More "freedom" going on in Denver.

Five deputies and two other people were shot in Douglas County Sunday morning. One of ... The Denver Post reported that one of the deputies wounded in the shooting is the son of Boulder County Sheriff Joe Pele

5 Deputies And 2 Others Shot in Douglas County; 1 Deputy Killed.

:dunno: I guess I need to say Thank you, NRA!
We need more armed civilians to fight killer PIGS COPS out in public!
At this point, it's a game. Can you dodge the flying lead?
And where is my good anal gun nutter with a dun who were not paid to try to
murder American civilians every day.

As of today. PIG have murdered 956 in 2017. Can they break the 1000 mark before midnight today?
Police shootings 2016 database

We have a 2nd anal right' to be armed and it seems it just okay to use them kill humans.
Sadly this was not a major mass shooting taking out 100's. But I'm sure the NRA membership
is working to spread more terror in 2018.

btw: GUNS DON'T KILL! Without the full sponsorship of the NRA Membership.
More Guns, more Shootings bt armed 100% Americans. Whee! Use them if you got 'em!
These things happen here. We're used to it.

Yes....we are also used to lowering our crime rate because Americans have guns.....more lives are saved because Americans have guns than are lost because democrats keep letting violent criminals out of jail...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Five deputies and two other people were shot in Douglas County Sunday morning. One of ... The Denver Post reported that one of the deputies wounded in the shooting is the son of Boulder County Sheriff Joe Pele

5 Deputies And 2 Others Shot in Douglas County; 1 Deputy Killed.

:dunno: I guess I need to say Thank you, NRA!
We need more armed civilians to fight killer PIGS COPS out in public!
At this point, it's a game. Can you dodge the flying lead?
And where is my good anal gun nutter with a dun who were not paid to try to
murder American civilians every day.

As of today. PIG have murdered 956 in 2017. Can they break the 1000 mark before midnight today?
Police shootings 2016 database

We have a 2nd anal right' to be armed and it seems it just okay to use them kill humans.
Sadly this was not a major mass shooting taking out 100's. But I'm sure the NRA membership
is working to spread more terror in 2018.

btw: GUNS DON'T KILL! Without the full sponsorship of the NRA Membership.
More Guns, more Shootings bt armed 100% Americans. Whee! Use them if you got 'em!

and I"m sure you're an idiot.

Just pointing out the NRA Amerca mental thinking. What's wrong here?
I'm for the armed civilians.

So was the hopefully deaded suspect a fine upstanding NRA card-holding member, a Trump supporter, and a member of the Republican Party with a valid concealed carry permit?

I doubt that. He was most likely some shithead from your side of the political fence. Or at least one of the scumbags you Democrats pander to for votes.
What a shock . Thread banished from
Politics . Cons hate stories that make them look bad .

How does it make conservatives look bad...odds are those deputies voted for Trump....they went up against a likely repeat offender in a domestic situation.......the only people letting violent criminals back out into the world are people like you and your left wing, democrat buddies......we want them locked up, you keep letting them out...
Five deputies and two other people were shot in Douglas County Sunday morning. One of ... The Denver Post reported that one of the deputies wounded in the shooting is the son of Boulder County Sheriff Joe Pele

5 Deputies And 2 Others Shot in Douglas County; 1 Deputy Killed.

:dunno: I guess I need to say Thank you, NRA!
We need more armed civilians to fight killer PIGS COPS out in public!
At this point, it's a game. Can you dodge the flying lead?
And where is my good anal gun nutter with a dun who were not paid to try to
murder American civilians every day.

As of today. PIG have murdered 956 in 2017. Can they break the 1000 mark before midnight today?
Police shootings 2016 database

We have a 2nd anal right' to be armed and it seems it just okay to use them kill humans.
Sadly this was not a major mass shooting taking out 100's. But I'm sure the NRA membership
is working to spread more terror in 2018.

btw: GUNS DON'T KILL! Without the full sponsorship of the NRA Membership.
More Guns, more Shootings bt armed 100% Americans. Whee! Use them if you got 'em!

