More Fake News from the AP

Because you survive on memes?

Because you're walking caricatures who repeat not just each other but yourselves with such redundancy as I pointed out.

The fact remains bed wetter....

You have no right to take shit from other people.


Go die somewhere.
As apposed to you sniveling servile pukes who want to cotow to big business and say "yessir masser, you do what you like to the envirn'mint, take all ma data an you just bribe all my politicans as well an I'll keep in saying you a good masser anyhow"

What is so funny about your laughable bravado and acerbic nature is just how pathetic a slave you really are. Why not show all those evil "liberals" and "progressives" that you openly loathe so much who is boss by exorcising your rights to give you buisness to whoichever private mortuary you think best by pinning their name to your chest before jumping off something high.

Oh go fuck yourself bed wetter, I'm willing to work for a living. You're a nanny state drone. You don't have the capacity to think. You just parrot insipid leftist bullshit and cry yourself to sleep because you know you're a joke.

Once you finally do eliminate your carbon footprint I promise the world will be a cooler place.

I laugh that you don't see the irony in your calling someone else a drone whilst offusively euolgising your own bondange. You're brainless, heartless and spineless all at the same time, all you're missing is a pair of ruby slippers.
Because you survive on memes?

Because you're walking caricatures who repeat not just each other but yourselves with such redundancy as I pointed out.

The fact remains bed wetter....

You have no right to take shit from other people.


Go die somewhere.
redundancy!!!!! that is the word of the day!!!!!! thanks!!!
It's a bunch of bullshit.....

I know right?

All you sniveling turds insisting that people who want to keep their own earning are racists?

No wonder you have less political power than at any period since we freed your slaves.

I laugh that you don't see the irony in your calling someone else a drone whilst offusively euolgising your own bondange. You're brainless, heartless and spineless all at the same time, all you're missing is a pair of ruby slippers.

You're missing a frontal lobe. I have no idea what point you attempted to make with that gibberish, but it does nothing to further what I assume would be your argument that you should have the right to take other people's shit because you believe someone else deserves it more.

As apposed to you sniveling servile pukes who want to cotow to big business and say "yessir masser, you do what you like to the envirn'mint, take all ma data an you just bribe all my politicans as well an I'll keep in saying you a good masser anyhow"

What is so funny about your laughable bravado and acerbic nature is just how pathetic a slave you really are. Why not show all those evil "liberals" and "progressives" that you openly loathe so much who is boss by exorcising your rights to give you buisness to whoichever private mortuary you think best by pinning their name to your chest before jumping off something high.

Oh go fuck yourself bed wetter, I'm willing to work for a living. You're a nanny state drone. You don't have the capacity to think. You just parrot insipid leftist bullshit and cry yourself to sleep because you know you're a joke.

Once you finally do eliminate your carbon footprint I promise the world will be a cooler place.

I laugh that you don't see the irony in your calling someone else a drone whilst offusively euolgising your own bondange. You're brainless, heartless and spineless all at the same time, all you're missing is a pair of ruby slippers.
there is no one not under bondage. It's what i've said in here since I've been here. Someone always owes someone. so what? It doesn't take away the fact that folks like you think you can use others monies to subsidies others. Without agreements with those parties. It's what makes socialism fail.

socialism uses up the monies, then the poor who relied on it die off. look at the soviet's, russia hated their poor. much like the libturds hate the poor here. The libs hate em. Why else are the majority of them in libturd cities? Ones under libturd law for fking ever.
Because you survive on memes?

Because you're walking caricatures who repeat not just each other but yourselves with such redundancy as I pointed out.

The fact remains bed wetter....

You have no right to take shit from other people.


Go die somewhere.
redundancy!!!!! that is the word of the day!!!!!! thanks!!!

Be sure to rest up before joining your fellow rubes in recatapulting the latest from Drudge....
Because you survive on memes?

Because you're walking caricatures who repeat not just each other but yourselves with such redundancy as I pointed out.

