More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

Quantitative Easing = printing phoney money so the price of essentials will go up but wages won't.

If you need to know more then you probably wouldn't understand it anyway.
Quantitative Easing = printing phoney money so the price of essentials will go up but wages won't.

If you need to know more then you probably wouldn't understand it anyway.


QE = prevention of economic collapse, starvation & riots. Prices already tripled at the time bad loans were made. QE slows the price collapse until the problems that caused the disaster can be fixed. Part of that means that wages need to rise to try & keep up with the inflation created by bad loans years earlier.

QE isn't the problem. It was the ongoing need for QE that's the problem.

There weren't many other options, and since the collapse was happening so quickly and the damage was so severe, the infusions had to happen. Plus, QE can essentially be reversed by extracting the cash (and virtual cash) back out of the system. The question is whether the Fed's timing and amount/speed of the extraction will be effective. There's little way to know, and we're just gonna hafta find out. Neither "side" of the argument can (honestly) claim to know for sure (but of course they will). But the Fed, like it or not, had to act.

A more concerning problem is the clear anti-business mindset of the administration and the willingness of the Left to be bolder and bolder in its antipathy for capitalism in general. Employers are not stupid, they see this quite clearly, because it's pretty tough to miss. And, predictably, in response, they have been far more reticent to take standard business risks in this environment. That has played a part in slowing the recovery and lengthening the need for QE.

Vicious cycle.


QE isn't the problem. It was the ongoing need for QE that's the problem.

There weren't many other options, and since the collapse was happening so quickly and the damage was so severe, the infusions had to happen. Plus, QE can essentially be reversed by extracting the cash (and virtual cash) back out of the system. The question is whether the Fed's timing and amount/speed of the extraction will be effective. There's little way to know, and we're just gonna hafta find out. Neither "side" of the argument can (honestly) claim to know for sure (but of course they will). But the Fed, like it or not, had to act.

A more concerning problem is the clear anti-business mindset of the administration and the willingness of the Left to be bolder and bolder in its antipathy for capitalism in general. Employers are not stupid, they see this quite clearly, because it's pretty tough to miss. And, predictably, in response, they have been far more reticent to take standard business risks in this environment. That has played a part in slowing the recovery and lengthening the need for QE.

Vicious cycle.

No! - The problem is government was too pro-bigbusiness. These companies are ran by bankers & people who know nothing about the business they run. GM was destroyed by the corporate mismanagement, not the workers. We have been using payroll tax surplus to fund corporate & dividend tax cuts for Corporate America. Government merged the biggest banks to make them even bigger.

This disaster was caused by government taking sides. Pro-business supply siders caused the inflation bubble made bad investments. Government should not be taking sides. A free market can't exist with only a supply side or a demand side. Pro-business supply side religion must be beaten out of these radicals the same way they beat it out of the demand sider socialist unions. If that fails, pitch forks will be next.

Taxes, fines & regulation must be the same percent on everyone regardless of how the money was made. Stop the tax subsidies & business worshiping. A $million fine will destroy an individual or a small business, but is unnoticed by a big on doing the same thing on a much larger scale.
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Quantitative Easing = printing phoney money so the price of essentials will go up but wages won't.

If you need to know more then you probably wouldn't understand it anyway.

There's no printing of money that goes on.


QE isn't the problem. It was the ongoing need for QE that's the problem.

There weren't many other options, and since the collapse was happening so quickly and the damage was so severe, the infusions had to happen. Plus, QE can essentially be reversed by extracting the cash (and virtual cash) back out of the system. The question is whether the Fed's timing and amount/speed of the extraction will be effective. There's little way to know, and we're just gonna hafta find out. Neither "side" of the argument can (honestly) claim to know for sure (but of course they will). But the Fed, like it or not, had to act.

A more concerning problem is the clear anti-business mindset of the administration and the willingness of the Left to be bolder and bolder in its antipathy for capitalism in general. Employers are not stupid, they see this quite clearly, because it's pretty tough to miss. And, predictably, in response, they have been far more reticent to take standard business risks in this environment. That has played a part in slowing the recovery and lengthening the need for QE.

Vicious cycle.


Well no..not really.

A couple of things happened.

First major corporations started doing something called "synergy", whereby they merged with smaller companies and got rid of redundancies.

Secondly was the off and near shoring.

And third you have a very deliberate strategy to slow economic recovery because corporations want to kill regulation and do not want to take responsibility for bad behavior.

It's no secret that major corporations are interested in one thing, profit. And unless what they do to achieve that hurts the bottom line? They will continue on the same path.
Yup - Unlike Bush's runaway inflation, Obama has inflation is under control.

