More "freedom" going on in Denver.

Tommy, I live not to far from where this atrocity happened. And the Aurora movie theater shooting was within a few miles also. And I am tired of it. It has to end. American gun culture is sick, and just getting worse. What is the solution?
You have my sympathies Mary. I cant imagine living with that hanging over me and my family.
You should move over here. Its a lot safer and life goes on at a gentle pace.
I am looking north to Canada. Good folks.
Its bloody cold up their cariad. Take care and have a good 2018.
You should move over here. Its a lot safer and life goes on at a gentle pace.
I am looking north to Canada. Good folks.

America was founded in violent defiance and rebellion against a horrendous tyrant. Canada was founded in cowering and grovelling before that same tyrant.

I think you'll fit in just fine there, and America will be better off without you.
You should move over here. Its a lot safer and life goes on at a gentle pace.
I am looking north to Canada. Good folks.

America was founded in violent defiance and rebellion against a horrendous tyrant. Canada was founded in cowering and grovelling before that same tyrant.

I think you'll fit in just fine there,and America will be better off without you.
Yeah, it's a little more complicated than that. It's too bad you don't understand that.
Tommy, I live not to far from where this atrocity happened. And the Aurora movie theater shooting was within a few miles also. And I am tired of it. It has to end. American gun culture is sick, and just getting worse. What is the solution?
You have my sympathies Mary. I cant imagine living with that hanging over me and my family.
You should move over here. Its a lot safer and life goes on at a gentle pace.
I am looking north to Canada. Good folks.
Its bloody cold up their cariad. Take care and have a good 2018.
----------------------------------------------------- and that quote by Heston makes sense in the context that Heston said it Timmy .

Dude. You really going to make me hunt down quotes of conservatives saying this stuff? I don’t make it up ! Why do you think they want semi autos be to legal ?

Semi autos are the most common rifle and pistol type in the country.....thats why. They are easy to shoot, and reload, and allow law abiding citizens to protect themselves from the violent criminals you guys keep letting loose on the people of this country.
Yep, liberals don't want to discuss the real cause of violent crime: individual violence cases in black inner cities. It's much easier to talk about the rare mass shooting. After all, it's the black criminals that tend to vote for democrats.

Actually, the Repub controlled congress does not want to discuss gun violence at all. But they will extend their thoughts and prayers, over and over and over and over.
-------------------------------------- hey , in response to your post all i can say is GOOD Jim H !!

And the Orange clown just waits and hopes one of the killers is a color other than white....keep waiting Benedict Donald.
You should move over here. Its a lot safer and life goes on at a gentle pace.
I am looking north to Canada. Good folks.

America was founded in violent defiance and rebellion against a horrendous tyrant. Canada was founded in cowering and grovelling before that same tyrant.

I think you'll fit in just fine there, and America will be better off without you.
A horrendous tyrant that wouldn`t let the colonists grab anymore Indian lands. Canada seems to be doing very well btw.
The "thoughts and prayers" strategy is very cost effective but doesnt appear to be working.

Perhaps a gun nut could point to one of its successes ?
It saddens me that gun ownership is more important than the lives of human beings. Freedom should be balanced with responsibility. And in America, there is no balance. We need to fix that. I am not moving anywhere, I love America too much.
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Local law enforcement had swat teams and armored vehicles and well armed police standing up to the aggressor. Well after the fact. One disgruntled guy killed a law enforcement officer and wounded others. Because he had a gun. Why did this asshole even HAVE a gun to begin with?
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but hey , Tommy serves a useful purpose as an Example . Imagine Tommy and ilk like him moving to the USA and then eventually voting and having a voice in gun laws in the USA . Right now Tommy is simply an annoying ' brit' on an American message board so we should be thankful for that .