The fact remains bed wetter....

You have no right to take shit from other people.


Go die somewhere.
Because you're walking caricatures who repeat not just each other but yourselves with such redundancy as I pointed out.

Whereas memes are a symbol of contemplation bordering on solipsism?

You've NEVER been paid to think, have you, Pete.....
Because you survive on memes?

Because you're walking caricatures who repeat not just each other but yourselves with such redundancy as I pointed out.

The fact remains bed wetter....

You have no right to take shit from other people.


Go die somewhere.
Because you're walking caricatures who repeat not just each other but yourselves with such redundancy as I pointed out.

Whereas memes are a symbol of contemplation bordering on solipsism?

You've NEVER been paid to think, have you, Pete.....
memes saves the need to repeat the same thing over and over as you post your redundancy over and over with more redundancy.
News from The Associated Press

"We have a situation where billionaires are paying less tax often than their cleaner or their secretary," Lawson told The Associated Press. "That's crazy."

No bed wetter, that's BULLSHIT.

Let's just for the sake of argument say that billionaires really don't pay taxes. Not a fuckin penny.

You still have to ignore all the taxes that come in to any doing any sort of transaction, from the lowly consumer all they way up to the income taxes generated by the CEO's and lawyers and tens of thousands of mother fuckers who work for them.

Billionaires didn't just steal a billion dollars and run off to some secluded island to sit on a pile of money like a fucking dragon in a fairy tale. These assholes generate more revenue when they take a shit than the "reporter" of this bullshit article will pay in taxes.

That doesn't mean they can tell us how to live our lives and scam us on global warming hoaxes.


But the parasites see stealing from the rich as a CIVIL RIGHT

News from The Associated Press

"We have a situation where billionaires are paying less tax often than their cleaner or their secretary," Lawson told The Associated Press. "That's crazy."

No bed wetter, that's BULLSHIT.

Let's just for the sake of argument say that billionaires really don't pay taxes. Not a fuckin penny.

You still have to ignore all the taxes that come in to any doing any sort of transaction, from the lowly consumer all they way up to the income taxes generated by the CEO's and lawyers and tens of thousands of mother fuckers who work for them.

Billionaires didn't just steal a billion dollars and run off to some secluded island to sit on a pile of money like a fucking dragon in a fairy tale. These assholes generate more revenue when they take a shit than the "reporter" of this bullshit article will pay in taxes.

That doesn't mean they can tell us how to live our lives and scam us on global warming hoaxes.

Here's more fake news!

DAVOS, Switzerland (AP) — The gap between the super-rich and the poorest half of the global population is starker than previously thought, with just eight men, from Bill Gates to Michael Bloomberg, owning as much wealth as 3.6 billion people, according to an analysis by Oxfam released Monday.

Presenting its findings on the dawn of the annual gathering of the global political and business elites in the Swiss ski resort of Davos, anti-poverty organization Oxfam says the gap between the very rich and poor is far greater than just a year ago. It's urging leaders to do more than pay lip-service to the problem.
News from The Associated Press

"We have a situation where billionaires are paying less tax often than their cleaner or their secretary," Lawson told The Associated Press. "That's crazy."

No bed wetter, that's BULLSHIT.

Let's just for the sake of argument say that billionaires really don't pay taxes. Not a fuckin penny.

You still have to ignore all the taxes that come in to any doing any sort of transaction, from the lowly consumer all they way up to the income taxes generated by the CEO's and lawyers and tens of thousands of mother fuckers who work for them.

Billionaires didn't just steal a billion dollars and run off to some secluded island to sit on a pile of money like a fucking dragon in a fairy tale. These assholes generate more revenue when they take a shit than the "reporter" of this bullshit article will pay in taxes.

That doesn't mean they can tell us how to live our lives and scam us on global warming hoaxes.


But the parasites see stealing from the rich as a CIVIL RIGHT

well they think the rich stole the poors money.
News from The Associated Press

"We have a situation where billionaires are paying less tax often than their cleaner or their secretary," Lawson told The Associated Press. "That's crazy."

