More class warfare with this "corporate jet" nonsense

If someone is rich enough to have a private jet, do they really deserve a tax break? I mean, come on!!! Here's what I would do. Let us working stiffs pay only 15% tax on our income and make the uber wealthy pay 35% for a while. I'm sick of the people who need the least help with taxes passing legislation and writing tax code that benefits them obscenely. Aren't you? When do we, the middle class, get a significant break?

You do know, don't you, that this loophole was created by (drum roll please)...the stimulus bill?

That's right, Obama's own stimulus plan is where this "jet loophole" originiated, and now he's blaming it on the GOP?
The rich pay the most so it makes perfect sense that they get the most back.

No they don't pay the most. I pay 35% and some crook pushing money around (many of the same crooks that tanked the economy of the WHOLE EFFING WORLD in the first place) pays 15% without producing ANYTHING - how is that fair? Then he can afford lawyers to help him hide the rest. The rich DO NOT pay their share. Also, why is 100% of my income taxed for SS but only a small fraction of someone making over 100K? How is THAT fair?

you are so jealous of thos that acheive success, that you refuse to understand how the whole thing works...and how you, too, can better yourself.

First of pay 35% appears you have no write offs. That is YOUR choice.
No children? YOUR choice.
No mortgage where you can write off the interest? YOUR choice.
Donate little to no money to charity? YOUR choice
You do not invest in lower developed communities? YOUR choice.

So YOU choise to keep your tax burden at 35%.

Me? I didnt.

I have 2 children.....I love them and had them as I wanted a family. However, they are also 2 OTHER things...write offs for me...and 2 more consumers for the I get a write off as they give back to the community

I own a home. As a result, I employ a landscaper (who employs many men and women). I emply a plumber when I need it....I emply a exterminator....and I get a write off on the interest...but I also pay real estate I get, I give...and I give more.
I donate to charities OF MY CHOICE

And so my tax burden is less than yours (percentage wise)...although based on my ncome, I pay a heck of a lot more in taxes than you do.

As for FICA.....the max out is 104K....we ALL pay FICA up to in the hell do you see that as unfair?
Pointing out "class warfare" isn't "creating" class warfare.

When billionaires pay a tiny percent compared to working middle class.

When Middle Class and poor join the military to protect billionaires money.

When billionaires can buy politicians (like the bulk of GOP money coming from a handful of donors).

When someone can take a helicopter ride for a mile to watch his son's baseball game and then ride a limo for the last 100 yards at taxpayers expense. (to be fair, public outcry was so great, he did eventually "pay up")

When you move the wealth of the nation from the middle class to the top 1%.

When you cut essential services like teaching and police and firefighters and nurses.

When you try to pass bills cutting school lunches or care for the elderly or disabled.

Tax subsidies to oil companies.

All these things are signs of "class warfare".
Cutting taxes on the rich doesn't help when they're this bloated. You are sorely misled. Just pandering to the greedy at this point.
Pointing out "class warfare" isn't "creating" class warfare.

When billionaires pay a tiny percent compared to working middle class.

When Middle Class and poor join the military to protect billionaires money.

When billionaires can buy politicians (like the bulk of GOP money coming from a handful of donors).

When someone can take a helicopter ride for a mile to watch his son's baseball game and then ride a limo for the last 100 yards at taxpayers expense. (to be fair, public outcry was so great, he did eventually "pay up")

When you move the wealth of the nation from the middle class to the top 1%.

When you cut essential services like teaching and police and firefighters and nurses.

When you try to pass bills cutting school lunches or care for the elderly or disabled.

Tax subsidies to oil companies.

All these things are signs of "class warfare".

You do understand none of those things you listed are partisan issues right? If you view these things as negatives you know your democrat heros are just as responsible, right?
If someone is rich enough to have a private jet, do they really deserve a tax break? I mean, come on!!! Here's what I would do. Let us working stiffs pay only 15% tax on our income and make the uber wealthy pay 35% for a while. I'm sick of the people who need the least help with taxes passing legislation and writing tax code that benefits them obscenely. Aren't you? When do we, the middle class, get a significant break?

And guess what program raised the depreciation schedules?
The rich pay the most so it makes perfect sense that they get the most back.

No they don't pay the most. I pay 35% and some crook pushing money around (many of the same crooks that tanked the economy of the WHOLE EFFING WORLD in the first place) pays 15% without producing ANYTHING - how is that fair? Then he can afford lawyers to help him hide the rest. The rich DO NOT pay their share. Also, why is 100% of my income taxed for SS but only a small fraction of someone making over 100K? How is THAT fair?

So you're defining $100,000 a year as uber rich?
If someone is rich enough to have a private jet, do they really deserve a tax break? I mean, come on!!! Here's what I would do. Let us working stiffs pay only 15% tax on our income and make the uber wealthy pay 35% for a while. I'm sick of the people who need the least help with taxes passing legislation and writing tax code that benefits them obscenely. Aren't you? When do we, the middle class, get a significant break?


I paid over 65 grand in taxes this past year.

