More Evidence of Widespread Voter Fraud

Maybe Tucker has more sense than I give him credit for. That whole legal team and anyone that believes are some of the dumbest mf's I've ever seen. Dominion headquarters is in Denver, Hugo died 7 years ago, same machines used in the states trump won. Goddamn the Qanon must share one brain between the lot.

Fox needs Biden to win if they want to survive. They took a hard left turn right around election time. If Trump wins Fox viewers won't go back. If Biden wins they will take a soft right approach and sell out Republicans in 2024.

FOX's ratings are down 50%. Keeping Trump in office won't save them. They showed their true colors.

Fox knows they can get higher ratings by fearmongering against biden. And they also know that their target audience doesn't have a very long political memory.
This election was compromised across the whole country. The courts should order a new election with in person paper ballots only and hand counting with equal representation for both the counting & inspections, but that's a long shot.
Contact the legislatures in every state & let them know we are all paying attention. They can't certify the results of a fraudulent election or the whole system will collapse.
Either the courts order the House settle it or they ignore it & try to install the Chinese puppet.
No matter what, this is going to result in chaos & violence.
Thanks Dems!
it is who they are. Just look back over centuries and thousands of years.
There is no fraudulent election. trump lost and so I guess, in your mind, it was fraudulent. He lost by 6 million votes
and he is destroying our democracy with his bad behavior. He should leave graciously and take his loss graciously.
Instead, he has his uninformed followers frothing at the mouth. Now, trump is going to try and defraud the Michigan voters out of their choice. That is a fact.

Maybe Tucker has more sense than I give him credit for. That whole legal team and anyone that believes are some of the dumbest mf's I've ever seen. Dominion headquarters is in Denver, Hugo died 7 years ago, same machines used in the states trump won. Goddamn the Qanon must share one brain between the lot.

Fox needs Biden to win if they want to survive. They took a hard left turn right around election time. If Trump wins Fox viewers won't go back. If Biden wins they will take a soft right approach and sell out Republicans in 2024.

FOX's ratings are down 50%. Keeping Trump in office won't save them. They showed their true colors.

Fox knows they can get higher ratings by fearmongering against biden. And they also know that their target audience doesn't have a very long political memory.

Murdoch handed off control of the company to his kids, and they are all TDS snowflakes. This change was inevitable.

Maybe Tucker has more sense than I give him credit for. That whole legal team and anyone that believes are some of the dumbest mf's I've ever seen. Dominion headquarters is in Denver, Hugo died 7 years ago, same machines used in the states trump won. Goddamn the Qanon must share one brain between the lot.

Fox needs Biden to win if they want to survive. They took a hard left turn right around election time. If Trump wins Fox viewers won't go back. If Biden wins they will take a soft right approach and sell out Republicans in 2024.

I don't know about the "hard left turn" but certain things are undeniable and they did refuse to accept obvious misstatements. I commend them for that.

Maybe Tucker has more sense than I give him credit for. That whole legal team and anyone that believes are some of the dumbest mf's I've ever seen. Dominion headquarters is in Denver, Hugo died 7 years ago, same machines used in the states trump won. Goddamn the Qanon must share one brain between the lot.

Fox needs Biden to win if they want to survive. They took a hard left turn right around election time. If Trump wins Fox viewers won't go back. If Biden wins they will take a soft right approach and sell out Republicans in 2024.

I don't know about the "hard left turn" but certain things are undeniable and they did refuse to accept obvious misstatements. I commend them for that.

They weren't misstatements, of course.
Widespread voter fraud is a lie and a hoax. It is a lie and hoax being spread by Trump and his minions to destroy our democracy because in their view the Orange menace is more important than the nation.

