More class warfare with this "corporate jet" nonsense

Third, try to get your message out when your opponent has bought up every minute of TV and radio space.

and your opponent has a complete network at their disposal, Faux Noise.
Third, try to get your message out when your opponent has bought up every minute of TV and radio space.

and your opponent has a complete network at their disposal, Faux Noise.

And which, every word is believed by the Republican Party.

It's impossible for the Democrats because Hispanics will listen to the Spanish networks, Blacks to BET, gays to LOGO and so on.

Republicans are 90% white and are mesmerized by Fox. Fox, owned by foreigners: Australian Rupert Murdoch and Saudi Arabian Prince Alwaleed bin Talal (the same guy who gave a telethon for the families of "terrorists"), and yet, for some reason, Republicans think Fox is "on their side". I guess it's true, many Republicans talk about secession, terrorists want to destroy America in other ways. But the goal is obviously the same. Destruction of America as we know it.
I have a MBA Georgia State University.
Of course you do. Everyone on this board has an MBA and is a CPA, yet oddly also knows the plight of the little people who are overtaxed. :eusa_whistle:

Guess how hard someone had to have worked and how much INCOME, that was ALREADY TAXED, to earn enough to make 250K a year in dividends?
With today's market you would need 10 million INVESTED.

You have an MBA and think the best you can get is 2.5% in dividend? Wow! I'm easily getting 6%-7% in dividends on my portfolio, and that's with no preferred stock, and I'm the only person here without an MBA! I could get $250K in dividends with $4M easily, and probably less with solid debt instruments.

But let me ask you, how hard would you and I have to work to get to that level if we inherited $4M? Because, you know the people we're talking about her tend to inherit that money. How hard did Paris Hilton have to work to be set for life and not have to pay any taxes in your world?
Not gonna scroll through the thread to find out if anyone has posed these all-too-obvious questions:

Does Barry "Scott" (he's a dick!) Obutthead know that lots of nice middle class people build, maintain, fuel, fly and peripherally support private aircraft of all types?

Does he know that those people support themselves and their families with the incomes they earn in those fields, without any need for Big Daddy Barry to "help" them?

Is he such a total dick that the average person can't see straight through this latest example of his over dick-ness?
The problem is that most Americans have no clue about capital investing and where the $$ comes from to expand businesses.
And guess what happens when a business expands? How does a business expand?
Only a damn fool does not know that tax rates heavily influence investing behavior.
They are the #1 CONSIDERATION in America.
Because we have one of the HIGHEST tax rates in the damn world.

No we don't.
When do you think the Republicans will end their attack on the middle class?

The Republicans are quite obviously pretty good at class warfare, the liberals have a lot to learn if we intend to finally mount some sort of defense.

I am middle class.
I believe in gay rights, support gay marriage, support the environment, believe in evolution and oppose organized government sponsored prayer in school. I believe man has contributed heavily to climate change.
I am a fiscal conservative.
What am I. A liberal or a conservative?
There is no attack on the middle class. The middle class fucked themselves.
The fault lies with me and you. Quit passing the buck. It is OUR fault.
Partisan bufoonery on both sides has caused where we are now.

The bail-out is our fault? The Bush tax cuts are our fault? The outsourcing of job overseas is our fault? The speculators and capitalists who caused the great recession are our fault? Corporate welfare is our fault? The regulations that enabled the greatest increase in the separation of classes in modern history, those are our fault too? The attack on union labor is our fault? The attack on wages too?

I could go on but you get the point…well maybe you do, your post doesn’t instill much hope.

If you vote or don't vote it is your fault.
Outsourcing is our fault. If an Indian adult can do a better job for less $$ that is our fault.
Something about the free market and working harder than the next guy.
You make your own hope. No cry babies.
What regulations do you speak of that are holding you in bondage?
If someone is rich enough to have a private jet, do they really deserve a tax break? I mean, come on!!! Here's what I would do. Let us working stiffs pay only 15% tax on our income and make the uber wealthy pay 35% for a while. I'm sick of the people who need the least help with taxes passing legislation and writing tax code that benefits them obscenely. Aren't you? When do we, the middle class, get a significant break?

Never its designed that way ... just like lotto
The rich pay the most so it makes perfect sense that they get the most back.

