More deadbeats...

Donnie Trump and Jared Kushner?

Yep, your founders invited Donny and Jared here...WHAT NOW!
Naturalization Act of 1790
This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free White persons of good character.
Neither pay taxes = Deadbeats

We don’t know that...what we do know is Trump paid more in 2005 then you and everybody you know will ever pay in their lifetimes. Who’s the deadbeat?
All of these problems these people bring with them cannot be dealt with, we cannot afford it. It cost us billions of dollars every year to deal with these damn illegal aliens....

Northbound migrant group doubles in size, enters Guatemala
Give them legal entry, give them work papers. Give them Medicaid (its cheaper than ER) and nothing else. Invest in their educations and assimilation; welcome them to our nation. We need workers. Their children will be our next generation of trained, skilled workers so that we don't need to import our trained workers from Asia and Europe.
It's the only way to prosper. We will shrink and diminish if all we do is slam the door against the inevitable flood of people who need to leave their home countries.

No stinking way. We have a system for coming to this country legally, let them follow that system and then earn their way like the rest of us. You do not bring people here to give them a free ride. Doing what you suggest is just asking for 1000 more of these "caravans".
What I'm saying is, change the system to welcome them legally and get some value out of them instead of insisting they live in the shadows and not pay taxes, drive down the wages of legal workers, etc. We NEED workers and we NEED people. Trump may dream of letting in just northern Europeans, but they don't WANT to come here. That's not going to work. We have managed to successfully assimilate every other group that has come here, and we can assimilate these people, too. There is already a large group of them here. It's not like they're strange or unknown.
Instead of fighting the tsunami, which is impossible anyway, work with what is being gifted to us.
We have a open southern border, close the border and stop these motherfuckers in their tracks let them rot in Mexico. So shut the fuck up
---------------------------- tell that to TRUMP as he now , today plans to ship illegal children along with food stamps , more money to familia and friends in the USA for safe keeping till they can go to Court with their illegal alien parents that will be kept nice and comfy and well fed in a detention center somewhere in TEXAS . All looking for Asylum which they will get for the most part .
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and i like the TRUMP but he is as much for open borders and flooding the USA with third worlders as any 'bush' in my Slowly realized opinion .
and all everybody does is talk about Cost and Money which matters the least to me and everybody crying about cost and money has been paying the cost and money for how many years now and all the time crying about cost and money that they have been paying [chuckle] eh ?? The big issue to me is excluding the invaders in what was once called exercising American Sovereignty a LONG , LONG , LONG time ago .
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Trump had told them if they don't turn them back that he will cut off all aid to Honduras.

Our founders also thought owning other human beings was a good idea...does not mean I have to agree with them...though I suspect you do

Our founders were brilliant, they were saving lives in Africa and building America...WIN, WIN for everybody. Those were the times bud...let go of your Blacks are fighting to unwind what happened and race back to their homeland...deep down, they’re ALL greatful for what happened.
This simple shit is scary as fuck to admit for the nutless. How’s that for PC?

I have no guilt, as I have never owned another human being, but I am not a sociopath and I realize that such an action is wrong and will always be wrong no matter how much you wish you could own slave yet today.

Your logic about slaves being grateful is as fucked up as the logic you accuse OldLady of. Slaves were every bit as grateful as a rape victim is.

Scary shit...I know. When your balls drop you’ll be able to break the’ve watched Roots a few too many times.

Yes, it is scary that even today people like you wish they could own other human beings. But the good news is that people like you are getting old and dying off.

Easy now lying Lefty. You’re doing that LefTard thing again… Nobody said they wanted to own human beings...I said that slavery was good for the time… Good for America, good for Africa.
Further, I think it’s you loonies who still want to own human beings…aren’t you LefTards always telling us about how great wetbacks are because they’ll work for nothing and do things nobody else will?

Slavery was good, huh? Do you call this good?



The women were repeatedly raped and bred like cattle, then their infants sold to other slave owners.
If you think this was good, then there's a special place in hell for you.
All of these problems these people bring with them cannot be dealt with, we cannot afford it. It cost us billions of dollars every year to deal with these damn illegal aliens....

