More "freedom" going on in Denver.

Irony is, I live near Douglas county, I am an American. Guns aren't doing me any good, in fact, commonsense says we are better off without firearms. We need a referendum to end this madness. Repeal the second amendment.

You aren't using common are using aren't using facts, truth or reality. You are reacting with you understand that unarmed people were murdered by their governments in the 10s of millions? Does that even tickle your brain at all?

The people murdered....they felt just like you about guns........

WILLIAMS: Fascism And Communism

The People's Republic of China tops the list, with 76 million lives lost at the hands of the government from 1949 to 1987. The Soviet Union follows, with 62 million lives lost from 1917 to 1987. Adolf Hitler's Nazi German government killed 21 million people between 1933 and 1945. Then there are lesser murdering regimes, such as Nationalist China, Japan, Turkey, Vietnam and Mexico. According to Rummel's research, the 20th century saw 262 millionpeople's lives lost at the hands of their own governments.
Gop/NRA preach that we need high powered weapons in order to fight off the government!

View attachment 168885
Did their guns help them in this situation ?

If it came to socialist death camps...yeah, it would have helped them.....

Did not having guns help these people......all unarmed and murdered by their governments.....and had the people of Europe been armed, the war could have been prevented and or greatly reduced in severity......

WILLIAMS: Fascism And Communism

The People's Republic of China tops the list, with 76 million lives lost at the hands of the government from 1949 to 1987.

The Soviet Union follows, with 62 million lives lost from 1917 to 1987.

Adolf Hitler's Nazi German government killed 21 million people between 1933 and 1945.

Then there are lesser murdering regimes, such as Nationalist China, Japan, Turkey, Vietnam and Mexico. According to Rummel's research, the 20th century saw 262 millionpeople's lives lost at the hands of their own governments.
But my understanding is that the government rounded these people up and put them in camps. Their guns did not help them at all.

The notion that private citizens with small arms could ‘overthrow’ or ‘resist’ a government’s modern military is childish idiocy.

Just as childish and idiotic is the notion that the possession of firearm has anything to do with ‘freedom’

Americans are a free people because we live in a Constitutional Republic whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, not the ‘will of the people.’

And the American people have the right to possess firearms to defend against crime; it’s the First Amendment, not the Second Amendment, that protects Americans from government tyranny – the Second Amendment doesn’t ‘trump’ the First.
Irony is, I live near Douglas county, I am an American. Guns aren't doing me any good

Until the day you need one

In fact, commonsense says we are better off without firearms.

Who’s common sense? Yours? LOL

We need a referendum to end this madness. Repeal the second amendment.

Good luck with that
That is the cutting edge here. I don't want to depend on firearms to live a free life, and I would rather die than let that define MY freedom.

You post that so you think the people murdered by criminals agree with you...the ones raped, murdered and left in shallow graves thought, Hey, it is better to be raped and murdered than to have used a gun to stop it?
Gop/NRA preach that we need high powered weapons in order to fight off the government!

View attachment 168885
Did their guns help them in this situation ?

If it came to socialist death camps...yeah, it would have helped them.....

Did not having guns help these people......all unarmed and murdered by their governments.....and had the people of Europe been armed, the war could have been prevented and or greatly reduced in severity......

WILLIAMS: Fascism And Communism

The People's Republic of China tops the list, with 76 million lives lost at the hands of the government from 1949 to 1987.

The Soviet Union follows, with 62 million lives lost from 1917 to 1987.

Adolf Hitler's Nazi German government killed 21 million people between 1933 and 1945.

Then there are lesser murdering regimes, such as Nationalist China, Japan, Turkey, Vietnam and Mexico. According to Rummel's research, the 20th century saw 262 millionpeople's lives lost at the hands of their own governments.
But my understanding is that the government rounded these people up and put them in camps. Their guns did not help them at all.

The notion that private citizens with small arms could ‘overthrow’ or ‘resist’ a government’s modern military is childish idiocy.

Just as childish and idiotic is the notion that the possession of firearm has anything to do with ‘freedom’

Americans are a free people because we live in a Constitutional Republic whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, not the ‘will of the people.’

And the American people have the right to possess firearms to defend against crime; it’s the First Amendment, not the Second Amendment, that protects Americans from government tyranny – the Second Amendment doesn’t ‘trump’ the First.

Germany had laws too moron. As did Russia.......pieces of paper do not give you freedom or protection from evil men.....thinking they do is what gave us World War 2....
Is there anyone here that is pro criminal and wants criminals to have guns? Anyone? Please. Common here. It's the criminals that benefit from the gun culture America has. I don't want that, do you? Let's end that.

That's' exactly backward. It is criminals who benefit from gun control laws. Criminals have guns, regardless of whether law-abiding citizens are allowed them. Criminals benefit when prospective victims are unarmed and defenseless.

