More History Before 1967

You puzzle me, you really do.

How so?

Tinmore, how could Israel have no land if every map that shows the land from the Jordan River to the sea is labeled Israel ?

Not every map. Just "western" maps.

The vast majority of maps in Palestinian and Israeli schoolbooks omit the existence of the other entity, leading to children growing up with "an internal representation of their homeland, in which one does not include the other", according to the lead author of a three-year study.

Only 4% of maps in Palestinian textbooks show the green line, which separates Palestinian territory from Israel, or label the area west of it as "Israel". Almost six out of 10 maps depict no borders, and another third include the green line but make no reference to Israel.

In Israeli textbooks, 76% of maps show no boundaries between Palestinian territories and Israel, and Palestinian areas are not labelled. "Since these maps are generally presented as maps of Israel, the absence of borders between Israel and Palestine can be seen as implying that the Palestinian areas are part of the state of Israel," says the report, Victims of Our Own Narratives? Portrayal of the "Other" in Israeli and Palestinian School Books.

Israeli and Palestinian textbooks omit borders | World news | The Guardian
Just Western maps? DOn't you live in the West lol. What about maps in the east? None of tghem show Israel?
Like MJB and I said, you're very bitter towards Israel, so you make these retarded claims.

Take my advice, give up now because you really are making a fool of yourself.

Now, about these Palestinian borders and the agreements that made them and their international recognition, where are they ?
Sure Tinnie, in your own little world that is true. I already gave you links that showed Israels borders that are INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNIZED.
You're continuous denial despite all the indisputable evidence makes you look like a 13 year old.

Yet you never gave me proof of Palestines borders NOW in 2013 that are internationally recognized.

In 1949 Israel had no land and consequently had no borders. You can't have one without the other. The only way Israel can acquire land is with an agreement with the Palestinians.

Nobody has been able to post such an agreement so the 1949 land and borders have not changed. Israel tries to back door borders with agreements with third parties but they have no legal standing.

For the bold, where did you read this?
I'm almost certain you made it up.... Got a link ?
I just find this hilarious I really do. I first thought when I joined it could be because Tinmore is posting in the early hours and needs sleep but it seems to be absolutely outlandish claims at any time of the day too.
Sure Tinnie, in your own little world that is true. I already gave you links that showed Israels borders that are INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNIZED.
You're continuous denial despite all the indisputable evidence makes you look like a 13 year old.

Yet you never gave me proof of Palestines borders NOW in 2013 that are internationally recognized.

In 1949 Israel had no land and consequently had no borders. You can't have one without the other. The only way Israel can acquire land is with an agreement with the Palestinians.

Nobody has been able to post such an agreement so the 1949 land and borders have not changed. Israel tries to back door borders with agreements with third parties but they have no legal standing.

For the bold, where did you read this?
I'm almost certain you made it up.... Got a link ?

You should already know this stuff.
Just Western maps? DOn't you live in the West lol. What about maps in the east? None of tghem show Israel?
Like MJB and I said, you're very bitter towards Israel, so you make these retarded claims.

Take my advice, give up now because you really are making a fool of yourself.

Now, about these Palestinian borders and the agreements that made them and their international recognition, where are they ?

Every map of Israel shows Palestine's international borders with Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza strip inside defined by the 1949 armistice lines. Nothing has changed since then.
P F Tinmore, et al,

I'm not sure what you are saying here.

Every map of Israel shows Palestine's international borders with Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza strip inside defined by the 1949 armistice lines. Nothing has changed since then.

The only undeclared territory left today consists of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, which might be considered the State of Palestine by the Palestine National Council as declared 15 November 1988; in mutual recognition between the State of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization as outlined on 9 September 1993.

Then, of course, there is the recent non-member observer State status, which calls the West Bank and Gaza Strip the State of Palestine.


What do you base your notion on? Be specific with documentation (if available).

Most Respectfully,
In 1949 Israel had no land and consequently had no borders. You can't have one without the other. The only way Israel can acquire land is with an agreement with the Palestinians.

