TURNOUT...PLAIN AND SIMPLE
Say hello to the other tiger(s).
I believe tigered was TRIGGERED once again, hilarious!
Truth hurts, eh
Please don't tell the Deep State that lest they try to destroy the Dow in order to gain more power than Nancy has with all her deceitful shennanigans against the Constitution. She's shreddin' it.
Child you need a hug and some fresh air.....Turn off Fox and get outside
Please don't tell the Deep State that lest they try to destroy the Dow in order to gain more power than Nancy has with all her deceitful shennanigans against the Constitution. She's shreddin' it.
Child you need a hug and some fresh air.....Turn off Fox and get outside
What’s up with the “original” tigerred? The one who couldn’t string together three words of cogent anything? Dumb as she was, she was mildly entertaining in a Truthmatters sort of way.

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