Northbound migrant group doubles in size, enters Guatemala
Give them legal entry, give them work papers. Give them Medicaid (its cheaper than ER) and nothing else. Invest in their educations and assimilation; welcome them to our nation. We need workers. Their children will be our next generation of trained, skilled workers so that we don't need to import our trained workers from Asia and Europe.
It's the only way to prosper. We will shrink and diminish if all we do is slam the door against the inevitable flood of people who need to leave their home countries.
Christ, are you people really this stupid?
We NEED workers and we NEED people.
Those are just words. We obviously do not need workers or more people. The US is the most powerful nation on earth with its current population. We dont need shit. Make a real argument or shut the fuck up.
Our founders were brilliant, they were saving lives in Africa and building America...WIN, WIN for everybody. Those were the times bud...let go of your Blacks are fighting to unwind what happened and race back to their homeland...deep down, they’re ALL greatful for what happened.
This simple shit is scary as fuck to admit for the nutless. How’s that for PC?

I have no guilt, as I have never owned another human being, but I am not a sociopath and I realize that such an action is wrong and will always be wrong no matter how much you wish you could own slave yet today.

Your logic about slaves being grateful is as fucked up as the logic you accuse OldLady of. Slaves were every bit as grateful as a rape victim is.

Scary shit...I know. When your balls drop you’ll be able to break the’ve watched Roots a few too many times.

Yes, it is scary that even today people like you wish they could own other human beings. But the good news is that people like you are getting old and dying off.

Easy now lying Lefty. You’re doing that LefTard thing again… Nobody said they wanted to own human beings...I said that slavery was good for the time… Good for America, good for Africa.
Further, I think it’s you loonies who still want to own human beings…aren’t you LefTards always telling us about how great wetbacks are because they’ll work for nothing and do things nobody else will?

Slavery was good, huh? Do you call this good?



The women were repeatedly raped and bred like cattle, then their infants sold to other slave owners.
If you think this was good, then there's a special place in hell for you.

Those are all good things to BrokeLoser.

Sent from my iPhone using
I have no guilt, as I have never owned another human being, but I am not a sociopath and I realize that such an action is wrong and will always be wrong no matter how much you wish you could own slave yet today.

Your logic about slaves being grateful is as fucked up as the logic you accuse OldLady of. Slaves were every bit as grateful as a rape victim is.

Scary shit...I know. When your balls drop you’ll be able to break the’ve watched Roots a few too many times.

Yes, it is scary that even today people like you wish they could own other human beings. But the good news is that people like you are getting old and dying off.

Easy now lying Lefty. You’re doing that LefTard thing again… Nobody said they wanted to own human beings...I said that slavery was good for the time… Good for America, good for Africa.
Further, I think it’s you loonies who still want to own human beings…aren’t you LefTards always telling us about how great wetbacks are because they’ll work for nothing and do things nobody else will?

Slavery was good, huh? Do you call this good?



The women were repeatedly raped and bred like cattle, then their infants sold to other slave owners.
If you think this was good, then there's a special place in hell for you.

Those are all good things to BrokeLoser.

Sent from my iPhone using

You and Kittymom1026 watched Roots way too many times, you think all slaves were Kunta programmed fools.
Makes perfect sense to LibTardians...You’re certain that all highly moral, religions white folks abused their slaves...haha
Post more images, post some real emotion provoking attention getters to show what life in Africa was like in 1790. Show us what slaves were saved from there would you? Weird that nobody EVER wants to talk about that side of slavery...WHY?
Oh shit, someone legitimate got ahold of Gator’s login credentials.

No, you are just an idiot that thinks not wanting a wall means I am an open borders person. You cannot get that there are more than those two alternatives.
No wall = open border

Oh look; another moron. They are thick as flies this morning

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Fake news

Na, not really
Have you been on the border down there I have several times it’s there is no border.
You can literally walk across it like it’s nothing and no one’s around... it’s a bunch of shit
All of these problems these people bring with them cannot be dealt with, we cannot afford it. It cost us billions of dollars every year to deal with these damn illegal aliens....

