More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

Nope, calling for fair pay.

You've never defined what "fair pay" is?

Wouldn't "fair" pay just be a rate that the worker accepts freely, and the employer offers freely?

Fair pay is like a fair grade. If you suck at the assignment, the fair grade is an F.

However to libs fair means no matter how shitty you do or how hard you try or how well you do in the assignment, everyone gets an F together.

Wages aren't a grade.

If they were?

Dick Fuld would be broke.
Nope, calling for fair pay.

You've never defined what "fair pay" is?

Wouldn't "fair" pay just be a rate that the worker accepts freely, and the employer offers freely?

Fair pay is like a fair grade. If you suck at the assignment, the fair grade is an F.

However to libs fair means no matter how shitty you do or how hard you try or how well you do in the assignment, everyone gets an F together.

Bullshit - Currently 1 out of a class of 20,000 would be getting an A++ & everyone else is getting an F.
Funny how so many hated Nixon are now standing up and cheering for wage and price controls!

Big corporations are larger than many governments & are controlling wage & price. Individual workers have no power against these behemoths.
You've never defined what "fair pay" is?

Wouldn't "fair" pay just be a rate that the worker accepts freely, and the employer offers freely?

Fair pay is like a fair grade. If you suck at the assignment, the fair grade is an F.

However to libs fair means no matter how shitty you do or how hard you try or how well you do in the assignment, everyone gets an F together.

Bullshit - Currently 1 out of a class of 20,000 would be getting an A++ & everyone else is getting an F.
That's what I said. And the libs want to make sure that no one getting a 55 can possibly get to a c everyone should be down closer to zero, only the rich democrat leaders should get that A+.
Funny how so many hated Nixon are now standing up and cheering for wage and price controls!

Big corporations are larger than many governments & are controlling wage & price. Individual workers have no power against these behemoths.

That's because govco won't do their job of breaking up monopolies & oligopolies. They would much rather manage what types of toilets and light bulbs we can use.
Define, "freely". Face it, in today's economy people are working any job they can get for any money they can get paid, it's not "freely" it virtual slavery.


I do not believe workers deserve less value for their work today than they did 30, 40 or 50 years ago.

What makes you think workers are getting less value for their work today than they did 30, 40, or 50 years ago? Is this another one of those lib feelings you have?

Because, that was the reason for Ronnie and his union busting buddies to smash the in the first place..dude.

So they'd make less.

Uhmm... holding the USA hostage by monopolizing all air traffic .... breaking up monopolies like that is the job of our government. A union that big needs to be broken up just like any other large monopoly.
Funny how so many hated Nixon are now standing up and cheering for wage and price controls!

Big corporations are larger than many governments & are controlling wage & price. Individual workers have no power against these behemoths.

That's because govco won't do their job of breaking up monopolies & oligopolies. They would much rather manage what types of toilets and light bulbs we can use.

When have republicans ever broken up monopolies?

Republicans don't believe in business competition, only wage competition.

Republicans create monopolies. Monsanto should have gone bankrupt from super-fund clean-up, but Romney's political connections got that burden dumped onto taxpayers, so Monsanto could use that government windfall to buy up competitors, seed technology, patent crops & own the food supply. They could not exist without governments help given to them by Republicans & Mitt Romney.
Funny how so many hated Nixon are now standing up and cheering for wage and price controls!

Nixon put a freeze on wages, ace.

And by the way, no one went ape shit on him about that.

Unfortunately Republicans did the opposite of pay freeze for government employees. Republicans exploded their pay, compensation & number of government employees.

Big corporations are larger than many governments & are controlling wage & price. Individual workers have no power against these behemoths.

That's because govco won't do their job of breaking up monopolies & oligopolies. They would much rather manage what types of toilets and light bulbs we can use.

When have republicans ever broken up monopolies?

Republicans don't believe in business competition, only wage competition.

