More economic good news, unemployment rate drops to 8.6%

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WE BLOCKED BARACK, and look what we got.

And I guess we really needed that jobs bill....didn't we.

Can the left be any more stupid ?

Actually we did.

Infrastructure spending is needed.

I loved when Obama made a speech in front of the crumbling bridge between Kentucky and Ohio.

Why is this bridge crumbling Senator Boehner and Senator McConnell?

Oh...because you blocked an infrastructure jobs bill that would have repaired it!
but the devil in the details is the unemployment dropped because 315K people stopped looking for work and not because people were being hired.

Not to mention all the temp jobs for Black Friday and the holidays!

Unemployment Rate Falls To 8.6 Percent | Fox News
But a key reason for the sharp drop was that about 315,000 people had stopped looking for work -- for the Labor Department's purposes, they were not counted as unemployed.
The stimulus will kick in any day now, then the summer of recovery can begin.

Way to Boehner :clap2::clap2::clap2: You blocked Barrack and see what you got. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

The Stimulus did kick in..

Jindal takes credit for stimulus, presents constituents with jumbo-sized stimulus check. | ThinkProgress
Perry and the Stimulus: It's Complicated — 2012 Presidential Election | The Texas Tribune

Which part of this shit is so complicated for you to understand.

Bush did a 9/11 on the economy. And it generally takes longer to build then to destroy.

The stimulus failed its metrics even the white house admitted such..

But thanks for playing.

It didn't "fail". Failure wouldn't mean that it didn't work at did.

You the failure of the Bush administration to stop a harebrained scheme by a group of idiots with box cutters to hijack 4 fucking planes and crash them into the epicenter of the greatest city on earth?

That's a failure. That's what failure looks like.
The Stimulus did kick in..

Jindal takes credit for stimulus, presents constituents with jumbo-sized stimulus check. | ThinkProgress
Perry and the Stimulus: It's Complicated — 2012 Presidential Election | The Texas Tribune

Which part of this shit is so complicated for you to understand.

Bush did a 9/11 on the economy. And it generally takes longer to build then to destroy.

The stimulus failed its metrics even the white house admitted such..

But thanks for playing.

It didn't "fail". Failure wouldn't mean that it didn't work at did.

You the failure of the Bush administration to stop a harebrained scheme by a group of idiots with box cutters to hijack 4 fucking planes and crash them into the epicenter of the greatest city on earth?

That's a failure. That's what failure looks like.

I guess you better go to websters and see what the meaning of stimulus is.:lol:
WE BLOCKED BARACK, and look what we got.

And I guess we really needed that jobs bill....didn't we.

Can the left be any more stupid ?

Actually we did.

Infrastructure spending is needed.

I loved when Obama made a speech in front of the crumbling bridge between Kentucky and Ohio.

Why is this bridge crumbling Senator Boehner and Senator McConnell?

Oh...because you blocked an infrastructure jobs bill that would have repaired it!

If there is a good reason to fix the bridge, they will fix the bridge.

Why is the bridge crumbling ?

Because the GOP was not interested in lining the pockets of dirty unions and thus ensure he can pull in more votes bought with the sweat of liberals and conservatives alike.

We didn't need the jobs bill.
Lol...Diamond Dave felt the need to neg rep me because I pointed out the obvious: That data is seasonally adjusted.

Unemployment going down.

Auto sales up 13.9%,

Pending home sales up 10%,

Retail sales up 16%,

The stock market up 500 points...

It looks like the train is leaving the station.

more good news :thup:

Got any links for those (well i know the stock market one because the ticker is running ;))

Pending Sales of U.S. Existing Homes Rose 10.4% in October - Businessweek

Auto sales soar in November -

Thanksgiving retail sales climb 16% to record high - SFGate

Thanks man!

That actually just made me feel like a small wieght off my back. Good news!

I still don't like Obama but this is good news :razz:
You're currently getting two points of your social security back to invest as you wish. If the Dems have their way, you'll get fully half of it to invest as you wish starting in January.

How about a link on this one.

I have not heard this before.
You're currently getting two points of your social security back to invest as you wish. If the Dems have their way, you'll get fully half of it to invest as you wish starting in January.

How about a link on this one.

I have not heard this before.

You're not aware that the payroll tax contribution was reduced from 6.2% to 4.2% a couple years ago? And the latest Democratic proposal is to reduce it to 3.1%?
That's a failure. That's what failure looks like.