No they don't pay the most. I pay 35% and some crook pushing money around (many of the same crooks that tanked the economy of the WHOLE EFFING WORLD in the first place) pays 15% without producing ANYTHING - how is that fair? Then he can afford lawyers to help him hide the rest. The rich DO NOT pay their share. Also, why is 100% of my income taxed for SS but only a small fraction of someone making over 100K? How is THAT fair?

You pay millions in taxes? If your paying 35% you either need to fire your accountant or hire one if your doing them yourself.

The rich do pay the majority of the taxes collected in this country.

Taxed a percent, but lets not forget that we are taxed on almost all of what we buy, what we eat, what we throw out ....
It's because you're stupid.'s because you are hoping for this:

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Lord Humungus Speech / Mighty Humungus‬‏[/ame]

It's because you're stupid.'s because you are hoping for this:

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Lord Humungus Speech / Mighty Humungus‬‏[/ame]


The Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla!

Do you like your canned dog food with a spoon around your neck or a fork?
I just read a factoid someplace that informed us that about 140,000 jobs in the USA depend on the fleet of private corporate jets.

And, searching for some additional data about this issue I find this in the Wall Street Journal

around 17,600 private business jets and turboprop planes are registered in the U.S. and, according to Eurocontrol, the EU's official body for the safety of air navigation, about 4,300 in Europe.

Must be nice to have such a tool at one's disposal, eh?
I just read a factoid someplace that informed us that about 140,000 jobs in the USA depend on the fleet of private corporate jets.

And, searching for some additional data about this issue I find this in the Wall Street Journal

around 17,600 private business jets and turboprop planes are registered in the U.S. and, according to Eurocontrol, the EU's official body for the safety of air navigation, about 4,300 in Europe.

Must be nice to have such a tool at one's disposal, eh?

Friend of mine works for GulfStream running a maintenance fleet. They are so good other manufacturers use them. Jets from all over the world go there for their maintenance.
Because those employees TRAINED THEMSELVES AND EDUCATED THEMSELVES for the demand, not sitting on their asses expecting a job to come to them.
Outsourcing is our fault. If an Indian adult can do a better job for less $$ that is our fault.
Something about the free market and working harder than the next guy.

So you admit that outsourcing is only used to increase corporate profits and then try to claim that is because others work harder.

You contradict yourself, which is it? Will the Indian work harder than I or will he simply work for less money? How is the cost of living in India my fault?

BTW, when has the market ever been free?

If corporations want access to the world’s largest market, they should be forced to play by our rules. We should flex our financial muscle while we still have it.
Outsourcing is our fault. If an Indian adult can do a better job for less $$ that is our fault.
Something about the free market and working harder than the next guy.

So you admit that outsourcing is only used to increase corporate profits and then try to claim that is because others work harder.

You contradict yourself, which is it? Will the Indian work harder than I or will he simply work for less money? How is the cost of living in India my fault?

BTW, when has the market ever been free?

If corporations want access to the world’s largest market, they should be forced to play by our rules. We should flex our financial muscle while we still have it.

I'm curious what rules do they not play by?
Outsourcing is our fault. If an Indian adult can do a better job for less $$ that is our fault.
Something about the free market and working harder than the next guy.

So you admit that outsourcing is only used to increase corporate profits and then try to claim that is because others work harder.

You contradict yourself, which is it? Will the Indian work harder than I or will he simply work for less money? How is the cost of living in India my fault?

BTW, when has the market ever been free?

If corporations want access to the world’s largest market, they should be forced to play by our rules. We should flex our financial muscle while we still have it.

I'm curious what rules do they not play by?

They're playing by the current rules.

We need to write new rules that favor American labor and protect the middle class.
So you admit that outsourcing is only used to increase corporate profits and then try to claim that is because others work harder.

You contradict yourself, which is it? Will the Indian work harder than I or will he simply work for less money? How is the cost of living in India my fault?

BTW, when has the market ever been free?

If corporations want access to the world’s largest market, they should be forced to play by our rules. We should flex our financial muscle while we still have it.

I'm curious what rules do they not play by?

They're playing by the current rules.

We need to write new rules that favor American labor and protect the middle class.

I'm sure you understand that one of the reason's that company's go to India is because of the current rules; meaning that the rules (laws) are forcing many of those company to outsource to places like India because of the cost of trying to do business in this nation.

I'm all in favor of bring them back to this Nation but until we see an better environment in regulations taxes and all the rest of piled on crap those same company's will remain off shore.

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