More deadbeats...

well , slavery is gone in the USA at least as a legal thing. Still practiced in some muslim lands and as said , sanctioned by 'allah' . Did you ever see any beheadings or stonings when you were in 'muslim' lands GGator .

Yes, Allah does sanction slavery as does Jehovah.

Nope, did not see any of that, just saw people not much different than what I see every day in this country.

Well, ya know pismoe , if Gator didn’t see it there’s no way it’s happening.
well , slavery is gone in the USA at least as a legal thing. Still practiced in some muslim lands and as said , sanctioned by 'allah' . Did you ever see any beheadings or stonings when you were in 'muslim' lands GGator .

Yes, Allah does sanction slavery as does Jehovah.

Nope, did not see any of that, just saw people not much different than what I see every day in this country.

Well, ya know pismoe , if Gator didn’t see it there’s no way it’s happening.

Never claimed it was not happening. Do try and keep up.
All of these problems these people bring with them cannot be dealt with, we cannot afford it. It cost us billions of dollars every year to deal with these damn illegal aliens....

Northbound migrant group doubles in size, enters Guatemala

Dude, lets make them legal at the border and demand they live in a city owned home in Cleveland for a decade. Work, stay out of jail, and poof the American dream is yours. We'll call it the 21st Century Homestead Act. We need more people willing to traverse a continent to get here.
-------------------------- and give them money and food stamps , medical care , welfare help and everything thats needed to get started . And then get a 'honduran council to run the place like they have in , think its 'vermont' or maine for the 'somali muslim' trouble makers . And then birth their babies for free , give them food so their kids and new born Anchor babees eat , and then disposable diapers . And then let them vote in elections .

These folks are getting free housing if they just work so they are going to be fairly well off. Heck, I'll even have the government offer the deal to you.

They aren't getting some sweetheart big government enforced corporate bankruptcy deal
yeah , devout muslims that make up 'isis' own 'yazidi' women as sex slaves GGator .

ISIS also kills more Muslims than anyone else, their brand of the religion is very different than the mainstream.

They are much like the Lord’s Resistance Army, they just are bigger and get more press.
--------------------------------- yeah , might be some good aspects of 'isis' . I guarantee though that when 'isis' moves into an area and takes control that it is true 'isis' type muslims that rule the roost over the apostates GGator .

The violent and well armed normally do rule the roost.
------------------------------ yeah , and thats my point . The 'isis' or real muslims will get the apostate muslims in line . Same as the 'nazis' ruled the roost in ww2 in 'germany' GGator .
------------------------------ yeah , and thats my point . The 'isis' or real muslims will get the apostate muslims in line . Same as the 'nazis' ruled the roost in ww2 in 'germany' GGator .

I do not think it is your position to decide what is and what is not a real Muslim.

More than 90% of the Muslims think that ISIS is not the real deal, I will go with their view as opposed to yours.
well , slavery is gone in the USA at least as a legal thing. Still practiced in some muslim lands and as said , sanctioned by 'allah' . Did you ever see any beheadings or stonings when you were in 'muslim' lands GGator .

Yes, Allah does sanction slavery as does Jehovah.

Nope, did not see any of that, just saw people not much different than what I see every day in this country.
---------------------------- yeahbut , Jehovah is Old Testament from a long time , 2000 years ago . And 'Jesus' does not sanction slavery in these last 2 thousand years in the New Testament . Course the muslim 'allah' does sanction slavery in their fairly new 1400 hundred year old book the 'koran' GGator .
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------------------------------ yeah , and thats my point . The 'isis' or real muslims will get the apostate muslims in line . Same as the 'nazis' ruled the roost in ww2 in 'germany' GGator .

I do not think it is your position to decide what is and what is not a real Muslim.

More than 90% of the Muslims think that ISIS is not the real deal, I will go with their view as opposed to yours.
--------------------------------------- the 90 percent Apostate muslims don't amount to anything because as you admit , they can easily be controlled by well armed 'isis' type real muslims GGator . And the 10 percent that you mention that are not apostate is still a heckuva lot of savage and real muslims GGator .
well , slavery is gone in the USA at least as a legal thing. Still practiced in some muslim lands and as said , sanctioned by 'allah' . Did you ever see any beheadings or stonings when you were in 'muslim' lands GGator .

Yes, Allah does sanction slavery as does Jehovah.

