More Evidence of Widespread Voter Fraud

This election was compromised across the whole country. The courts should order a new election with in person paper ballots only and hand counting with equal representation for both the counting & inspections, but that's a long shot.
Contact the legislatures in every state & let them know we are all paying attention. They can't certify the results of a fraudulent election or the whole system will collapse.
Either the courts order the House settle it or they ignore it & try to install the Chinese puppet.
No matter what, this is going to result in chaos & violence.
Thanks Dems!
Rudy is nuts
Wow, if fake news CNN says nothing to see here, I guess we should all just give up.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the Trump EO on Foreign Election Interference and the consequences for helping our enemies subvert our electoral process.
It's not like CNN has shown any obvious bias or actively tried to suppress non-fascist opinions or facts while continually lying to the sheople who still believe them...
Rudy is nuts
Until Rudy can provide evidence of the crime / stolen election he claims exists he IS 'nuts'.
Screen Shot 2020-11-20 at 6.18.59 AM.png

Remember, Trump's top lawyer on the job was caught recently giving a press conference in front of a sleezy porn shop and photographed/video taped laying on a hotel bed playing with his dick for a young girl posing as a 15 year-old-teenager. Seriously, this is who your President. the Liar in Chief has on the job defending himself as he tries to steal a Presidential election.
Good analysis...

I don't believe a winner will be officially announced until after the holidays and the First of the New Year. Thanks, cheating, lying, scumbag Dems! :clap: who are

The ones being caught and turned in even by their fellow Republicans are the cult brainwashed Trumpoholics who are laughed at and mocked routinely.
This election was compromised across the whole country. The courts should order a new election with in person paper ballots only and hand counting with equal representation for both the counting & inspections, but that's a long shot.
Contact the legislatures in every state & let them know we are all paying attention. They can't certify the results of a fraudulent election or the whole system will collapse.
Either the courts order the House settle it or they ignore it & try to install the Chinese puppet.
No matter what, this is going to result in chaos & violence.
Thanks Dems!

All Trump's team has to do is present some evidence of all that to the courts. They haven't done that yet. I wonder why.
Widespread voter fraud is a lie and a hoax. It is a lie and hoax being spread by Trump and his minions to destroy our democracy because in their view the Orange menace is more important than the nation.

Trumpist minions should stop their charade and just admit what we all know: they want a Trumpist dictatorship.
I look forward to seeing this evidence presented in court and reading the transcripts.
Tucker Carlson is in a little bit of hot water with the Trumpsters for saying that he wouldn't let Sidney Powell on his show until she showed him some evidence, and she refused.

Sometimes I laugh, sometimes I just shake my head. Ultimately, we'll get past this.

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