Well...dumb ass.....where does the NRA post that they support murdering innocent people? Please....give us links to where the NRA, you know, the very people who likely helped to train those deputies, supports using guns to commit murder.

Are you this stupid every day of the year, or just on New Years Eve....?

Long ago the NRA was welcomed at events. After they sponsored Semi-Autos Murder weapons to hunt deer.
Seems everyone, connected the dots, then. NRA = Pro-MASS Murder. Deer and Humans.
Gop/NRA preach that we need high powered weapons in order to fight off the government!

Yes....just ask the people actually murdered by their governments....I bet on second thought, they would have loved to have had weapons to fight back against their governments...and since most of them handed over their guns peacefully, believing that their governments would protect them....I guess they learned their lesson the hard way...but you won't even learn that lesson...

Walter E. Williams - Fascism and Communism

The People's Republic of China tops the list, with 76 million lives lost at the hands of the government from 1949 to 1987. The Soviet Union follows, with 62 million lives lost from 1917 to 1987. Adolf Hitler's Nazi German government killed 21 million people between 1933 and 1945. Then there are lesser murdering regimes, such as Nationalist China, Japan, Turkey, Vietnam and Mexico. According to Rummel's research, the 20th century saw 262 million people's lives lost at the hands of their own governments.

Countries who don’t have a constitution to protect the people .

Problem is that high powered weapons are being used to keep an oppressive gov at bay. It’s being used to kill other Americans .

And if thing really go bad , you could take out a leader wh a handgun or rifle . Two things that ain’t never going away .
Five deputies and two other people were shot in Douglas County Sunday morning. One of ... The Denver Post reported that one of the deputies wounded in the shooting is the son of Boulder County Sheriff Joe Pele

5 Deputies And 2 Others Shot in Douglas County; 1 Deputy Killed.

:dunno: I guess I need to say Thank you, NRA!
We need more armed civilians to fight killer PIGS COPS out in public!
At this point, it's a game. Can you dodge the flying lead?
And where is my good anal gun nutter with a dun who were not paid to try to
murder American civilians every day.

As of today. PIG have murdered 956 in 2017. Can they break the 1000 mark before midnight today?
Police shootings 2016 database

We have a 2nd anal right' to be armed and it seems it just okay to use them kill humans.
Sadly this was not a major mass shooting taking out 100's. But I'm sure the NRA membership
is working to spread more terror in 2018.

btw: GUNS DON'T KILL! Without the full sponsorship of the NRA Membership.
More Guns, more Shootings bt armed 100% Americans. Whee! Use them if you got 'em!

Well...dumb ass.....where does the NRA post that they support murdering innocent people? Please....give us links to where the NRA, you know, the very people who likely helped to train those deputies, supports using guns to commit murder.

Are you this stupid every day of the year, or just on New Years Eve....?

Long ago the NRA was welcomed at events. After they sponsored Semi-Autos Murder weapons to hunt deer.
Seems everyone, connected the dots, then. NRA = Pro-MASS Murder. Deer and Humans.

Again...please show a link where the NRA supports murdering people with guns. I can show you links where democrats keep letting violent gun offenders out of know, the ones who can't own, buy or carry guns but who are the ones actually shooting people.....
Five deputies and two other people were shot in Douglas County Sunday morning. One of ... The Denver Post reported that one of the deputies wounded in the shooting is the son of Boulder County Sheriff Joe Pele

5 Deputies And 2 Others Shot in Douglas County; 1 Deputy Killed.

:dunno: I guess I need to say Thank you, NRA!
We need more armed civilians to fight killer PIGS COPS out in public!
At this point, it's a game. Can you dodge the flying lead?
And where is my good anal gun nutter with a dun who were not paid to try to
murder American civilians every day.

As of today. PIG have murdered 956 in 2017. Can they break the 1000 mark before midnight today?
Police shootings 2016 database

We have a 2nd anal right' to be armed and it seems it just okay to use them kill humans.
Sadly this was not a major mass shooting taking out 100's. But I'm sure the NRA membership
is working to spread more terror in 2018.

btw: GUNS DON'T KILL! Without the full sponsorship of the NRA Membership.
More Guns, more Shootings bt armed 100% Americans. Whee! Use them if you got 'em!

