More liberal BS double standards and more reason to hate them.

When have they NOT? Specifically?
So the Right condemned hanging effigies of Former President Obama?
There was a racist component to hanging a black president you simpletons.

Exactly. A double standard. Threatening the life of POTUS is in itself a crime. But it's worse if you threaten a minority?

It would have been fine for Dennis Miller to hold up a severed head of Bill Clinton by your argument. I'm sure you would have supported that.
Holding up a fake head of a fake president isn't a crime u nutcase.

Except he is the real President of the United States and soliciting his death is beyond a foolish prank. It is sedition.

He is the so called President of the United States. I mean really should we ever have a president "with a face like that"?
We had to put up with this for 8 years. Consider yourself lucky:

According to Al Frankenstien, Kathy was "Making a bold statement."
If I had a picture of you, and I stuck a knife in your forehead, what "message" would that send?
A little 11 year old boy saw his Daddy's bloody head and thought it was real.
If you don't think you have caused enough damage maybe you could hold up his mom's bloody head too.
And if you think for one minute that this depraved shit is going to help you in the next election, revisit how well it served you in the last election. You sick pieces of garbage....

They are fucking disgusting human beings.

If someone from the right DID THE SAME THING WITH OBAMA'S HEAD, the left would loop the fuck out.
Would the Right condemn it like the Left is condemning what Kathy Griffith did?
It is likely that the right wouldn't even stoop to this to begin. However, I have taken note that the left on this site (not every one of them, you realize that right?) have condemned this. That is to their credit, if they condemned it for being classless and over the line. If they condemned it so that they could later come back and say, "See, we condemned our side too" then I'd say that the motives for the condemnation are suspect.

However, I take it at face value for now. Just as I condemn the right who are calling for jail time for her exercising her first amendment right. She'll feel the consequences of her actions soon enough. There is no need to bastardize free speech.

It is likely that the right wouldn't even stoop to this to begin.

You're right. They would do it for real. Shoot up a black church or stab people in the throat.

There are countless examples of RWers espousing violent fantasies against the left.
Absolute nonsense. A few crazies do not indict conservatives.
ask him to shut down the investigation.

"Ask" him or "tell" him? There is a difference legally.

Yep, those white supremacists did so love Sanders.

Yup, the skinheads represent a huge majority of the right.

You idiots need to wake the hell up. You're posting absolutely moronic shit try to support an unsupportable narrative.

They're so fulla shit it's no wonder their eyes are brown.
A little 11 year old boy saw his Daddy's bloody head and thought it was real.
If you don't think you have caused enough damage maybe you could hold up his mom's bloody head too.
And if you think for one minute that this depraved shit is going to help you in the next election, revisit how well it served you in the last election. You sick pieces of garbage....

They are fucking disgusting human beings.

If someone from the right DID THE SAME THING WITH OBAMA'S HEAD, the left would loop the fuck out.
Would the Right condemn it like the Left is condemning what Kathy Griffith did?
It is likely that the right wouldn't even stoop to this to begin. However, I have taken note that the left on this site (not every one of them, you realize that right?) have condemned this. That is to their credit, if they condemned it for being classless and over the line. If they condemned it so that they could later come back and say, "See, we condemned our side too" then I'd say that the motives for the condemnation are suspect.

However, I take it at face value for now. Just as I condemn the right who are calling for jail time for her exercising her first amendment right. She'll feel the consequences of her actions soon enough. There is no need to bastardize free speech.

It is likely that the right wouldn't even stoop to this to begin.

You're right. They would do it for real. Shoot up a black church or stab people in the throat.

There are countless examples of RWers espousing violent fantasies against the left.
Absolute nonsense. A few crazies do not indict conservatives.
True, but it is always conservatives advocating violence on this board.
A little 11 year old boy saw his Daddy's bloody head and thought it was real.
If you don't think you have caused enough damage maybe you could hold up his mom's bloody head too.
And if you think for one minute that this depraved shit is going to help you in the next election, revisit how well it served you in the last election. You sick pieces of garbage....

They are fucking disgusting human beings.

If someone from the right DID THE SAME THING WITH OBAMA'S HEAD, the left would loop the fuck out.
Would the Right condemn it like the Left is condemning what Kathy Griffith did?
It is likely that the right wouldn't even stoop to this to begin. However, I have taken note that the left on this site (not every one of them, you realize that right?) have condemned this. That is to their credit, if they condemned it for being classless and over the line. If they condemned it so that they could later come back and say, "See, we condemned our side too" then I'd say that the motives for the condemnation are suspect.

However, I take it at face value for now. Just as I condemn the right who are calling for jail time for her exercising her first amendment right. She'll feel the consequences of her actions soon enough. There is no need to bastardize free speech.

It is likely that the right wouldn't even stoop to this to begin.

You're right. They would do it for real. Shoot up a black church or stab people in the throat.

There are countless examples of RWers espousing violent fantasies against the left.

Caliphate Kathy did this purely as a publicity stunt. She knew she would catch a lot of shit. She is hoping the many dupes on the left will love her in time.

No one loves her. She ruined herself with this one. We just aren't overwhelmed with fake outrage like you dopes.

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