More class warfare with this "corporate jet" nonsense

First of pay 35% appears you have no write offs. That is YOUR choice.
No children? YOUR choice.
No mortgage where you can write off the interest? YOUR choice.
Donate little to no money to charity? YOUR choice
You do not invest in lower developed communities? YOUR choice.

You're fucking joking, right?

1. I cannot afford to take care of a child, as I am single and work long hours - and what if I was unable to have children... I'm not sure I even want them.
2. I live in NYC and could never afford to buy here on my salary, nor could most. 1 bedrooms top 1 million easily here.
3. Why should I not get a break on my tax money as well as some shlub who will still be uber rich at 35%? It is the lower and middle classes that drive our economy, you know, and NOT the uber rich.
4. Yes, I give to charity. I also volunteer my time, as I do not have a lot of extra money to give away. I'd have more to donate if I were only taxed at 15%.
5. Invest in communities? I volunteer in mine... not sure what you are talking about anyway.
Class warfare? Huh, throw the working people social issues, tell them the other side is weak, tell them the other side doesn't like apple pie and the flag and voila: SHEEP.

"[T]hey [working poor Americana] are easily manipulated by corporate-political interests to vote against advances in health and education, and even more easily mustered in support of any proposed military conflict. … Low skilled, and with little understanding of the world beyond either what is presented to them by kitschy and simplistic television, movie, and other media entertainments…the future of the white [and all other colors] underclass not only looks grim, but permanent." Joe Bageant: Bageant
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First of pay 35% appears you have no write offs. That is YOUR choice.
No children? YOUR choice.
No mortgage where you can write off the interest? YOUR choice.
Donate little to no money to charity? YOUR choice
You do not invest in lower developed communities? YOUR choice.

You're fucking joking, right?

1. I cannot afford to take care of a child, as I am single and work long hours - and what if I was unable to have children... I'm not sure I even want them.
2. I live in NYC and could never afford to buy here on my salary, nor could most. 1 bedrooms top 1 million easily here.
3. Why should I not get a break on my tax money as well as some shlub who will still be uber rich at 35%? It is the lower and middle classes that drive our economy, you know, and NOT the uber rich.
4. Yes, I give to charity. I also volunteer my time, as I do not have a lot of extra money to give away. I'd have more to donate if I were only taxed at 15%.
5. Invest in communities? I volunteer in mine... not sure what you are talking about anyway.

You are also one of those Evil rich Bastards by your own admission (35% Tax rate) making more then the liberal established maximum of not being an Evil rich Bastard of 250K. Bottom line is tough shit live with it.
First of pay 35% appears you have no write offs. That is YOUR choice.
No children? YOUR choice.
No mortgage where you can write off the interest? YOUR choice.
Donate little to no money to charity? YOUR choice
You do not invest in lower developed communities? YOUR choice.

You're fucking joking, right?

1. I cannot afford to take care of a child, as I am single and work long hours - and what if I was unable to have children... I'm not sure I even want them.
2. I live in NYC and could never afford to buy here on my salary, nor could most. 1 bedrooms top 1 million easily here.
3. Why should I not get a break on my tax money as well as some shlub who will still be uber rich at 35%? It is the lower and middle classes that drive our economy, you know, and NOT the uber rich.
4. Yes, I give to charity. I also volunteer my time, as I do not have a lot of extra money to give away. I'd have more to donate if I were only taxed at 15%.
5. Invest in communities? I volunteer in mine... not sure what you are talking about anyway.

I'll let mine go for 400K.

Upper East Side..but I got someone living in it till next year.
First of pay 35% appears you have no write offs. That is YOUR choice.
No children? YOUR choice.
No mortgage where you can write off the interest? YOUR choice.
Donate little to no money to charity? YOUR choice
You do not invest in lower developed communities? YOUR choice.

You're fucking joking, right?

1. I cannot afford to take care of a child, as I am single and work long hours - and what if I was unable to have children... I'm not sure I even want them.
2. I live in NYC and could never afford to buy here on my salary, nor could most. 1 bedrooms top 1 million easily here.3. Why should I not get a break on my tax money as well as some shlub who will still be uber rich at 35%? It is the lower and middle classes that drive our economy, you know, and NOT the uber rich.
4. Yes, I give to charity. I also volunteer my time, as I do not have a lot of extra money to give away. I'd have more to donate if I were only taxed at 15%.
5. Invest in communities? I volunteer in mine... not sure what you are talking about anyway.

