More "conservatism"?

As I stated all civilized society move leftward, they just do. I am sorry that you lie about being a libertarian and then only have issues with the left. A true libertarian understands that both sides are doing things that are harmful to liberty.

You on the other hand are just one more right wing partisan zealot that is no different than the rest of the Trump zealots.

Government is harmful to liberty you ignorant twat.
If you understood conservatism ... Then it is possible you could recognize the two sides you speak of as one in the same.

Neither are conservative ... :thup:

Ahh...I hurt your little feelings again. I am sorry. Do you need a safe space to go cry in?

Your perceptions of my feelings are about as warped and incorrect as your attempts to identify anything in your OP as conservatism ... :dunno:

The substance is illegal on the Federal Level. Until and unless it is removed from Federal regulations, the States have no say in this issue. It's nice to see an Administration reminding the States that they do not have the ability to ignore Federal laws without consequences. Especially on Moral issues like drugs.
Why are you ok with the govt telling people they cant consume, or possess, a flower?

Stoners aren’t nearly as productive as non stoners. Marijuana itself perpetuates a lower grade society.
The last thing this nation needs is more unproductive people and another substance as the catalyst.

Longtime marijuana use might make you a loser
The report is loaded with statistics. Here’s one set: 52% of middle-class frequent marijuana users “experienced downward mobility” compared to only 14% of non-users. Conversely: 33% of non-users moved up the socioeconomic ladder, but just 7% of habitual users did.”
Longtime marijuana use might make you a loser
I have been smoking since i was 16. I have been paying taxes since i was 14. I am now about to be 32 and by the time i am 40, i will be completely debt free. Including my house. Sorry, cant agree there.
Some people LET pot run their lives just like any other substance. Food, alcohol, prescription meds etc.

That’s awesome...good for you.
But don’t make the mistake thinking that all people manage their vises like you do. For every one brain surgeon that smokes weed theres 1,000 35 year old professional gamers living in moms converted garage. The stoner “lifestyle” is one most adults aren’t real proud of.
Oh no, i dont think that. I was saying that people that let substance run their lives have more problems that consumption of a flower or taking a shot of whiskey.
Like it or not, the GOP is the conservative party in this country.

So ... What you are saying is people who aren't conservative, aren't members of the Conservative Party, and don't do conservative things ...
Are what you consider to be an accurate representation of conservatism?

Go chew your crayons nit wit ... :thup:


"Conservative" seems to be one of those words whose meaning changes for those who claim the label, depending on how their argument is faring.

"right" "left" "conservative" "liberal"....the meanings of all these change as society changes. Civilized society is always on a leftward journey, and as such what is "right" and "left" is a moving target.

Not saying it is a good thing, but it is reality.
What changes is who is trying to change it. Marxists who hijacked the term liberalism, are progs who want to fundamentally transform America into a 3rd world nation so that they can then own US while we wallow in the ghettos with the rest of the poor. Shit fucks like you, are too stupid to not understand this, even though you say "you served in the military" to protect the US from what?

As I stated all civilized society move leftward, they just do. I am sorry that you lie about being a libertarian and then only have issues with the left. A true libertarian understands that both sides are doing things that are harmful to liberty.

You on the other hand are just one more right wing partisan zealot that is no different than the rest of the Trump zealots.
So ... What you are saying is people who aren't conservative, aren't members of the Conservative Party, and don't do conservative things ...
Are what you consider to be an accurate representation of conservatism?

Go chew your crayons nit wit ... :thup:


"Conservative" seems to be one of those words whose meaning changes for those who claim the label, depending on how their argument is faring.

"right" "left" "conservative" "liberal"....the meanings of all these change as society changes. Civilized society is always on a leftward journey, and as such what is "right" and "left" is a moving target.

Not saying it is a good thing, but it is reality.
What changes is who is trying to change it. Marxists who hijacked the term liberalism, are progs who want to fundamentally transform America into a 3rd world nation so that they can then own US while we wallow in the ghettos with the rest of the poor. Shit fucks like you, are too stupid to not understand this, even though you say "you served in the military" to protect the US from what?

