More evidence of Leftist implosion

I agree with you there but our healthcare system is fucked up and DJT has not addressed this whatsoever. I am fortunate to have excellent insurance and even it can be pain in the ass to navigate at times.

Trump has always been an advocate for UHC (or whatever term you like to use). He is, in my opinion, waiting for the election and if he wins he will support a MFA/UHC plan and that will be his "legacy'.
That would be the best double cross of all time.

Except for two things...

one, he was not even shy about it during the campaign, people just did not pay attention.

two, based upon how fanatical his followers are 3/4 of them will suddenly think it is the best idea ever.
We shall see. But I disagree.

Is UHC/MFA any further left than massive tariffs?
I believe so
I just posted facts. You make your own conclusions if you’re smart enough. I am very angry at the Left what they made my young daughter endure. So yes, I will keep posting these threads.
yes Tulsi would be fine if she would stop bad-mouthing Hillary based on garbage GOP propaganda..
Read It and weep.
Tulsi Gabbard Official Site | TULSI 2020 Campaign |

Learn more about Tulsi Gabbard and her 2020 Presidential Campaign. Medicare for All. Equal rights for All. $15/hr minimum wage. No Wasteful Foreign Wars.
Paid for by TULSI NOW
Criminal Justice System
War and Peace

I am pretty sure Hillary started it.

You people need to move on, she as a terrible candidate and a pretty shitty person in general.
I just proved everything you know about Tulsi to be wrong and that's what you come up with? LOL.

Any 3rd Party candidate or anyone who confuses people about what Hillary and Democrats stand for is an asset of the Russians whether they know it or not. Trump and Putin are a little bit too close LOL Tom and Putin is a total scumbag. Trump is just a New York City mobbed up real estate superbrat...
Don’t change the subject. Did the link I posted that you claimed you read mention Tulsi specifically? Yes or no? Simple questions you old dweeb.
Yes it did but it was vague. And I don't know where the hell it is. Now look at her damn website and you will figure out that everything you know is wrong as always. Brainwashed functional moron. And Tulsi should stay off of fox because they take advantage of her and cause confusion. It's a Russian asset kind of thing. Try watching any other media when they have Democrats on and you might learn something factual.
So it did. You’re off this board forever. It wasn’t vague at all. See ya, dumb Leftist. Or are you not a man of your word?
Is it me, or is every Democrat candidate like a train wreck waiting to happen? Kamala Harris was obviously a choice because she could pass as being "black." Yet her record show that she ruthlessly jailed black people when she was a prosecutor. She also had slavers in her ancestry.

Elizabeth Warren was "cool" because she claimed to be a native American. Yet, it turned out that she had little to no Native American blood. In fact, her great-great-great grandfather Jonathan Crawford served in Major William Lauderdale’s Battalion of Tennessee Volunteer Militia from November 1837 to May 1838, a six month time period during which it fought two battles in Florida against the Seminoles.

Cory Booker portrays himself a someone who saves the helpless from burning buildings and puppies from untimely deaths, and vows to reform the criminal-justice system. And yet, corruption, murder, violent crime, unemployment, and taxes all rose dramatically while he was the Mayor of Newark.

Bernie Sanders portrays himself as a crusader against income inequality and yet in 2014, he and his wife earned $206,000, placing them in the top 6%.

Don't even get me started on Cuomo, that guy's record makes him a horrible candidate. Same with Biden. he is unfit, corrupt, inept, incompetent, and has so many skeletons in his closet yet to come out.

TBT, I didn't even know she was black until people started giving Biden shit for his gaffe about her. Her complexion looked Latino to me.

She is NOT black! That is the lie being foisted on America by omission.

Her father is half-black, half white Jamaican, descendant of slaveholders, and her Mom is from India. She is really 1/4 black and 3/4 Caucasian.
What happened with you racist? Used to be a drop of black blood was enough... At any rate if she has black blood and she wants to call herself black that's just fine and screw you LOL. On the other hand she's going nowhere.
yes Tulsi would be fine if she would stop bad-mouthing Hillary based on garbage GOP propaganda..
Read It and weep.
Tulsi Gabbard Official Site | TULSI 2020 Campaign |

Learn more about Tulsi Gabbard and her 2020 Presidential Campaign. Medicare for All. Equal rights for All. $15/hr minimum wage. No Wasteful Foreign Wars.
Paid for by TULSI NOW
Criminal Justice System
War and Peace

I am pretty sure Hillary started it.