Well...dumb ass.....where does the NRA post that they support murdering innocent people? Please....give us links to where the NRA, you know, the very people who likely helped to train those deputies, supports using guns to commit murder.

Are you this stupid every day of the year, or just on New Years Eve....?

Long ago the NRA was welcomed at events. After they sponsored Semi-Autos Murder weapons to hunt deer.
Seems everyone, connected the dots, then. NRA = Pro-MASS Murder. Deer and Humans.

Notice....dipshit....the NRA trains police officers...the NRA fights against letting violent criminals back on the and your dumb shit democrats....fight to put violent gun criminals back on the streets...and you are doing it all over the are the ones causing the gun violence, not the NRA....

California Democrats hate the gun, not the gunman – Orange County Register

Now that Democrats have supermajorities in the California state Legislature, they’ve rolled into Sacramento with a zest for lowering the state’s prison population and have interpreted St. Augustine’s words of wisdom to mean, “Hate the gun, not the gunman.”

I say this because, once they finally took a break from preaching about the benefits of stricter gun control, the state Senate voted to loosen sentencing guidelines for criminals convicted of gun crimes.

Currently, California law requires anyone who uses a gun while committing a felony to have their sentence increased by 10 years or more in prison — on top of the normal criminal penalty. If enacted, Senate Bill 620 would eliminate that mandate.

The bill, which passed on a 22-14 party-line vote, with support only from Democrats, now heads to the state Assembly for consideration.

Republicans and the National Rifle Association have vowed to campaign against it.

Why have Democrats suddenly developed a soft spot for criminals convicted of gun crimes? The bill’s author, state Sen. Steve Bradford, D-Gardena, says that he was motivated to write the bill after a 17-year-old riding in a car involved in a drive-by shooting was sentenced to 25 years in prison, even though he claims that he wasn’t the one who pulled the trigger.

and for all those anti-gunners who want to know where criminals get guns....well...this law lowers the prison time for those who give guns to criminals.....

Why is that?

Prop. 57, for example, very deceptively and fundamentally changed the definition of what constitutes a “non-violent” offense.

supplying a firearm to a gang member,

felon obtaining a firearm,

discharging a firearm on school grounds
Five deputies and two other people were shot in Douglas County Sunday morning. One of ... The Denver Post reported that one of the deputies wounded in the shooting is the son of Boulder County Sheriff Joe Pele

5 Deputies And 2 Others Shot in Douglas County; 1 Deputy Killed.

:dunno: I guess I need to say Thank you, NRA!
We need more armed civilians to fight killer PIGS COPS out in public!
At this point, it's a game. Can you dodge the flying lead?
And where is my good anal gun nutter with a gun who were not paid to try to
murder American civilians every day.

As of today. PIG COPS have murdered 976 in 2017. Can they break the 1000 mark before midnight today?
Police shootings 2016 database
Police shootings 2017 database
We have a 2nd anal right' to be armed and it seems it just okay to use them to kill humans.
Sadly this was not a major mass shooting taking out 100's. But I'm sure the NRA membership
is working to spread more terror in 2018.

btw: GUNS DON'T KILL! Without the full sponsorship of the NRA Membership.
More Guns, more Shootings by armed 100% Americans. Whee! Use them if you got 'em!
after reading your post most people are going to draw the conclusion that the first amendment may have it wrong and "needs to be fixed"
Five deputies and two other people were shot in Douglas County Sunday morning. One of ... The Denver Post reported that one of the deputies wounded in the shooting is the son of Boulder County Sheriff Joe Pele

5 Deputies And 2 Others Shot in Douglas County; 1 Deputy Killed.

:dunno: I guess I need to say Thank you, NRA!
We need more armed civilians to fight killer PIGS COPS out in public!
At this point, it's a game. Can you dodge the flying lead?
And where is my good anal gun nutter with a dun who were not paid to try to
murder American civilians every day.