Trumpist minions should stop their charade and just admit what we all know: they want a Trumpist dictatorship.
On the other hand, if its a lie and hoax, then all the more reason for the Dems to accept the challenge, help expose the truth rather than dismissing it, if only to prove they were right, thus strengthening their party.
No, all the more reason to discount the lie and hoax and not give it any attention because it doesn't deserve any attention. It is obviously an effort to be destructive and has resulted in anti-American behavior. What the hell is trump doing except to leave this boorish behavior as his legacy? The "warp speed" thing has teeth and he could be remembered for this. Even though the process of developing a vaccine began earlier, trump deserves credit for moving it along. Why doesn't he concentrate on the covis virus resolution instead of trying to finagle an election that he lost by 6 million votes?
In spite of what he says, the Dems did accept his election victory but could not tolerate his bad behavior of denigrating his opposition, bullshit explanations, never taking responsibility, divisiveness, and attacking our institutions.
Looks like you need to get an opinion segment on CNN.
Mine is not an opinion. It is an observation.
naw, it's all opinion. that's all an observation is without facts. And is always wrong without them.
What I hear from you is a lot of flapping and no facts about much of anything. Is it a fact that you want a trump dictatorship?

Maybe Tucker has more sense than I give him credit for. That whole legal team and anyone that believes are some of the dumbest mf's I've ever seen. Dominion headquarters is in Denver, Hugo died 7 years ago, same machines used in the states trump won. Goddamn the Qanon must share one brain between the lot.

Fox needs Biden to win if they want to survive. They took a hard left turn right around election time. If Trump wins Fox viewers won't go back. If Biden wins they will take a soft right approach and sell out Republicans in 2024.

FOX's ratings are down 50%. Keeping Trump in office won't save them. They showed their true colors.

Fox knows they can get higher ratings by fearmongering against biden. And they also know that their target audience doesn't have a very long political memory.

Murdoch handed off control of the company to his kids, and they are all TDS snowflakes. This change was inevitable.

It isn't about ideology for Fox News, it is about selling advertising.
This election was compromised across the whole country. The courts should order a new election with in person paper ballots only and hand counting with equal representation for both the counting & inspections, but that's a long shot.
Contact the legislatures in every state & let them know we are all paying attention. They can't certify the results of a fraudulent election or the whole system will collapse.
Either the courts order the House settle it or they ignore it & try to install the Chinese puppet.
No matter what, this is going to result in chaos & violence.
Thanks Dems!
it is who they are. Just look back over centuries and thousands of years.
There is no fraudulent election. trump lost and so I guess, in your mind, it was fraudulent. He lost by 6 million votes
and he is destroying our democracy with his bad behavior. He should leave graciously and take his loss graciously.
Instead, he has his uninformed followers frothing at the mouth.
Trump didn't lose anything yet. you're confused. certification hasn't shown any winner. so you're confused. you still think CNN and MSNBC gets to declare electoral wins? you are just confused.
CNN and MSNBC do not declare anything except to report the results of the vote and make an observation as a
result. Sounds ok to me.
then why are you calling Biden president elect? the states haven't certified.
Widespread voter fraud is a lie and a hoax. It is a lie and hoax being spread by Trump and his minions to destroy our democracy because in their view the Orange menace is more important than the nation.

Trumpist minions should stop their charade and just admit what we all know: they want a Trumpist dictatorship.
On the other hand, if its a lie and hoax, then all the more reason for the Dems to accept the challenge, help expose the truth rather than dismissing it, if only to prove they were right, thus strengthening their party.
No, all the more reason to discount the lie and hoax and not give it any attention because it doesn't deserve any attention. It is obviously an effort to be destructive and has resulted in anti-American behavior. What the hell is trump doing except to leave this boorish behavior as his legacy? The "warp speed" thing has teeth and he could be remembered for this. Even though the process of developing a vaccine began earlier, trump deserves credit for moving it along. Why doesn't he concentrate on the covis virus resolution instead of trying to finagle an election that he lost by 6 million votes?
In spite of what he says, the Dems did accept his election victory but could not tolerate his bad behavior of denigrating his opposition, bullshit explanations, never taking responsibility, divisiveness, and attacking our institutions.
Looks like you need to get an opinion segment on CNN.
Mine is not an opinion. It is an observation.
naw, it's all opinion. that's all an observation is without facts. And is always wrong without them.
What I hear from you is a lot of flapping and no facts about much of anything. Is it a fact that you want a trump dictatorship?
what do you need from me as fact. anything, let me know. I'm always happy to prove you wrong. name something. I have a mail in system that is illegal, another voter is not allowed to see another voters ballot. that is a fraudulent act. you agree? Why else would polling places put restrictions on who can go to a voting booth?