That's a lie!

New York Real Estate & Homes For Sale — 13,581 homes found

There goes any credibility you had.
First of pay 35% appears you have no write offs. That is YOUR choice.
No children? YOUR choice.
No mortgage where you can write off the interest? YOUR choice.
Donate little to no money to charity? YOUR choice
You do not invest in lower developed communities? YOUR choice.

You're fucking joking, right?

1. I cannot afford to take care of a child, as I am single and work long hours - and what if I was unable to have children... I'm not sure I even want them.
2. I live in NYC and could never afford to buy here on my salary, nor could most. 1 bedrooms top 1 million easily here.
3. Why should I not get a break on my tax money as well as some shlub who will still be uber rich at 35%? It is the lower and middle classes that drive our economy, you know, and NOT the uber rich.
4. Yes, I give to charity. I also volunteer my time, as I do not have a lot of extra money to give away. I'd have more to donate if I were only taxed at 15%.
5. Invest in communities? I volunteer in mine... not sure what you are talking about anyway.

You are also one of those Evil rich Bastards by your own admission (35% Tax rate) making more then the liberal established maximum of not being an Evil rich Bastard of 250K. Bottom line is tough shit live with it.

And yet you have "Really nice guy" in your Avatar..

Is that a lie..or are you just nice to hot chicks with big tits? (Which I can sorta get behind.)
You're fucking joking, right?

1. I cannot afford to take care of a child, as I am single and work long hours - and what if I was unable to have children... I'm not sure I even want them.
2. I live in NYC and could never afford to buy here on my salary, nor could most. 1 bedrooms top 1 million easily here.
3. Why should I not get a break on my tax money as well as some shlub who will still be uber rich at 35%? It is the lower and middle classes that drive our economy, you know, and NOT the uber rich.
4. Yes, I give to charity. I also volunteer my time, as I do not have a lot of extra money to give away. I'd have more to donate if I were only taxed at 15%.
5. Invest in communities? I volunteer in mine... not sure what you are talking about anyway.

You are also one of those Evil rich Bastards by your own admission (35% Tax rate) making more then the liberal established maximum of not being an Evil rich Bastard of 250K. Bottom line is tough shit live with it.

And yet you have "Really nice guy" in your Avatar..

Is that a lie..or are you just nice to hot chicks with big tits? (Which I can sorta get behind.)

Its the whole bad boy really nice person thing chicks love it.
First of pay 35% appears you have no write offs. That is YOUR choice.
No children? YOUR choice.
No mortgage where you can write off the interest? YOUR choice.
Donate little to no money to charity? YOUR choice
You do not invest in lower developed communities? YOUR choice.

You're fucking joking, right?

1. I cannot afford to take care of a child, as I am single and work long hours - and what if I was unable to have children... I'm not sure I even want them.
2. I live in NYC and could never afford to buy here on my salary, nor could most. 1 bedrooms top 1 million easily here.3. Why should I not get a break on my tax money as well as some shlub who will still be uber rich at 35%? It is the lower and middle classes that drive our economy, you know, and NOT the uber rich.
4. Yes, I give to charity. I also volunteer my time, as I do not have a lot of extra money to give away. I'd have more to donate if I were only taxed at 15%.
5. Invest in communities? I volunteer in mine... not sure what you are talking about anyway.

That's a lie!

New York Real Estate & Homes For Sale — 13,581 homes found

There goes any credibility you had.

Well not really.

Plenty of 1 bedrooms above a million and a few below.
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You're fucking joking, right?

1. I cannot afford to take care of a child, as I am single and work long hours - and what if I was unable to have children... I'm not sure I even want them.
2. I live in NYC and could never afford to buy here on my salary, nor could most. 1 bedrooms top 1 million easily here.3. Why should I not get a break on my tax money as well as some shlub who will still be uber rich at 35%? It is the lower and middle classes that drive our economy, you know, and NOT the uber rich.
4. Yes, I give to charity. I also volunteer my time, as I do not have a lot of extra money to give away. I'd have more to donate if I were only taxed at 15%.
5. Invest in communities? I volunteer in mine... not sure what you are talking about anyway.

That's a lie!

