More economic good news, unemployment rate drops to 8.6%

They will find a reason why this is not good.

There is no need to even look for a reason why it's not good.

It is Ok News, but the report it self spells out why it is not Great news.

We Created 120,000 Jobs which is better than Nothing but not anywhere near enough.

However all you have to do is read the whole Report, Instead of focusing on the headline they want you to. You will see that the main Reason for the Drop in the Unemployment Rate is that 315,000 People Gave up looking for work all together. IN 1 Month 315,000 People either decided to just retire Early, or Applied for Welfare and are no longer even being counted in the Rate. Nearly every Month for 2 years now, the number of jobs Created was significantly lower than the Number of People who still have not found work, that have dropped off the Rolls.

If you guys want to call that Great Economic News, go for it, but Rational People know it is Mediocre at best.
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350k americans fell off of the unemployment rolls. Meaning even though they have not found a job--they are no longer counted as unemployed.

the unemployment rate has never been based on unemployment benefits. All people not working but looking for work are classified as unemployed!!!!!!!
that's been mentioned more than once in this thread alone!

Thats is the craziest thing I have ever heard of and if asnyone believes that shit they would vote for obama even if a gun was point at their head and they were told not to vote for him
The unemployment rate has never been used to base the unemployment numbers. Dude do you really believe that shit?
Yes but people that have become so discouraged they have given up looking for work aren't counted in the unemployment numbers.
Because it's too subjective. People looking for work and not finding it tells us how hard it is to actually get a job. People who say they want a job but aren't actually looking doesn't tell us how hard it is, it tells us how hard people "think" it is. It's a legitimate debate that's been argued for decades, but discouragement didn't go up that much and the U4 measurement went down as well.
350k americans fell off of the unemployment rolls. Meaning even though they have not found a job--they are no longer counted as unemployed.

the unemployment rate has never been based on unemployment benefits. All people not working but looking for work are classified as unemployed!!!!!!!
that's been mentioned more than once in this thread alone!

Thats is the craziest thing I have ever heard of and if asnyone believes that shit they would vote for obama even if a gun was point at their head and they were told not to vote for him
The unemployment rate has never been used to base the unemployment numbers. Dude do you really believe that shit?

It never has been, that's a fact. Why do you think otherwise? Do some simple fucking's not that hard. I dare you...try and prove me wrong. You won't, though...if you look at all for the facts, which I doubt, and then you quickly find the UE rate comes from a monthly household survey, you'll just stay silent until next month when you talk out of your ass again.

Here, I'll help you:
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Yes but people that have become so discouraged they have given up looking for work aren't counted in the unemployment numbers.
Because it's too subjective. People looking for work and not finding it tells us how hard it is to actually get a job. People who say they want a job but aren't actually looking doesn't tell us how hard it is, it tells us how hard people "think" it is. It's a legitimate debate that's been argued for decades, but discouragement didn't go up that much and the U4 measurement went down as well.

Call it what you it a potato if you want....but unemployed means unemployed.
Yes but people that have become so discouraged they have given up looking for work aren't counted in the unemployment numbers.
Because it's too subjective. People looking for work and not finding it tells us how hard it is to actually get a job. People who say they want a job but aren't actually looking doesn't tell us how hard it is, it tells us how hard people "think" it is. It's a legitimate debate that's been argued for decades, but discouragement didn't go up that much and the U4 measurement went down as well.

Call it what you it a potato if you want....but unemployed means unemployed.

Yes, it means someone trying to get a job. Full time students, retirees, stay home spouses are not unemployed because they're not trying to work. Saying you hypothetically want a job even though you're not actually trying to get a job is not unemployed and isn't that useful.
the unemployment rate has never been based on unemployment benefits. All people not working but looking for work are classified as unemployed!!!!!!!
that's been mentioned more than once in this thread alone!

Thats is the craziest thing I have ever heard of and if asnyone believes that shit they would vote for obama even if a gun was point at their head and they were told not to vote for him
The unemployment rate has never been used to base the unemployment numbers. Dude do you really believe that shit?

It never has been, that's a fact. Why do you think otherwise? Do some simple fucking's not that hard. I dare you...try and prove me wrong. You won't, though...if you look at all for the facts, which I doubt, and then you quickly find the UE rate comes from a monthly household survey, you'll just stay silent until next month when you talk out of your ass again.