Nope, did not see any of that, just saw people not much different than what I see every day in this country.
---------------------------- yeahbut , Jehovah is Old Testament from a long time , 2000 tears ago . And 'Jesus' does not sanction slavery in these last 2 thousand years in the New Testament . Course the muslim 'allah' does sanction slavery in their fairly new 1400 hundred year old book the 'koran' GGator .

Actually Christian's believe that Jehovah and Jesus are the same, there is only one God. The bible was used to justify slavery uptill the time it was outlawed and beyond.

From the New Testament...

Slaves, be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in the sincerity of your heart, as to Christ; not by way of eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart. With good will render service, as to the Lord, and not to men,


Slaves, in all things obey those who are your masters on earth, not with external service, as those who merely please men, but with sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord. Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance It is the Lord Christ whom you serve.


All who are under the yoke as slaves are to regard their own masters as worthy of all honor so that the name of God and our doctrine will not be spoken against. Those who have believers as their masters must not be disrespectful to them because they are brethren, but must serve them all the more, because those who partake of the benefit are believers and beloved Teach and preach these principles.
--------------------------------------- the 90 percent Apostate muslims don't amount to anything because as you admit , they can easily be controlled by well armed 'isis' type real muslims GGator . And the 10 percent that you mention that are not apostate is still a heckuva lot of savage and real muslims GGator .

Once again, you do not have the standing or knowledge to call anyone apostate. you are just making yourself look like an idiot now.
Jesus is the Gent who is in charge these last 2000 years and Christians while knowing the names of Jehovah , Yawhew . Well the 'old testament' is not what is taught in mainline Christianity today and it is Jesus that Christians follow GGator .
well , slavery is gone in the USA at least as a legal thing. Still practiced in some muslim lands and as said , sanctioned by 'allah' . Did you ever see any beheadings or stonings when you were in 'muslim' lands GGator .

Yes, Allah does sanction slavery as does Jehovah.

Nope, did not see any of that, just saw people not much different than what I see every day in this country.
---------------------------- yeahbut , Jehovah is Old Testament from a long time , 2000 tears ago . And 'Jesus' does not sanction slavery in these last 2 thousand years in the New Testament . Course the muslim 'allah' does sanction slavery in their fairly new 1400 hundred year old book the 'koran' GGator .

Actually Christian's believe that Jehovah and Jesus are the same, there is only one God. The bible was used to justify slavery uptill the time it was outlawed and beyond.

From the New Testament...

Slaves, be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in the sincerity of your heart, as to Christ; not by way of eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart. With good will render service, as to the Lord, and not to men,


Slaves, in all things obey those who are your masters on earth, not with external service, as those who merely please men, but with sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord. Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance It is the Lord Christ whom you serve.


All who are under the yoke as slaves are to regard their own masters as worthy of all honor so that the name of God and our doctrine will not be spoken against. Those who have believers as their masters must not be disrespectful to them because they are brethren, but must serve them all the more, because those who partake of the benefit are believers and beloved Teach and preach these principles.
Jesus is the Gent who is in charge these last 2000 years and Christians while knowing the names of Jehovah , Yawhew . Well the 'old testament' is not what is taught in mainline Christianity today and it is Jesus that Christians follow GGator .
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Jesus is the Gent who is in charge these last 2000 years and Christians while knowing the names of Jehovah , Yawhew . Well the 'old testament' is not what is taught in mainline Christianity today and it is Jesus that Christians follow GGator .
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And Jesus and Jehovah are one in the same.

you do not know much about these things, do you?
All of these problems these people bring with them cannot be dealt with, we cannot afford it. It cost us billions of dollars every year to deal with these damn illegal aliens....

Northbound migrant group doubles in size, enters Guatemala
Give them legal entry, give them work papers. Give them Medicaid (its cheaper than ER) and nothing else. Invest in their educations and assimilation; welcome them to our nation. We need workers. Their children will be our next generation of trained, skilled workers so that we don't need to import our trained workers from Asia and Europe.
It's the only way to prosper. We will shrink and diminish if all we do is slam the door against the inevitable flood of people who need to leave their home countries.
I, along with millions of other don’t desire to give them anything. Nor do we need their children to be tax slaves to support your socialist/collectivist dream.
Your “boogeyman” about population decrease is nothing but horseshit, that threatens nothing but socialist programs run by bigger government. You’re such a parasite. You’d actually sell out the entire nation for a fucking handout. Disgusting!
All of these problems these people bring with them cannot be dealt with, we cannot afford it. It cost us billions of dollars every year to deal with these damn illegal aliens....