No bed wetter, that's BULLSHIT.

Let's just for the sake of argument say that billionaires really don't pay taxes. Not a fuckin penny.

You still have to ignore all the taxes that come in to any doing any sort of transaction, from the lowly consumer all they way up to the income taxes generated by the CEO's and lawyers and tens of thousands of mother fuckers who work for them.

Billionaires didn't just steal a billion dollars and run off to some secluded island to sit on a pile of money like a fucking dragon in a fairy tale. These assholes generate more revenue when they take a shit than the "reporter" of this bullshit article will pay in taxes.

That doesn't mean they can tell us how to live our lives and scam us on global warming hoaxes.

Here's more fake news!

DAVOS, Switzerland (AP) — The gap between the super-rich and the poorest half of the global population is starker than previously thought, with just eight men, from Bill Gates to Michael Bloomberg, owning as much wealth as 3.6 billion people, according to an analysis by Oxfam released Monday.

Presenting its findings on the dawn of the annual gathering of the global political and business elites in the Swiss ski resort of Davos, anti-poverty organization Oxfam says the gap between the very rich and poor is far greater than just a year ago. It's urging leaders to do more than pay lip-service to the problem.

That's great and there's two starkly different takes on the "with just eight men, from Bill Gates to Michael Bloomberg, owning as much wealth as 3.6 billion people" ...

The pro free-market capitalist take on it: "Hey what are those 8 guys doing that I'm not? Perhaps if I emulated them I'd get wealthier too"
The left wing gub'mint worshiper take on it: "Hey those 8 guys got more stuff than me, how do I get the government to steal their shit and pass it my way? "

"Money is the material shape of the principle that men who wish to deal wlth one another must deal by trade and give value for value. Money is not the tool of the moochers, who claim your product by tears or of the looters, who take it from you by force. Money is made possible only by the men who produce. Is this what you consider evil?" -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
So, because Walmart relies on the state and federal government to subsidize the cost of their labor, people who qualify for means tested support programs should do without?

If you're an adult and the best you can do for yourself is working at Walmart for $8.00 an hour you need to do some serious inner reflection as to where you went wrong in life.
Here's more fake news!

DAVOS, Switzerland (AP) — The gap between the super-rich and the poorest half of the global population is starker than previously thought, with just eight men, from Bill Gates to Michael Bloomberg, owning as much wealth as 3.6 billion people, according to an analysis by Oxfam released Monday.

Presenting its findings on the dawn of the annual gathering of the global political and business elites in the Swiss ski resort of Davos, anti-poverty organization Oxfam says the gap between the very rich and poor is far greater than just a year ago. It's urging leaders to do more than pay lip-service to the problem.

That is a lie.

I've shown it to be a lie on several occasions.....

Mostly, it's in the way they measure 'Net Worth' or Net Wealth.

They don't include Primary residence or pensions. Most Americans and many others, have their 'wealth' tied up in Private Property, which isn't included in the lame-brain's estimates.

So, Johnny B Goode, has a house worth $300k and around $20k in the Bank with a Pension coming in -- He's actually considered poor.

His pension might be $7 or $8k a Month, but he's considered to be poor. Pensions aren't counted and his net worth is technically, $20k....... Not a lot

But if he sells his house and rents an apartment, he's all of the sudden considered rich because he's got cash in the bank.

Those stories are just so much pablum for the gullible -- IOW, dimocraps
So, because Walmart relies on the state and federal government to subsidize the cost of their labor, people who qualify for means tested support programs should do without?

If you're an adult and the best you can do for yourself is working at Walmart for $8.00 an hour you need to do some serious inner reflection as to where you went wrong in life.

There, but for the Grace......

I appreciate the advantages I've enjoyed as a result of my wise choice of parents.....but am reluctant to judge those who were less discriminating in theirs....
Here's more fake news!