Northbound migrant group doubles in size, enters Guatemala

Dude, lets make them legal at the border and demand they live in a city owned home in Cleveland for a decade. Work, stay out of jail, and poof the American dream is yours. We'll call it the 21st Century Homestead Act. We need more people willing to traverse a continent to get here.
All of these problems these people bring with them cannot be dealt with, we cannot afford it. It cost us billions of dollars every year to deal with these damn illegal aliens....

Northbound migrant group doubles in size, enters Guatemala

Dude, lets make them legal at the border and demand they live in a city owned home in Cleveland for a decade. Work, stay out of jail, and poof the American dream is yours. We'll call it the 21st Century Homestead Act. We need more people willing to traverse a continent to get here.
-------------------------- and give them money and food stamps , medical care , welfare help and everything thats needed to get started . And then get a 'honduran council to run the place like they have in , think its 'vermont' or maine for the 'somali muslim' trouble makers . And then birth their babies for free , give them food so their kids and new born Anchor babees eat , and then disposable diapers . And then let them vote in elections .
Scary shit...I know. When your balls drop you’ll be able to break the’ve watched Roots a few too many times.

Yes, it is scary that even today people like you wish they could own other human beings. But the good news is that people like you are getting old and dying off.

Easy now lying Lefty. You’re doing that LefTard thing again… Nobody said they wanted to own human beings...I said that slavery was good for the time… Good for America, good for Africa.
Further, I think it’s you loonies who still want to own human beings…aren’t you LefTards always telling us about how great wetbacks are because they’ll work for nothing and do things nobody else will?

Slavery was good, huh? Do you call this good?



The women were repeatedly raped and bred like cattle, then their infants sold to other slave owners.
If you think this was good, then there's a special place in hell for you.

Those are all good things to BrokeLoser.

Sent from my iPhone using

You and Kittymom1026 watched Roots way too many times, you think all slaves were Kunta programmed fools.
Makes perfect sense to LibTardians...You’re certain that all highly moral, religions white folks abused their slaves...haha
Post more images, post some real emotion provoking attention getters to show what life in Africa was like in 1790. Show us what slaves were saved from there would you? Weird that nobody EVER wants to talk about that side of slavery...WHY?

I have never seen Roots!

And no matter how much you want to, you are not allowed to own fellow human beings.
No, you are just an idiot that thinks not wanting a wall means I am an open borders person. You cannot get that there are more than those two alternatives.
No wall = open border

Oh look; another moron. They are thick as flies this morning

Sent from my iPhone using

Fake news

Na, not really
Have you been on the border down there I have several times it’s there is no border.
You can literally walk across it like it’s nothing and no one’s around... it’s a bunch of shit

Stationed in Yuma Az for 3 years, right on the border.
Yes, it is scary that even today people like you wish they could own other human beings. But the good news is that people like you are getting old and dying off.

Easy now lying Lefty. You’re doing that LefTard thing again… Nobody said they wanted to own human beings...I said that slavery was good for the time… Good for America, good for Africa.
Further, I think it’s you loonies who still want to own human beings…aren’t you LefTards always telling us about how great wetbacks are because they’ll work for nothing and do things nobody else will?

Slavery was good, huh? Do you call this good?



The women were repeatedly raped and bred like cattle, then their infants sold to other slave owners.
If you think this was good, then there's a special place in hell for you.

Those are all good things to BrokeLoser.

Sent from my iPhone using

You and Kittymom1026 watched Roots way too many times, you think all slaves were Kunta programmed fools.
Makes perfect sense to LibTardians...You’re certain that all highly moral, religions white folks abused their slaves...haha
Post more images, post some real emotion provoking attention getters to show what life in Africa was like in 1790. Show us what slaves were saved from there would you? Weird that nobody EVER wants to talk about that side of slavery...WHY?

I have never seen Roots!

And no matter how much you want to, you are not allowed to own fellow human beings.
--------------------------- Tell that to the 'muslims' GGator .
No wall = open border

Oh look; another moron. They are thick as flies this morning

Sent from my iPhone using

Fake news

Na, not really
Have you been on the border down there I have several times it’s there is no border.
You can literally walk across it like it’s nothing and no one’s around... it’s a bunch of shit

Stationed in Yuma Az for 3 years, right on the border.

That’s weird...and you don’t know about shit like this? Hmmm.
Border fence in Jacumba, CA...just minutes east of San Diego

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