As I stated all civilized society move leftward, they just do. I am sorry that you lie about being a libertarian and then only have issues with the left. A true libertarian understands that both sides are doing things that are harmful to liberty.

You on the other hand are just one more right wing partisan zealot that is no different than the rest of the Trump zealots.
View attachment 169554

Thanks for the selfie! It is good to have a face to tie to the name!
You are so darn cute when you are throwing a hissy fit.

How does your repeated inability to accurately identify anything in your OP as conservatism equate to a hissy fit on my part?
Is the fact I mock your ignorance and folly what you perceive to be a hissy fit ... :dunno:

You are so darn cute when you are throwing a hissy fit.

How does your repeated inability to accurately identify anything in your OP as conservatism equate to a hissy fit on my part?
Is the fact I mock your ignorance and folly what you perceive to be a hissy fit ... :dunno:


What is in the OP is what passes for conservatism today. you can stick your little fingers in your ears and go "na na na na" all you want, but ti doesn't change the facts.

As I pointed out, your use of the "no true Scotsman" fallacy has failed.

But please, keep on with the whining, it is fun to watch snowflakes like you.
You are so darn cute when you are throwing a hissy fit.

How does your repeated inability to accurately identify anything in your OP as conservatism equate to a hissy fit on my part?
Is the fact I mock your ignorance and folly what you perceive to be a hissy fit ... :dunno:


What is in the OP is what passes for conservatism today. you can stick your little fingers in your ears and go "na na na na" all you want, but ti doesn't change the facts.

As I pointed out, your use of the "no true Scotsman" fallacy has failed.

But please, keep on with the whining, it is fun to watch snowflakes like you.
keep on with the whining
This whining?
What is in the OP is what passes for conservatism today. you can stick your little fingers in your ears and go "na na na na" all you want, but ti doesn't change the facts.

As I pointed out, your use of the "no true Scotsman" fallacy has failed.

But please, keep on with the whining, it is fun to watch snowflakes like you.

I am not the one sticking my fingers anywhere.

You are the one who put "conservatism" in the title of your thread.
You are the person who cannot point to a single thing in the article you posted that indicates conservatism.
You are the one that has to make up nonsense in order to protect your fragile little ass.

If you need to take your complete ignorance and inability to define what the fuck you think any of this garbage has to do with conservatism ...
Is a sign of my fragility or desire to ignore the obvious ...

Then you're the one going all ... :blahblah:

Fuck the states and state's rights, it is all about the Fed Govt. When did conservatives quit caring about states rights?

U.S. to End Policy That Let Legal Pot Flourish, Report Says
Conservatives have always flip-flopped on states vs federal rights depending on what they want.

When they loved slavery, they fought a war for state's rights. When they hated gay marriage, they argued for federal rights.
The same assholes who support Bundy's takeover of federal land (local rights!) are the ones supporting the feds' anti-marijuana stance (federal rights!).

No side is immune to hypocrisy by any means, but when it comes to federalism, conservatives are unabashedly hypocritical.
Fed law does trump state law, but it shouldnt be illegal federally in the first damn place.
Fucking assholes

Well, instead of complaining, contact your Federal Representatives and get the law changed.
Please allow more drugs to flow in the United States, just like letting Abortion on demand continue. Soon all those petulant, miserable, wretched, liberals will have committed self suicide by OD along with no future Democrat voters and soon the world will be free of the cancer called "Liberalism"..

Not to take the wind outta yer sails Cowboy Curtis, but I know more Republicans that smoke pot than I do lib-ruls.
Fuck the states and state's rights, it is all about the Fed Govt. When did conservatives quit caring about states rights?

U.S. to End Policy That Let Legal Pot Flourish, Report Says

Probably since states like Mexifornia and Loon York started showing complete disregard for federal law and the well being of the nation. These shitholes have created an “us against you” dynamic with the Fed. Cause and effect baby.
HAHAHAHA! It is so cute how you try to blame liberals for creating an "us against you" dynamic — especially when your profile pic is Robert E. Lee and Confederate flags, the quintessential symbols of that dynamic. Starting a war to own black people is kinda the epitome of disregard for federal law and the well-being of the nation.

But hey, heritage, Southern pride, argle bargle.

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