You people need to move on, she as a terrible candidate and a pretty shitty person in general.
I just proved everything you know about Tulsi to be wrong and that's what you come up with? LOL.

Any 3rd Party candidate or anyone who confuses people about what Hillary and Democrats stand for is an asset of the Russians whether they know it or not. Trump and Putin are a little bit too close LOL Tom and Putin is a total scumbag. Trump is just a New York City mobbed up real estate superbrat...
Don’t change the subject. Did the link I posted that you claimed you read mention Tulsi specifically? Yes or no? Simple questions you old dweeb.
Yes it did but it was vague. And I don't know where the hell it is. Now look at her damn website and you will figure out that everything you know is wrong as always. Brainwashed functional moron. And Tulsi should stay off of fox because they take advantage of her and cause confusion. It's a Russian asset kind of thing. Try watching any other media when they have Democrats on and you might learn something factual.
So it did. You’re off this board forever. It wasn’t vague at all. See ya, dumb Leftist. Or are you not a man of your word?
I never said I was going anywhere and never made the BET and you are an idiot brainwashed or not. LOL congratulations. She is for Medicare for all just like Bernie. Idiot. Look at her website dumbass.
Trump has always been an advocate for UHC (or whatever term you like to use). He is, in my opinion, waiting for the election and if he wins he will support a MFA/UHC plan and that will be his "legacy'.
That would be the best double cross of all time.

Except for two things...

one, he was not even shy about it during the campaign, people just did not pay attention.

two, based upon how fanatical his followers are 3/4 of them will suddenly think it is the best idea ever.
We shall see. But I disagree.

Is UHC/MFA any further left than massive tariffs?
I believe so
Massive tariffs are a republican idiot thing. Trump is trying to equal the tariffs the Republicans passed in 1930 and made sure we had a world depression. LOL. This guy is the worst businessman in the history of the country and he's going to screw things up... His big accomplishment in office is not screwing up Obama's recovery. And only cost us 2 trillion dollars in debt to do it LOL.
I am pretty sure Hillary started it.

You people need to move on, she as a terrible candidate and a pretty shitty person in general.
I just proved everything you know about Tulsi to be wrong and that's what you come up with? LOL.

Any 3rd Party candidate or anyone who confuses people about what Hillary and Democrats stand for is an asset of the Russians whether they know it or not. Trump and Putin are a little bit too close LOL Tom and Putin is a total scumbag. Trump is just a New York City mobbed up real estate superbrat...
Don’t change the subject. Did the link I posted that you claimed you read mention Tulsi specifically? Yes or no? Simple questions you old dweeb.
Yes it did but it was vague. And I don't know where the hell it is. Now look at her damn website and you will figure out that everything you know is wrong as always. Brainwashed functional moron. And Tulsi should stay off of fox because they take advantage of her and cause confusion. It's a Russian asset kind of thing. Try watching any other media when they have Democrats on and you might learn something factual.
So it did. You’re off this board forever. It wasn’t vague at all. See ya, dumb Leftist. Or are you not a man of your word?
I never said I was going anywhere and never made the BET and you are an idiot brainwashed or not. LOL congratulations. She is for Medicare for all just like Bernie. Idiot. Look at her website dumbass.
Love it. So now you go back on your word or you prove your post was a lie. You’re either not a man of your word or a liar. Pick one. Idiot fool.
I just proved everything you know about Tulsi to be wrong and that's what you come up with? LOL.