Modern gun control laws are not so obvious about the true motive behind them, as earlier ones were. The progenitor of all modern gun control laws is the Sullivan Act in New York. It was authored by Timothy Sullivan, a criminal gangster-turned politician. It was specifically crafted to give an advantage to Mr. Sullivan's criminal gang, by allowing him to deny law-abiding citizens and members of rival gangs the right to possess arms.

Before that, gun control laws were specifically aimed at recently-freed former slaves to make them easier and safer prey for the Ku Klux Klan.

If you are in favor of gun control laws, then either by intent or by ignorance, you are on the side of violent criminals, and against that of law-abiding citizens.

Not many people know that history...good for you....
Gop/NRA preach that we need high powered weapons in order to fight off the government!

View attachment 168885
Did their guns help them in this situation ?

If it came to socialist death camps...yeah, it would have helped them.....

Did not having guns help these people......all unarmed and murdered by their governments.....and had the people of Europe been armed, the war could have been prevented and or greatly reduced in severity......

WILLIAMS: Fascism And Communism

The People's Republic of China tops the list, with 76 million lives lost at the hands of the government from 1949 to 1987.

The Soviet Union follows, with 62 million lives lost from 1917 to 1987.

Adolf Hitler's Nazi German government killed 21 million people between 1933 and 1945.

Then there are lesser murdering regimes, such as Nationalist China, Japan, Turkey, Vietnam and Mexico. According to Rummel's research, the 20th century saw 262 millionpeople's lives lost at the hands of their own governments.
But my understanding is that the government rounded these people up and put them in camps. Their guns did not help them at all.

The notion that private citizens with small arms could ‘overthrow’ or ‘resist’ a government’s modern military is childish idiocy.

Just as childish and idiotic is the notion that the possession of firearm has anything to do with ‘freedom’

Americans are a free people because we live in a Constitutional Republic whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, not the ‘will of the people.’

And the American people have the right to possess firearms to defend against crime; it’s the First Amendment, not the Second Amendment, that protects Americans from government tyranny – the Second Amendment doesn’t ‘trump’ the First.

And yet it most recently occurred in Romania so your assertion is laughable.
Gop/NRA preach that we need high powered weapons in order to fight off the government!

View attachment 168885
Did their guns help them in this situation ?

If it came to socialist death camps...yeah, it would have helped them.....

Did not having guns help these people......all unarmed and murdered by their governments.....and had the people of Europe been armed, the war could have been prevented and or greatly reduced in severity......

WILLIAMS: Fascism And Communism

The People's Republic of China tops the list, with 76 million lives lost at the hands of the government from 1949 to 1987.

The Soviet Union follows, with 62 million lives lost from 1917 to 1987.

Adolf Hitler's Nazi German government killed 21 million people between 1933 and 1945.

Then there are lesser murdering regimes, such as Nationalist China, Japan, Turkey, Vietnam and Mexico. According to Rummel's research, the 20th century saw 262 millionpeople's lives lost at the hands of their own governments.
But my understanding is that the government rounded these people up and put them in camps. Their guns did not help them at all.

The notion that private citizens with small arms could ‘overthrow’ or ‘resist’ a government’s modern military is childish idiocy.

Just as childish and idiotic is the notion that the possession of firearm has anything to do with ‘freedom’

Americans are a free people because we live in a Constitutional Republic whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, not the ‘will of the people.’

And the American people have the right to possess firearms to defend against crime; it’s the First Amendment, not the Second Amendment, that protects Americans from government tyranny – the Second Amendment doesn’t ‘trump’ the First.

No the 2nd always protects the first amendment..we seen that at the Bundy ranch

The feds were scrared going up against arm ranchers .
Gop/NRA preach that we need high powered weapons in order to fight off the government!

Hey K*nt, which voter base do you suppose commits FAR more violent crimes than the other? Answer - Democrats, and it's not even close. Save your sanctimonious bullshit. You cock suckers love your fucking criminals as long as they vote Democrat.

If it came to socialist death camps...yeah, it would have helped them.....

Did not having guns help these people......all unarmed and murdered by their governments.....and had the people of Europe been armed, the war could have been prevented and or greatly reduced in severity......

WILLIAMS: Fascism And Communism

The People's Republic of China tops the list, with 76 million lives lost at the hands of the government from 1949 to 1987.

The Soviet Union follows, with 62 million lives lost from 1917 to 1987.

Adolf Hitler's Nazi German government killed 21 million people between 1933 and 1945.

Then there are lesser murdering regimes, such as Nationalist China, Japan, Turkey, Vietnam and Mexico. According to Rummel's research, the 20th century saw 262 millionpeople's lives lost at the hands of their own governments.
But my understanding is that the government rounded these people up and put them in camps. Their guns did not help them at all.

The notion that private citizens with small arms could ‘overthrow’ or ‘resist’ a government’s modern military is childish idiocy.

