More EPIC Obama fail? UN to allow Iran to inspect some of its own nuclear facilities...

Nothing to see here. Iranian techs are going to do the sampling, but they'll be supervised by international inspectors. Per usual, this is a case of the administration's opponents twisting the facts.

State Department defends Iran nuclear deal inspections -
No it is a case of you being spoon fed and happily eating it up.

You do realize the Iranian inspections only involve the investigation of past (not current) activity at one particular site right? Iran has the right to have national security secrets. This is no deal killer.
What I realize is that as the drip, drip, drip of behind the scenes deals come forward this "deal", and I use that term loosely as we got NOTHING, stinks more & more.

This side deal had no effect on the effectiveness of the deal aimed at preventing any current activity.
Its either this deal or war.

If you are for war then get your rifle, sign the paper, and ship out. Or send your son. That should be the requirement for every person in Congress that votes against this deal.

Don't like it? Good, get on the chopper.
this is the worst kind of stupid argument. Noting in politics is either/or. Is Iran stupid enough to go to war they are going to loose? They are batchit crazay, but not stupid
AP reports, Fox etc etc etc runs with it to bs absurdity...see Clinton e-mails, Bengazeeee, ACAyou name it. This deal is good, and done, another irrelevant distraction. What about fixing the mess the GOP has made of the US and the world? All for the greedy idiot rich.
AP reports, Fox etc etc etc runs with it to bs absurdity...see Clinton e-mails, Bengazeeee, ACAyou name it. This deal is good, and done, another irrelevant distraction. What about fixing the mess the GOP has made of the US and the world? All for the greedy idiot rich.
Obama said he was gonna fix it 7 years ago, ask him.
Its either this deal or war.

If you are for war then get your rifle, sign the paper, and ship out. Or send your son. That should be the requirement for every person in Congress that votes against this deal.

Don't like it? Good, get on the chopper.
this is the worst kind of stupid argument. Noting in politics is either/or. Is Iran stupid enough to go to war they are going to loose? They are batchit crazay, but not stupid
But Netanyahhoo might be...
AP reports, Fox etc etc etc runs with it to bs absurdity...see Clinton e-mails, Bengazeeee, ACAyou name it. This deal is good, and done, another irrelevant distraction. What about fixing the mess the GOP has made of the US and the world? All for the greedy idiot rich.
Obama said he was gonna fix it 7 years ago, ask him.
Would if your mindless obstructionist heroes would get the feq out of the way. From 4/42010 till a year and a half ago, nonstop obstruction AND gov't shutdown threats for NO reason. 1% GDP cut every time. Complaining is a joke. We only have the best economy in the world now, with no corrupt bubble. Only Dems do it.
Nuke expert on MSNBC, NEUTRAL, says AP reporter saying "we don't know how IAEA will check this" just MIGHT have tried to find out. Non-journalists running with ignorance again...
Yesterday the AP ran a story that sounds eye-poppingly scary. The International Atomic Energy Agency has a “secret” side deal that will allow the Iranians to inspect themselves. What the hell, right? Thanks Obama and what was Obama thinking? But the story itself was based on the reporter apparently not knowing what he was talking about. And the AP had to later scrub what were seemingly the most damning details. I’d go into those details. But Max Fischer at Vox has a very lengthy explainer going into just how botched this steaming pile was.

Let me share with you a deep truth: The nuclear stuff is complicated. Einstein said that. It doesn’t necessarily work in the way your everyday life experience would suggest. So it’s important to consult the people who know about the nuclear stuff, people called scientists. Particularly, nuclear scientists. And here we have another case where tendentious malefactors leak seemingly damning details to reporters who in the most basic sense do not know what they are talking about and write a story which can and often does dramatically affect the public debate over a critical issue. It’s already happened with the 24 days nonsense and it may with this. The AP has to scrub its story and pull a New York Times pretending the gist somehow isn’t changed when there is barely a story there in the first place. It really is a replay of how reporters — often acting in good faith — get played by malicious leaks. There are lots of reporters unfortunately who are in on the scam but they shall remain nameless for the moment. And it’s all a replay of the tragic nonsense parade which preceded the Iraq War — with lots of the same easy-mark reporters.

BREAKING: Nuclear Stuff Really Complicated
Its either this deal or war.

If you are for war then get your rifle, sign the paper, and ship out. Or send your son. That should be the requirement for every person in Congress that votes against this deal.

Don't like it? Good, get on the chopper.
this is the worst kind of stupid argument. Noting in politics is either/or. Is Iran stupid enough to go to war they are going to loose? They are batchit crazay, but not stupid

So try to follow.

If no deal then they will continue on and complete a bomb, which everyone understands they are months away from.

So what will the options be at that point? ... uh huh
Its either this deal or war.

If you are for war then get your rifle, sign the paper, and ship out. Or send your son. That should be the requirement for every person in Congress that votes against this deal.

Don't like it? Good, get on the chopper.
this is the worst kind of stupid argument. Noting in politics is either/or. Is Iran stupid enough to go to war they are going to loose? They are batchit crazay, but not stupid

So try to follow.

If no deal then they will continue on and complete a bomb, which everyone understands they are months away from.

So what will the options be at that point? ... uh huh

The options will be the same when they blatantly continue AFTER the "deal".
Clinton once made a deal with North Korea, and what happened? They completely disregarded it. This "deal" is a damn joke and almost ensures Iran gets a bomb. We all know it to be true, even if you guys on the left lie to yourselves about it...

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
Its either this deal or war.

If you are for war then get your rifle, sign the paper, and ship out. Or send your son. That should be the requirement for every person in Congress that votes against this deal.

Don't like it? Good, get on the chopper.
this is the worst kind of stupid argument. Noting in politics is either/or. Is Iran stupid enough to go to war they are going to loose? They are batchit crazay, but not stupid

So try to follow.

If no deal then they will continue on and complete a bomb, which everyone understands they are months away from.

So what will the options be at that point? ... uh huh

The options will be the same when they blatantly continue AFTER the "deal".
Clinton once made a deal with North Korea, and what happened? They completely disregarded it. This "deal" is a damn joke and almost ensures Iran gets a bomb. We all know it to be true, even if you guys on the left lie to yourselves about it...

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

The North Koreans were treated like lepers by Bush and they told him the U.S. wasn't living up to its part of the treaty and they were moving ahead with development.

Bush's response? He held a military exercise near North Korea.

And then did nothing for the next 8 years. Pretty much what Republicans think will work again. Why is it cons never learn anything from their mistakes? Its a bizarre brain fault.
The Jerusalem Post

And the jokes just keep rolling in.
*knock knock*
Who's there?
Mr. Criminal, this is the police, we have a warrant to search you premise for stolen goods.
uh, OK, be right there, just let me get dressed.
*sounds of things hitting the ground*
Mr. Criminal, please come to the door, we have a warrant.
Oh gosh, I spilled syrup on myself, let me just shower up a bit and I'll be right there.
*sounds of more things hitting the ground*
Mr. Criminal?
Be right there, just ironing my socks.
*sounds of more shit hitting the ground*
- Mr Criminal opens the door -
Hey guys, come on in, let me know if you find anything, in here. Mind if I take a walk outside, to my car?
Go ahead Mr. Criminal, even though you have a huge arrest record for stealing, we trust you.
Has the OP realized that his information is flawed and issued his retraction yet?

When something seems's best to rest on it a bit befòre posting.
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