As of today. PIG have murdered 956 in 2017. Can they break the 1000 mark before midnight today?
Police shootings 2016 database

We have a 2nd anal right' to be armed and it seems it just okay to use them kill humans.
Sadly this was not a major mass shooting taking out 100's. But I'm sure the NRA membership
is working to spread more terror in 2018.

btw: GUNS DON'T KILL! Without the full sponsorship of the NRA Membership.
More Guns, more Shootings bt armed 100% Americans. Whee! Use them if you got 'em!

Well...dumb ass.....where does the NRA post that they support murdering innocent people? Please....give us links to where the NRA, you know, the very people who likely helped to train those deputies, supports using guns to commit murder.

Are you this stupid every day of the year, or just on New Years Eve....?

btw: Did you hear!? The Great Douche signed a law. Mentally ill people can buy guns.
So it seems ALL NRA Gun Nutters were made legally armed killers. And major cosponsors of murder in America, of Americans.

Yep! Crazy Whitey Americans with guns. 99% of gun death are done by Americans
Last edited:
Gop/NRA preach that we need high powered weapons in order to fight off the government!
That's what the Founding Fathers thought, so we have the 2nd Amendment. A right that's specifically mentioned in the Constitution unlike the multitude of shit that Liberals claim are rights.
Five deputies and two other people were shot in Douglas County Sunday morning. One of ... The Denver Post reported that one of the deputies wounded in the shooting is the son of Boulder County Sheriff Joe Pele

5 Deputies And 2 Others Shot in Douglas County; 1 Deputy Killed.

:dunno: I guess I need to say Thank you, NRA!
We need more armed civilians to fight killer PIGS COPS out in public!
At this point, it's a game. Can you dodge the flying lead?
And where is my good anal gun nutter with a dun who were not paid to try to
murder American civilians every day.

As of today. PIG have murdered 956 in 2017. Can they break the 1000 mark before midnight today?
Police shootings 2016 database

We have a 2nd anal right' to be armed and it seems it just okay to use them kill humans.
Sadly this was not a major mass shooting taking out 100's. But I'm sure the NRA membership
is working to spread more terror in 2018.

btw: GUNS DON'T KILL! Without the full sponsorship of the NRA Membership.
More Guns, more Shootings bt armed 100% Americans. Whee! Use them if you got 'em!

Well...dumb ass.....where does the NRA post that they support murdering innocent people? Please....give us links to where the NRA, you know, the very people who likely helped to train those deputies, supports using guns to commit murder.

Are you this stupid every day of the year, or just on New Years Eve....?

You get your talking points from a comedian?

Explains a lot.
Five deputies and two other people were shot in Douglas County Sunday morning. One of ... The Denver Post reported that one of the deputies wounded in the shooting is the son of Boulder County Sheriff Joe Pele

5 Deputies And 2 Others Shot in Douglas County; 1 Deputy Killed.

:dunno: I guess I need to say Thank you, NRA!
We need more armed civilians to fight killer PIGS COPS out in public!
At this point, it's a game. Can you dodge the flying lead?
And where is my good anal gun nutter with a gun who were not paid to try to
murder American civilians every day.

As of today. PIG COPS have murdered 976 in 2017. Can they break the 1000 mark before midnight today?
Police shootings 2016 database
Police shootings 2017 database
We have a 2nd anal right' to be armed and it seems it just okay to use them to kill humans.
Sadly this was not a major mass shooting taking out 100's. But I'm sure the NRA membership
is working to spread more terror in 2018.

btw: GUNS DON'T KILL! Without the full sponsorship of the NRA Membership.
More Guns, more Shootings by armed 100% Americans. Whee! Use them if you got 'em!
after reading your post most people are going to draw the conclusion that the first amendment may have it wrong and "needs to be fixed"

It needs to be updated to cover Semi- Fully auto murdering guns.
Five deputies and two other people were shot in Douglas County Sunday morning. One of ... The Denver Post reported that one of the deputies wounded in the shooting is the son of Boulder County Sheriff Joe Pele

5 Deputies And 2 Others Shot in Douglas County; 1 Deputy Killed.

:dunno: I guess I need to say Thank you, NRA!
We need more armed civilians to fight killer PIGS COPS out in public!
At this point, it's a game. Can you dodge the flying lead?
And where is my good anal gun nutter with a dun who were not paid to try to
murder American civilians every day.

