More moonbat history revisionism.


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Mar 23, 2013

Kennedy Week was a very good week for Ira Stoll’s book Kennedy, Conservative. He makes the case that JFK was an anti-communist supply sider and would be a conservative today.

Maybe. Most of the other 11 year olds I knew in those days were anti-communist too. Not so sure about the supply side part – my peer-group wasn’t up to speed on tax policy. A quick look at Youtube, however, does show Kennedy was for tax cuts to increase employment and cut the deficit.

He was also in favor of civil rights. At least his wife thought so:

“He didn’t even have the satisfaction of being killed for civil rights. It’s — it had to be some silly little Communist.”

Jacqueline Kennedy, Nov. 22, 1963

Which brings us to this piece by Rich Lowry. He complains that James McAuley, in a NYT oped, pins the murder on “Dallas, a city of hate with a death wish in its eye”. (Now we know who shot JR.) Manny Fernanez, also in the NYT, blames it on an “angry anti-Washington culture”.

I think President Kennedy was swell but where can I sign up for this Angry Anti-Washington Culture?

JFK and A Silly Little Communist
The real conspiracy about the Kennedy Assassination is the myth built by the left that sinister right wing forces cut down the young president – when it was really just a silly little Communist.

Back when I was a mindless moonbat 17 year old I believed Oliver Stone's stupid movie and that some pinko bed wetter didn't shoot JFK. Now I am still sure the government has no clue about all the facts, and there may have been people within the system who have deliberately obscured the facts, but the absolute truth is that a pinko commie bed wetter killed JFK and he didn't do it because he was pissed we took nukes out of Turkey.


Sometimes I think conspiracy thinkers are born not bred. Anyone who has lived life knows certain conspiracies exist, but they are always about corruption or cheating the public. Odd that those who always see government conspiracies miss the real conspiracies that affect them. In every other case evidence is clear enough to know it was only idiot [or evil] humans at work. The article below puts forth an interesting analysis of why. And in link just below I asked this question long ago. Conspiratorial thinking like all mental pablum gives comfort to the mind that finds reality too hard to accept.

? Serious Conspiracy Theorist Question ? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"The gullible rarely believe they are gullible and the closed-minded don’t believe they are closed-minded. The only hope of overcoming self-ignorance in such cases is to accept that other people – your co-workers, your spouse, your friends, [liberal posters] – probably know your intellectual character better than you do. But even that won’t necessarily help. After all, it might be that refusing to listen to what other people say about you is one of your intellectual character traits. Some defects are incurable."

"Closed-mindedness is one of the toughest intellectual vices to tackle because it is in its nature to be concealed from those who have it. And even if you somehow get the Olivers of this world to acknowledge their own vices, that won’t necessarily make things any better. Tackling one’s intellectual vices requires more than self-knowledge. You also need to be motivated to do something about them, and actually be able to do something about them."

"I want to argue for something which is controversial, although I believe that it is also intuitive and commonsensical. My claim is this: Oliver believes what he does because that is the kind of thinker he is or, to put it more bluntly, because there is something wrong with how he thinks. The problem with conspiracy theorists is not, as the US legal scholar Cass Sunstein argues, that they have little relevant information. The key to what they end up believing is how they interpret and respond to the vast quantities of relevant information at their disposal. I want to suggest that this is fundamentally a question of the way they are. Oliver isn’t mad (or at least, he needn’t be). Nevertheless, his beliefs about 9/11 are the result of the peculiarities of his intellectual constitution – in a word, of his intellectual character." The intellectual character of conspiracy theorists —...
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According to this documentary, the fatal shot was fired by S.S. agent George Hickey by accident from the car directly behind Kennedy.
JFK: The Smoking Gun (TV Movie 2013) - IMDb

Old "No conspiracy theory left behind" S.J..... Where we always count on getting the craziest theories.
And we can always count on old Bulldyke to gobble up anything she's spoon fed. And, I said "according to the documentary", not according to me. Learn to read, idiot.

Kennedy Week was a very good week for Ira Stoll’s book Kennedy, Conservative. He makes the case that JFK was an anti-communist supply sider and would be a conservative today.

Maybe. Most of the other 11 year olds I knew in those days were anti-communist too. Not so sure about the supply side part – my peer-group wasn’t up to speed on tax policy. A quick look at Youtube, however, does show Kennedy was for tax cuts to increase employment and cut the deficit.

He was also in favor of civil rights. At least his wife thought so:

“He didn’t even have the satisfaction of being killed for civil rights. It’s — it had to be some silly little Communist.”

Jacqueline Kennedy, Nov. 22, 1963

Which brings us to this piece by Rich Lowry. He complains that James McAuley, in a NYT oped, pins the murder on “Dallas, a city of hate with a death wish in its eye”. (Now we know who shot JR.) Manny Fernanez, also in the NYT, blames it on an “angry anti-Washington culture”.

I think President Kennedy was swell but where can I sign up for this Angry Anti-Washington Culture?

JFK and A Silly Little Communist
The real conspiracy about the Kennedy Assassination is the myth built by the left that sinister right wing forces cut down the young president – when it was really just a silly little Communist.

Back when I was a mindless moonbat 17 year old I believed Oliver Stone's stupid movie and that some pinko bed wetter didn't shoot JFK. Now I am still sure the government has no clue about all the facts, and there may have been people within the system who have deliberately obscured the facts, but the absolute truth is that a pinko commie bed wetter killed JFK and he didn't do it because he was pissed we took nukes out of Turkey.

I seriously doubt Oswald shot JFK. The best evidence places Oswald on the first and second floors of the Book Depository Building at the time of the shooting, and the shooting feat was far beyond Oswald's marksmanship ability anyway. Acoustical analysis of a police dictabelt recording made in the plaza during the shooting shows that at least four shots were fired and that one of the shots came from the front.

Faulty Evidence: Problems with the Case Against Oswald


According to this documentary, the fatal shot was fired by S.S. agent George Hickey by accident from the car directly behind Kennedy.
JFK: The Smoking Gun (TV Movie 2013) - IMDb

Old "No conspiracy theory left behind" S.J..... Where we always count on getting the craziest theories.
And we can always count on old Bulldyke to gobble up anything she's spoon fed. And, I said "according to the documentary", not according to me. Learn to read, idiot.

Just admit you're a conspiracy nut. Own it. You'll feel better.
According to this documentary, the fatal shot was fired by S.S. agent George Hickey by accident from the car directly behind Kennedy.
JFK: The Smoking Gun (TV Movie 2013) - IMDb

Old "No conspiracy theory left behind" S.J..... Where we always count on getting the craziest theories.
And we can always count on old Bulldyke to gobble up anything she's spoon fed. And, I said "according to the documentary", not according to me. Learn to read, idiot.

Just admit you're a conspiracy nut. Own it. You'll feel better.
Just admit you can't grasp what you read.

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