Nobody has been able to post such an agreement so the 1949 land and borders have not changed. Israel tries to back door borders with agreements with third parties but they have no legal standing.

For the bold, where did you read this?
I'm almost certain you made it up.... Got a link ?

You should already know this stuff.

Well I don't, so please show me where you read this jibberish
Just Western maps? DOn't you live in the West lol. What about maps in the east? None of tghem show Israel?
Like MJB and I said, you're very bitter towards Israel, so you make these retarded claims.

Take my advice, give up now because you really are making a fool of yourself.

Now, about these Palestinian borders and the agreements that made them and their international recognition, where are they ?

Every map of Israel shows Palestine's international borders with Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza strip inside defined by the 1949 armistice lines. Nothing has changed since then.

Nope, it just shows Israel. No mention of what you said liar. It shows the West Bank and Gaza in different colors.
P F Tinmore, et al,

I'm not sure what you are saying here.

Every map of Israel shows Palestine's international borders with Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza strip inside defined by the 1949 armistice lines. Nothing has changed since then.

The only undeclared territory left today consists of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, which might be considered the State of Palestine by the Palestine National Council as declared 15 November 1988; in mutual recognition between the State of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization as outlined on 9 September 1993.

Undeclared by whom?

Wasn't that a part of a peace agreement that fell apart and died?

Then, of course, there is the recent non-member observer State status, which calls the West Bank and Gaza Strip the State of Palestine.

Reaffirming also its resolutions 43/176 of 15 December 1988 and 66/17 of 30 November 2011 and all relevant resolutions regarding the peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine, which, inter alia, stress the need for the withdrawal of Israel from the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, the realization of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, primarily the right to self-determination and the right to their independent State, a just resolution of the problem of the Palestine refugees in conformity with resolution 194 (III) of 11 December 1948 and the complete cessation of all Israeli settlement activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem,

Yawn,... let me know when any of that happens. Until then this is just another piece of UN toilet paper.


What do you base your notion on? Be specific with documentation (if available).

Most Respectfully,

I base my notion on the 1949 UN armistice agreements. Do you have something more recent?
Lots of Israeli maps don't show Palestine.

Just as lots of Palestinian maps don't show Israel.
Just Western maps? DOn't you live in the West lol. What about maps in the east? None of tghem show Israel?
Like MJB and I said, you're very bitter towards Israel, so you make these retarded claims.

Take my advice, give up now because you really are making a fool of yourself.

Now, about these Palestinian borders and the agreements that made them and their international recognition, where are they ?

Every map of Israel shows Palestine's international borders with Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza strip inside defined by the 1949 armistice lines. Nothing has changed since then.

Nope, it just shows Israel. No mention of what you said liar. It shows the West Bank and Gaza in different colors.

Here, since you seem to need a lot of help:
The Avalon Project : Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, February 24, 1949
The Avalon Project : Jordanian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, April 3, 1949
The Avalon Project : Lebanese-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, March 23, 1949
The Avalon Project : Israeli-Syrian General Armistice Agreement, July 20, 1949
Every map of Israel shows Palestine's international borders with Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza strip inside defined by the 1949 armistice lines. Nothing has changed since then.

Nope, it just shows Israel. No mention of what you said liar. It shows the West Bank and Gaza in different colors.

Here, since you seem to need a lot of help:
The Avalon Project : Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, February 24, 1949
The Avalon Project : Jordanian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, April 3, 1949
The Avalon Project : Lebanese-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, March 23, 1949
The Avalon Project : Israeli-Syrian General Armistice Agreement, July 20, 1949

The one who needs help is the person who is still living in 1949 :lol:

You're so lost Tinnie.

Do you have something more recent that would void these agreements?

When you open an Atlas and see Israel, dos it mention anything that you said ?
Weak argument. IS that all you got ?
Show m any documented information from THIS century where it says ISrael is inside Palestine

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