More Free Stuff to run up the debt or taxes.

Well, those taxes are used by the government that you hate so much to make those things happen. You see, it takes money to run a first world country.

Hong Kong has a much stronger economy than the US and collects a whole less taxes per capita than our bloated filthy ass government.

It is not how much you spend on government that makes it good. It is how you spend the money and the US government and many state governments are very bad at spending it wisely.

We waste tons of money on everything imaginable and that includes education. Education in the US has turned into welfare for the unions in a lot of places.

The worse thing about our government is that money is taken away from the people that earn it and given away to those that didn't earn it in the form of welfare, subsidies and bailouts.
That idiot Obama doesn't give a crap that we are over $18 trillion debt and will be close to $20 trillion by the time he leaves office now the sonofabitch wants another entitlement; Two years of college free.

He doesn't have a clue on how to pay for something like this. More of taking money from those that earned it and giving it to those that didn't earn it. Government stealing.

The problem is that with students being able to live off the dole for a couple years smoking pot and passing easy classes soon that two year degree won't be worth the diploma it is written on. It will be like high school is now, a worthless "education".

President Barack Obama announced his proposal Thursday to provide two years of free community college tuition to American students who maintain good grades.

“Put simply, what I’d like to do is to see the first two years of community college free for everyone who’s willing to work for it,” Obama said in a video filmed Wednesday aboard Air Force One and posted to Facebook. He made the announcement as part of his pre-State of the Union tour and will formally lay out the proposal Friday in a speech in Tennessee.

The White House estimated it would save the average community college student $3,800 annually and said it could benefit millions.

Obama President Proposes 2 Free Years of Community College

That's nothing compared to what we give the Military Contractors to build planes that don't work and ships we don't need.

Are you that fucking stupid that you can't do the math?

Piss in the ocean compared to what we spend on "defense" and what we give away to Corps.

Get a clue.
There was a report not that long ago that said the treasury was pulling in record revenue.
And we were running a deficit.

Balance the budget....
Wait...Do we have a budget....
Just a continuing resolution....
Year after year....
Free stuff....
Free stuff....

Well, the rich sure enjoy our roads and educated population to make money off of. Fact.

And they pay taxes for those roads and education and hire people and pay their salaries which are taxed.....

Well, those taxes are used by the government that you hate so much to make those things happen. You see, it takes money to run a first world country.

I hate a govenment that wastes my tax dollars....
I hate hearing stories about people that travel to other countries and rave about the airports then come back here and feel they are in a third world country....
But spend,tax,spend more,tax more makes me sick....

Government gets plenty of revenue...
They regulate and tax people and stifle...
Because only government knows best.

I hate a govenment that wastes my tax dollars....

No you're not.

You're just against certain ways the money is spent.
Education is an investment in our own best interests.

But Republicans are against both education and investing in the US.

Yea right.

How did those trillions we put in it the last few decades work out?

The US has some of the worse test scores in the world and the stupid Libtards want to throw money at it.

The US spends more money for "education" than any country in the world and has the least to show for it.

We will still be educating dumbasses if we don't charge them for community college.

Please link to where we have spent "trillions" on educating our population.

How about we invest in education instead of concentrating on teaching to the test?

The US spends more for just about everything and we get less in return. How about we address that?
Well, those taxes are used by the government that you hate so much to make those things happen. You see, it takes money to run a first world country.

Hong Kong has a much stronger economy than the US and collects a whole less taxes per capita than our bloated filthy ass government.

It is not how much you spend on government that makes it good. It is how you spend the money and the US government and many state governments are very bad at spending it wisely.

We waste tons of money on everything imaginable and that includes education. Education in the US has turned into welfare for the unions in a lot of places.

The worse thing about our government is that money is taken away from the people that earn it and given away to those that didn't earn it in the form of welfare, subsidies and bailouts.

No. Education is never wasted.

You want to see waste?

There was a report not that long ago that said the treasury was pulling in record revenue.
And we were running a deficit.

Balance the budget....
Wait...Do we have a budget....
Just a continuing resolution....
Year after year....

Ask the obstructionist Republicans.
Well, those taxes are used by the government that you hate so much to make those things happen. You see, it takes money to run a first world country.