DAVOS, Switzerland (AP) — The gap between the super-rich and the poorest half of the global population is starker than previously thought, with just eight men, from Bill Gates to Michael Bloomberg, owning as much wealth as 3.6 billion people, according to an analysis by Oxfam released Monday.

Presenting its findings on the dawn of the annual gathering of the global political and business elites in the Swiss ski resort of Davos, anti-poverty organization Oxfam says the gap between the very rich and poor is far greater than just a year ago. It's urging leaders to do more than pay lip-service to the problem.

That is a lie.

I've shown it to be a lie on several occasions.....

Mostly, it's in the way they measure 'Net Worth' or Net Wealth.

They don't include Primary residence or pensions. Most Americans and many others, have their 'wealth' tied up in Private Property, which isn't included in the lame-brain's estimates.

So, Johnny B Goode, has a house worth $300k and around $20k in the Bank with a Pension coming in -- He's actually considered poor.

His pension might be $7 or $8k a Month, but he's considered to be poor.

But if he sells his house and rents an apartment, he's all of the sudden considered rich because he's got cash in the bank.

Those stories are just so much pablum for the gullible -- IOW, dimocraps

Many are your Bold Assertions, Citizen....

But I'm curious......where did you spend all this time studying the Dismal Science?
News from The Associated Press

"We have a situation where billionaires are paying less tax often than their cleaner or their secretary," Lawson told The Associated Press. "That's crazy."

No bed wetter, that's BULLSHIT.

Let's just for the sake of argument say that billionaires really don't pay taxes. Not a fuckin penny.

You still have to ignore all the taxes that come in to any doing any sort of transaction, from the lowly consumer all they way up to the income taxes generated by the CEO's and lawyers and tens of thousands of mother fuckers who work for them.

Billionaires didn't just steal a billion dollars and run off to some secluded island to sit on a pile of money like a fucking dragon in a fairy tale. These assholes generate more revenue when they take a shit than the "reporter" of this bullshit article will pay in taxes.

That doesn't mean they can tell us how to live our lives and scam us on global warming hoaxes.

Here's more fake news!

DAVOS, Switzerland (AP) — The gap between the super-rich and the poorest half of the global population is starker than previously thought, with just eight men, from Bill Gates to Michael Bloomberg, owning as much wealth as 3.6 billion people, according to an analysis by Oxfam released Monday.

Presenting its findings on the dawn of the annual gathering of the global political and business elites in the Swiss ski resort of Davos, anti-poverty organization Oxfam says the gap between the very rich and poor is far greater than just a year ago. It's urging leaders to do more than pay lip-service to the problem.

That's great and there's two starkly different takes on the "with just eight men, from Bill Gates to Michael Bloomberg, owning as much wealth as 3.6 billion people" ...

The pro free-market capitalist take on it: "Hey what are those 8 guys doing that I'm not? Perhaps if I emulated them I'd get wealthier too"
The left wing gub'mint worshiper take on it: "Hey those 8 guys got more stuff than me, how do I get the government to steal their shit and pass it my way? "

"Money is the material shape of the principle that men who wish to deal wlth one another must deal by trade and give value for value. Money is not the tool of the moochers, who claim your product by tears or of the looters, who take it from you by force. Money is made possible only by the men who produce. Is this what you consider evil?" -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
Ayn Rand?

Is she the nympho who spent a lifetime pissing and moaning about handouts........only to spend the twilight of her life TAKING those handouts?

What post-adolescent pays any attention to her?
If you're an adult and the best you can do for yourself is working at Walmart for $8.00 an hour you need to do some serious inner reflection as to where you went wrong in life.

A lot of the employees are women who have families but don't have a marketable skill.

A lot of them were at home for many years raising their children -- The most important job in the world.

Some of them are doing it for a 2nd income and have no intention of staying any longer than than the last payment on their mortgage.

Too many of the others are what you describe. But, there is some opportunity for advancement and there are stock options, etc.

Sears retired their first millionaire clerk in 1967

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