New York Real Estate & Homes For Sale — 13,581 homes found

There goes any credibility you had.

Well not really.

Plenty of 1 bedrooms above a million and a few below.

I understood him to mean that you could not purchase a 1 bedroom home for under 1 million. Perhaps I misunderstood and perhaps he should clarify his position better next time.
First of pay 35% appears you have no write offs. That is YOUR choice.
No children? YOUR choice.
No mortgage where you can write off the interest? YOUR choice.
Donate little to no money to charity? YOUR choice
You do not invest in lower developed communities? YOUR choice.

You're fucking joking, right?

1. I cannot afford to take care of a child, as I am single and work long hours - and what if I was unable to have children... I'm not sure I even want them.
2. I live in NYC and could never afford to buy here on my salary, nor could most. 1 bedrooms top 1 million easily here.
3. Why should I not get a break on my tax money as well as some shlub who will still be uber rich at 35%? It is the lower and middle classes that drive our economy, you know, and NOT the uber rich.
4. Yes, I give to charity. I also volunteer my time, as I do not have a lot of extra money to give away. I'd have more to donate if I were only taxed at 15%.
5. Invest in communities? I volunteer in mine... not sure what you are talking about anyway.

And there ya go....

You OPT to not have a child....your choice. America is wonderful
You pay 14K a year in told me that once before.
You can purchase a home on Long Island for 250K...and with your write off you come out OPT to live in NYC tro minimize your commute....try Valley Stream....40 minutes and you are in the office.
For evey 1000 you donate, you save 350 in taxes.
Do the math.
As for low income housing tax credits......the fact that you know nothing about section 42 speaks volumes.....
In other wordfs...ytou complain about things you know nothing about.

Which means you are nothing but a jealous loser.
Well not really.

Plenty of 1 bedrooms above a million and a few below.

I understood him to mean that you could not purchase a 1 bedroom home for under 1 million. Perhaps I misunderstood and perhaps he should clarify his position better next time.

Thats reasonable.

NYC is surrounded by suburbs......westchester, Long Island....New Jersey.....100's of thousands of people commute each day to manhattan.

Peepers CHOOSES to live in NYC....

She can buy a 3 bedroom home in Valley Stream for 250K...she can rent an apartment for 800 a month.
She CHOOSES to spend 14K a year on rent so she can have the conveneince of a short commute.
When will the phony rhetoric stop?


Socialism is good for the rich.

Can you still write off meals and entertainment? Haven't done that in a while.

All a writeoff is not paying taxes on that expense.
I still have to pay for it.
My meals write off is very low, only when I travel.
And entertainment is zero.
If someone is rich enough to have a private jet, do they really deserve a tax break? I mean, come on!!! Here's what I would do. Let us working stiffs pay only 15% tax on our income and make the uber wealthy pay 35% for a while. I'm sick of the people who need the least help with taxes passing legislation and writing tax code that benefits them obscenely. Aren't you? When do we, the middle class, get a significant break?

If they take the tax break away maybe a few of those corporations will not buy jets and have their big wigs fly commercial. That sure will help all those middle class people that build those jets to be able to join their buddies at the unemployment offices for some quality time laughing at all those rich guys that have to deal with TSA just like they would if they still had a job and could afford to fly someplace. Some of these tax breaks help out more than rich people.
When will the phony rhetoric stop?

400 individuals control more wealth than 150 million Americans combined.

Reagan and the two Bushes lowered taxes for the rich which effectively transferred $13 trillion dollars of wealth from the middle class taxpayer to the rich.

80% of the increase in wealth in this country in the last 40 years has gone to the top 1%.

Now the Republicans want to destroy the unions, Medicare, Social Security, and the EPA, which would turn America into Dickinsean England.

The class war is over.

The rich won.
I see folks were listening to Rush or other sources for their talking points today. Ha, ha, ha!:lol: Funny stuff! :lol::lol::lol:
All the talking head leaders speak in unison regarding one thing and soon we have a chior, right here on USMB! :clap2:
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I see folks were listening to Rush or other sources for their talking points today. Ha, ha, ha!:lol: Funny stuff! :lol::lol::lol:
All the talking head leaders speak in unison regarding one thing and soon we have a chior, right here on USMB! :clap2:

I don't listen to Rush or Sean.
They are entertainers.
I listen to myself, self employed small business person for 30 years.
Real world.

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