Any 3rd Party candidate or anyone who confuses people about what Hillary and Democrats stand for is an asset of the Russians whether they know it or not. Trump and Putin are a little bit too close LOL Tom and Putin is a total scumbag. Trump is just a New York City mobbed up real estate superbrat...
Don’t change the subject. Did the link I posted that you claimed you read mention Tulsi specifically? Yes or no? Simple questions you old dweeb.
Yes it did but it was vague. And I don't know where the hell it is. Now look at her damn website and you will figure out that everything you know is wrong as always. Brainwashed functional moron. And Tulsi should stay off of fox because they take advantage of her and cause confusion. It's a Russian asset kind of thing. Try watching any other media when they have Democrats on and you might learn something factual.
So it did. You’re off this board forever. It wasn’t vague at all. See ya, dumb Leftist. Or are you not a man of your word?
I never said I was going anywhere and never made the BET and you are an idiot brainwashed or not. LOL congratulations. She is for Medicare for all just like Bernie. Idiot. Look at her website dumbass.
Love it. So now you go back on your word or you prove your post was a lie. You’re either not a man of your word or a liar. Pick one. Idiot fool.
Jesus what an idiot LOL my only response to your bet was laughter. Change the channel you are absolutely out of your mind. Your girl Tulsi gabbard is for Medicare for all and she is a Democrat. Change the channel and get some reality....
Look at her damn website you idiot it's right there in my link.
Don’t change the subject. Did the link I posted that you claimed you read mention Tulsi specifically? Yes or no? Simple questions you old dweeb.
Yes it did but it was vague. And I don't know where the hell it is. Now look at her damn website and you will figure out that everything you know is wrong as always. Brainwashed functional moron. And Tulsi should stay off of fox because they take advantage of her and cause confusion. It's a Russian asset kind of thing. Try watching any other media when they have Democrats on and you might learn something factual.
So it did. You’re off this board forever. It wasn’t vague at all. See ya, dumb Leftist. Or are you not a man of your word?
I never said I was going anywhere and never made the BET and you are an idiot brainwashed or not. LOL congratulations. She is for Medicare for all just like Bernie. Idiot. Look at her website dumbass.
Love it. So now you go back on your word or you prove your post was a lie. You’re either not a man of your word or a liar. Pick one. Idiot fool.
Jesus what an idiot LOL my only response to your bet was laughter. Change the channel you are absolutely out of your mind. Your girl Tulsi gabbard is for Medicare for all and she is a Democrat. Change the channel and get some reality....
Look at her damn website you idiot it's right there in my link.
You’re a deceiver. You will suffer greatly as your life runs short. And there is no heaven. Just emptiness. Poor old man.
Yes it did but it was vague. And I don't know where the hell it is. Now look at her damn website and you will figure out that everything you know is wrong as always. Brainwashed functional moron. And Tulsi should stay off of fox because they take advantage of her and cause confusion. It's a Russian asset kind of thing. Try watching any other media when they have Democrats on and you might learn something factual.
So it did. You’re off this board forever. It wasn’t vague at all. See ya, dumb Leftist. Or are you not a man of your word?
I never said I was going anywhere and never made the BET and you are an idiot brainwashed or not. LOL congratulations. She is for Medicare for all just like Bernie. Idiot. Look at her website dumbass.
Love it. So now you go back on your word or you prove your post was a lie. You’re either not a man of your word or a liar. Pick one. Idiot fool.
Jesus what an idiot LOL my only response to your bet was laughter. Change the channel you are absolutely out of your mind. Your girl Tulsi gabbard is for Medicare for all and she is a Democrat. Change the channel and get some reality....
Look at her damn website you idiot it's right there in my link.
You’re a deceiver. You will suffer greatly as your life runs short. And there is no heaven. Just emptiness. Poor old man.
