More moving to Mexico than Mexicans moving here

Last January when my wife and I went to Mazatlan, we visited family in the various neighborhoods, an ejido, and then visited small villages in Nayarit.

I think we have a rather clear idea of what is happening in Mexico. It will be a slow, difficult struggle but the country is slowly adding advantages to its people and improving their lives. The difference is - work for a living as there are very few if any handouts!!!!!
Mexico's economy is starting to kick our ass.

That's not saying much since much of the world is kicking our ass in several different areas. The right has become nothing more than a huge drag on the US. We need to keep fighting for our country in spite of all they do to ruin us.

Mexico's economy isn't kicking anything's ass

The economy of Mexico is the 13th largest in the world in nominal terms and the 11th by purchasing power parity, according to the World Bank.
Economy of Mexico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In fact, according to an ABC News report, of the 5.25 million Americans living in other countries, the vast majority (over 1 million) live in Mexico, and many more may be on their way.
Mexico Real Estate News and Blog: Americans Moving to Mexico in Droves
you can't blame people for leaving...this government is becoming MORE hostile towards certain people (the wealthy, businesses, corporations, etc), and taxing and feeing us people to death..
Methinks something smells fishy in Denmark with this thread. Still Illegal aliens from Mexico migrate norte. And have for over 40 years. Violating immigration laws is NOT a criminal offense, last I under stood. In the context of 12 MILLION people violating any ordinance of any country of what ever concept, something is wrong here, not with the laws, but with the fact we accept people ignoring the laws...period. Doesn’t that bother anyone here? But, they are Hispanic… But they are OK. So what? They are morally wrong, regardless. But apparently not anymore. Mexicans can do ANYTHING they want. Can't question that, Racism this, racism it?
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Methinks someting smells fishy in Denmark with this thread. Still Illegal aliens fom Mexico migrate norte. And have for over 40 years. Violating immigration laws is NOT a criminal offense, last I under stood. In the context of 12 MILLION people violating any ordinance of any country of what ever concept, something is wrong here, not with the laws, but with the fact we accecpt people ignoring the laws...period. Dosen't that bother anyone here? But, they are Hispanic? But they are? So what? They are morally wrong, regardless. But apparently not anymore. Mexicans can do ANYTHING they want. Can't question that, Racism this, racism it?

I don't know what his point is either... the Illegals in this country aren't packing up and going back to mexico..why should they, some states coddle them and all their demands..Now Obama and his Democrat comrades want to give them Amnesty on top of a 7.4% unemployment...who does these governments and people in them really care about, makes you wonder
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Methinks something smells fishy in Denmark with this thread. Still Illegal aliens from Mexico migrate norte. And have for over 40 years. Violating immigration laws is NOT a criminal offense, last I under stood. In the context of 12 MILLION people violating any ordinance of any country of what ever concept, something is wrong here, not with the laws, but with the fact we accept people ignoring the laws...period. Doesn’t that bother anyone here? But, they are Hispanic… But they are OK. So what? They are morally wrong, regardless. But apparently not anymore. Mexicans can do ANYTHING they want. Can't question that, Racism this, racism it?

Seems to be.
Anyone trying to move to mexico is crazy.

If you want to move somewhere that's spanish-speaking I have some much better recommendations for you.

I just got back from Barcelona a few days ago and it was beautiful. I'd love living in Spain.
Methinks someting smells fishy in Denmark with this thread. Still Illegal aliens fom Mexico migrate norte. And have for over 40 years. Violating immigration laws is NOT a criminal offense, last I under stood. In the context of 12 MILLION people violating any ordinance of any country of what ever concept, something is wrong here, not with the laws, but with the fact we accecpt people ignoring the laws...period. Dosen't that bother anyone here? But, they are Hispanic? But they are? So what? They are morally wrong, regardless. But apparently not anymore. Mexicans can do ANYTHING they want. Can't question that, Racism this, racism it?

I don't know what his point is either... the Illegals in this country aren't packing up and going back to mexico..why should they, some states coddle them and all their demands..Now Obama and his Democrat comrades want to give them Amnesty on top of a 7.4% unemployment...who does these governments and people in them really care about, makes you wonder

Actually, yes they are.

MaryL, We're not ignoring illegals and, thanks to Obama deporting more than any oter prez, there are no longer anywhere near 12mil here. Nor has anyone given them "amnesty". You might be thinking of the 2 year temporary amnesty but that's certainly not complete amnesty for all illegals.

You're also wrong with this - "... And have for over 40 years..." They didn't have to sneak across because we used to send huge airplanes to Mexico to pick them up.

As it is now, Mexicans come and go LEGALLY every single day. They shop, work, visit and then they go home. The opposite is true - Americans go to Mexico to shop, work, visit and go home at night.

Stephanie accidentally said something correct - Our shared border is a hell hole. That's where you'll find the drug cartels on both sides of the border. Americans and Mexicans. If we ever stop buying their drugs, that problem would be gone.

For that matter, remember that we invite them here. Even though they are not coming over to work at the rate they used to, if you want none coming here, stop US companies from hiring them.

When you talk about "illegals", remember that we have three borders that are wide open and one border that shut down and guarded 24/7.
the problem with luddly's thread is that this only accounts for LEGAL immigrants, not ILLEGAL immigrants

if you count those, then more are moving here

another luddly thread fail

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