As of today. PIG have murdered 956 in 2017. Can they break the 1000 mark before midnight today?
Police shootings 2016 database

We have a 2nd anal right' to be armed and it seems it just okay to use them kill humans.
Sadly this was not a major mass shooting taking out 100's. But I'm sure the NRA membership
is working to spread more terror in 2018.

btw: GUNS DON'T KILL! Without the full sponsorship of the NRA Membership.
More Guns, more Shootings bt armed 100% Americans. Whee! Use them if you got 'em!

Well...dumb ass.....where does the NRA post that they support murdering innocent people? Please....give us links to where the NRA, you know, the very people who likely helped to train those deputies, supports using guns to commit murder.

Are you this stupid every day of the year, or just on New Years Eve....?

btw: Did you hear!? The Great Douche signed a law. Mentally ill people can buy guns.
So it seems ALL NRA Gun Nutters were made legally armed killers. And major cosponsors of murder in America, of Americans.

The reality is that we don't have a gun problem You have a gun problem. The only gun problem I have is having to clean one every time I use it, and keeping it rust-free.

If the sales of firearms and ammunition skyrocketed exponentially under the most liberal anti-gun President this country has ever had, what makes you think any other liberal Democrat is going to be successful at passing any firearms restrictions?

Not gonna happen.
Five deputies and two other people were shot in Douglas County Sunday morning. One of ... The Denver Post reported that one of the deputies wounded in the shooting is the son of Boulder County Sheriff Joe Pele

5 Deputies And 2 Others Shot in Douglas County; 1 Deputy Killed.

:dunno: I guess I need to say Thank you, NRA!
We need more armed civilians to fight killer PIGS COPS out in public!
At this point, it's a game. Can you dodge the flying lead?
And where is my good anal gun nutter with a gun who were not paid to try to
murder American civilians every day.

As of today. PIG COPS have murdered 976 in 2017. Can they break the 1000 mark before midnight today?
Police shootings 2016 database
Police shootings 2017 database
We have a 2nd anal right' to be armed and it seems it just okay to use them to kill humans.
Sadly this was not a major mass shooting taking out 100's. But I'm sure the NRA membership
is working to spread more terror in 2018.

btw: GUNS DON'T KILL! Without the full sponsorship of the NRA Membership.
More Guns, more Shootings by armed 100% Americans. Whee! Use them if you got 'em!
976 for a country of over 300 millions citizens wow that's pretty low. Meanwhile in the Liberal utopia of Chicago 3557 people have been shot. .
Five deputies and two other people were shot in Douglas County Sunday morning. One of ... The Denver Post reported that one of the deputies wounded in the shooting is the son of Boulder County Sheriff Joe Pele

5 Deputies And 2 Others Shot in Douglas County; 1 Deputy Killed.

:dunno: I guess I need to say Thank you, NRA!
We need more armed civilians to fight killer PIGS COPS out in public!
At this point, it's a game. Can you dodge the flying lead?
And where is my good anal gun nutter with a gun who were not paid to try to
murder American civilians every day.

As of today. PIG COPS have murdered 976 in 2017. Can they break the 1000 mark before midnight today?
Police shootings 2016 database
Police shootings 2017 database
We have a 2nd anal right' to be armed and it seems it just okay to use them to kill humans.
Sadly this was not a major mass shooting taking out 100's. But I'm sure the NRA membership
is working to spread more terror in 2018.

btw: GUNS DON'T KILL! Without the full sponsorship of the NRA Membership.
More Guns, more Shootings by armed 100% Americans. Whee! Use them if you got 'em!
after reading your post most people are going to draw the conclusion that the first amendment may have it wrong and "needs to be fixed"

It needs to be updated to cover Semi- Fully auto murdering guns.

WTF are "Semi- Fully auto murdering guns"?

People who know nothing about a subject shouldn't try to discuss it until they learn something about it.

