More bad news for Trump

Sandy Shanks

Gold Member
Jul 10, 2018
There is a reason why Trump engages in controversial, unpopular policies. He wants to keep discussions away from even worse news. Such as:

Trump asked then-acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker if a US attorney he appointed could oversee an investigation tied to himself after the US attorney in question had already recused himself from the probe, The New York Times reported Tuesday.

The Times report cited several US officials with direct knowledge of the call that the paper said occurred late last year. The Times said there was no evidence Whitaker took steps to intervene in the investigation.

If the Times report is accurate, this is a clear case of an attempt of obstruction of justice.

Then matters got worse.

Former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe told NBC's "Today" show on Tuesday that he briefed congressional leaders about the counterintelligence investigation he had opened into Trump's activities and statements. McCabe informed Savannah Guthrie of this when she had asked if he had informed the "Gang of Eight" bipartisan group of leaders on the Hill.

The purpose of the briefing in 2017 was to let the congressional leadership, including Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, then-House Speaker Paul Ryan and their Democratic counterparts, know what the FBI was doing in the probe into Russian election interference and possible collusion by the Trump campaign, McCabe said.

"No one objected. Not on legal grounds, not on constitutional grounds and not based on the facts," McCabe said, adding, "That's the important part here."

NBC News reached out to the congressional leaders for comment on McCabe's remarks, including McConnell, Ryan, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr, R-N.C., and panel Vice Chairman Mark Warner, D-Virginia. They refused to comment.

Trump has argued that McCabe is a liar -- the pot calling the kettle black? -- and that he is fabricating all this, and that he is not the subject of the FBI investigation. In view of McCabe's revelations, that is hardly possible. McCabe informed the leaders of Congress, including Republican leadership, as to what he was doing.
McCabe was fired for "misleading investigators." He was fired for "being less than candid." "Misleading investigators" and "being less than candid?" What a joke. Trump wanted him fired and McCabe was fired.

Comey was investigating Mike Flynn and the deal he made with the Russians while a private citizen and a member of Trump's transition team. Trump wanted Comey to drop the investigation of the Russian connection. Comey didn't. Comey was fired.

McCabe began an investigation of Trump because there was a possibility the President was an agent of the Russian government. Trump vehemently opposed that investigation. McCabe was fired.

A FBI director was investigating a possible connection between Trump and the Russian government. He was fired by Trump. An acting FBI director was investigating a possible connection between Trump and the Russian government. He was fired by Trump.

One doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to see there is a connection. It isn't rocket science to assert there is obstruction of justice here.
WE GOTTIM NOW!...Chapter 386,941.:auiqs.jpg:

Sealed indictments are already filed waiting for the day he leaves office. Other indictments may be filed before he leaves office. The ones involving conspiring with a hostile foreign power.
McCabe was fired for "misleading investigators." He was fired for "being less than candid." "Misleading investigators" and "being less than candid?" What a joke. Trump wanted him fired and McCabe was fired.

The crazy thing is that McCabe is a Republican and what he was less than candid about was that he leaked news that he had pushed Comey to be tougher on Hillary.
WE GOTTIM NOW!...Chapter 386,941.:auiqs.jpg:

Sealed indictments are already filed waiting for the day he leaves office. Other indictments may be filed before he leaves office. The ones involving conspiring with a hostile foreign power.
All impeachable offenses....Face it, you lolberal clowns have exactly two things: jack & shit.
you have such a reputable source
Fuck,dude....Best get that staggering evidence to bug-eyes Schiff pronto, so he can get the investigation a-rollin'! :laughing0301::laughing0301:
The crazy thing is that McCabe is a Republican and what he was less than candid about was that he leaked news that he had pushed Comey to be tougher on Hillary
Don't you see Lesh? does not matter when the DC lifers are trying to take out an outsider....they call themselves the B Team....because they will be there when your congresspersons term has ended....they make sure the elected folks know who is in charge...Trump said BS to that and so he is under fire.....dem or GOP makes no difference....Most presidents give in under the pressure like Bush and some give in because they are a party to Obama....
So again, the question is, Do you Lefties really believe the stuff you write?

The whole "Russia Collusion" thing was based on a MADE UP REPORT. The people using that report to initiate investigations into Trump and his campaign KNEW that the report was BULLSHIT, and yet used it as a basis for sworn affidavits to the FISA court, in order to surveil Trump and his supporters.

This is not my opinion. It is fact.

All of this BS started while Soetoro was still President, and everyone involved KNEW that Clinton would win in November, thus they felt that anything they did to Trump's detriment would not only be done with impunity, but would in fact be appreciated greatly by the incoming Democrat Administration. When Trump won, they kicked their campaign into overdrive, but it was STILL based on a fairy tale (Russian collusion).

A few more FACTS: The Mueller team has ALREADY STATED FOR THE RECORD that nothing done by Russian operatives appears to have impacted a single vote in the 2016 election. If there is any tangible direct evidence that "The Russians" produced the emails that were published by Wikileaks and appeared to hurt HRC's chances, that evidence HAS NOT YET COME TO LIGHT. The inference by the NYT and its Fellow Travelers that they came from The Russians, is nothing but speculation, and those in a position to know have denied it, unequivocally (with no real reason to lie).

"Collusion" is not a crime. THERE IS NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER OF ANY CONSPIRACY BETWEEN ANYONE ASSOCIATED WITH THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN AND ANYONE ASSOCIATED WITH THE GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION to impact the 2016 election. The release of UNEDITED TRUTHFUL INFORMATION AND EMAILS is not illegal, nor is it even harmful to the electoral process as it merely gave voters MORE VALUABLE INFORMATION on which to decide whom to vote for.

Facts are troublesome things, eh?
If Trump holds up a meeting about Russian collusion because he has to take a shit you people would call that "attempt to obstruct justice."

You fucking people REALLY need to get a life.
Meanwhile the Dem's latest gay darling who claimed he was attacked by really mean guys wearing MAGA hats was just charged with a felony for filing a false police report and will be arrested. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
"Several officials with direct knowledge" of a single phone call? How does that work. To follow the same line of conspiracy it's likely that the Times is desperate to deflect attention from racist democrat governors and former FBI heads who might face indictment for treason for their role in an attempted coup.
This is not my opinion. It is fact.

Facts are troublesome things, eh?

Your post was fabulously fact free. The Dossier has been proven, so all of your post is opinion, not fact.

Facts are troublesome things - to Donald Trump and his team of Russian dupes and agents.
Misleading investigators" and "being less than candid?" What a joke.
Oh so if you are private citizen being questioned by the FBI misleading investigators and being less than candid is a criminal offense that can get you serious jail time but if you are a member of the FBI being questioned by investigators misleading them and being less than candid is a joke. Lets all say it together double standard.
WE GOTTIM NOW!...Chapter 386,941.:auiqs.jpg:

Sealed indictments are already filed waiting for the day he leaves office. Other indictments may be filed before he leaves office. The ones involving conspiring with a hostile foreign power.
All impeachable offenses....Face it, you lolberal clowns have exactly two things: jack & shit.
you have such a reputable source
Fuck,dude....Best get that staggering evidence to bug-eyes Schiff pronto, so he can get the investigation a-rollin'! :laughing0301::laughing0301:
Shouldnt be hard, the evidence is in plain sight.

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