Jamie Gorlick.

That is what failure looks like.


Oh, wait...she was personally successful....

Even though she had no previous training nor experience in finance, Gorelick was appointed Vice Chairman of Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) from 1997 to 2003. She served alongside former Clinton Administration official Franklin Raines.[7] During that period, Fannie Mae developed a $10 billion accounting scandal.[8]

On March 25, 2002, Business Week interviewed Gorelick about the health of Fannie Mae. Gorelick is quoted as saying, "We believe we are managed safely. We are very pleased that Moody's gave us an A-minus in the area of bank financial strength – without a reference to the government in any way. Fannie Mae is among the handful of top-quality institutions."[9] One year later, Government Regulators "accused Fannie Mae of improper accounting to the tune of $9 billion in unrecorded losses".[10]

In an additional scandal concerning falsified financial transactions that helped the company meet earnings targets for 1998, a "manipulation" that triggered multimillion-dollar bonuses for top executives,[11] Gorelick received $779,625.

Investigation by the OFHEO detailed in their official report on the accounting scandal in 2006 on page 66 that from 1998 to 2002 Gorelick received a total of $26,466,834.00 in income.


26 million !

Wow. That was successful....thanks fannie and freddie
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You know, I never even thought of that.

This is true the republicans blocked everything obama wanted to do the last few months....even obama and the dems in congress admit this and have said so publicly many times.

So is this recovery a result of the republicans stopping obama and the dems tinkering? Or is it a result of the stimulus? Or is it the normal cycle of the economy fighthing its way through poor regulation and tinkering by the govt?

All valid questions.
I guess it's good news to liberals that unemployment falls simply because some many of the unemployed stop looking for work and fall out of the unemployment calculations!

Guess where many of these people will fall to? Reliance on the state, but that is of course what left wingers want!

Right from your article!

Unemployment rate falls to 8.6% in November

reason the unemployment rate fell so much was because roughly 315,000 people gave up looking for work and were no longer counted as unemployed.Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

It's a sad day in America when we cheer for a drop in unemployment because so many people find their job search as hopeless!
"...315,000 people had given up looking for work and were no longer counted as unemployed.

Employers added 120,000 jobs last month."

315,000 is bigger than 120,000.

You see that, right?

How is this "good news"?

210, 000 sept
100, 000 oct
120, 000 nov


320, 000
WE BLOCKED BARACK, and look what we got.

And I guess we really needed that jobs bill....didn't we.

Can the left be any more stupid ?

Actually we did.

Infrastructure spending is needed.

I loved when Obama made a speech in front of the crumbling bridge between Kentucky and Ohio.

Why is this bridge crumbling Senator Boehner and Senator McConnell?

Oh...because you blocked an infrastructure jobs bill that would have repaired it!

Well we DIDN'T get the jobs bill yet unemployment went down more than it has since do comprehend the point they are making through the corrolation of unemployment and a lack of govt action don't you?
The stimulus failed its metrics even the white house admitted such..

But thanks for playing.

It didn't "fail". Failure wouldn't mean that it didn't work at did.

You the failure of the Bush administration to stop a harebrained scheme by a group of idiots with box cutters to hijack 4 fucking planes and crash them into the epicenter of the greatest city on earth?

That's a failure. That's what failure looks like.

I guess you better go to websters and see what the meaning of stimulus is.:lol:

And you should check the meaning of "failure".

Failure is George W. Bush. Who failed to give accurate numbers to the Obama administration regarding the depth of the deficit.

The stimulus worked. That President Obama admitted that it didn't work as well as he'd hoped was a refreshing difference from the failure before him, George W. Bush, who wouldn't admit that he had failed at anything.

Admitting fault..and finding flaws..means you are curious..and that you will come up with ways to make a process, better.

Not admitting fault and claiming perfection means you are not curious and you will continue to do the same things over and over again.
You're currently getting two points of your social security back to invest as you wish. If the Dems have their way, you'll get fully half of it to invest as you wish starting in January.

How about a link on this one.

I have not heard this before.

You're not aware that the payroll tax contribution was reduced from 6.2% to 4.2% a couple years ago? And the latest Democratic proposal is to reduce it to 3.1%?

I was not aware of the proposal to reduce it to 3.1 %.

Now, I thought this was something to move it to a private account.

The problem with this is that unless we have corresponding cuts in spending....we are again building debt.

How can the dems decry the Bush tax cuts and support this ?

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