More "freedom" going on in Denver.

Gop/NRA preach that we need high powered weapons in order to fight off the government!

They do? Can you please provide me the link where an NRA representative proclaims we need guns to fight off the government?

What’s the old Heston quote ? “They’ll have to pry my rifle out of my cold dead hands!”
----------------------------------------------------- and that quote by Heston makes sense in the context that Heston said it Timmy .

Dude. You really going to make me hunt down quotes of conservatives saying this stuff? I don’t make it up ! Why do you think they want semi autos be to legal ?

Semi autos are the most common rifle and pistol type in the country.....thats why. They are easy to shoot, and reload, and allow law abiding citizens to protect themselves from the violent criminals you guys keep letting loose on the people of this country.
Yep, liberals don't want to discuss the real cause of violent crime: individual violence cases in black inner cities. It's much easier to talk about the rare mass shooting. After all, it's the black criminals that tend to vote for democrats.
You are a crazy guy. These people got interned for being.....Japanese.You have no idea what they were thinking when it happened. And the lesson here is that their guns did not help them. Another gun nut myth busted.

How do you know most of those people even had guns in their homes? But hey, thank you for whitesplaining to us Asian people what we should or should not have been thinking or doing when that went down. It’s not like you white Europeans haven’t been the most oppressive people in human history.
You need to read my post.I have not claimed to know what they were thinking. and it wasnt Europeans that locked them up. It was their own government.
Gop/NRA preach that we need high powered weapons in order to fight off the government!

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Did their guns help them in this situation ?

If it came to socialist death camps...yeah, it would have helped them.....

Did not having guns help these people......all unarmed and murdered by their governments.....and had the people of Europe been armed, the war could have been prevented and or greatly reduced in severity......

WILLIAMS: Fascism And Communism

The People's Republic of China tops the list, with 76 million lives lost at the hands of the government from 1949 to 1987.

The Soviet Union follows, with 62 million lives lost from 1917 to 1987.

Adolf Hitler's Nazi German government killed 21 million people between 1933 and 1945.

Then there are lesser murdering regimes, such as Nationalist China, Japan, Turkey, Vietnam and Mexico. According to Rummel's research, the 20th century saw 262 millionpeople's lives lost at the hands of their own governments.
But my understanding is that the government rounded these people up and put them in camps. Their guns did not help them at all.
You do know that in 1945 multiculturalism was not a value. The Japanese would have been slaughtered.
They do? Can you please provide me the link where an NRA representative proclaims we need guns to fight off the government?

What’s the old Heston quote ? “They’ll have to pry my rifle out of my cold dead hands!”
----------------------------------------------------- and that quote by Heston makes sense in the context that Heston said it Timmy .

Dude. You really going to make me hunt down quotes of conservatives saying this stuff? I don’t make it up ! Why do you think they want semi autos be to legal ?

Semi autos are the most common rifle and pistol type in the country.....thats why. They are easy to shoot, and reload, and allow law abiding citizens to protect themselves from the violent criminals you guys keep letting loose on the people of this country.
Yep, liberals don't want to discuss the real cause of violent crime: individual violence cases in black inner cities. It's much easier to talk about the rare mass shooting. After all, it's the black criminals that tend to vote for democrats.

Actually, the Repub controlled congress does not want to discuss gun violence at all. But they will extend their thoughts and prayers, over and over and over and over.
What’s the old Heston quote ? “They’ll have to pry my rifle out of my cold dead hands!”
----------------------------------------------------- and that quote by Heston makes sense in the context that Heston said it Timmy .

Dude. You really going to make me hunt down quotes of conservatives saying this stuff? I don’t make it up ! Why do you think they want semi autos be to legal ?

Semi autos are the most common rifle and pistol type in the country.....thats why. They are easy to shoot, and reload, and allow law abiding citizens to protect themselves from the violent criminals you guys keep letting loose on the people of this country.
Yep, liberals don't want to discuss the real cause of violent crime: individual violence cases in black inner cities. It's much easier to talk about the rare mass shooting. After all, it's the black criminals that tend to vote for democrats.