Here, I'll help you: Current Population Survey (CPS) Main Page

Stop right there you are using a government link and it has already been suggested that the government cook the numbers. They lie so fuck the government books and look at reality look around you how many people do you know that is unemployed and looking for a job?
Pretending that lots of people don't "give up" looking for work every month, in good times and bad, leads nutters to these screwed up interpretations of the numbers.

Why are people dropping out of the labor force? - The Washington Post

Do you have something more accurate then a survey?

No of course not.
Because it's impossibe to do a full census every month. So, no, it's not possible to be more accurate.

Yes it is. Hard numbers. The Bureau of labor statistics has the net numbers every month.
Pretending that lots of people don't "give up" looking for work every month, in good times and bad, leads nutters to these screwed up interpretations of the numbers.

Why are people dropping out of the labor force? - The Washington Post

Do you have something more accurate then a survey?

No of course not. Using net figures eliminates the ability to lie.

You mean "than", don't you? Idiot.

the idiot would be you until you prove you aren't an idiot. so far you are losing that fight.
Pretending that lots of people don't "give up" looking for work every month, in good times and bad, leads nutters to these screwed up interpretations of the numbers.

Why are people dropping out of the labor force? - The Washington Post

Do you have something more accurate then a survey?

No of course not. Using net figures eliminates the ability to lie.

You mean "than", don't you? Idiot.

Wow! We have a spelling nazi on the board. :eek: What an idiot
Because it's too subjective. People looking for work and not finding it tells us how hard it is to actually get a job. People who say they want a job but aren't actually looking doesn't tell us how hard it is, it tells us how hard people "think" it is. It's a legitimate debate that's been argued for decades, but discouragement didn't go up that much and the U4 measurement went down as well.

Call it what you it a potato if you want....but unemployed means unemployed.

Yes, it means someone trying to get a job. Full time students, retirees, stay home spouses are not unemployed because they're not trying to work. Saying you hypothetically want a job even though you're not actually trying to get a job is not unemployed and isn't that useful.

And those that have timed out of their benefits? See how this works?
Thats is the craziest thing I have ever heard of and if asnyone believes that shit they would vote for obama even if a gun was point at their head and they were told not to vote for him
The unemployment rate has never been used to base the unemployment numbers. Dude do you really believe that shit?

It never has been, that's a fact. Why do you think otherwise? Do some simple fucking's not that hard. I dare you...try and prove me wrong. You won't, though...if you look at all for the facts, which I doubt, and then you quickly find the UE rate comes from a monthly household survey, you'll just stay silent until next month when you talk out of your ass again.

Here, I'll help you: Current Population Survey (CPS) Main Page

Stop right there you are using a government link and it has already been suggested that the government cook the numbers.

We're not talking about the ACCURACY, right now, we're talking about the SOURCE. You're saying only people collecting UI benefits are counted. I'm saying that UI benefits aren't even a factor. So, government links saying how the numbers are derived. Now if you want to say they're manipulated AFTER they're collected, fine (though you'd be wrong). But FIRST, look at where the numbers come from.

Seriously, if you're claiming that the governtment only counts people receiving benefits but lies and says it comes from a survey, that would be seriously disturbed. And it would make no sense. DOL publishes UI benefits HERE Latest number for all programs 7,005,495
BLS publishes total Unemployment, used for the rate, HERE Latest number, 13,303,000

You're really going to claim the government is going to publish the # of people collecting, then the next day put out a number almost twice as high that's also the number of people collecting?
Do you have something more accurate then a survey?

No of course not.
Because it's impossibe to do a full census every month. So, no, it's not possible to be more accurate.

Yes it is. Hard numbers. The Bureau of labor statistics has the net numbers every month.
I'm not sure what you mean by "net numbers." BLS uses a survey, the Current Population Survey conducted by the Census Bureau as the source of the Labor Force information.
The official Employment numbers come from the Current Employment Survey, a survey of non-farm business payrolls.

Call it what you it a potato if you want....but unemployed means unemployed.

Yes, it means someone trying to get a job. Full time students, retirees, stay home spouses are not unemployed because they're not trying to work. Saying you hypothetically want a job even though you're not actually trying to get a job is not unemployed and isn't that useful.

And those that have timed out of their benefits? See how this works?

Those that timed out their benefits are still unemployed as far as the UE rate is concerned. The survey doesn't even ask about benefits. If you're lookng for work, you're unemployed...doesn't matter if you ever received benefits or ever had a job. Only half the people classified as unemployed are receiving benefits.

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