More liberal BS double standards and more reason to hate them.

Let's ask Hillary...

Hillary is it bad to make fun of Obama being assassinated but ok to make fun of Trump's assassination?

She is supposedly some kind of champion for gay rights. It seems like bad form for her to make light of murdering people you don't agree with.

Well, she really didn't murder him, and bad form is as American as apple pie and baseball. It is only the hysterical response which makes this a topic of outrage - the way of the conservative echo chamber, making mountains out of mole hills.

Bullshit. If it was Obama's head you would be screaming from the roof tops.
This isn't bad judgement, this is an ongoing repertoire hoping that some deranged individual takes them up on it.
Bad form is becoming a Democrat play book. We rarely see anything but bad form and lying smears.
We thought we made ourselves clear in November. We are sick of you.

Pathological hate is manifested in those with a serious mental illness. One data point sets off the hysterical in a crazy right winger, as proved time and time again.

ONLY a snowflake could look at a picture of a deranged, mentally disturbed liberal holding the mock 'bloody' severed head of the President of the United States ... and claim only Conservatives are capable of doing what the picture shows a liberal doing.

They are fucking disgusting human beings.

If someone from the right DID THE SAME THING WITH OBAMA'S HEAD, the left would loop the fuck out.
Would the Right condemn it like the Left is condemning what Kathy Griffith did?

When have they NOT? Specifically?
So the Right condemned hanging effigies of Former President Obama?
There was a racist component to hanging a black president you simpletons.

Exactly. A double standard. Threatening the life of POTUS is in itself a crime. But it's worse if you threaten a minority?

It would have been fine for Dennis Miller to hold up a severed head of Bill Clinton by your argument. I'm sure you would have supported that.
Holding up a fake head of a fake president isn't a crime u nutcase.
A little 11 year old boy saw his Daddy's bloody head and thought it was real.
If you don't think you have caused enough damage maybe you could hold up his mom's bloody head too.
And if you think for one minute that this depraved shit is going to help you in the next election, revisit how well it served you in the last election. You sick pieces of garbage....

They are fucking disgusting human beings.

If someone from the right DID THE SAME THING WITH OBAMA'S HEAD, the left would loop the fuck out.
Would the Right condemn it like the Left is condemning what Kathy Griffith did?
It is likely that the right wouldn't even stoop to this to begin. However, I have taken note that the left on this site (not every one of them, you realize that right?) have condemned this. That is to their credit, if they condemned it for being classless and over the line. If they condemned it so that they could later come back and say, "See, we condemned our side too" then I'd say that the motives for the condemnation are suspect.

However, I take it at face value for now. Just as I condemn the right who are calling for jail time for her exercising her first amendment right. She'll feel the consequences of her actions soon enough. There is no need to bastardize free speech.
Would the Right condemn it like the Left is condemning what Kathy Griffith did?

When have they NOT? Specifically?
So the Right condemned hanging effigies of Former President Obama?
There was a racist component to hanging a black president you simpletons.

Exactly. A double standard. Threatening the life of POTUS is in itself a crime. But it's worse if you threaten a minority?

It would have been fine for Dennis Miller to hold up a severed head of Bill Clinton by your argument. I'm sure you would have supported that.
Holding up a fake head of a fake president isn't a crime u nutcase.
I rest My case.
Would the Right condemn it like the Left is condemning what Kathy Griffith did?

When have they NOT? Specifically?
So the Right condemned hanging effigies of Former President Obama?
There was a racist component to hanging a black president you simpletons.

Exactly. A double standard. Threatening the life of POTUS is in itself a crime. But it's worse if you threaten a minority?

It would have been fine for Dennis Miller to hold up a severed head of Bill Clinton by your argument. I'm sure you would have supported that.
Holding up a fake head of a fake president isn't a crime u nutcase.

Let's take your lack of legal knowledge out of it. Would you make the same arguments if Dennis Miller held up a severed head of Bill Clinton?

Make your argument to defend Dennis Miller.
This is just another smokescreen on the right to distract from the real issues of the day.
The DOA healthcare bill
Pulling out of the Paris accord.
Comey to testify Tramp lied when he said he didn't ask him to shut down the investigation.
Kushner setting up back channels to Russia.
Boris Epstein now under investigation and has to turn over documents in the Trump treason investigation.
But you fuck heads are outraged over a fake head.
When it's the REAL HEAD of the fake president, THEN you can get outraged.
Would the Right condemn it like the Left is condemning what Kathy Griffith did?

When have they NOT? Specifically?
So the Right condemned hanging effigies of Former President Obama?
There was a racist component to hanging a black president you simpletons.

Exactly. A double standard. Threatening the life of POTUS is in itself a crime. But it's worse if you threaten a minority?

It would have been fine for Dennis Miller to hold up a severed head of Bill Clinton by your argument. I'm sure you would have supported that.
Holding up a fake head of a fake president isn't a crime u nutcase.

Right, a beheaded bloody Trump head what are you people sicko ISIS wannabes?
This is just another smokescreen on the right to distract from the real issues of the day.
The DOA healthcare bill
Pulling out of the Paris accord.
Comey to testify Tramp lied when he said he didn't ask him to shut down the investigation.
Kushner setting up back channels to Russia.
Boris Epstein now under investigation and has to turn over documents in the Trump treason investigation.
But you fuck heads are outraged over a fake head.
When it's the REAL HEAD of the fake president, THEN you can get outraged.
This is the level of intelligence we're dealing with from the left.
One of their own does something so incredibly stupid it's indefensible so they blame the right for creating it.

Truly some stupid motherfuckers.
Kathy was fired from two jobs already, she's suffering the consequences of her actions in spite of apologizing.
A little 11 year old boy saw his Daddy's bloody head and thought it was real.
If you don't think you have caused enough damage maybe you could hold up his mom's bloody head too.
And if you think for one minute that this depraved shit is going to help you in the next election, revisit how well it served you in the last election. You sick pieces of garbage....

They are fucking disgusting human beings.

If someone from the right DID THE SAME THING WITH OBAMA'S HEAD, the left would loop the fuck out.
Would the Right condemn it like the Left is condemning what Kathy Griffith did?

When have they NOT? Specifically?
So the Right condemned hanging effigies of Former President Obama?

What is the specific example of this and what is the specific example of the right applauding it?

Who from the right held up an Obama severed head? I might be wrong, I just don't recall it.

I'm pretty sure they would be absolutely attacked by the left. Do you deny that if this was ANN COULTER holding up an Obama head, Rachel Maddow would be losing her mind?
"specific example of the Right applauding it"? Moving the goal posts now? You know, there's a BIG difference between "the Right condemning hanging effigies of Former President Obama" as I talked about and your goal-post-moving to "specific example of the Right applauding it".


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