Actually, the Repub controlled congress does not want to discuss gun violence at all. But they will extend their thoughts and prayers, over and over and over and over.
-------------------------------------- hey , in response to your post all i can say is GOOD Jim H !!
Tommy, I live not to far from where this atrocity happened. And the Aurora movie theater shooting was within a few miles also. And I am tired of it. It has to end. American gun culture is sick, and just getting worse. What is the solution?
He was just 29yrs old. He leaves behind a wife and two small children. He was just doing his job. He won't be coming home tonight.
He was just 29yrs old. He leaves behind a wife and two small children. He was just doing his job. He won't be coming home tonight.
---------------------------------------------------------- its a shame but Death happens to all kindsa people as they do their jobs . I knew 2 young electricians with kids that were electrocuted when they had to work on some high power electrical lines in a snow strom . Cops , military , electricians , loggers , commercial fishermen . They all volunteer for their jobs for the money and sadly some of them die doing their duty / jobs BBro .
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Tommy, I live not to far from where this atrocity happened. And the Aurora movie theater shooting was within a few miles also. And I am tired of it. It has to end. American gun culture is sick, and just getting worse. What is the solution?
You have my sympathies Mary. I cant imagine living with that hanging over me and my family.
You should move over here. Its a lot safer and life goes on at a gentle pace.
What’s the old Heston quote ? “They’ll have to pry my rifle out of my cold dead hands!”
----------------------------------------------------- and that quote by Heston makes sense in the context that Heston said it Timmy .

Dude. You really going to make me hunt down quotes of conservatives saying this stuff? I don’t make it up ! Why do you think they want semi autos be to legal ?

Semi autos are the most common rifle and pistol type in the country.....thats why. They are easy to shoot, and reload, and allow law abiding citizens to protect themselves from the violent criminals you guys keep letting loose on the people of this country.
Yep, liberals don't want to discuss the real cause of violent crime: individual violence cases in black inner cities. It's much easier to talk about the rare mass shooting. After all, it's the black criminals that tend to vote for democrats.

Actually, the Repub controlled congress does not want to discuss gun violence at all. But they will extend their thoughts and prayers, over and over and over and over.
See what I mean? They don't want to discuss VIOLENCE. They want to discuss GUNS. Even for one post he could not avoid deviating from VIOLENT CRIME discussion to talk about GUNS or strictly GUN violence.
but hey , Tommy serves a useful purpose as an Example . Imagine Tommy and ilk like him moving to the USA and then eventually voting and having a voice in gun laws in the USA . Right now Tommy is simply an annoying ' brit' on an American message board so we should be thankful for that .
Not that you had much credibility to start with but that statement puts you well below the negative column of "You don't know what the fuck you're talking about."

There are only two kinds of people who support restrictions on the people's right to keep and bear arms.

  • Those who are willfully on the side of criminals, tyrants, and terrorists, and who know that an armed populace is the greatest threat and deterrent to their criminal desires…

  • Those who are wholly ignorant about subjects pertaining to arms and the rightful use thereof, and who are dumb enough to believe the lies told by the other group.

It ought to be obvious that Baz Ares, who speaks of “Semi- Fully auto murdering guns” is in the latter category.
Tommy, I live not to far from where this atrocity happened. And the Aurora movie theater shooting was within a few miles also. And I am tired of it. It has to end. American gun culture is sick, and just getting worse. What is the solution?
You have my sympathies Mary. I cant imagine living with that hanging over me and my family.
You should move over here. Its a lot safer and life goes on at a gentle pace.
I am looking north to Canada. Good folks.
but hey , Tommy serves a useful purpose as an Example . Imagine Tommy and ilk like him moving to the USA and then eventually voting and having a voice in gun laws in the USA . Right now Tommy is simply an annoying ' brit' on an American message board so we should be thankful for that .

Tommy Tainant serves the purpose of reminding us Americans why we kicked the British out of our country more than two centuries ago, and to show us that our reasons for having done so remain valid to this day.

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