How much did you pay?
What the class warriors fail to address is that corporate jets are used only about 15% of the time for the CEO and board members.
The rest of the time they are used as transportation for engineers, IT specialists and others that need to get to a destination fast.
Many are used for parts transportation that could take longer than the regular shipping or air lines.
For example: an assembly line at GM was down because of a part the size of a regular dishwasher. The entire line would have been shut down if they had to wait until the next day for that part. Millions of dollars there sports fans. The part was flown in on GM corporate jet.
And all of the cancer patients that are part of the corporateangel program. Free seat anywhere when one is available and this network has over 100 jets.
Same with organ transplants for kids. Free delivery.
But we can't have that! Wealth is a BAD THING. How dare any company do well when there may be someone else suffering? What nerve!
Nonsense, I remember democrats ripping Al Gore for flying a personal jet all over the world while telling us we need to stop using jet fuel. They're standing on principle people!

Or wait, was I just dreaming when that happened?

No we rippped him for his hypocrisy. Him talking about us reducing our carbon footprint while he leaves a trail of footprints with his private jet.

Nonsense? Yes you're full of nonsense.
Nonsense, I remember democrats ripping Al Gore for flying a personal jet all over the world while telling us we need to stop using jet fuel. They're standing on principle people!

Or wait, was I just dreaming when that happened?

No we rippped him for his hypocrisy. Him talking about us reducing our carbon footprint while he leaves a trail of footprints with his private jet.

Nonsense? Yes you're full of nonsense.

Re-read what I wrote, I'm not sure how you took it the way you did.
Nonsense, I remember democrats ripping Al Gore for flying a personal jet all over the world while telling us we need to stop using jet fuel. They're standing on principle people!

Or wait, was I just dreaming when that happened?

No we rippped him for his hypocrisy. Him talking about us reducing our carbon footprint while he leaves a trail of footprints with his private jet.

Nonsense? Yes you're full of nonsense.

Re-read what I wrote, I'm not sure how you took it the way you did.

My bad, I've gotten used to you being on the liberal side of things that didn't thoroughly read your comment.
you are so jealous of thos that acheive success, that you refuse to understand how the whole thing works...and how you, too, can better yourself.

First of pay 35% appears you have no write offs. That is YOUR choice.
No children? YOUR choice.
No mortgage where you can write off the interest? YOUR choice.
Donate little to no money to charity? YOUR choice
You do not invest in lower developed communities? YOUR choice.

So YOU choise to keep your tax burden at 35%.

IMHO, this is exactly what is wrong with the current tax code.

If you live your life the way the government wants you to live it, you get to keep your money, otherwise the government takes your money away from you.

Why should the government be able to use the tax system to control or influence the way any citizen lives their life? Why should I have to make a choice between living MY life the way I want to live it, and keeping my own money?

The tax code should not be a tool the government uses to control its citizens, but that is exactly what they are using it for (as you so ably proved with your exampes).
No we rippped him for his hypocrisy. Him talking about us reducing our carbon footprint while he leaves a trail of footprints with his private jet.

Nonsense? Yes you're full of nonsense.

Re-read what I wrote, I'm not sure how you took it the way you did.

My bad, I've gotten used to you being on the liberal side of things that didn't thoroughly read your comment.

I'm an atheist so you're the one who's improperly labeled me in other ways.

I'm far more conservative than you are, I'm certain of that.
you are so jealous of thos that acheive success, that you refuse to understand how the whole thing works...and how you, too, can better yourself.

First of pay 35% appears you have no write offs. That is YOUR choice.
No children? YOUR choice.
No mortgage where you can write off the interest? YOUR choice.
Donate little to no money to charity? YOUR choice
You do not invest in lower developed communities? YOUR choice.

So YOU choise to keep your tax burden at 35%.

IMHO, this is exactly what is wrong with the current tax code.

If you live your life the way the government wants you to live it, you get to keep your money, otherwise the government takes your money away from you.

Why should the government be able to use the tax system to control or influence the way any citizen lives their life? Why should I have to make a choice between living MY life the way I want to live it, and keeping my own money?

The tax code should not be a tool the government uses to control its citizens, but that is exactly what they are using it for (as you so ably proved with your exampes).

I see your point but I dont necessarily see it in the same light as you.

The government charges a tax....say for me it is 35%...that is my tax burden.
I then opt ON MY OWN what I want to do to lessen it.

No one is making me do anything...and the truth is.....there are things I DONT do to lessen choice becuase I dont want to do it.

It is not the other way around...although it most certainly can be seen that way.

I just see it the other way.
If someone is rich enough to have a private jet, do they really deserve a tax break? I mean, come on!!! Here's what I would do. Let us working stiffs pay only 15% tax on our income and make the uber wealthy pay 35% for a while. I'm sick of the people who need the least help with taxes passing legislation and writing tax code that benefits them obscenely. Aren't you? When do we, the middle class, get a significant break?


I paid over 65 grand in taxes this past year.

How much did you pay?

2010 was a very lean year for me revenue wise.
I actually had an employee make more than I did.

This year so far....after 2 quarters wife and I combined....over 38,000
How about gov't shrinks down to a size where they don't push us around?

The whole point of government is to push us around.

Do you really think you won't be pushed around without government?
So instead of moving our Nation together as a people our "leader" continues to drives the people of this nation apart. Is this the new standard we can expect from our President. Divisive politics to the bitter end you supporters have got to at some level understand how badly this is playing with the voter's. The one person who should stand above the fray would should be the President....seems someone has forgotten to mention this to him and his cabinet

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