Northbound migrant group doubles in size, enters Guatemala
Give them legal entry, give them work papers. Give them Medicaid (its cheaper than ER) and nothing else. Invest in their educations and assimilation; welcome them to our nation. We need workers. Their children will be our next generation of trained, skilled workers so that we don't need to import our trained workers from Asia and Europe.
It's the only way to prosper. We will shrink and diminish if all we do is slam the door against the inevitable flood of people who need to leave their home countries.

No stinking way. We have a system for coming to this country legally, let them follow that system and then earn their way like the rest of us. You do not bring people here to give them a free ride. Doing what you suggest is just asking for 1000 more of these "caravans".
What I'm saying is, change the system to welcome them legally and get some value out of them instead of insisting they live in the shadows and not pay taxes, drive down the wages of legal workers, etc. We NEED workers and we NEED people. Trump may dream of letting in just northern Europeans, but they don't WANT to come here. That's not going to work. We have managed to successfully assimilate every other group that has come here, and we can assimilate these people, too. There is already a large group of them here. It's not like they're strange or unknown.
Instead of fighting the tsunami, which is impossible anyway, work with what is being gifted to us.
No. We don’t need these people. You! You, and your kind need these people to prop up your socialist ideology. In their absence free market capitalism will solve every problem that arises due to any change in our population.
Nor do they fucking assimilate. They sequester themselves in Barrios; and alter our nations culture to mirror the shit hole they fled. The primary difference between the two when they’re done is the hand outs paid by unwilling Americans, stolen at gunpoint, and/or threat of incarceration.
Ever asked yourself “why don’t they just adopt our culture, and implement it back home”? Nah! Of course not. How would that expand the collectivist clutch, socialist desire for America...?
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Jesus is the Gent who is in charge these last 2000 years and Christians while knowing the names of Jehovah , Yawhew . Well the 'old testament' is not what is taught in mainline Christianity today and it is Jesus that Christians follow GGator .
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And Jesus and Jehovah are one in the same.

you do not know much about these things, do you?
--------------------------------------------- just a simple , NO they are not one and the same as you try to spin . The only thing that is true is that 'islam' still sanctions slavery while Christianity does not GGator .
but arguing 'names' doesn't matter . As i said , islam sanctions slavery while Christianity does not and thats the bottom line GGator .
These people from central America need to stay the fuck out of here, we don’t want them here because of the plethora of problems they bring with them. Sorry ass motherfuckers
All of these problems these people bring with them cannot be dealt with, we cannot afford it. It cost us billions of dollars every year to deal with these damn illegal aliens....

Northbound migrant group doubles in size, enters Guatemala
Give them legal entry, give them work papers. Give them Medicaid (its cheaper than ER) and nothing else. Invest in their educations and assimilation; welcome them to our nation. We need workers. Their children will be our next generation of trained, skilled workers so that we don't need to import our trained workers from Asia and Europe.
It's the only way to prosper. We will shrink and diminish if all we do is slam the door against the inevitable flood of people who need to leave their home countries.
We don't need workers until we hit zero unemployment. That is not happening any time soon. No one is giving workers Medicade just for being born why would we give someone clawing at the gates Medicade?
You seem to think that just making it to our border should be a free give away and special prize. My question for you is if they are so worth having why are they not staying where they are and attempting to fix whatever is wrong in their country? Is it better to have uneducated people who allowed their country to be ruined in and allow them to do the same? Seems like we are doing a good enough job of ruining our own country why do we need more help to do it faster?

Oh wait I just realized you probably need a maid or someone to cut your grass for low under the table wages. Of course you would want unskilled workers. My bad.
No one is giving workers Medicade just for being born
But we should. And these folks who have access to nothing else would be better served for less if we gave them preventive and timely care rather than them using the ER for walkin clinics.
Who gives a shit how they would be better served? They aren’t my people. My people would be better served by these intruders being deported, and offered nothing that comes at a cost to my people. The cost of deportation is cumbersome enough. As for that their nations of origin should be penalized to recoup the cost of sending their trash back to where it belongs...

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