Republicans create monopolies. Monsanto should have gone bankrupt from super-fund clean-up, but Romney's political connections got that burden dumped onto taxpayers, so Monsanto could use that government windfall to buy up competitors, seed technology, patent crops & own the food supply. They could not exist without governments help given to them by Republicans & Mitt Romney.
You mean like the breakup of ma-bell in 1982 under Reagan? I'm not a fan of Mitt. I voted libertarian. Mitt was to much of a socialist for me.
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What makes you think workers are getting less value for their work today than they did 30, 40, or 50 years ago? Is this another one of those lib feelings you have?

Because, that was the reason for Ronnie and his union busting buddies to smash the in the first place..dude.

So they'd make less.

Uhmm... holding the USA hostage by monopolizing all air traffic .... breaking up monopolies like that is the job of our government. A union that big needs to be broken up just like any other large monopoly.

Unions are the most destructive monopoly in America; with a level of control over the government that no corporation has ever held. 80% of those in government are directly tied to the Union monopoly. Who controls our government? The AFL/CIO SEUI monopoly.
When have republicans ever broken up monopolies?

The phone company, the air lines - both under Reagan. Both government mandated and protected monopolies.

Of course, monopolies can ONLY exist with the help and blessing of the government.

Republicans don't believe in business competition, only wage competition.

Republicans create monopolies.

Lie much?

Monsanto should have gone bankrupt from super-fund clean-up, but Romney's political connections got that burden dumped onto taxpayers, so Monsanto could use that government windfall to buy up competitors, seed technology, patent crops & own the food supply.

Monsanto is not a monopoly, not even close. ADM (who owns a major stake in Obama Corp) is far larger. Ortho, though smaller than Monsanto, is part of Chevron, one of the largest corporations in the world.

And you claim the Superfund was used only for Monsanto? :eek:

In fact, the Superfund was started to clean up Love Canal, destroyed by Hooker Chemical, it had nothing to do with Monsanto - you're just lying - which is what leftists do.

Superfund - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In fact, digging, I don't see ANY Monsanto sites under Superfund. The usual Dow, Occidental, Union Carbide, appear to be the ones cleaned up.

So you start with falsehoods, and follow with idiocy.

They could not exist without governments help given to them by Republicans & Mitt Romney.

So you openly lie, then spew partisanship.

Typical Khmer Rouge democrat... :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

I realize there are people who don't understand market basics - like something as simple as "correction" - but here's a good piece:

Say hello to U.S. economy?s newest bubble - Irwin Kellner - MarketWatch

From the piece: This bull market has managed to avoid a correction for 33 months — far longer than average. And correction or no, the current bull market is the fourth-longest since the Crash of 1929.

10% would be good. 15% to 20% would be better.

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In fact, digging, I don't see ANY Monsanto sites under Superfund. The usual Dow, Occidental, Union Carbide, appear to be the ones cleaned up.

That's because you're stupid. Romney held the government at bay while Monsanto created & spun off Solutia Corp. They put all their toxic crap in Solutia, spun it off onto unsuspecting investors & then it went bankrupt when the government told them to clean it up. Monsanto kept all it's money made from government contracts & other ventures to try & take over seed technology.
That's because you're stupid. Romney held the government at bay while Monsanto created & spun off Solutia Corp. They put all their toxic crap in Solutia, spun it off onto unsuspecting investors & then it went bankrupt when the government told them to clean it up. Monsanto kept all it's money made from government contracts & other ventures to try & take over seed technology.

I have no desire to defend Monsanto, but the fact is that you lied about them being a monopoly, you lied that Republicans created a monopoly for them, and you lied about the Superfund impact. Your own claim shows that they had already spun off the offending segment before the EPA got involved. Oh, and isn't the Superfund tasked with recouping costs? Why yes, they sure are...

{Facing as much as $3 billion in legal and compensatory expenses regarding the Alabama suit and a similar case scheduled for federal court, Solutia warned in its 2003 second-quarter earnings report that it might be forced to file Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Monsanto also faced potential bankruptcy from the suits.

In response to Solutia’s bankruptcy warning, trial lawyers representing the federal and state plaintiffs agreed to the $700 million settlement, which will allow both companies to remain in operation.

The settlement removes “an area of great uncertainty for our shareholders and employees related to our contingent liabilities,” said Monsanto Chief Executive Officer Hugh Grant.