Corn Price

U.S. Ethanol Exports Hit 25-Month High; Brazil is Top Customer

Farm Land prices fell for the first time in 23 years.

US Oil Production will soon outpace US Oil Consumption. Prices will fall.

Gasoline Price

Gold Price

Velocity of Money & Interest Rates Falling

Slashed Government Spending Rates & Deficit Spending.

Obama is mopping the floor with both Bush's. They could only dream of having Obama's increased employment rates. For 5 years now Household Income, Hires & Quits rates have been rising while the Unemployment & U-6 rates have been falling. :eusa_clap:

Employment is rising at increasing velocity. First 6 months of 2014 average 231k jobs added per month, last year the average was 194K jobs added per month. :eusa_clap:

The last time over 200,000 new jobs were created 6 months in a row was in 1999 when Bill Clinton was president! :eusa_clap:

Bush took the employment rate of working age population from 74% down to 65%. :eek:

Bush destroyed 18 million jobs. :eek:

Obama took the employment rate of working age population from 65% up to 69%. :eusa_clap:

Obama restored or created 8 million jobs. :eusa_clap:

Employment Rate of Working Age Population

now lets put a chart that tells the real story of the pain people are feeling

Commodity Food Price Index - Monthly Price - Commodity Prices - Price Charts, Data, and News - IndexMundi

Your link proves my point. Clinton lowered commodities prices, Bush tripled them destroying this country & Obama has been bringing them down again since he turned around the Bush disaster. Over the past 4 years food & energy prices are coming down even in the face of historic drought. They will drop huge after the record harvest this Fall.

Over the next year the coming US Oil Glut, Record Crop Harvest & Ending of QE3 will all pound prices way down.

dec 2008 119 june 2014 185. obama is bringing them down? what the hell are you looking at?
Your link proves my point. Clinton lowered commodities prices, Bush tripled them destroying this country & Obama has been bringing them down again since he turned around the Bush disaster. Over the past 4 years food & energy prices are coming down even in the face of historic drought. They will drop huge after the record harvest this Fall.

Over the next year the coming US Oil Glut, Record Crop Harvest & Ending of QE3 will all pound prices way down.

I know that you spend a lot of time on the hate sites, and you post the most absurd propaganda here.

But two simple, irrefutable facts.

Food prices have more than doubled since Obama took office.

Energy prices have more than tripled.

It's nice that Dear Leader is pumping billions into ADM so they can send Ethanol to Brazil, and no doubt American families paying $5 a pound for ground beef will praise him for doing so. It is true that a loaf of bread costs 2.5 times as much today as when Obama took the throne, but at least coal to heat your home is 3 times more expensive.

While electronics prices and textile prices create an artificially lower CPI, basic staples of food and energy are through the roof. Obama has lowered the real standard of living for most Americans more than anyone since Carter.

But hey, at least Warren Buffet is raking it in, thanks to trillions from the fed pumped into the stock market.

Obama: Working for the 1% - fuck the rest of you!

QE isn't the problem. It was the ongoing need for QE that's the problem.

There weren't many other options, and since the collapse was happening so quickly and the damage was so severe, the infusions had to happen. Plus, QE can essentially be reversed by extracting the cash (and virtual cash) back out of the system. The question is whether the Fed's timing and amount/speed of the extraction will be effective. There's little way to know, and we're just gonna hafta find out. Neither "side" of the argument can (honestly) claim to know for sure (but of course they will). But the Fed, like it or not, had to act.

A more concerning problem is the clear anti-business mindset of the administration and the willingness of the Left to be bolder and bolder in its antipathy for capitalism in general. Employers are not stupid, they see this quite clearly, because it's pretty tough to miss. And, predictably, in response, they have been far more reticent to take standard business risks in this environment. That has played a part in slowing the recovery and lengthening the need for QE.

Vicious cycle.


Well no..not really.

A couple of things happened.

First major corporations started doing something called "synergy", whereby they merged with smaller companies and got rid of redundancies.

Secondly was the off and near shoring.

And third you have a very deliberate strategy to slow economic recovery because corporations want to kill regulation and do not want to take responsibility for bad behavior.

It's no secret that major corporations are interested in one thing, profit. And unless what they do to achieve that hurts the bottom line? They will continue on the same path.

Yeah, I know, it's all "their" fault.

Those guys, over there.

How convenient.

Ah, the simple world of partisan ideologues.

Quantitative Easing = printing phoney money so the price of essentials will go up but wages won't.

If you need to know more then you probably wouldn't understand it anyway.

There's no printing of money that goes on.


About 90% of new currency is electronic, but there is plenty of printing, Comrade. The free money the feds are giving to the DOW isn't printed, but plenty of paper currency is being made.