Five deputies and two other people were shot in Douglas County Sunday morning. One of ... The Denver Post reported that one of the deputies wounded in the shooting is the son of Boulder County Sheriff Joe Pele

5 Deputies And 2 Others Shot in Douglas County; 1 Deputy Killed.

:dunno: I guess I need to say Thank you, NRA!
We need more armed civilians to fight killer PIGS COPS out in public!
At this point, it's a game. Can you dodge the flying lead?
And where is my good anal gun nutter with a gun who were not paid to try to
murder American civilians every day.

As of today. PIG COPS have murdered 976 in 2017. Can they break the 1000 mark before midnight today?
Police shootings 2016 database
Police shootings 2017 database
We have a 2nd anal right' to be armed and it seems it just okay to use them to kill humans.
Sadly this was not a major mass shooting taking out 100's. But I'm sure the NRA membership
is working to spread more terror in 2018.

btw: GUNS DON'T KILL! Without the full sponsorship of the NRA Membership.
More Guns, more Shootings by armed 100% Americans. Whee! Use them if you got 'em!
976 for a country of over 300 millions citizens wow that's pretty low. Meanwhile in the Liberal utopia of Chicago 3557 people have been shot. .

..and I would bet the farm that now a single one of them was shot by a Republican or an NRA member.
Five deputies and two other people were shot in Douglas County Sunday morning. One of ... The Denver Post reported that one of the deputies wounded in the shooting is the son of Boulder County Sheriff Joe Pele

5 Deputies And 2 Others Shot in Douglas County; 1 Deputy Killed.

:dunno: I guess I need to say Thank you, NRA!
We need more armed civilians to fight killer PIGS COPS out in public!
At this point, it's a game. Can you dodge the flying lead?
And where is my good anal gun nutter with a gun who were not paid to try to
murder American civilians every day.

As of today. PIG COPS have murdered 976 in 2017. Can they break the 1000 mark before midnight today?
Police shootings 2016 database
Police shootings 2017 database
We have a 2nd anal right' to be armed and it seems it just okay to use them to kill humans.
Sadly this was not a major mass shooting taking out 100's. But I'm sure the NRA membership
is working to spread more terror in 2018.

btw: GUNS DON'T KILL! Without the full sponsorship of the NRA Membership.
More Guns, more Shootings by armed 100% Americans. Whee! Use them if you got 'em!
after reading your post most people are going to draw the conclusion that the first amendment may have it wrong and "needs to be fixed"

It needs to be updated to cover Semi- Fully auto murdering guns.
Not that you had much credibility to start with but that statement puts you well below the negative column of "You don't know what the fuck you're talking about."
There is a war on the police. The only thing that has changed is that now, the enemy of law enforcement does not have the support of the president.
Five deputies and two other people were shot in Douglas County Sunday morning. One of ... The Denver Post reported that one of the deputies wounded in the shooting is the son of Boulder County Sheriff Joe Pele

5 Deputies And 2 Others Shot in Douglas County; 1 Deputy Killed.

:dunno: I guess I need to say Thank you, NRA!
We need more armed civilians to fight killer PIGS COPS out in public!
At this point, it's a game. Can you dodge the flying lead?
And where is my good anal gun nutter with a gun who were not paid to try to
murder American civilians every day.

As of today. PIG COPS have murdered 976 in 2017. Can they break the 1000 mark before midnight today?
Police shootings 2016 database
Police shootings 2017 database
We have a 2nd anal right' to be armed and it seems it just okay to use them to kill humans.
Sadly this was not a major mass shooting taking out 100's. But I'm sure the NRA membership
is working to spread more terror in 2018.

btw: GUNS DON'T KILL! Without the full sponsorship of the NRA Membership.
More Guns, more Shootings by armed 100% Americans. Whee! Use them if you got 'em!
after reading your post most people are going to draw the conclusion that the first amendment may have it wrong and "needs to be fixed"

It needs to be updated to cover Semi- Fully auto murdering guns.
Not that you had much credibility to start with but that statement puts you well below the negative column of "You don't know what the fuck you're talking about."

Hey!? I noticed you sport being a vet. How many children did you take part in murdering in the army?
You were there to protect them, all those innocent children. Guess you too cowardly a gun nutter to cut their necks with a butter knife.
Last edited:

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