When your talking points and misinformation have been proven idiotic propaganda, that's when you people go to the trolling LOL. Everything you know is wrong dipstick Google Google News and get some reality. It includes your Fox garbage without comment. I will outlive Fox network Trump and all this idiocy. Poor America
So it did. You’re off this board forever. It wasn’t vague at all. See ya, dumb Leftist. Or are you not a man of your word?
I never said I was going anywhere and never made the BET and you are an idiot brainwashed or not. LOL congratulations. She is for Medicare for all just like Bernie. Idiot. Look at her website dumbass.
Love it. So now you go back on your word or you prove your post was a lie. You’re either not a man of your word or a liar. Pick one. Idiot fool.
Jesus what an idiot LOL my only response to your bet was laughter. Change the channel you are absolutely out of your mind. Your girl Tulsi gabbard is for Medicare for all and she is a Democrat. Change the channel and get some reality....
Look at her damn website you idiot it's right there in my link.
You’re a deceiver. You will suffer greatly as your life runs short. And there is no heaven. Just emptiness. Poor old man.
When your talking points and misinformation have been proven idiotic propaganda, that's when you people go to the trolling LOL. Everything you know is wrong dipstick Google Google News and get some reality. It includes your Fox garbage without comment. I will outlive Fox network Trump and all this idiocy. Poor America
Bullshit. You first said the link didn’t mention Gabbard then when challenged claimed it was vague when it wasn’t it. You’re a deceiver and your life runs short old man. Tik Tok....
I never said I was going anywhere and never made the BET and you are an idiot brainwashed or not. LOL congratulations. She is for Medicare for all just like Bernie. Idiot. Look at her website dumbass.
Love it. So now you go back on your word or you prove your post was a lie. You’re either not a man of your word or a liar. Pick one. Idiot fool.
Jesus what an idiot LOL my only response to your bet was laughter. Change the channel you are absolutely out of your mind. Your girl Tulsi gabbard is for Medicare for all and she is a Democrat. Change the channel and get some reality....
Look at her damn website you idiot it's right there in my link.
You’re a deceiver. You will suffer greatly as your life runs short. And there is no heaven. Just emptiness. Poor old man.
When your talking points and misinformation have been proven idiotic propaganda, that's when you people go to the trolling LOL. Everything you know is wrong dipstick Google Google News and get some reality. It includes your Fox garbage without comment. I will outlive Fox network Trump and all this idiocy. Poor America
Bullshit. You first said the link didn’t mention Gabbard then when challenged claimed it was vague when it wasn’t it. You’re a deceiver and your life runs short old man. Tik Tok....
Horse patoot. LOL. The point was you said she was against universal healthcare but she is actually for medicare-for-all and the usual Democratic policies. I don't think it's ever going to work out for you sorry.
Love it. So now you go back on your word or you prove your post was a lie. You’re either not a man of your word or a liar. Pick one. Idiot fool.
Jesus what an idiot LOL my only response to your bet was laughter. Change the channel you are absolutely out of your mind. Your girl Tulsi gabbard is for Medicare for all and she is a Democrat. Change the channel and get some reality....
Look at her damn website you idiot it's right there in my link.
You’re a deceiver. You will suffer greatly as your life runs short. And there is no heaven. Just emptiness. Poor old man.
When your talking points and misinformation have been proven idiotic propaganda, that's when you people go to the trolling LOL. Everything you know is wrong dipstick Google Google News and get some reality. It includes your Fox garbage without comment. I will outlive Fox network Trump and all this idiocy. Poor America
Bullshit. You first said the link didn’t mention Gabbard then when challenged claimed it was vague when it wasn’t it. You’re a deceiver and your life runs short old man. Tik Tok....
Horse patoot. LOL. The point was you said she was against universal healthcare but she is actually for medicare-for-all and the usual Democratic policies. I don't think it's ever going to work out for you sorry.