From 1935 through the early 1970s, Monsanto manufactured PCBs at the 70-acre Anniston site to insulate electrical equipment. PCBs were considered safe at the time of their manufacture, and are still believed to be safe at low levels of exposure. Nevertheless, the federal government banned PCBs in 1979 after studies indicated that high levels of exposure to PCBs cause cancer in laboratory animals.

Owners of property near the site have had their land tested for PCBs, and many joined a class-action lawsuit filed against Solutia, a specialty chemical company that was spun off by Monsanto in 1997 but inherited the parent company’s liability for PCB claims.}

Solutia Settles Alabama PCB Case | Heartlander Magazine

So basically everything you posted was a fucking lie.

Such is the way of Khmer Rouge democrats.
When have republicans ever broken up monopolies?

Republicans don't believe in business competition, only wage competition.

Republicans create monopolies. Monsanto should have gone bankrupt from super-fund clean-up, but Romney's political connections got that burden dumped onto taxpayers, so Monsanto could use that government windfall to buy up competitors, seed technology, patent crops & own the food supply. They could not exist without governments help given to them by Republicans & Mitt Romney.
Theodore Roosevelt, a republican, started the break-up of monopolies.
That's because you're stupid. Romney held the government at bay while Monsanto created & spun off Solutia Corp. They put all their toxic crap in Solutia, spun it off onto unsuspecting investors & then it went bankrupt when the government told them to clean it up. Monsanto kept all it's money made from government contracts & other ventures to try & take over seed technology.

I have no desire to defend Monsanto, but the fact is that you lied about them being a monopoly, you lied that Republicans created a monopoly for them, and you lied about the Superfund impact. Your own claim shows that they had already spun off the offending segment before the EPA got involved. Oh, and isn't the Superfund tasked with recouping costs? Why yes, they sure are...

{Facing as much as $3 billion in legal and compensatory expenses regarding the Alabama suit and a similar case scheduled for federal court, Solutia warned in its 2003 second-quarter earnings report that it might be forced to file Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Monsanto also faced potential bankruptcy from the suits.

In response to Solutia’s bankruptcy warning, trial lawyers representing the federal and state plaintiffs agreed to the $700 million settlement, which will allow both companies to remain in operation.

The settlement removes “an area of great uncertainty for our shareholders and employees related to our contingent liabilities,” said Monsanto Chief Executive Officer Hugh Grant.

From 1935 through the early 1970s, Monsanto manufactured PCBs at the 70-acre Anniston site to insulate electrical equipment. PCBs were considered safe at the time of their manufacture, and are still believed to be safe at low levels of exposure. Nevertheless, the federal government banned PCBs in 1979 after studies indicated that high levels of exposure to PCBs cause cancer in laboratory animals.

Owners of property near the site have had their land tested for PCBs, and many joined a class-action lawsuit filed against Solutia, a specialty chemical company that was spun off by Monsanto in 1997 but inherited the parent company’s liability for PCB claims.}

Solutia Settles Alabama PCB Case | Heartlander Magazine

So basically everything you posted was a fucking lie.

Such is the way of Khmer Rouge democrats.

You are a lying sack of shit. The EPA filed suit against Monsanto in 1980. The Romney's delayed it for 23 years until Solutia was formed & spun off. Monsanto would have been bankrupt had they not paid Romney to get them out of that jam. The EPA & DNR only gave me 20 days to clean up after a devastating fire destroyed my business. Monsanto bought 23 years & only paid pennies on the dollar.
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You are a lying sack of shit. The EPA filed suit against Monsanto in 1980. The Romney's delayed it for 23 years until Solutia was formed & spun off. Monsanto would have been bankrupt had they not paid Romney to get them out of that jam. The EPA & DNR only gave me 20 days to clean up after a devastating fire destroyed my business. Monsanto bought 23 years & only paid pennies on the dollar.

Comrade, at least TRY to be rational and support your claim. I'm no fan of Monsanto, but a Communist spewing shit that has already been proven full of distortions and outright lies, is hardly convincing.

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