Just as childish and idiotic is the notion that the possession of firearm has anything to do with ‘freedom’

Americans are a free people because we live in a Constitutional Republic whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, not the ‘will of the people.’

And the American people have the right to possess firearms to defend against crime; it’s the First Amendment, not the Second Amendment, that protects Americans from government tyranny – the Second Amendment doesn’t ‘trump’ the First.

No the 2nd always protects the first amendment..we seen that at the Bundy ranch

The feds were scrared going up against arm ranchers .

Clayton can't handle it now just blow up the Bundy ranch fiasco nation wide..the feds doesn't have the army to take on every one who owns guns and ammo

It would be pure suicide ..
Sad....but these things happen here.

Sad, but we can't solve problems because we have politicians who are in the pay of the rich, and the rich aren't affected by this, so..... it's not like we vote these fuckers into power or anything, is it? "We the rich, do control this government", that's what the preamble sayz.
Sad....but these things happen here.

Sad, but we can't solve problems because we have politicians who are in the pay of the rich, and the rich aren't affected by this, so..... it's not like we vote these fuckers into power or anything, is it? "We the rich, do control this government", that's what the preamble sayz.

Hmmmm...seems to me the "rich" backed hilary...she spent 1.2 billion dollars, Trump, about 1/4 of that and beat her.......yeah, keep telling yourself that...
Gun violence in America is a complex and difficult issue – there is no one simple or easy answer.

Some firearm regulatory measures are appropriate and warranted, such as background checks; but no firearm regulatory measure is proposed, or should be perceived as, a ‘panacea’ for all gun crime and violence.

And there are firearm regulatory measures which are unwarranted and pointless, such as ‘banning’ AR 15s, firearm registration, and may issue concealed carry laws.

Indeed, seeking to ban AR 15s and other similar semi-automatic rifles is truly pointless, given the fact that less than 2 percent of gun crime is committed with a long gun, and even fewer with AR platform rifles.
Sad....but these things happen here.

Sad, but we can't solve problems because we have politicians who are in the pay of the rich, and the rich aren't affected by this, so..... it's not like we vote these fuckers into power or anything, is it? "We the rich, do control this government", that's what the preamble sayz.

Your rant is pretty amusing actually when you consider that a billionaire is the leading proponent of gun laws. Bloomberg has spent more on anti gun legislation than all of the pro gun groups combined. You see he feels that he can have guns but you, peon, you shouldn't. He's special, and you're not.
“What do you need an AR 15 for?”

This question is often asked in the wake of a mass shooting involving semi-automatic rifles.

But this question is without merit.

Citizens are not required to ‘justify’ the exercising of a fundamental right as a ‘prerequisite’ to indeed do so; the burden rests solely with government to justify placing limits and restriction on a fundamental right.

That one does not perceive a ‘need’ to own an AR 15 doesn’t warrant seeking to prohibit possessing such a firearm.
Japan......they have a low gun crime rate because they do what we, the supporters of gun Rights say we should do....lock up gun criminals for a long time...
I don't believe I mentioned gun crime rate, rather firearm homicide rate, which is very low in Japan because handguns are effectively banned.
And haven't been following their country have you.....? Their gun crime rate is going up....Melbourne now has the nickname "City of the Gun."
Again, I didn't mention Australia's gun crime rate, rather its firearm homicide rate, which again you deflect from because the fact is not to your taste, so you ignore it like a good little gun nut idiologue.
Japan......they have a low gun crime rate because they do what we, the supporters of gun Rights say we should do....lock up gun criminals for a long time...
I don't believe I mentioned gun crime rate, rather firearm homicide rate, which is very low in Japan because handguns are effectively banned.

No, it's very low because they lost 4.5 million people during WWII. The violent men were all killed in the war.
And haven't been following their country have you.....? Their gun crime rate is going up....Melbourne now has the nickname "City of the Gun."
Again, I didn't mention Australia's gun crime rate, rather its firearm homicide rate, which again you deflect from because the fact is not to your taste, so you ignore it like a good little gun nut idiologue.

Actually it is you who are ignoring the facts. Gun violence is on the increase in every country that has banned guns. That is a fact.
“What do you need an AR 15 for?”

This question is often asked in the wake of a mass shooting involving semi-automatic rifles.

But this question is without merit.

Citizens are not required to ‘justify’ the exercising of a fundamental right as a ‘prerequisite’ to indeed do so; the burden rests solely with government to justify placing limits and restriction on a fundamental right.

That one does not perceive a ‘need’ to own an AR 15 doesn’t warrant seeking to prohibit possessing such a firearm.
Yes it does. It's one of the reasons you have the highest rate of firearm homicides in the developed world. Easy access to handguns is another reason for your gun mortality rates. But none of this matters. US citizens as a whole have decided easy access to handguns, in particular, is more important than school kids' lives. No biggie, no skin off my nose, I'm just amused by the ridiculous arguments of those too scared to go shopping without carrying a sidearm.

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