Irrelevant. The main point is that the Democrat Party is melting down like an ice cream cone left out in the blazing sun.

Why do they even try any more? They don't have a chance of winning in 2020.
Love it. So now you go back on your word or you prove your post was a lie. You’re either not a man of your word or a liar. Pick one. Idiot fool.
Jesus what an idiot LOL my only response to your bet was laughter. Change the channel you are absolutely out of your mind. Your girl Tulsi gabbard is for Medicare for all and she is a Democrat. Change the channel and get some reality....
Look at her damn website you idiot it's right there in my link.
You’re a deceiver. You will suffer greatly as your life runs short. And there is no heaven. Just emptiness. Poor old man.
When your talking points and misinformation have been proven idiotic propaganda, that's when you people go to the trolling LOL. Everything you know is wrong dipstick Google Google News and get some reality. It includes your Fox garbage without comment. I will outlive Fox network Trump and all this idiocy. Poor America
Bullshit. You first said the link didn’t mention Gabbard then when challenged claimed it was vague when it wasn’t it. You’re a deceiver and your life runs short old man. Tik Tok....
Horse patoot. LOL. The point was you said she was against universal healthcare but she is actually for medicare-for-all and the usual Democratic policies. I don't think it's ever going to work out for you sorry.
Tik tok tik tok
Jesus what an idiot LOL my only response to your bet was laughter. Change the channel you are absolutely out of your mind. Your girl Tulsi gabbard is for Medicare for all and she is a Democrat. Change the channel and get some reality....
Look at her damn website you idiot it's right there in my link.
You’re a deceiver. You will suffer greatly as your life runs short. And there is no heaven. Just emptiness. Poor old man.
When your talking points and misinformation have been proven idiotic propaganda, that's when you people go to the trolling LOL. Everything you know is wrong dipstick Google Google News and get some reality. It includes your Fox garbage without comment. I will outlive Fox network Trump and all this idiocy. Poor America
Bullshit. You first said the link didn’t mention Gabbard then when challenged claimed it was vague when it wasn’t it. You’re a deceiver and your life runs short old man. Tik Tok....
Horse patoot. LOL. The point was you said she was against universal healthcare but she is actually for medicare-for-all and the usual Democratic policies. I don't think it's ever going to work out for you sorry.
Tik tok tik tok
Hater dupe LOL.... Poor America.
Jesus what an idiot LOL my only response to your bet was laughter. Change the channel you are absolutely out of your mind. Your girl Tulsi gabbard is for Medicare for all and she is a Democrat. Change the channel and get some reality....
Look at her damn website you idiot it's right there in my link.
You’re a deceiver. You will suffer greatly as your life runs short. And there is no heaven. Just emptiness. Poor old man.
When your talking points and misinformation have been proven idiotic propaganda, that's when you people go to the trolling LOL. Everything you know is wrong dipstick Google Google News and get some reality. It includes your Fox garbage without comment. I will outlive Fox network Trump and all this idiocy. Poor America
Bullshit. You first said the link didn’t mention Gabbard then when challenged claimed it was vague when it wasn’t it. You’re a deceiver and your life runs short old man. Tik Tok....
Horse patoot. LOL. The point was you said she was against universal healthcare but she is actually for medicare-for-all and the usual Democratic policies. I don't think it's ever going to work out for you sorry.

Irrelevant. The main point is that the Democrat Party is melting down like an ice cream cone left out in the blazing sun.

Why do they even try any more? They don't have a chance of winning in 2020.
We'll see it's a year away.
You’re a deceiver. You will suffer greatly as your life runs short. And there is no heaven. Just emptiness. Poor old man.
When your talking points and misinformation have been proven idiotic propaganda, that's when you people go to the trolling LOL. Everything you know is wrong dipstick Google Google News and get some reality. It includes your Fox garbage without comment. I will outlive Fox network Trump and all this idiocy. Poor America
Bullshit. You first said the link didn’t mention Gabbard then when challenged claimed it was vague when it wasn’t it. You’re a deceiver and your life runs short old man. Tik Tok....
Horse patoot. LOL. The point was you said she was against universal healthcare but she is actually for medicare-for-all and the usual Democratic policies. I don't think it's ever going to work out for you sorry.
Tik tok tik tok
Hater dupe LOL.... Poor America.
Tik tok...tik tok
You’re a deceiver. You will suffer greatly as your life runs short. And there is no heaven. Just emptiness. Poor old man.
When your talking points and misinformation have been proven idiotic propaganda, that's when you people go to the trolling LOL. Everything you know is wrong dipstick Google Google News and get some reality. It includes your Fox garbage without comment. I will outlive Fox network Trump and all this idiocy. Poor America
Bullshit. You first said the link didn’t mention Gabbard then when challenged claimed it was vague when it wasn’t it. You’re a deceiver and your life runs short old man. Tik Tok....
Horse patoot. LOL. The point was you said she was against universal healthcare but she is actually for medicare-for-all and the usual Democratic policies. I don't think it's ever going to work out for you sorry.

Irrelevant. The main point is that the Democrat Party is melting down like an ice cream cone left out in the blazing sun.

Why do they even try any more? They don't have a chance of winning in 2020.
We'll see it's a year away.
I will but you may not. Tik tok tik tok.

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