Comrade; John Maynard Keynes wrote; "In order for a stable currency to exist, chit must be introduced or removed at the rate of growth or decline." The Economic Consequences of the Peace by John Maynard Keynes, 1919. pp. 235.

What Keynes calls "chit," we call "fiat." The concept is the same, unbacked paper currency.

You are a partisan hack, you spew what you do to promote your shameful party, not to promote healthy economic ideas. But even Keynes, who you leftists imagine that you follow, (you don't, you follow that fraud Krugman) recognized that Quantitative Easing stimulates activity by freeing up currency lost to economic expansion - in simple terms, as an economy grows, a static pool of currency chases a growing pool of goods and services, which necessarily creates deflation. Further, a currency crunch forces interest rates to rise as availible currency to lend is scarce. Ergo, QE must be tied to the growth in GDP.

Several obvious issues with the Obama mess. QE has outstripped GDP growth by a dozen times over, creating inflationary pressure, that has burst through in the housing and food markets. Secondly, the Obama scheme has focused on introducing new currency in the stock markets, rather than in financial institutions, which does not create the incentive to lend, but instead inflates the portfolios of the most well to do.

Thus we have the economic mess that the nation suffers with.

Your link proves my point. Clinton lowered commodities prices, Bush tripled them destroying this country & Obama has been bringing them down again since he turned around the Bush disaster. Over the past 4 years food & energy prices are coming down even in the face of historic drought. They will drop huge after the record harvest this Fall.

Over the next year the coming US Oil Glut, Record Crop Harvest & Ending of QE3 will all pound prices way down.

dec 2008 119 june 2014 185. obama is bringing them down? what the hell are you looking at?

He really doesn't know. Kissmy goes over to the hate sites and picks up a slew of graphs he doesn't grasp and posts them here.

A Federal Reserve Economic Data graph is about as meaningful as a graph created in Excel. FRED will graph any data set you like - whether accurate and meaningful, or utter bullshit. The hate sites have taken to graphing irrational series of numbers and sending the retards out with graphs which have no actual meaning. Kissmy imagines that his posts are authoritative, since they have graphs. In reality, what he posts is absurd nonsense, and he has no clue.
Quantitative Easing = printing phoney money so the price of essentials will go up but wages won't.

If you need to know more then you probably wouldn't understand it anyway.

There's no printing of money that goes on.


About 90% of new currency is electronic, but there is plenty of printing, Comrade. The free money the feds are giving to the DOW isn't printed, but plenty of paper currency is being made.

Comrade; John Maynard Keynes wrote; "In order for a stable currency to exist, chit must be introduced or removed at the rate of growth or decline." The Economic Consequences of the Peace by John Maynard Keynes, 1919. pp. 235.

What Keynes calls "chit," we call "fiat." The concept is the same, unbacked paper currency.

You are a partisan hack, you spew what you do to promote your shameful party, not to promote healthy economic ideas. But even Keynes, who you leftists imagine that you follow, (you don't, you follow that fraud Krugman) recognized that Quantitative Easing stimulates activity by freeing up currency lost to economic expansion - in simple terms, as an economy grows, a static pool of currency chases a growing pool of goods and services, which necessarily creates deflation. Further, a currency crunch forces interest rates to rise as availible currency to lend is scarce. Ergo, QE must be tied to the growth in GDP.

Several obvious issues with the Obama mess. QE has outstripped GDP growth by a dozen times over, creating inflationary pressure, that has burst through in the housing and food markets. Secondly, the Obama scheme has focused on introducing new currency in the stock markets, rather than in financial institutions, which does not create the incentive to lend, but instead inflates the portfolios of the most well to do.

Thus we have the economic mess that the nation suffers with.


All you have is piss and vinegar.

You are way out in the weeds here..with things you don't understand.

Every single time conservative (fascist/theocratic) principles are applied to the US economy? It fails and miserably.

It leads to boom/bust, bailouts, recessions and depressions. Along with massive unemployment, poverty and a huge disparity between rich and poor.

Stick to what you know.

Playing a confederate soldier in your tea party re-enactments and configuring million dollar content switches to play pandora.
There's no printing of money that goes on.


About 90% of new currency is electronic, but there is plenty of printing, Comrade. The free money the feds are giving to the DOW isn't printed, but plenty of paper currency is being made.

Comrade; John Maynard Keynes wrote; "In order for a stable currency to exist, chit must be introduced or removed at the rate of growth or decline." The Economic Consequences of the Peace by John Maynard Keynes, 1919. pp. 235.

What Keynes calls "chit," we call "fiat." The concept is the same, unbacked paper currency.

