More Eurotrash judgement of America


VIP Member
Dec 7, 2014
Bold = The Complaint
Regular = The facts

1. Americans are way too sensitive

Well guess what ? If you got something to say, be a fucking man.. and man the wall.
You took your stand... and now its your job to let the plinko chips fall where they will.

If you want to offend somebody...You're not going to get "have a nice day" as a response.

2. Everything is "awesome"!

Would you rather us sit here miserable all the time with a bad attitude ?

3. Smiles mean NOTHING

If you want to be angry and stuck up that's your problem..

4. Tipping

There are advantages and disadvantages to everything.
The Advantage to our system for waiters and waitresses is high quality, attentive services.

5. False prices on everything

The Price on things here, is only the price that you pay for the product itself...
You owe 7 cents for every dollar of cost to the Government.

6. Cheesy in-your-face marketing

People here actually have jobs, maybe you should try to get one.
Its a marketers job to find a way to sell the most of something.
That includes developing gimmicks, setting up appropriate advertising, Demographics research, Research about what competition it will have to contend with.

7. Wasteful consumerism

Its not my job to go without, because you don't like freedom.

8. American stereotypes of other countries

These aren't stereotypes, this is information passed down from generation to generation of what life was like back in the old world.
And it simply was nowhere near as free, democratic OR peaceful as here in America.

9. Heritage
Yes we identify ourselves.

10. ID checks & stupid drinking laws

Its not our problem that back in your 3rd world shit country, that they allow Juveniles to develop bad habits that affect their school lives, make them less able to work..
and cost other people money because they can't support themselves..
And make it more dangerous to drive.

And the main reason why Europe has the stupid fucking laws that it has... is because there in Eurotrashland... the Corporations really do rule.

11. Religious Americans

We have the right to believe anything we want... we don't have a communist bureau telling us what the fuck to believe.

12. Corporations win all the time, not small businesses

Small businesses do small things.
Large corporations with the labor, the money and the resources make the big things in enough numbers, to make America.

13. A country designed for cars, not humans

That's right, we live in the post Automotive world...
Its time that maybe you knocked down some of your bullshit, meaningless obsolete architecture so that you could actually have ROADS too.

14. Always in a hurry

That's right... we move.
That makes America.
We don't have all day to hear your bullshit.

15. Obsession with money

If you don't like it, go live in North Korea where nothing is available at all, regardless of what standards the government there sets.

16. Unhealthy portions

We eat what the fuck we want, when we want and how much we want.
And its none of your business.
We eat enough to fuel our bodies.

And the American Athletes that routinely kick your European ass, eat a whole lot more than the rest of US.

17. Thinking America is the best

America is the best.
We have the best technology.
We have the best medical standards in the world
We have the best economy in the world
We have the strongest middle class in the world.

So I'm glad you won't be coming back to America.
You can go fuck yourself.

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