Maybe Tucker has more sense than I give him credit for. That whole legal team and anyone that believes are some of the dumbest mf's I've ever seen. Dominion headquarters is in Denver, Hugo died 7 years ago, same machines used in the states trump won. Goddamn the Qanon must share one brain between the lot.

Fox needs Biden to win if they want to survive. They took a hard left turn right around election time. If Trump wins Fox viewers won't go back. If Biden wins they will take a soft right approach and sell out Republicans in 2024.

FOX's ratings are down 50%. Keeping Trump in office won't save them. They showed their true colors.

Fox knows they can get higher ratings by fearmongering against biden. And they also know that their target audience doesn't have a very long political memory.

And yet Biden ran more ads on Fox than Trump, doofus.

You can try to equate Trump with the left media all you want, but there are leftists on Fox all day long to speak for themselves and the reverse does not happen in the leftstream media. Leftists watch Fox and Democrats run ads on Fox.

Sorry the facts shred your bull shit

Maybe Tucker has more sense than I give him credit for. That whole legal team and anyone that believes are some of the dumbest mf's I've ever seen. Dominion headquarters is in Denver, Hugo died 7 years ago, same machines used in the states trump won. Goddamn the Qanon must share one brain between the lot.

Fox needs Biden to win if they want to survive. They took a hard left turn right around election time. If Trump wins Fox viewers won't go back. If Biden wins they will take a soft right approach and sell out Republicans in 2024.

FOX's ratings are down 50%. Keeping Trump in office won't save them. They showed their true colors.

Fox knows they can get higher ratings by fearmongering against biden. And they also know that their target audience doesn't have a very long political memory.

And yet Biden ran more ads on Fox than Trump, doofus.

You can try to equate Trump with the left media all you want, but there are leftists on Fox all day long to speak for themselves and the reverse does not happen in the leftstream media. Leftists watch Fox and Democrats run ads on Fox.

Sorry the facts shred your bull shit

One way or another, it's not personal, it's just business.

Maybe Tucker has more sense than I give him credit for. That whole legal team and anyone that believes are some of the dumbest mf's I've ever seen. Dominion headquarters is in Denver, Hugo died 7 years ago, same machines used in the states trump won. Goddamn the Qanon must share one brain between the lot.

Fox needs Biden to win if they want to survive. They took a hard left turn right around election time. If Trump wins Fox viewers won't go back. If Biden wins they will take a soft right approach and sell out Republicans in 2024.

FOX's ratings are down 50%. Keeping Trump in office won't save them. They showed their true colors.

Fox knows they can get higher ratings by fearmongering against biden. And they also know that their target audience doesn't have a very long political memory.

And yet Biden ran more ads on Fox than Trump, doofus.

You can try to equate Trump with the left media all you want, but there are leftists on Fox all day long to speak for themselves and the reverse does not happen in the leftstream media. Leftists watch Fox and Democrats run ads on Fox.

Sorry the facts shred your bull shit

One way or another, it's not personal, it's just business.