You are a partisan hack, you spew what you do to promote your shameful party, not to promote healthy economic ideas. But even Keynes, who you leftists imagine that you follow, (you don't, you follow that fraud Krugman) recognized that Quantitative Easing stimulates activity by freeing up currency lost to economic expansion - in simple terms, as an economy grows, a static pool of currency chases a growing pool of goods and services, which necessarily creates deflation. Further, a currency crunch forces interest rates to rise as availible currency to lend is scarce. Ergo, QE must be tied to the growth in GDP.

Several obvious issues with the Obama mess. QE has outstripped GDP growth by a dozen times over, creating inflationary pressure, that has burst through in the housing and food markets. Secondly, the Obama scheme has focused on introducing new currency in the stock markets, rather than in financial institutions, which does not create the incentive to lend, but instead inflates the portfolios of the most well to do.

Thus we have the economic mess that the nation suffers with.


All you have is piss and vinegar.

You are way out in the weeds here..with things you don't understand.

Every single time conservative (fascist/theocratic) principles are applied to the US economy? It fails and miserably.

It leads to boom/bust, bailouts, recessions and depressions. Along with massive unemployment, poverty and a huge disparity between rich and poor.

Stick to what you know.

Playing a confederate soldier in your tea party re-enactments and configuring million dollar content switches to play pandora.

Then why is New York State offering tax free for 10 years for Businesses who move to the State?

Why did President Kennedy lower taxes?

Why are Businesses moving from California to Texas?

These are all conservative policies.

The boom/bust, bailouts, recessions and depressions. Along with massive unemployment, poverty and a huge disparity between rich and poor is because of both parties.

All you have is piss and vinegar.

You are way out in the weeds here..with things you don't understand.

Every single time conservative (fascist/theocratic) principles are applied to the US economy? It fails and miserably.

It leads to boom/bust, bailouts, recessions and depressions. Along with massive unemployment, poverty and a huge disparity between rich and poor.

Stick to what you know.

Playing a confederate soldier in your tea party re-enactments and configuring million dollar content switches to play pandora.

It's hard, if not impossible, to imagine a more miserable failure than the Obama economy of the last 6 years.

Further, for you to claim others lack understanding is beyond the pale. You have only what the whack-job leftist hate sites tell you, which of course is warmed over bullshit from that fraud Krugman. You imagine and claim this is Keynesian theory, but since you have never read Keynes, you post from a position of abject ignorance.

Also, what the FUCK are you babbling about with "confederate soldiers," retard?

Cowboy Action Shooting has NOTHING to do with Civil War reenactment. It's a shooting competition, retard - set in the 1880-90's - retard.
Then why is New York State offering tax free for 10 years for Businesses who move to the State?

Why did President Kennedy lower taxes?

Why are Businesses moving from California to Texas?

These are all conservative policies.

The boom/bust, bailouts, recessions and depressions. Along with massive unemployment, poverty and a huge disparity between rich and poor is because of both parties.

Irrespective of tax policy, the hate sites have sent the mindless drones out to spew idiocy about Quantitative Easing. The actions of Bernanke are highly unhealthy and follow NO school of thought. Krugman may cheer the idiocy, but the effects of these foolish policies are clear, the federal government is actively migrating assets from the middle, to the top, by using QE mechanisms to flood the DOW with capital. Those with disposable income to dabble in the market win, the rest lose. Even for the people who have 401K investments, the impact of devalued currency will far outstrip the gains made in portfolios. Obama has repaid well connected looters by rapidly increasing currency that goes straight into their pockets - at the expense of the rest of society.
Then why is New York State offering tax free for 10 years for Businesses who move to the State?

Why did President Kennedy lower taxes?

Why are Businesses moving from California to Texas?

These are all conservative policies.

The boom/bust, bailouts, recessions and depressions. Along with massive unemployment, poverty and a huge disparity between rich and poor is because of both parties.

Irrespective of tax policy, the hate sites have sent the mindless drones out to spew idiocy about Quantitative Easing. The actions of Bernanke are highly unhealthy and follow NO school of thought. Krugman may cheer the idiocy, but the effects of these foolish policies are clear, the federal government is actively migrating assets from the middle, to the top, by using QE mechanisms to flood the DOW with capital. Those with disposable income to dabble in the market win, the rest lose. Even for the people who have 401K investments, the impact of devalued currency will far outstrip the gains made in portfolios. Obama has repaid well connected looters by rapidly increasing currency that goes straight into their pockets - at the expense of the rest of society.

Yellen is continuing the same policy as Bernanke.
The Federal Reserve is artificially keeping inflation down.
They both believe that high inflation causes prices go up, demand to go down; there is less money flow which may increase unemployment and then cause a whole lot of other problems including the higher payment on our debt.
It's going to be bad when inflation hits and high inflation on 17 Trillion will be mind boggling.

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