Tommy Tainant serves the purpose of reminding us Americans why we kicked the British out of our country more than two centuries ago, and to show us that our reasons for having done so remain valid to this day.
--------------------------------------------------------- we keep importing enemies and 'fifth column' all the time , over a million a year BobB .
Irony is, I live near Douglas county, I am an American. Guns aren't doing me any good, in fact, commonsense says we are better off without firearms. We need a referendum to end this madness. Repeal the second amendment.
Tommy, I live not to far from where this atrocity happened. And the Aurora movie theater shooting was within a few miles also. And I am tired of it. It has to end. American gun culture is sick, and just getting worse. What is the solution?
You have my sympathies Mary. I cant imagine living with that hanging over me and my family.
You should move over here. Its a lot safer and life goes on at a gentle pace.

You couldn’t pay me to live on your freedomless hole
Irony is, I live near Douglas county, I am an American. Guns aren't doing me any good

Until the day you need one

In fact, commonsense says we are better off without firearms.

Who’s common sense? Yours? LOL

We need a referendum to end this madness. Repeal the second amendment.

Good luck with that
I have two different thermometers in my house. One in the east, one in the west. Neither agree with the current temperature I am experiencing. As a metaphor it seems rather apropos. What guns are depends on what side of the spectrum you come from.
Five deputies and two other people were shot in Douglas County Sunday morning. One of ... The Denver Post reported that one of the deputies wounded in the shooting is the son of Boulder County Sheriff Joe Pele

5 Deputies And 2 Others Shot in Douglas County; 1 Deputy Killed.

:dunno: I guess I need to say Thank you, NRA!
We need more armed civilians to fight killer PIGS COPS out in public!
At this point, it's a game. Can you dodge the flying lead?
And where is my good anal gun nutter with a dun who were not paid to try to
murder American civilians every day.

As of today. PIG have murdered 956 in 2017. Can they break the 1000 mark before midnight today?
Police shootings 2016 database

We have a 2nd anal right' to be armed and it seems it just okay to use them kill humans.
Sadly this was not a major mass shooting taking out 100's. But I'm sure the NRA membership
is working to spread more terror in 2018.

btw: GUNS DON'T KILL! Without the full sponsorship of the NRA Membership.
More Guns, more Shootings bt armed 100% Americans. Whee! Use them if you got 'em!

Well...dumb ass.....where does the NRA post that they support murdering innocent people? Please....give us links to where the NRA, you know, the very people who likely helped to train those deputies, supports using guns to commit murder.

Are you this stupid every day of the year, or just on New Years Eve....?
He's a complete drooler.
That might NOT be "drool" ya know ?
Irony is, I live near Douglas county, I am an American. Guns aren't doing me any good

Until the day you need one

In fact, commonsense says we are better off without firearms.

Who’s common sense? Yours? LOL

We need a referendum to end this madness. Repeal the second amendment.

Good luck with that
That is the cutting edge here. I don't want to depend on firearms to live a free life, and I would rather die than let that define MY freedom.
Five deputies and two other people were shot in Douglas County Sunday morning. One of ... The Denver Post reported that one of the deputies wounded in the shooting is the son of Boulder County Sheriff Joe Pele

5 Deputies And 2 Others Shot in Douglas County; 1 Deputy Killed.

:dunno: I guess I need to say Thank you, NRA!
We need more armed civilians to fight killer PIGS COPS out in public!
At this point, it's a game. Can you dodge the flying lead?
And where is my good anal gun nutter with a gun who were not paid to try to
murder American civilians every day.

As of today. PIG COPS have murdered 976 in 2017. Can they break the 1000 mark before midnight today?
Police shootings 2016 database
Police shootings 2017 database
We have a 2nd anal right' to be armed and it seems it just okay to use them to kill humans.
Sadly this was not a major mass shooting taking out 100's. But I'm sure the NRA membership
is working to spread more terror in 2018.

btw: GUNS DON'T KILL! Without the full sponsorship of the NRA Membership.
More Guns, more Shootings by armed 100% Americans. Whee! Use them if you got 'em!

You notice how the only people that want to take away guns here are the criminals?

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