More insanity - Bankrupt CA to pay whores who say they were raped


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Hey prostitutes are criminals so i say hell with them. Article says the cases are confidential which means the board will just take the word of the whores. This is another scam.

State agrees to compensate raped sex workers | The Press Democrat

March 20, 2014
SACRAMENTO— A state board on Thursday granted 14 rape victims who had been working as prostitutes the right to be compensated, the first such action since it reversed its policy on the issue last year.

The decision follows a vote by the board in December to eliminate a policy that banned compensation for those who were attacked while working as prostitutes. The new rules allow victims of sexual assault who were engaged in an act of prostitution at the time of the attack to be reimbursed by the state for their medical costs and related expenses including counseling, lost income and increasing home security.

The cases are confidential, but board chairwoman Marybel Batjer said in a statement that all 14 were raped. All 14 cases "were earlier denied because of the victim's involvement in prostitution," she said.

Prostitutes had been excluded from receiving victims' compensation since 1999 because their activities are illegal.

Payments to the 14 victims aren't yet known because they have yet to turn in their expenses for reimbursement, Myers said. The average reimbursement awarded to all victims by the board is just under $2,000, though victims can be repaid for up to $62,000 in expenses.

The program gets its money from fines and restitution paid by criminals, as well as federal matching funds.
"CA to pay whores ..."

Yeah ... what's new? Pelosi, Boxer, and Feinstein get a regular paycheck. No news there! :):):)
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They're not paying was wrong. If reading the law correctly, a chick smoking a joint ( illegal) or drinking before age 21 ( illegal) and was raped would not qualify under the California victim assistance program.

It also says this:

The program gets its money from fines and restitution paid by criminals, as well as federal matching funds

So this means they were receiving funds from the attackers possibly and federal funds but not allowing the victim a benefit from those funds. BS.
CaféAuLait;8807654 said:
They're not paying was wrong. If reading the law correctly, a chick smoking a joint ( illegal) or drinking before age 21 ( illegal) and was raped would not qualify under the California victim assistance program.

So you loony libs say drinking before 21 is the same crime as being a prostitute? THINK
Hey prostitutes are criminals so i say hell with them. Article says the cases are confidential which means the board will just take the word of the whores. This is another scam.

State agrees to compensate raped sex workers | The Press Democrat

March 20, 2014
SACRAMENTO— A state board on Thursday granted 14 rape victims who had been working as prostitutes the right to be compensated, the first such action since it reversed its policy on the issue last year.

The decision follows a vote by the board in December to eliminate a policy that banned compensation for those who were attacked while working as prostitutes. The new rules allow victims of sexual assault who were engaged in an act of prostitution at the time of the attack to be reimbursed by the state for their medical costs and related expenses including counseling, lost income and increasing home security.

The cases are confidential, but board chairwoman Marybel Batjer said in a statement that all 14 were raped. All 14 cases "were earlier denied because of the victim's involvement in prostitution," she said.

Prostitutes had been excluded from receiving victims' compensation since 1999 because their activities are illegal.

Payments to the 14 victims aren't yet known because they have yet to turn in their expenses for reimbursement, Myers said. The average reimbursement awarded to all victims by the board is just under $2,000, though victims can be repaid for up to $62,000 in expenses.

The program gets its money from fines and restitution paid by criminals, as well as federal matching funds.

Hey, I say you are an deeply unpleasant person.
CaféAuLait;8807654 said:
They're not paying was wrong. If reading the law correctly, a chick smoking a joint ( illegal) or drinking before age 21 ( illegal) and was raped would not qualify under the California victim assistance program.

So you loony libs say drinking before 21 is the same crime as being a prostitute? THINK

Loony lib?

I think many a lib here would disagree I am a lib.

I am not saying it is the same thing, the law says if you are involved in illegal activity then you cant get paid under the victim assistance law. This would disqualify anyone who may have been involved in what is deemed as illegal activity before getting raped and or during.
Did some pimp propose this?

Pimps charge extra for "rough sex" but they do have to pick up expenses. Now they get to shift that expense to the state. Time to raise taxes.
CaféAuLait;8811146 said:

I am not saying it is the same thing, the law says if you are involved in illegal activity then you cant get paid under the victim assistance law. This would disqualify anyone who may have been involved in what is deemed as illegal activity before getting raped and or during.

You stupid jackass. The crime has to be related to the injury. To hear you tell it, if you get shot while someone robs a bank and they find out you cheated on your taxes, then you get no victim payment!!! uranidiot.
Did some pimp propose this?

Pimps charge extra for "rough sex" but they do have to pick up expenses. Now they get to shift that expense to the state. Time to raise taxes.

The ho's get paid extra too by their pimp. Now she's also gonna get victim assistance checks!!!
CaféAuLait;8811146 said:

I am not saying it is the same thing, the law says if you are involved in illegal activity then you cant get paid under the victim assistance law. This would disqualify anyone who may have been involved in what is deemed as illegal activity before getting raped and or during.

You stupid jackass. The crime has to be related to the injury. To hear you tell it, if you get shot while someone robs a bank and they find out you cheated on your taxes, then you get no victim payment!!! uranidiot.

I really don't understand the need to call someone names when one disagrees with another person. It makes no sense. Ok, you disagree with me, no problem. Does it make you feel better to call names? Seriously? I would like to understand this. And no, I never said if someone got shot they would not get assistance, wow, you have really stretched what I said.

NO ONE deserves to be raped, no matter their occupation.
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