Hong Kong has a much stronger economy than the US and collects a whole less taxes per capita than our bloated filthy ass government.

It is not how much you spend on government that makes it good. It is how you spend the money and the US government and many state governments are very bad at spending it wisely.

We waste tons of money on everything imaginable and that includes education. Education in the US has turned into welfare for the unions in a lot of places.

The worse thing about our government is that money is taken away from the people that earn it and given away to those that didn't earn it in the form of welfare, subsidies and bailouts.

No. Education is never wasted.

You want to see waste?


Let's spend nothing on defense.....
Then we can have more money to spend....

Then when the shit hits the fan we can ask the world to help us out....
A Liberal's dream....
We all enjoy our freeways, highways and streets right?
We all enjoy safely crossing over that bridge
We all enjoy science and innovation

We would bitch to high hell if that was gone.

We depend on the fda and faa to do their jobs.

Fuck all you hypocritical small government people. You're fools.
We all enjoy our freeways, highways and streets right?
We all enjoy safely crossing over that bridge
We all enjoy science and innovation

We would bitch to high hell if that was gone.

We depend on the fda and faa to do their jobs.

Fuck all you hypocritical small government people. You're fools.

I want a responsible government....
Not spend,spend,spend.....and spend more....
And when that doesn't work....
Spend more.
Boooshies DOUBLED the cost of Public University in just 8 years, and changed laws so Pub cronies could make a ton of money off returning vets with scam online U's. Don't dupes EVER get the picture? This may be a way of training for 3 million good tech jobs going begging.Well worth it, and of course there are ways of paying for it that corporate Media like TIME forget to tell us about.
That's nothing compared to what we give the Military Contractors to build planes that don't work and ships we don't need.

Are you that fucking stupid that you can't do the math?

Piss in the ocean compared to what we spend on "defense" and what we give away to Corps.

Get a clue.

Obama has spent more on defense than any President in history with fighting the war in Iraq for three years, bombing Libya, escalating the war in Afghanistan and resuming the bombing and reintroducing troops in Iraq . Didn't you vote for him?

The SOB has also spent more money than any other President in history on the filthy ass welfare state and there are more people in poverty than ever before. Didn't you vote for him?

The stupid shit has also spent more money on education than any President in history and American test scores continues to fall relative to the rest of the world so he is not spending the money very wisely, is he? Now the corrupt and incompetent piece of shit want to spend even more and more money for another worthless entitlement.

This government waste astronomical amounts of money on everything and spends too much money on interventionist wars and has a bloated out of control greedy welfare state and yet dumbasses like you still vote for bad government.

You are the problem.
Flash, did you know that Congress controls the purse strings of the country. Yep. It is the job of Congress to pass a budget that controls the spending of the nation.

Now when you claim that Obama has spent all this money, how did he do that?

Don't you want to pay for the wars started during the Bush Presidency? Remember when Bush requested the war be funded off the books so to speak. Supplemental appropriations I think they call it. You do recall that Bush started his war with no idea or intention to pay for it. But somebody had to step up and require that the war costs be shown in the budget. Obama did that. He should have continued to hide the Iraq war cost like Bush did. Isn't that right?

How about those prescription drugs for old people. You want to stop paying for them now? Bush had no idea how to pay for them when he pushed that program through Congress. But Obama has continued to show the cost in the national budget. To bad he couldn't have hid those costs as well isn't it?

And those reduced taxes that Bush pushed through and Obama continued with. What a mistake that was eh?
Should have taken all the rates back to where they were before the Bush cuts. But no, the Republicans used the tax cuts in their hostage situation over the funding of the government. Think that reduced tax revenue contributed to the deficit? I know you don't think that. But when you have less money coming in and increase the amount going out, the deficit grows. True.

Flash I recognize that you have gone to school during the recent past when schools were failing their students.
To bad you didn't work on your own to get a better education. But it is never to late to improve your education.
I would like to see the President push for free online education for college students

Let the Government develop online courses that cover basic freshman and sophomore subjects, accredit them and offer them free to all students. Make all universities accept the credits
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