Has nothing to do with what I said. You called Fox "fixed" news, which makes no sense since they have both sides on all day. How do you have both sides on and fix the news?
This election was compromised across the whole country. The courts should order a new election with in person paper ballots only and hand counting with equal representation for both the counting & inspections, but that's a long shot.
Contact the legislatures in every state & let them know we are all paying attention. They can't certify the results of a fraudulent election or the whole system will collapse.
Either the courts order the House settle it or they ignore it & try to install the Chinese puppet.
No matter what, this is going to result in chaos & violence.
Thanks Dems!
it is who they are. Just look back over centuries and thousands of years.
There is no fraudulent election. trump lost and so I guess, in your mind, it was fraudulent. He lost by 6 million votes
and he is destroying our democracy with his bad behavior. He should leave graciously and take his loss graciously.
Instead, he has his uninformed followers frothing at the mouth. Now, trump is going to try and defraud the Michigan voters out of their choice. That is a fact.
Except it is not a fact. You'll see once the court cases start going against you.
It will take a while but you cannot change the facts & they don't GAS about your feelings
This election was compromised across the whole country. The courts should order a new election with in person paper ballots only and hand counting with equal representation for both the counting & inspections, but that's a long shot.
Contact the legislatures in every state & let them know we are all paying attention. They can't certify the results of a fraudulent election or the whole system will collapse.
Either the courts order the House settle it or they ignore it & try to install the Chinese puppet.
No matter what, this is going to result in chaos & violence.
Thanks Dems!
it is who they are. Just look back over centuries and thousands of years.
There is no fraudulent election. trump lost and so I guess, in your mind, it was fraudulent. He lost by 6 million votes
and he is destroying our democracy with his bad behavior. He should leave graciously and take his loss graciously.
Instead, he has his uninformed followers frothing at the mouth.
Trump didn't lose anything yet. you're confused. certification hasn't shown any winner. so you're confused. you still think CNN and MSNBC gets to declare electoral wins? you are just confused.
CNN and MSNBC do not declare anything except to report the results of the vote and make an observation as a
result. Sounds ok to me.
then why are you calling Biden president elect? the states haven't certified.
He is 6 million votes ahead and +- all votes have been counted. Looks good to me. The truth is that trump wants to disrupt our democracy unless he is a wacko, probably both, and can't face the truth.
Widespread voter fraud is a lie and a hoax. It is a lie and hoax being spread by Trump and his minions to destroy our democracy because in their view the Orange menace is more important than the nation.

Trumpist minions should stop their charade and just admit what we all know: they want a Trumpist dictatorship.
On the other hand, if its a lie and hoax, then all the more reason for the Dems to accept the challenge, help expose the truth rather than dismissing it, if only to prove they were right, thus strengthening their party.
No, all the more reason to discount the lie and hoax and not give it any attention because it doesn't deserve any attention. It is obviously an effort to be destructive and has resulted in anti-American behavior. What the hell is trump doing except to leave this boorish behavior as his legacy? The "warp speed" thing has teeth and he could be remembered for this. Even though the process of developing a vaccine began earlier, trump deserves credit for moving it along. Why doesn't he concentrate on the covis virus resolution instead of trying to finagle an election that he lost by 6 million votes?
In spite of what he says, the Dems did accept his election victory but could not tolerate his bad behavior of denigrating his opposition, bullshit explanations, never taking responsibility, divisiveness, and attacking our institutions.
Looks like you need to get an opinion segment on CNN.
Mine is not an opinion. It is an observation.
naw, it's all opinion. that's all an observation is without facts. And is always wrong without them.
What I hear from you is a lot of flapping and no facts about much of anything. Is it a fact that you want a trump dictatorship?
what do you need from me as fact. anything, let me know. I'm always happy to prove you wrong. name something. I have a mail in system that is illegal, another voter is not allowed to see another voters ballot. that is a fraudulent act. you agree? Why else would polling places put restrictions on who can go to a voting booth?
What? You have not proven me wrong yet. All you do is respond with a burp.
This election was compromised across the whole country. The courts should order a new election with in person paper ballots only and hand counting with equal representation for both the counting & inspections, but that's a long shot.
Contact the legislatures in every state & let them know we are all paying attention. They can't certify the results of a fraudulent election or the whole system will collapse.
Either the courts order the House settle it or they ignore it & try to install the Chinese puppet.
No matter what, this is going to result in chaos & violence.
Thanks Dems!
it is who they are. Just look back over centuries and thousands of years.
There is no fraudulent election. trump lost and so I guess, in your mind, it was fraudulent. He lost by 6 million votes
and he is destroying our democracy with his bad behavior. He should leave graciously and take his loss graciously.
Instead, he has his uninformed followers frothing at the mouth. Now, trump is going to try and defraud the Michigan voters out of their choice. That is a fact.
Except it is not a fact. You'll see once the court cases start going against you.
It will take a while but you cannot change the facts & they don't GAS about your feelings
The facts speak for themselves. You can drag it out and look stupid in the process, but nothing will change.

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