More Incredible Biden Data this Morning !


You are desperately trying to discredit Biden economy. Things are set to get even better in the future. I don't think you are prepared for what is going to happen to you, you may commit suicide if we have another Democrat Golden Age like Bill Clinton had.

Democrats give us Golden Ages
Republicans give us debt, deficit, failed wars, crashed, blow ups, corruption, and riots at the Capitol over fabricated lies
34% of Americans agree with you. You are the minority

You are desperately trying to discredit Biden economy. Things are set to get even better in the future. I don't think you are prepared for what is going to happen to you, you may commit suicide if we have another Democrat Golden Age like Bill Clinton had.

Democrats give us Golden Ages
Republicans give us debt, deficit, failed wars, crashed, blow ups, corruption, and riots at the Capitol over fabricated lies
Keep spinning that yarn, skippy.
You know you're full of it.
You said both Trump and Biden committed crimes you went in about trump and the indictments but never addressed biden's crimes.

We do not know yet, how many times do I have to say it. Your beloved party claims to have all sorts of evidence.

But hey, if you want to argue that Biden has committed no crimes, who am I to stop you.
Now back to the question you dodged
You said both Trump and Biden committed crimes you went in about trump and the indictments but never addressed biden's crimes.
There are mountains of extremely good, credible, and corroborated evidence on Trump including audio, video, and testimony from his own lawyers. The evidence against Trump is the Gold Standard of evidence, the best there is.

The evidence against Biden is a total joke. All you have is lies from a supposed whistleblower that has already been discredited by a Trump appointed US Attorney and then lies from some foreign guy that is facing extremely serious charges and wants to rat/lie to get out of his prison sentence. Worse still you trash mothafuckers have a history of lies, fake scandals, and debunked bullshit, like:
Uranium one fake scandal
pizzagate fake scandal
Benghazi fake scandal
Monica Lewinsky bull shit scandal
Hunter is paying Joe rent lies
Election fraud lies
and a whole bunch more lies.

Republicans have a bad history of lies and fake scandals, and this looks no different because the evidence is a joke and not credible, whereas the evidence against Trump is the Gold standard and extremely credible.
The economy is booming, inflation is plummeting, the deficit is down a lot from where Trump had it, and the jobs market is the best ever in us history and Trump has no real issues to run on besides restarting slavery, taking the rights of women and gays, and increasing the deficit a ton, like he did in 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

Worse still the charges against Trump are extremely serious and the evidence against Trump is the Gold Standard of evidence, the best it gets, but the evidence against Biden is a total joke and more of the same GOP fabricated lies that they have been telling for years.

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